% PBN 2.1 % EXPORT %Content-type: text/x-pbn; charset=ISO-8859-1 %Creator: BridgeComposer Version 5.22 %PaperSize 1,0,0 %Margins 1000,1000,1000,1000 %Font:Event "Times New Roman",12,400,0 %Font:Diagram "Times New Roman",12,400,0 %Font:CardTable "Arial",11,400,0 %Font:Commentary "Times New Roman",12,400,0 %Font:FixedPitch "Courier New",10,400,0 %Font:HandRecord "Arial",11,400,0 %PageOrientation 0 %BoardsPerPage 1 %GutterSize 500,500 %GutterLines 0 %PageHeader 0 %EventSpacing 0 %Center 1 %Float 0 %JustifyText 0 %PlayFormat 0 %ScoreTable Border Shade %PipColors #000000,#ff0000,#ff0000,#000000 %PipFont "Symbol","Symbol",2,0xAA,0xA9,0xA8,0xA7 %CardTableColors #ffffff,#ffffff,#aaaaaa %UseCardTableFontSize 0 %ScoreTableColors #e6e6e6,#000000 %HtmlSpades entity,"http://bridgecomposer.com/suitimg/s.gif" %HtmlHearts entity,"http://bridgecomposer.com/suitimg/h.gif" %HtmlDiamonds entity,"http://bridgecomposer.com/suitimg/d.gif" %HtmlClubs entity,"http://bridgecomposer.com/suitimg/c.gif" [Event "##"] [Site "##"] [Date "2010.11.12"] [Board "1"] [West ""] [North ""] [East ""] [South ""] [Dealer "S"] [Vulnerable "None"] [Deal "S:QT75.J.KJ94.A976 9432.A64.T82.J83 J8.7532.Q653.T52 AK6.KQT98.A7.KQ4"] [Scoring ""] [Declarer "E"] [Contract "4H"] [Result ""] {East attempts to show a big balanced hand, and then strong hearts. GIB: 4\HE =2\n ES: P - (P) - P - (2C); P - (2D) - P (2NT) [upgraded to 22]; P (3NTE) =4\n UnbalD: P - (P) - P - (2C); P - (2D) - P (2NT) [upgraded to 22]; P (3NTE) =4\n Blue: N/A\n Mini: 2\D - (P) - 2\H - (3NTE) =6\n Split: 2\D - (P) - 2\H [inquiry] - (3NTE) =6\n HiTrip: N/A\n LoTrip: N/A\n Quad: N/A Verdict: A light opening (perhaps counting a 10 and two 9s) should cause East to unilaterally bid game - not the best game, but a good one on the actual cards. Otherwise, the specific agreements of the opponents come into play: West is correct to pass a typical 20-21 point 2NT opener with this hand, but should raise the less common 20+-22 range. Easts who upgrade to a 2\C opening will, of course, get to game - these auctions rate worse for North-South, since East-West get to choose - and if playing puppet Stayman, to choose the superior heart game. GIB took one too many bids against a particularly poor auction, turning a decent score into a bottom. Trip 2C: N/A\n Miles: N/A} [Auction "S"] Pass {No suitable call -- 11- HCP; 12- total points} Pass {No suitable call -- 11- HCP; 12- total points} Pass {No suitable call -- 11- HCP; 12- total points} 1H {Major suit opening -- 5+ H; 21- HCP; 12-22 total points} X {Takeout double -- 11- HCP; 12 total points} Pass {No suitable call -- 9- total points} 2D {4+ D; 10- total points} X {Takeout double -- 3+ C; 2- D; 5+ H; 3+ S; 21- HCP; 16-22 total points} Pass {No suitable call -- 11- HCP; 12 total points} 2H {2+ H; 8- total points} Pass {No suitable call -- 4+ D; 10- total points} Pass {No suitable call -- 3+ C; 2- D; 5+ H; 3+ S; 16-21 total points} 3D {4+ D; 11- HCP; 12 total points} Pass {No suitable call -- 2+ H; 4- total points} Pass {No suitable call -- 4+ D; 10- total points} X {Takeout double -- 3+ C; 2- D; 5+ H; 3+ S; 20-21 total points} Pass {No suitable call -- 4+ D; 11- HCP; 12 total points} 4H {3+ H; 3+ HCP; 4 total points} AP [Application "BridgeComposer; Views=001F"] [DoubleDummyTricks "343753437599a6899a68"] [OptimumResultTable "Declarer;Denomination\2R;Result\2R"] N S 4 N H 3 N D 7 N C 5 N NT 3 E S 9 E H 10 E D 6 E C 8 E NT 9 S S 4 S H 3 S D 7 S C 5 S NT 3 W S 9 W H 10 W D 6 W C 8 W NT 9 [Event "##"] [Site "##"] [Date "2010.11.12"] [Board "2"] [West ""] [North ""] [East ""] [South ""] [Dealer "S"] [Vulnerable "NS"] [Deal "S:AQ94.AT64.KT32.7 KT65.Q3.QJ8765.A 2.K92.A4.KQT9863 J873.J875.9.J542"] [Scoring ""] [Declarer "N"] [Contract "3NT"] [Result ""] {West bids 1\D or 2\D natural. GIB: 3NTN =5\n ES: 1\D - 2\C; 2\D[catchall] - 2\H; 3NTS [4 hearts and a spade stop, my invention] =8\n UnbalD: 1\D - (2\D) - X - (P); 2\S - (P) - 3NTN =4\n Blue: N/A\n Mini: 2\D - 2NT; 3\C - 3NTN =4\n Split: 2\D - 2\H; 2\S - 2NT; 3\D - 3NTN =4\n HiTrip: N/A\n LoTrip: 2\D - 2\H; 2NT - 3\D- (P); 3\S - (P) - 3NTN =5\n Quad: 2\C - (2\D) - 3\D [strong 1-suiter] - (P); 3NTS =8 Verdict: This hand was made for ES with my bidding trick. The auctions are riskier when the opening could be 11 HCP, since North will still drive to game, so the LoTrip auction scores a point better. On the Quad auction, short diamonds could produce a club slam, e.g. \SAxxx \HAQxx \Dx \CJxxx. This hand caused me to add the cue bid to the repertoire. North is right to assume club shortness, when south has diamond length. Turn three of those clubs into spades, and North has an easy double. Trip 2C: 2\C - (2\D) - 3\D[strong 1-suiter] - (P); 3NTS =8\n Miles: 2\D - 3\C; 3\D- 3NTN =4} [Auction "S"] 1D {Minor suit opening -- 3+ D; 11-21 HCP; 12-22 total points} Pass {No suitable call -- 16- total points} 2C {10+ HCP; biddable C; 11+ total points} Pass {No suitable call -- 20- total points} 2H {New suit -- 3+ D; 4+ H; 21- HCP; 14-22 total points} Pass {No suitable call -- 16- total points} 3C {10+ HCP; rebiddable C; 11+ total points} Pass {No suitable call -- 20- total points} 3S {3+ D; 4+ H; 4+ S; 21- HCP; 14-22 total points} Pass {No suitable call -- 16- total points} 3NT {5- H; 5- S; 13-18 HCP; rebiddable C} AP [Application "BridgeComposer; Views=001F"] [DoubleDummyTricks "9697ba697b3646236462"] [OptimumResultTable "Declarer;Denomination\2R;Result\2R"] N S 6 N H 9 N D 7 N C 11 N NT 9 E S 6 E H 4 E D 6 E C 2 E NT 3 S S 6 S H 9 S D 7 S C 11 S NT 10 W S 6 W H 4 W D 6 W C 2 W NT 3 [Event ""] [Site ""] [Date "2010.11.12"] [Board "3"] [West ""] [North ""] [East ""] [South ""] [Dealer "S"] [Vulnerable "EW"] [Deal "S:AQJ6.5.T876.AJ93 832.QJ9872.A4.75 97.AK6.K52.KQT64 KT54.T43.QJ93.82"] [Scoring ""] [Declarer "S"] [Contract "3NT"] [Result ""] {West bids 2\H, if preemptive. GIB: 3NTN =7\n ES: 1\C - (2\H) - 3NTN =7\n UnbalD: 1\D - (2\H) - 3NTN =6\n Blue: N/A\n Mini: 2\D - 2NT; 3\H - 3NTN =7\n Split: 2\D - 2\H; 3\C - 3NTN =7\n HiTrip: N/A\n LoTrip: 2\D - 2\H; 3\C - 3NTN =7\n Quad: 2\C - 2\D; 3\C [short \H] - 3NTN =7 Verdict: 3NT is the normal contract, and all systems should get there. West's preemptive bidding should be contained to the 2-level by unfavorable vulnerability. Nevertheless, the Unbalanced Diamond auction seems inferior, since North never knows of the club fit. GIB's opponents allow both partners to know about the club fit and then settle into 3NT. While a slam can be made on these cards, it takes two finesses, so 3NT is the top score in the bidding. Trip 2C: 2\C - 2\D; 3\C [12-14, short \H] - 3NTN =7\n Miles: 2\D - 2NT; 3\H - 3NTN =7} [Auction "S"] 1C {Minor suit opening -- 3+ C; 11-21 HCP; 12-22 total points} Pass {No suitable call -- 16- total points} 2C =1= {Inverted minor suit raise -- 4+ C; 3- H; 3- S; 10+ HCP; forcing to 2N} Pass {No suitable call -- 16- total points} 2NT {Invitational to 3NT game -- 3-6 C; 2-6 D; 2-4 H; 2-4 S; 14 HCP; partial stop in D; partial stop in H; partial stop in S} Pass {No suitable call -- 16- total points} 3NT {4+ C; 3- H; 3- S; 11-16 HCP} AP [Note "1:Inverted minor suit raise -- 4+ C; 3- H; 3- S; 10+ HCP; forcing to 2N"] [Application "BridgeComposer; Views=001F"] [DoubleDummyTricks "ba8acba8ac1253112531"] [OptimumResultTable "Declarer;Denomination\2R;Result\2R"] N S 10 N H 8 N D 10 N C 12 N NT 11 E S 2 E H 5 E D 3 E C 1 E NT 1 S S 10 S H 8 S D 10 S C 12 S NT 11 W S 2 W H 5 W D 3 W C 1 W NT 1 [Event ""] [Site ""] [Date "2010.11.12"] [Board "4"] [West ""] [North ""] [East ""] [South ""] [Dealer "S"] [Vulnerable "All"] [Deal "S:K982.AQ72.J432.A T5.K543.AQT86.63 A643.JT9.K7.QT82 QJ7.86.95.KJ9754"] [Scoring ""] [Declarer "N"] [Contract "4S"] [Result ""] {\n GIB: 4\SN =2\n ES: 1\D - 1\S; 2\SN =8\n UnbalD: 1\D - 1\S; 3\SN [11-13 (stiff A demoted), four spades, unspecified singleton] =7\n Blue: N/A\n Mini: 2\D - 2\SN [shortness wastes an honor except in spades] =6\n Split: 2\D - 2\SN [shortness wastes an honor except in spades] =7\n HiTrip: N/A\n LoTrip: 2\D - 2NT [inv \S]; 3\C - 3\SN [mini, short \C] =7\n Quad: 2\C - 2\D [game opposite midi]; 2NT [long \H] - 3\C [pass or correct]; 3\D - 3\SN =6 Verdict: Game requires a trump split plus one of two finesses - and some handing - not a great prospect. Opener should devalue the \CA. In the ES auction North might try for game, perhaps with the auction 3\C - 3\H [dang stiff A only worth a retry] - 3\SN. The Mini auction contains a hidden weakness: the extreme riskiness of shooting for game with a 2NT response, which could result in a 4\C contract opposite spade shortness. The Split North had the safe option of a 2\H response; game is possible but unlikely opposite 11-14. The LoTrip North has interest in 4\S opposite a maximum mini, but subsides opposite the minimum 3\S rebid. The Quad auction, with ranges a point lower than LoTrip, is driven to 3\S by the artificial response that was selected in case opener might have a midi. Trip 2C: 2\C - 2\D; 2\H [12-14, long \H] - 2\SN =8\n Miles: 2\D - 2\SN =6} [Auction "S"] 1D {Minor suit opening -- 3+ D; 11-21 HCP; 12-22 total points} Pass {No suitable call -- 16- total points} 1S {One over one -- 4+ S; 6+ total points} Pass {No suitable call -- 20- total points} 2S {Simple raise -- 3+ D; 4+ S; 11+ HCP; 12-17 total points} Pass {No suitable call -- 16- total points} 3S {4+ S; 10-12 total points} Pass {No suitable call -- 20- total points} 4S {3+ D; 4+ S; 15-17 total points} AP [Application "BridgeComposer; Views=001F"] [DoubleDummyTricks "7a9767a9865345753457"] [OptimumResultTable "Declarer;Denomination\2R;Result\2R"] N S 10 N H 9 N D 7 N C 6 N NT 7 E S 3 E H 4 E D 5 E C 7 E NT 5 S S 10 S H 9 S D 8 S C 6 S NT 7 W S 3 W H 4 W D 5 W C 7 W NT 5 [Event ""] [Site ""] [Date "2010.11.12"] [Board "5"] [West ""] [North ""] [East ""] [South ""] [Dealer "S"] [Vulnerable "NS"] [Deal "S:KJ83.3.AQ74.AQJ9 T95.AKQJ72.KT6.T Q4.T54.98532.843 A762.986.J.K7652"] [Scoring ""] [Declarer "W"] [Contract "3H"] [Result ""] {West bids hearts, East raises, West ups to 3\H in competition. GIB: 3\HW =6\n ES: 1\D - (1\H) - P - (2\H); X - (3\HW) =6\n UnbalD: 1\C - (1\H) - P - (2\H); X - (3\HW) =6\n Blue: 2\D - (2\H) - P - (3\HW) =6\n Mini: N/A\n Split: N/A\n HiTrip: 2\D - (2\H) - P - (3\H); X - (P) - 4\DN =7\n LoTrip: 2\D - (2\H) - P - (3\H); X - (P) - 4\DN =7\n Quad: 2\C - (2\H) - P - (3\H); X - (P) - 4\DN =7 Verdict: Opener has a minimum for the Blue opening, and thus should not risk a takeout double of 3\H; the Blue North can hardly venture in, to play exactly 4\D. The Triple and Quad openers should double for takeout to show this fine hand; East-West may find it difficult to double or to set 4\D. Against GIB, West's silly redouble allows North to bid his suit, but it comes to no advantage for North-South. Trip 2C: 2\C - (2\H) - P - (3\H); X - (P) - 4\DN =7\n Miles: 2\D - (2\H) - P - (3\H); X - (P) - 4\DN =7} [Auction "S"] 1D {Minor suit opening -- 3+ D; 11-21 HCP; 12-22 total points} 1H {One-level overcall -- 5+ H; 8-17 HCP; 9-19 total points} Pass {No suitable call --} 2H {3+ H; 6-14 total points} X {Takeout double -- 3+ C; 3+ D; 2- H; 3+ S; 21- HCP; 16-22 total points} XX {5+ H; 17- HCP; 13-19 total points} 3D {4+ D; 8- total points} 3H {4+ H; 6-9 total points} AP [Application "BridgeComposer; Views=001F"] [DoubleDummyTricks "46498564988694576945"] [OptimumResultTable "Declarer;Denomination\2R;Result\2R"] N S 6 N H 4 N D 9 N C 8 N NT 4 E S 6 E H 9 E D 4 E C 5 E NT 8 S S 6 S H 4 S D 9 S C 8 S NT 5 W S 6 W H 9 W D 4 W C 5 W NT 7 [Event ""] [Site ""] [Date "2010.11.12"] [Board "6"] [West ""] [North ""] [East ""] [South ""] [Dealer "S"] [Vulnerable "EW"] [Deal "S:AJ96.9.AJ32.AKT9 KQ82.AQ865.Q86.3 7543.KJ7.T.J8764 T.T432.K9754.Q52"] [Scoring ""] [Declarer "S"] [Contract "4S"] [Result ""] {West bids 1\H if possible; then East bids 3\H, preemptive. GIB: 4\SS =1\n ES: 1\D - (1\H) - P - (3\H); X - (P) - 3\SN =5\n UnbalD: 1\C - (1\H) - P - (3\H); X - (P) - 3\SN =5 \n Blue: 2\D - 2\SN =7\n Mini: N/A\n Split: N/A\n HiTrip: 2\D - 2\SN =7\n LoTrip: 2\D - 2\SN =7\n Quad: 2\C - 2\SN =7 Verdict: The three-suited openings will probably buy the deal at 2\S, while one-level openings will have to chance a takeout double of 3\H. GIB's weak negative double results in a bottom. Trip 2C: 2\C - 2\SN =7 \n Miles: 2\D - 2\S; 3\SN =5} [Auction "S"] 1D {Minor suit opening -- 3+ D; 11-21 HCP; 12-22 total points} 1H {One-level overcall -- 5+ H; 8-17 HCP; 9-19 total points} X {Negative double -- 4 S; 7+ total points} 3H {4+ H; 8- total points} 4S {3+ D; 4+ S; 21- HCP; 18-22 total points} AP [Application "BridgeComposer; Views=001F"] [DoubleDummyTricks "8956a9956a4477344773"] [OptimumResultTable "Declarer;Denomination\2R;Result\2R"] N S 9 N H 5 N D 6 N C 10 N NT 8 E S 4 E H 7 E D 7 E C 3 E NT 4 S S 9 S H 5 S D 6 S C 10 S NT 9 W S 4 W H 7 W D 7 W C 3 W NT 4 [Event ""] [Site ""] [Date "2010.11.12"] [Board "7"] [West ""] [North ""] [East ""] [South ""] [Dealer "S"] [Vulnerable "All"] [Deal "S:J965.Q.KJ72.KQ52 KQ8.A874.Q854.AJ T74.J963.T9.T963 A32.KT52.A63.874"] [Scoring ""] [Declarer "W"] [Contract "4H"] [Result ""] {West opens or overcalls 1NT, or doubles a three-suited opening. GIB: 4\HW =6\n ES: P - (1NT) - P - (2\C); P - (2\H) - P - (4\HW) =6\n UnbalD: N/A\n Blue: N/A\n Mini: N/A\n Split: N/A\n HiTrip: N/A\n LoTrip: N/A\n Quad: N/A Verdict: GIB's crummy opening was not punished. The auction should be identical on all the other systems listed, a flat board. If playing the 10-13 range of the Split 2\D opening, the auction might be: 2\D - (X) - 2\H - (X); 2\S - ? If West doubles, the result may be down 3 (800). If East-West bid on, they will surely make their game, picking up the entire heart suit in the process. Not a triumph for opening this hand at the two-level, except that the opponents may play the inferior 3NT contract. Trip 2C: N/A\n Miles: N/A} [Auction "S"] 1D {Minor suit opening -- 3+ D; 11-21 HCP; 12-22 total points} 1NT {One notrump overcall -- 2-5 C; 2-5 D; 2-5 H; 2-5 S; 16-18 HCP; likely stop in D} Pass {No suitable call -- 8- total points} 2D {Stayman -- 8+ HCP} Pass {No suitable call -- 3+ D; 11+ HCP; 12-20 total points} 2H {Major -- 2-5 C; 2-5 D; 4-5 H; 2-5 S; 16-18 HCP; likely stop in D} Pass {No suitable call -- 8- total points} 4H {4+ H; 8+ HCP; 9-14 total points} AP [Application "BridgeComposer; Views=001F"] [DoubleDummyTricks "453454534598a9798a97"] [OptimumResultTable "Declarer;Denomination\2R;Result\2R"] N S 5 N H 3 N D 4 N C 5 N NT 4 E S 8 E H 10 E D 9 E C 7 E NT 9 S S 5 S H 3 S D 4 S C 5 S NT 4 W S 8 W H 10 W D 9 W C 7 W NT 9 [Event ""] [Site ""] [Date "2010.11.12"] [Board "8"] [West ""] [North ""] [East ""] [South ""] [Dealer "S"] [Vulnerable "None"] [Deal "S:AQ54.AQ92.K.KJT4 J83.6.QJT95.A753 T76.KJ.A8643.Q96 K92.T87543.72.82"] [Scoring ""] [Declarer "N"] [Contract "3NT"] [Result ""] {West bids 1\D, or 2\C=minors over an artificial 1\C, if possible. GIB: 3NTN =6\n ES: 1\C - (1\D) - 1NT - (P); 3NTN =6\n UnbalD: 1\C - (2\C) - 2NT [GF with stoppers] - (P); 4NTS =6\n Blue: 2\D - 2\H; 3\C - 3NTN =6\n Mini: N/A\n Split: N/A\n HiTrip: 2\D - 2\H; 2\S [17-19] - 2NT; 3\C - 3NTN =6\n LoTrip: 2\D - 2\H; 2\S [midi] - 2NT; 3\C - 3NTN =6\n Quad: 2\C - 2\D; 2\S [maxi] - 2\S; 2NT - 3\C; 3NTS =6 Verdict: A big club opening gets you to 4NT, but at little risk. A flat board. Trip 2C: 2\C - 2\D; 2NT [midi] - 3\C; 3NTN [short \D] =6\n Miles: 2\D - 2\S; 3\S - 3NTN =6} [Auction "S"] 1C {Minor suit opening -- 3+ C; 11-21 HCP; 12-22 total points} 1D {One-level overcall -- 5+ D; 8-17 HCP; 9-19 total points} 2C {Free minor raise -- 4+ C; 7-9 total points} Pass {No suitable call -- 11- total points} 2D {4+ C; 21- HCP; 18-22 total points; forcing to 3N} Pass {No suitable call -- 5+ D; 8-17 HCP; 9-19 total points} 3D {4+ C; 7-9 total points; likely stop in D; forcing to 3N} Pass {No suitable call -- 11- total points} 3H {4+ C; 4+ H; 21- HCP; 18-22 total points; forcing to 3N} Pass {No suitable call -- 5+ D; 8-17 HCP; 9-19 total points} 3NT {4+ C; 5- H; 5- S; 9+ HCP; 9- total points; likely stop in D} AP [Application "BridgeComposer; Views=001F"] [DoubleDummyTricks "bb99bbb99b2234222342"] [OptimumResultTable "Declarer;Denomination\2R;Result\2R"] N S 11 N H 9 N D 9 N C 11 N NT 11 E S 2 E H 3 E D 4 E C 2 E NT 2 S S 11 S H 9 S D 9 S C 11 S NT 11 W S 2 W H 3 W D 4 W C 2 W NT 2 [Event ""] [Site ""] [Date "2010.11.12"] [Board "9"] [West ""] [North ""] [East ""] [South ""] [Dealer "S"] [Vulnerable "EW"] [Deal "S:AJ53.AKJ3.AT83.J 98.T9865..AT8732 Q64.Q2.KJ62.KQ64 KT72.74.Q9754.95"] [Scoring ""] [Declarer "S"] [Contract "6D"] [Result ""] {\n GIB: 6\DS =1\n ES: 1\D - 2\D; 2\H - 3\C; 3NTS =6\n UnbalD: 1\C - 1NT [10-13, no major]; 3NTN =7\n Blue: 2\D - 2\H; 2NT - 3\C; 3\D [17-18] - 3NTS =7\n Mini: N/A\n Split: N/A\n HiTrip: 2\D - 2\H; 2\S [maxi] - 2NT; 3\S - 3NTN =7\n LoTrip: 2\D - 2\H; 2\S [midi] - 2NT; 3\S - 3NTN =6\n Quad: 2\C - 2\D; 2\S [maxi] - 2NT; 3\S - 3NTN =7 Verdict: Another wheel came off for GIB, as the diamond slam takes decent breaks plus two finesses. 3NT is the normal contract. The LoTrip auction is slightly inferior, with 2NT getting the dreaded 3\S answer. Responder had the choice of bidding a suit, pass or correct, but perhaps that would have missed a game. In the Unbalanced Diamond system, the limited 1\C opening (usually 15-19) and 1NT response (10-13), made it clear slam was unlikely. The ES (or 2/1) auction should get to 3NT, with some concern a slam is being missed. Trip 2C: 2\C - 2\D; 2NT [midi] - 3\C; 3\S [short \C] - 3NTS =7\n Miles: 2\D - 2NT; 4\C [16-19, short \C] - 4NTN =6} [Auction "S"] 1D {Minor suit opening -- 3+ D; 11-21 HCP; 12-22 total points} Pass {No suitable call -- 16- total points} 2D =1= {Inverted minor suit raise -- 4+ D; 3- H; 3- S; 10+ HCP; forcing to 2N} Pass {No suitable call -- 16- total points} 2H {3+ D; 21- HCP; 15-22 total points; stop in H; forcing to 2N} Pass {No suitable call -- 16- total points} 3C {4+ C; 4+ D; 3- H; 3- S; 10+ HCP} Pass {No suitable call -- 16- total points} 3D {4+ D; 21- HCP; 15-22 total points; stop in H} Pass {No suitable call -- 16- total points} 3NT {4+ C; 4+ D; 3- H; 3- S; 12-17 HCP; partial stop in S} Pass {No suitable call -- 16- total points} 5C {1- C; 4+ D; 21- HCP; 19-22 total points; stop in H} Pass {No suitable call -- 16- total points} 5D {4+ C; 4+ D; 3- H; 3- S; 12+ HCP; 12- total points; partial stop in S} Pass {No suitable call -- 16- total points} 6D {1- C; 4+ D; 21- HCP; 21-22 total points; stop in H} AP [Note "1:Inverted minor suit raise -- 4+ D; 3- H; 3- S; 10+ HCP; forcing to 2N"] [Application "BridgeComposer; Views=001F"] [DoubleDummyTricks "baab9baab92322413224"] [OptimumResultTable "Declarer;Denomination\2R;Result\2R"] N S 10 N H 10 N D 11 N C 9 N NT 11 E S 3 E H 2 E D 2 E C 4 E NT 2 S S 10 S H 10 S D 11 S C 9 S NT 11 W S 3 W H 2 W D 2 W C 4 W NT 1 [Event ""] [Site ""] [Date "2010.11.12"] [Board "10"] [West ""] [North ""] [East ""] [South ""] [Dealer "S"] [Vulnerable "All"] [Deal "S:AK83.K.J976.AK64 QJ642.AQ653.T2.9 T97.JT874.A84.QT 5.92.KQ53.J87532"] [Scoring ""] [Declarer "E"] [Contract "2H"] [Result ""] {West shows both majors at 2\H or less. GIB: 2\HE =8\n ES: 1\C - (2\C) [majors] - P - (2\HE) =8\n UnbalD: 1\C - (2\HW) - P - (P); X =9\n Blue: N/A\n Mini: N/A\n Split: N/A\n HiTrip: 2\D - 2\SN =4\n LoTrip: 2\D - 2\SN =4\n Quad: 2\C - 2\H; 2\SS =5 Verdict: On Leaping Truscott and Michaels auctions, West could get caught for 500+ on this partscore hand. However, for the ES auction, South can't quite double for takeout, and North can't quite double for penalties. 200 or more should still roll in. For UnbalD, a top playing Miles' recommended system, negative free bids and possibly strong negative doubles. A disaster for methods that Mark and I tried, due to the lack of a 5-card suit in the big hand (2\S by South would promise 5): 1\C - (2\H) - X [6-9, any shape] - (P); 3\CS. This disaster would be partially averted by playing HiTrip, LoTrip or Quad. On the LoTrip and Quad auctions, North should judge that game is unlikely opposite a midi, and sign off at the two level. The 2\S response to the LoTrip opening is fine: 3\H should be quite safe, if opener is short in spades, although the contract would be the same if North had no high cards. The HiTrip auction is equivalent, since North could move with 18+. A Blue South who stretches to open 2\D with the stiff K will likely go down at the 3-level. Trip 2C: 2\C - 2\H; 2\SS =5\n Miles: 2\D - 2\H; 3\C [16-19, short \H] - 3\DS =2} [Auction "S"] 1C {Minor suit opening -- 3+ C; 11-21 HCP; 12-22 total points} 2C =1= {Michaels -- 5+ H; 5+ S; 12+ total points; forcing} Pass {No suitable call -- 8- total points} 2H {2+ H; 11- total points} AP [Note "1:Michaels -- 5+ H; 5+ S; 12+ total points; forcing"] [Application "BridgeComposer; Views=001F"] [DoubleDummyTricks "98887988874555645556"] [OptimumResultTable "Declarer;Denomination\2R;Result\2R"] N S 8 N H 8 N D 8 N C 7 N NT 9 E S 5 E H 5 E D 5 E C 6 E NT 4 S S 8 S H 8 S D 8 S C 7 S NT 9 W S 5 W H 5 W D 5 W C 6 W NT 4 [Event ""] [Site ""] [Date "2010.11.12"] [Board "11"] [West ""] [North ""] [East ""] [South ""] [Dealer "S"] [Vulnerable "None"] [Deal "S:KJT3.AQJ7.5.QT54 752.K9.KT32.K987 AQ86.T65.AQ86.62 94.8432.J974.AJ3"] [Scoring ""] [Declarer "N"] [Contract "4S"] [Result ""] {\n GIB: 4\SN =6\n ES: 1\C - 1\S; 2\S - 4\SN =6\n UnbalD: 1\D - 1\S; 3\S [4-card support & singleton] - 4\SN =6\n Blue: N/A\n Mini: 2\D - 2NT; 3\D - 3\S; 4\SN =8\n Split: 2\D - 2\H; 2NT [short \D] - 3\S; 4\SN =8\n HiTrip: N/A\n LoTrip: 2\D - 2NT [inv+ \S]; 3\S [NF, short \D] - 4\SS =8\n Quad: 2\C - 2NT [inv+ \S]; 4\C [GF, short \D] - 4\SN =8 Verdict: Some ES Souths might jump raise to 3\S on this hand; either rebid could be right - not a strong auction, but effective either way. On the UnbalD auction, opener's jump raise shows 4-card support in a less than maximum hand with a singleton somewhere; 4-4-4-1 is only one of the possible distributions. This 11-13 bid permits no invitations or further inquiries, a disadvantage. North carries on to 4\S, but with doubts. North should devalue the \DQ, upon discovering shortness opposite. The Mini auction includes an invitational sequence, an advantage here. On the Split auction, the 3\S bid also shows game interest, having bypassed 2\S. South is pleased to accept on this fine 13-count. LoTrip and Quad auctions move smoothly to game. Trip 2C: 2\C - 2\D; 2\H [12-14, long \H] - 2NT [asks]; 3\C [short \D] - 4\SN =8\n Miles: 2\D - 2NT; 3\D - 4\SN =8} [Auction "S"] 1C {Minor suit opening -- 3+ C; 11-21 HCP; 12-22 total points} Pass {No suitable call -- 16- total points} 1S {One over one -- 4+ S; 6+ total points} Pass {No suitable call -- 20- total points} 2S {Simple raise -- 3+ C; 4+ S; 11+ HCP; 12-17 total points} Pass {No suitable call -- 16- total points} 4S {4+ S; 13-18 total points} AP [Application "BridgeComposer; Views=001F"] [DoubleDummyTricks "9a9789a9784345543455"] [OptimumResultTable "Declarer;Denomination\2R;Result\2R"] N S 10 N H 9 N D 7 N C 8 N NT 9 E S 3 E H 4 E D 5 E C 5 E NT 4 S S 10 S H 9 S D 7 S C 8 S NT 9 W S 3 W H 4 W D 5 W C 5 W NT 4 [Event ""] [Site ""] [Date "2010.11.12"] [Board "12"] [West ""] [North ""] [East ""] [South ""] [Dealer "S"] [Vulnerable "NS"] [Deal "S:K754.JT82.6.AKT2 AQT86.AK.J53.J94 32.Q953.742.Q763 J9.764.AKQT98.85"] [Scoring ""] [Declarer "E"] [Contract "3NT"] [Result ""] {West bids spades, East bids diamonds; auction proceeds to game. GIB: 3NTE =5\n ES: 1\C - (1\S) - P - (2\D); P - (3\C) - P - (3\D); P - (3\H) - P - (3\S); P- (5\DE) =7\n UnbalD: 1\D - (1\S) - P - (2\D); P - (2\H) - P - (3\D); (4\D) - P - (5\DE) =7\n Blue: N/A\n Mini: 2\D - (2\S) - P - (3\D); P - (3NTW) =5\n Split: 2\D - (2\S) - P - (3\D); P - (3NTW) =5\n HiTrip: N/A\n LoTrip: (1\S) - (2\D); (2NT) [extras] - (3NTW) =6\n Quad: 2\C - (2\S) - P - (3\D); P - (3NTW) =5 Verdict: On this hand, clubs are 4-4 and the spade hook is on, so both 3NT and 5\D make. Without a club lead, 3NT makes overtricks when the spade finesse is risked, a good bet after an opening bid. Against GIB and ES, the opponents are well placed to guess one or the other games. The UnbalD opponents do not have a cue bid against the artificial 1\D opening. After a three suited opening, West can count on 4-4 splits when needed, and thus can bid 3NT with some confidence. The presence of good suits enables solid East-West bidding. Some LoTrip Souths would open, given both majors and two 10s, with an auction equivalent to the other three-suited openings. Passing leaves the opponents without the information that clubs are splitting. Trip 2C: 2\D - (2\S) - P - (3\D); P - (3NTW) =6\n Miles: 2\C - (2\S) - P - (3\D); P - (3NTW) =6} [Auction "S"] Pass {No suitable call -- 11- HCP; 12- total points} 1S {Major suit opening -- 5+ S; 21- HCP; 12-22 total points} Pass {No suitable call -- 16- total points} 1NT {Forcing one notrump -- 3- S; 6+ HCP; 14- total points} Pass {No suitable call -- 11- HCP; 12- total points} 2C {New suit -- 3+ C; 5+ S; 12-18 total points} Pass {No suitable call -- 16- total points} 3D {6+ D; 3- S; 10-12 total points} Pass {No suitable call -- 11- HCP; 12- total points} 3NT {3+ C; 5- H; 5-6 S; 17+ HCP; 18- total points; partial stop in H} AP [Application "BridgeComposer; Views=001F"] [DoubleDummyTricks "2471624716996b6996b6"] [OptimumResultTable "Declarer;Denomination\2R;Result\2R"] N S 4 N H 7 N D 1 N C 6 N NT 2 E S 9 E H 6 E D 11 E C 6 E NT 9 S S 4 S H 7 S D 1 S C 6 S NT 2 W S 9 W H 6 W D 11 W C 6 W NT 9 [Event ""] [Site ""] [Date "2010.11.12"] [Board "13"] [West ""] [North ""] [East ""] [South ""] [Dealer "S"] [Vulnerable "All"] [Deal "S:Q743.3.AKQ9.8754 KJT9862.86.432.J 5.AQJ9.JT75.KQ32 A.KT7542.86.AT96"] [Scoring ""] [Declarer "W"] [Contract "3S"] [Result ""] {West bids 3\S, preemptive. GIB: 3\SW =6\n ES: 1\D - (3\SW) - X =8\n UnbalD: 1\D - (3\SW) - X =8\n Blue: N/A\n Mini: 2\D - (3\S) - 4\DN =3\n Split: 2\D - (3\S) - 4\DN =3\n HiTrip: N/A\n LoTrip: 3\SW =6\n Quad: 2\C - (3\S) - 4\DN =3 Verdict: The one-level openings should get to the top spot, 3\SX. With the three-suited openings, the defined system over a 3-level preempt includes the penalty double. A competitive 4\C or 4\D is second best - hoping for shortness, which gets you to 4\H. Perhaps the double should say "cards", as with other overcalls - or use the thrump double, asking opener to bid 3NT with a stopper. Trip 2C: N/A\n Miles: N/A} [Auction "S"] Pass {No suitable call -- 11- HCP; 12- total points} 3S {Preempt -- 7+ S; 9- HCP; 5+ 8421 HCP in S; 6+ total points} AP [Application "BridgeComposer; Views=001F"] [DoubleDummyTricks "96699856994764447644"] [OptimumResultTable "Declarer;Denomination\2R;Result\2R"] N S 6 N H 6 N D 9 N C 9 N NT 9 E S 7 E H 6 E D 4 E C 4 E NT 4 S S 5 S H 6 S D 9 S C 9 S NT 8 W S 7 W H 6 W D 4 W C 4 W NT 4 [Event ""] [Site ""] [Date "2010.11.12"] [Board "14"] [West ""] [North ""] [East ""] [South ""] [Dealer "S"] [Vulnerable "None"] [Deal "S:KJ97.AJ43.K986.6 5.Q8.532.AQJ9532 AT632.T65.QJ.K74 Q84.K972.AT74.T8"] [Scoring ""] [Declarer "W"] [Contract "3CX"] [Result ""] {West bids 3\C, if a jump, or 3\C later. GIB: 3\CW* [should bid 3\SN] =1\n ES: 1\D - (3\C) - X - (P); 3\SS =7\n UnbalD: 1\D - (3\C) - X - (P); 3\SS =5\n Blue: N/A\n Mini: 2\D - (P) - 2\S - (P); P - (3\C) - 3\SN =5\n Split: 2\D - (P) - 2\H - (P); 2NT - (3\C) - X - (P); 3\D - (P) - 3\SN =8\n HiTrip: N/A\n LoTrip: 2\D - 2NT [inv \S]; 3\H [short \C] - 3\SN =8\n Quad: 2\C - 2NT [inv \S]; 3\H [short \C] - 3\SN =8 Verdict: The LoTrip and Quad auctions keep West out, with 3\C the place where North plans to hide if South is short in spades. A survey at MIT/DL BC selected a final 3\S bid, not 4\S, for North, knowing about the actual club distribution. The Mini and Split auctions would otherwise have ended at 2\S. This is a thin game somewhat improved by the \CK being onside. However, swap South's club and heart holdings, and game is a good proposition. A North playing Mini who bids 2NT would be committed to 3NT or a 4-3 fit at the 4-level, opposite spade shortness. A North playing Split could choose 2\H, as with LoTrip. The one-level openings allow West to get in quickly. North then risks an off-shape negative double, which works out: South bids spades, holding hearts in reserve. While the bids are the same for ES and UnbalD, the latter is much riskier: playing negative free bids, North's removal of 3\H to 3\S would be forcing. North's alternatives to the double would be Pass (probably playing 3\CE), 3\S (possibly declaring there in a 5-1 fit), or 3NT (an overbid). Trip 2C: 2\C - (P) - 2\D - (P); 2\H [12-14, long \H] - (3\C) - X; 3\D - 3\SN =8\n Miles: 2\D - (P) - 2\S - (P); P - (3\C) - 3\SN =5} [Auction "S"] 1D {Minor suit opening -- 3+ D; 11-21 HCP; 12-22 total points} 3C {Aggressive weak jump overcall -- 6+ C; 10- HCP; 3+ total points} Pass {No suitable call --} Pass {No suitable call -- 18- total points} X {Takeout double -- 3+ D; 21- HCP; 16-22 total points} AP [Application "BridgeComposer; Views=001F"] [DoubleDummyTricks "9a9859a9854344843448"] [OptimumResultTable "Declarer;Denomination\2R;Result\2R"] N S 10 N H 9 N D 8 N C 5 N NT 9 E S 3 E H 4 E D 4 E C 8 E NT 4 S S 10 S H 9 S D 8 S C 5 S NT 9 W S 3 W H 4 W D 4 W C 8 W NT 4 [Event ""] [Site ""] [Date "2010.11.12"] [Board "15"] [West ""] [North ""] [East ""] [South ""] [Dealer "S"] [Vulnerable "NS"] [Deal "S:KT96.KT53.7.AKT6 J52.QJ82.KT9.QJ9 AQ84.A4.A65.8753 73.976.QJ8432.42"] [Scoring ""] [Declarer "N"] [Contract "4S"] [Result ""] {\n GIB: 4\SN =6\n ES: 1\C - 1\S; 3\S - 4\D; 4\S =8\n UnbalD: 1\D - 1\S; 3\S [4 spades, non-maximum, singleton] - 4\D; 4\H - 4\S; 5\C - 5\H; 5\SN =8\n Blue: N/A\n Mini: 2\D - 2NT; 3\D - 4\SN =6\n Split: 2\D - 2\H; 2NT - 3\D; 3NT [5 controls] - 5\S; 6\SN =7\n HiTrip: N/A\n LoTrip: 2\D - 2\H; 2NT [long \H] - 3\D; 3NT - 4\D; 4NT [5 controls] - 6\SN =7\n Quad: 2\C - 2\D; 2NT - 3\D; 3NT [5 controls] - 5\S; 6\SN =7 Verdict: A black slam is laydown, ruffing diamonds, with splits in both black suits: .68*.68, or about 47%, as one even split improves the chance of another. Still, looking at the North-South hands, you should usually prefer to stay out of slam. If ever there was a 13-point 4-4-4-1 hand for an ES jump raise, this would be it. North quits over the minimum 4\S bid, suspecting club problems. On the well-judged UnbalD auction, North also detects club problems, and signs off. Bidding on would not be that bad, especially if South has four club honors, or \CAKxxx. Playing Mini, North has no tools and therefore signs off in 4\S. Playing Split, LoTrip, or Quad, once North finds out he has all the controls, it will be hard to stay out of slam, especially if South counts his 10s. The LoTrip auction is inferior: they just barely have room to subside in 4\S if a control is missing, and 5\S would not be invitational. This board should be a swing, depending on the splits. Top score goes to investigating the slam, and stopping short. Trip 2C: 2\C - 2\D; 2\H [12-14, long \H] - 2NT; 3\C - 3\D; 4\C [5 controls] - 6\SN =7\n Miles: 2\D - 2NT; 3\D - 4\SN =6} [Auction "S"] 1C {Minor suit opening -- 3+ C; 11-21 HCP; 12-22 total points} Pass {No suitable call -- 16- total points} 1S {One over one -- 4+ S; 6+ total points} Pass {No suitable call -- 20- total points} 2S {Simple raise -- 3+ C; 4+ S; 11+ HCP; 12-17 total points} Pass {No suitable call -- 16- total points} 3NT {5- H; 4-5 S; 14-19 HCP; partial stop in D; partial stop in H} Pass {No suitable call -- 20- total points} 4S {3+ C; 4+ S; 11+ HCP; 12-17 total points} AP [Application "BridgeComposer; Views=001F"] [DoubleDummyTricks "ac98cac98c3145131451"] [OptimumResultTable "Declarer;Denomination\2R;Result\2R"] N S 12 N H 9 N D 8 N C 12 N NT 10 E S 1 E H 4 E D 5 E C 1 E NT 3 S S 12 S H 9 S D 8 S C 12 S NT 10 W S 1 W H 4 W D 5 W C 1 W NT 3 [Event ""] [Site ""] [Date "2010.11.12"] [Board "16"] [West ""] [North ""] [East ""] [South ""] [Dealer "S"] [Vulnerable "EW"] [Deal "S:AK84.T.KJ43.A953 J9762.542.95.T62 .QJ8763.Q8762.K8 QT53.AK9.AT.QJ74"] [Scoring ""] [Declarer "S"] [Contract "4DX"] [Result ""] {East bids 1NT, doubles 2\D or reds for takeout, or doubles artificial 2-bids to show cards. West heads for 2\S or passes a suit bid by South. GIB: 4\DSX =8\n ES: 1\D - (P) - 2\H [fit-showing] - X; P - (2\S) - 3\DN - (P); 4\DS =7\n UnbalD: 1\C - (P) - 1\H - (1NT); P - (2\H) - 3\D - (P); 4\DN =7\n Blue: N/A\n Mini: 2\D - 3\DS [pass or correct] =5\n Split: N/A\n HiTrip: 2\D - 2\H; 3\C [short \H] - 4\D; 5\DS =9\n LoTrip: 2\D - (P) - 2\H - (X); 2\S [midi] - (P) - 2NT - (P); 3\D - (P) - 4\DS =6\n Quad: 2\C - (P) - 2\D- (X); 2\H [midi] - (P) - 2\S - (P); 3\D [short \H] - 4\DN =6 Verdict: A poll at MIT/DL BC chose 4\D by North, knowing South has 15-17 and a singleton heart, without competition. Second choice was 3\H (control ask). After an invitational 4\D, South has a fine hand, but a minimum, and will probably pass. The \H10 is a big card. When East decides to help out, the odds for 5\D improve, as East may have both heart honors. HiTrip has a happy accident of the range: South has a max within 14-16. North is really hamstrung on the Mini auction - would you like to play 4\D opposite an 11-count and a trump lead? This auction does shut out East, and it would get to 4\H opposite diamond shortness. The GIB East's silly double hands North-South a top. Don't like that 3\S bid, though. Trip 2C: 2\C - 2\D; 2\S [15-16] - 2NT; 3\D [short \H] - 4\D; 5\DN =9\n Miles: 2\D - 2\H; 2\S - 3\DN =5} [Auction "S"] 1D {Minor suit opening -- 3+ D; 11-21 HCP; 12-22 total points} Pass {No suitable call -- 16- total points} 1H {One over one -- 4+ H; 6+ total points} X {Two suit takeout -- 4+ C; 5- D; 5- H; 4+ S; 14+ total points} 1S {4+ D; 3- H; 4+ S; 11-21 HCP; 12-22 total points} Pass {No suitable call -- 6- total points} 3D {Invitational jump raise -- 4+ D; 4+ H; 10-12 total points} Pass {No suitable call -- 4+ C; 5- D; 5- H; 4+ S; 14-20 total points} 3S {4+ D; 3- H; 4+ S; 21- HCP; 15-22 total points; likely stop in S; forcing} Pass {No suitable call -- 6- total points} 4D {4+ D; 4+ H; 10-12 total points} X {Takeout double -- 4+ C; 5- D; 5- H; 4+ S; 18-20 total points} AP [Application "BridgeComposer; Views=001F"] [DoubleDummyTricks "86ab886ab85732557325"] [OptimumResultTable "Declarer;Denomination\2R;Result\2R"] N S 6 N H 10 N D 11 N C 8 N NT 8 E S 7 E H 3 E D 2 E C 5 E NT 5 S S 6 S H 10 S D 11 S C 8 S NT 8 W S 7 W H 3 W D 2 W C 5 W NT 5 [Event ""] [Site ""] [Date "2010.11.12"] [Board "17"] [West ""] [North ""] [East ""] [South ""] [Dealer "S"] [Vulnerable "None"] [Deal "S:J.AKJ3.KQ54.KJ75 82.QT95.A62.AQ84 KQT95.76.J97.T96 A7643.842.T83.32"] [Scoring ""] [Declarer "N"] [Contract "3NT"] [Result ""] {\n GIB: 3NTN =2\n ES: 1\D - 1\S; 2\H - 2\S; 2NTS =8\n UnbalD: 1\C - 1\S; 2\D - 2\S; 2NTS =6\n Blue: 2\D - 2\H; 2\S [short major] - 2NT; 3\DS [short \S, 17-18] =3\n Mini: N/A\n Split: N/A\n HiTrip: 2\D - 2\S; 2NTS [maxi, misfit] =6\n LoTrip: 2\D - 2\S; 3\CS [midi, misfit] =4\n Quad: 2\C - 2\S; 2NTS [maxi, misfit] =6 Verdict: The Blue auction just barely provides sufficient space for North to investigate game, yet stop short at an inferior 3\D. [North could take a position, and pass 2\S.] The auction commits to 3NT opposite a 19-20 maxi-min and a singleton spade, which seems acceptable. Note that a 2\S response also gets to 3 of a minor on this South hand, but misses many a game opposite a fit. GIB is off the wall again, a 24-point game on a misfit. The ES distorted reverse auction works much better - what's one card short in a minor, anyhow? Playing UnbalD the limited 1\C opening and 2\Drebid on a 4-bagger is the best that South can do. It works out well this time, but South would bid 2\D with a diamond one-suiter. The LoTrip and Quad 2\S bid usually denies game interest opposite a midi, which is what South has. However, game would be laydown if South had \SAxxx and a stiff club. These auctions do land in the top spot from the correct side. The HiTrip North similarly guesses against a spade fit, but cannot get to 2NT. Trip 2C: 2\C - 2\S; 2NTS [midi, misfit] =6\n Miles: 2\D - 2\S; 3\CS [16-19, misfit] =4} [Auction "S"] 1D {Minor suit opening -- 3+ D; 11-21 HCP; 12-22 total points} Pass {No suitable call -- 16- total points} 1S {One over one -- 4+ S; 6+ total points} Pass {No suitable call -- 20- total points} 2C {Opener two rebid -- 4+ C; 4+ D; 3- S; 11+ HCP; 12-19 total points} Pass {No suitable call -- 16- total points} 2D {Correct back -- 2+ D; 4+ S; 6-9 total points} Pass {No suitable call -- 20- total points} 2H {4+ C; 4+ D; 4+ H; 3- S; 17-19 total points} Pass {No suitable call -- 16- total points} 2NT {Invitational to 3NT game -- 2+ D; 4+ S; 8+ HCP; 9- total points} Pass {No suitable call -- 20- total points} 3NT {4+ C; 4+ D; 4-5 H; 3- S; 17+ HCP; 19- total points} AP [Application "BridgeComposer; Views=001F"] [DoubleDummyTricks "87678986784565545655"] [OptimumResultTable "Declarer;Denomination\2R;Result\2R"] N S 7 N H 6 N D 7 N C 8 N NT 8 E S 5 E H 6 E D 5 E C 5 E NT 4 S S 8 S H 6 S D 7 S C 8 S NT 9 W S 5 W H 6 W D 5 W C 5 W NT 4 [Event ""] [Site ""] [Date "2010.11.12"] [Board "18"] [West ""] [North ""] [East ""] [South ""] [Dealer "S"] [Vulnerable "NS"] [Deal "S:QJ42.K972.AJ53.9 K97.4.QT86.AJ762 T3.AQJT8.K972.T4 A865.653.4.KQ853"] [Scoring ""] [Declarer ""] [Contract "Pass"] [Result ""] {\n GIB: Pass =7\n ES: 1\D - 1\H; 2\H - 3\D; 4\HN =5\n UnbalD: 1\D - 1\H; 3\H [4 hearts, 11-13, singleton] - 4\HN =5\n Blue: N/A\n Mini: 2\D - (P) - 2\HN - (P); P - (2NT) - 3\H - (4\CE) =2\n Split: 2\D - 2\H; 2\S [short in a black suit] - 4\HN =6\n HiTrip: N/A\n LoTrip: P - 2\H; 2NT - 3\D; 4\HN =5\n Quad: 2\C - 2\D; 2NT [long \H]; 4\HN =5 Verdict: 4\H is an acceptable contract, but for the diamond split, and might still make - possibly doubled. 4\C is a great contract for East-West. The light, natural ES opening at the one-level, holding both majors, might turn out poorly, letting the opponents find their club fit if East has a sandwich 1NT in his bag - or if West tries a nasty 2\C overcall, largely to steal space. South might refuse the game try, with soft spades. The UnbalD auction avoids the sandwich bid: only one suit has been bid naturally, when the auction gets to East; a 2\C overcall by West would also have less going for it. The singleton could be in any suit, and the auction would be the same - not so nice, if it's diamonds. The Quad auction is equivalent, as North's 3\D inquiry would drive to game and thus would not help. The Mini North cannot afford to try 2NT, lest a 3\H response result in a 4\D contract. West could balance with 2NT, starting a free-for-all. The Split auction is better informed. LoTrip mini-survey at MIT/DL BC: P - 2\H; ? ... Pass(2) [opponents play 4\C] =2, 3\H(1) [we play 3\H] =9, 4\H(2) =5, 2NT[feature](1) =6. The average score is 29/6=5=4\H. Trip 2C: N/A\n Miles: N/A} [Auction "S"] AP [Application "BridgeComposer; Views=001F"] [DoubleDummyTricks "65983659836845a6845a"] [OptimumResultTable "Declarer;Denomination\2R;Result\2R"] N S 5 N H 9 N D 8 N C 3 N NT 6 E S 8 E H 4 E D 5 E C 10 E NT 6 S S 5 S H 9 S D 8 S C 3 S NT 6 W S 8 W H 4 W D 5 W C 10 W NT 6 [Event ""] [Site ""] [Date "2010.11.12"] [Board "19"] [West ""] [North ""] [East ""] [South ""] [Dealer "S"] [Vulnerable "EW"] [Deal "S:Q862.AQ32.KJ87.A A9.KT64.942.JT86 KJT.97.AQ63.KQ32 7543.J85.T5.9754"] [Scoring ""] [Declarer "S"] [Contract "5D"] [Result ""] {\n GIB: 5\DS =1\n ES: 1\D - 2\D; 2\H - 3NT; 4\C - 4\H [RKC\D]; 4\S [0/3] - 6\DS =10\n UnbalD: 1\C - 2NT [14+, balanced, no major]; 3NTN =6\n Blue: N/A\n Mini: 2\D - 2NT; 3\C - 3NTN =6\n Split: 2\D - 2\H; 2\S [short black] - 3NTN =6\n HiTrip: 2\D - 2\H; 2NT [long \H] - 3NTS =8\n LoTrip: 2\D - 2\H; 2NT [long \H] - 3NTS =7\n Quad: 2\C - 2\D; 2\H [midi] - 2\S; 2NT [long \H] - 3\D; 3\S [short \C]; 3NTS =7 Verdict: 6\DS is a fine contract, but difficult to reach. The ES auction shown will get there. Criss-cross RKC (4\C asks) won't get there (only 4\H RKC over \D, as we play); South needs 4\C to cue the \CA. With a three-suited opening, North usually shuts the auction down at 3NT, after finding club shortness - or on the Quad auction, where a diamond slam would be played by North. The key to the hand is the \CA (as opposed to the \SA), and North's three-suited auctions do not discover it. The HiTrip North hears partner bid the magic suit, and might guess to drive:\n 2\D - 2\H; 2NT [long \H] - 3\D; 3\S [short \C] - 4\C [Kickback]; 4\D - 4\S [RKC \D]; 4NT - 6\DS.\n (The alternative 4\D control ask gets a less useful 4NT=5 response.) Trip 2C: 2\C - 2\D; 2\S [15-16] - 2NT; 3\S - 3NTN =6\n Miles: 2\D - 2NT; 3\C - 3NTN =6} [Auction "S"] 1D {Minor suit opening -- 3+ D; 11-21 HCP; 12-22 total points} Pass {No suitable call -- 16- total points} 2D =1= {Inverted minor suit raise -- 4+ D; 3- H; 3- S; 10+ HCP; forcing to 2N} Pass {No suitable call -- 16- total points} 2H {3+ D; 21- HCP; 15-22 total points; stop in H; forcing to 2N} Pass {No suitable call -- 16- total points} 3C {4+ C; 4+ D; 3- H; 3- S; 10+ HCP} Pass {No suitable call -- 16- total points} 3D {4+ D; 21- HCP; 15-22 total points; stop in H} Pass {No suitable call -- 16- total points} 3NT {4+ C; 4+ D; 3- H; 3- S; 12-17 HCP; partial stop in S} Pass {No suitable call -- 16- total points} 4NT {Blackwood (D) -- 4+ D; 21- HCP; 19-22 total points; stop in H} Pass {No suitable call -- 16- total points} 5D {One or four key cards -- 4+ C; 4+ D; 3- H; 3- S; 12-17 HCP; 1+ controls; partial stop in S} AP [Note "1:Inverted minor suit raise -- 4+ D; 3- H; 3- S; 10+ HCP; forcing to 2N"] [Application "BridgeComposer; Views=001F"] [DoubleDummyTricks "bb9b9bb9ca2241222412"] [OptimumResultTable "Declarer;Denomination\2R;Result\2R"] N S 11 N H 9 N D 11 N C 9 N NT 11 E S 2 E H 4 E D 1 E C 2 E NT 2 S S 11 S H 9 S D 12 S C 10 S NT 11 W S 2 W H 4 W D 1 W C 2 W NT 2 [Event ""] [Site ""] [Date "2010.11.12"] [Board "20"] [West ""] [North ""] [East ""] [South ""] [Dealer "S"] [Vulnerable "All"] [Deal "S:5.AJ42.K854.QJ73 Q84.Q653.763.542 KT93.87.AJ9.AK98 AJ762.KT9.QT2.T6"] [Scoring ""] [Declarer "N"] [Contract "3NT"] [Result ""] {East bids 1\S. GIB: 3NTN =6\n ES: P - 1NT; 2\C - 2\S; 3NTN =6\n UnbalD: 1\D - 1\S; 1NT [1 or 2 \S] - 3NTS =6\n Blue: N/A\n Mini: 2\D - 2NT; 3\S - 3NTN =6\n Split: 2\D - 2\H; 2\S [short \C/\S] - 2NT; 3\C - 3NTN =6\n HiTrip: N/A\n LoTrip: P - (P) - 1\C - (1\S); 2\S [GF, no stopper] - (X) - XX - (P); 3\C - (P) - 3NTN =6\n Quad: 2\C - 2\D; 2NT [long \H] - 3\D; 3\H - 3NTS =6 Verdict: All systems get to 3NT. The awful GIB East 2\S bid did not matter much, as North-South cannot capitalize on a possible 800. Playing LoTrip, South passes and a third-hand auction ensues, shown in UnbalD. ES would also not stretch to open 1\D, because over a 1\S response, a 1NT rebid is not permitted and 2\C is distasteful. The Mini, Split and Quad openings work just fine. Trip 2C: N/A\n Miles: N/A} [Auction "S"] Pass {No suitable call -- 11- HCP; 12- total points} Pass {No suitable call -- 11- HCP; 12- total points} 1NT {notrump opener -- 2-5 C; 2-5 D; 2-4 H; 2-4 S; 15-17 HCP} 2S {Overcall -- rebiddable S; 11+ total points} 3C =1= {Lebensohl -- 5+ C; 11- HCP; 10-12 total points} Pass {No suitable call -- 9- total points} 3NT {2-5 C; 2-5 D; 2-4 H; 2-4 S; 17 HCP; likely stop in S} AP [Note "1:Lebensohl -- 5+ C; 11- HCP; 10-12 total points"] [Application "BridgeComposer; Views=001F"] [DoubleDummyTricks "989aa988aa4543345433"] [OptimumResultTable "Declarer;Denomination\2R;Result\2R"] N S 8 N H 9 N D 10 N C 10 N NT 9 E S 5 E H 4 E D 3 E C 3 E NT 4 S S 8 S H 8 S D 10 S C 10 S NT 9 W S 5 W H 4 W D 3 W C 3 W NT 4 [Event ""] [Site ""] [Date "2010.11.12"] [Board "21"] [West ""] [North ""] [East ""] [South ""] [Dealer "S"] [Vulnerable "NS"] [Deal "S:Q.AK64.AJ74.Q862 K62.Q7.T52.T7543 9873.JT83.Q963.A AJT54.952.K8.KJ9"] [Scoring ""] [Declarer "N"] [Contract "4H"] [Result ""] {East bids 1\S. GIB: 4\HN =7\n ES: 1\D - (P) - 1\H - (1\S); 3\H - (P) - 4\HN =7\n UnbalD: 1\D - (P) - 1\H - (1\S); 2\S [max, \H:4, singleton] - (P) - 4\HN =7\n Blue: N/A\n Mini: 2\D - 2\HN =4\n Split: 2\D - 2\S; 3\C - 3\HN =5\n HiTrip: 2\D - 2\H; 2NT [long \H] - 4\HN =7\n LoTrip: 2\D - 2\S; 3\C - 3\HN =5 \n Quad: 2\C - 2\HN =5 Verdict: A poll of mitdlbc-discuss said most standard Souths would jump raise, even without the \SQ. With a major suit fit, the \CA improves in value, so North raises to game. The contract is a lucky one, as the cards lie. In general, 4\H looks like the place to be, but not by a wide margin. Most three-suited auctions don't disclose the possibility of game, and have been downgraded in the scoring. The Mini is worst, as a 2NT response would effectively drive to game opposite any 11-15 hand with spade shortness. South on the Split auction could upgrade the hand, not open 2\D, and game would be reached. With the 14-16 range of the HiTrip South, North drives to game. With game opposite 17-19, the HiTrip North inquires with 2\H. Over 2NT, he cannot afford to ask, as only spade shortness (the best) allows him to stop in 3\H. North should assume a jump raise of hearts, as in the ES and UnbalD auctions, and bid the game. Trip 2C: 2\C - 2\D; 2\HN [12-14, long \H] =5\n Miles: 2\D - 2\HN =4} [Auction "S"] 1D {Minor suit opening -- 3+ D; 11-21 HCP; 12-22 total points} Pass {No suitable call -- 16- total points} 1H {One over one -- 4+ H; 6+ total points} 1S {7+ HCP; rebiddable S} 3H {Jump raise -- 3+ D; 4+ H; 17-19 total points} Pass {No suitable call -- 13- total points} 4H {4+ H; 8-13 total points} AP [Application "BridgeComposer; Views=001F"] [DoubleDummyTricks "87bb787bb74622646226"] [OptimumResultTable "Declarer;Denomination\2R;Result\2R"] N S 7 N H 11 N D 11 N C 7 N NT 8 E S 6 E H 2 E D 2 E C 6 E NT 4 S S 7 S H 11 S D 11 S C 7 S NT 8 W S 6 W H 2 W D 2 W C 6 W NT 4 [Event ""] [Site ""] [Date "2010.11.12"] [Board "22"] [West ""] [North ""] [East ""] [South ""] [Dealer "S"] [Vulnerable "EW"] [Deal "S:A832.8.KJ52.KJT6 QJ7.A2.AT974.Q53 K965.QJT4.863.A9 T4.K97653.Q.8742"] [Scoring ""] [Declarer "S"] [Contract "3S"] [Result ""] {West bids 1\D or 2\D natural. GIB: 3\SS =6\n ES: 1\D - 1\H; 1\S - 3\SS =6\n UnbalD: 1\D - (2\D) - X - (P); 2\SS =8\n Blue: N/A\n Mini: 2\D - 2NT; 3\H - 3\SN =4\n Split: 2\D - 2\H; 3\C [short \H] - 3\SN =4\n HiTrip: N/A\n LoTrip: 2\D - 2NT [inv \S]; 3\D [short \H] - 3\SN =4\n Quad: 2\C - 2NT [inv \S]; 3\D [short \H] - 3\SN =4 Verdict: On the three-suited auctions, North would like to be in game opposite diamond shortness - or if South has a Midi. On the lie of the cards above, East will have no trouble leading his stiff diamond and getting a couple of ruffs. West's trump trick means all these game try sequences result in a negative score. So reaching 3\S is clearly inferior to 2\S. GIB and ES, with the natural 1\D opening, keep West out of the bidding. I'm not wild about the 3\S bid by North, but it seems right, with a doubleton club and 10 HCP. South refuses the game try with what is likely the wrong shortness. South may make 3\S with the lead not obvious to West. The UnbalD auction lets West make a nasty matchpoint 2\D overcall, which tends to warn off both North and South. South can expect something like 8 points or more for this negative double. South's 2\S limits his hand to 14 HCP, assuming a 4-card spade suit. So North passes 2\S and reaps a top score. Trip 2C: 2\C - 2\D; 3\C [12-14, short \H] - 3\SN =4\n Miles: 2\D - 2NT; 3\H - 3\SN =4} [Auction "S"] 1D {Minor suit opening -- 3+ D; 11-21 HCP; 12-22 total points} Pass {No suitable call -- 16- total points} 1H {One over one -- 4+ H; 6+ total points} Pass {No suitable call -- 20- total points} 1S {4+ D; 3- H; 4+ S; 11-21 HCP; 12-22 total points} Pass {No suitable call -- 16- total points} 3S {Invitational jump raise -- 4+ H; 4+ S; 10-12 total points} AP [Application "BridgeComposer; Views=001F"] [DoubleDummyTricks "88777887885365553655"] [OptimumResultTable "Declarer;Denomination\2R;Result\2R"] N S 8 N H 7 N D 7 N C 7 N NT 8 E S 3 E H 6 E D 5 E C 5 E NT 5 S S 8 S H 7 S D 8 S C 8 S NT 8 W S 3 W H 6 W D 5 W C 5 W NT 5 [ScoreTable "PairId_NS\2R;PairId_EW\2R;Contract\4L;Declarer\1L;Lead\2L;Score_NS\5R;Score_EW\5R;MP_NS\4R;MP_EW\4R;Names_NS;Names_EW"] [Event ""] [Site ""] [Date "2010.11.12"] [Board "23"] [West ""] [North ""] [East ""] [South ""] [Dealer "S"] [Vulnerable "All"] [Deal "S:6.AT96.QJT5.KJ83 K98742.KQ854.72. T3.2.A94.QT97542 AQJ5.J73.K863.A6"] [Scoring ""] [Declarer "W"] [Contract "4S"] [Result ""] {West shows both majors, weak or bids 1\S; otherwise, East doubles clubs for takeout or shows cards & West bids 4\S or 5\S. East-West compete to 5\S unless given space to predict failure. GIB: 4\SW =2\n ES: P - (P) - 3\C - (X); 5\C - (5\SW) =8\n UnbalD: 1\D - (1\S) - 3\C [pass or correct] - (4\C); X - (4\H) - 5\C - (5\SW) =7\n Blue: N/A\n Mini: 2\D - (P) - P [assume short \C] - (X); P - (4\S) - 5\C - (5\SW) =6\n Split: 2\D - (P) - 3\C [6-10 natural] - (X); 5\C - (5\SW) =8\n HiTrip: N/A\n LoTrip: P - (P) - 3\C - (X); 5\C - (5\SW) =8\n Quad: 2\C - (P) - 3\C [6-10 natural] - (X); 5\C - (5\SW) =8 Verdict: The heart lead by North, or diamond lead by South and a heart switch, is nearly automatic against a spade contract. All that's needed is one ruff to beat a 5\S contract, assuming North does not duck the \DA. If North stays out of the UnbalD auction, East will have little choice but to raise to game, because South did not offer a natural suit to cue bid - the same reason West has no Michaels cue bid. So UnbalD has an advantage, whether or not North makes the off-shape 3\C response. 1=4=4=4 is a tough shape for natural bidding, and the hand is too weak for a LoTrip opening. Passing as South works out well, as most Norths will open 3\C in third seat. It seems obvious to bounce to 5\C, but GIB stopped short, for a bottom. Move the \DK, and 5\C makes. The 11-point Mini auction is inferior. First, North must assume club shortness. Then he must guess spade shortness, and take the save. The Split and Quad auctions work well. Trip 2C: N/A\n Miles: N/A} [Auction "S"] Pass {No suitable call -- 11- HCP; 12- total points} Pass {No suitable call -- 11- HCP; 12- total points} 3C {Preempt -- 7+ C; 5+ 8421 HCP in C; 6-13 total points} X {Takeout double -- 3+ D; 4+ H; 4+ S; 14+ total points} 4C {2+ C; 11- HCP; 12- total points; 3- controls} 4S {4+ S; 11- HCP; 11-12 total points} AP [Application "BridgeComposer; Views=001F"] [DoubleDummyTricks "2226a2226a7aa737aa73"] [OptimumResultTable "Declarer;Denomination\2R;Result\2R"] N S 2 N H 2 N D 6 N C 10 N NT 2 E S 10 E H 10 E D 7 E C 3 E NT 7 S S 2 S H 2 S D 6 S C 10 S NT 2 W S 10 W H 10 W D 7 W C 3 W NT 7 [Event ""] [Site ""] [Date "2010.11.12"] [Board "24"] [West ""] [North ""] [East ""] [South ""] [Dealer "S"] [Vulnerable "None"] [Deal "S:A.9875.KQ43.A954 962.42.875.KQJ63 KQJT54.KQJ.J2.72 873.AT63.AT96.T8"] [Scoring ""] [Declarer "N"] [Contract "4S"] [Result ""] {\n GIB: 4\SN =6\n ES: 1\D - 1\S; 2\C - 2\H [4SF]; 3\H - 4\SN [strong \S] =6\n UnbalD: 1\D - 1\S; 1NT [ 11-14, 1 or 2 \S ]; 4\SN =6\n Blue: N/A\n Mini: 2\D - 4\SN =6\n Split: 2\D - 4\SN =6\n HiTrip: N/A\n LoTrip: N/A\n Quad: 2\C - 4\SN =6 Verdict: Everybody gets to this game, in the correct strain. NT makes at most 3, if the third round of clubs can be cashed. A flat board. An alternative auction for Quad: 2\C - 2\D; 2NT [long \H] - 3\D; 3\H [short \S] - 4\SN Trip 2C: 2\C - 4\SN =6\n Miles: 2\D - 3\S; 3NT - 4\SN =6} [Auction "S"] 1D {Minor suit opening -- 3+ D; 11-21 HCP; 12-22 total points} Pass {No suitable call -- 16- total points} 1S {One over one -- 4+ S; 6+ total points} Pass {No suitable call -- 20- total points} 2C {Opener two rebid -- 4+ C; 4+ D; 3- S; 11+ HCP; 12-19 total points} Pass {No suitable call -- 16- total points} 2H =1= {Fourth suit forcing -- 4+ S; 13+ total points; forcing to 3N} Pass {No suitable call -- 20- total points} 3H {4+ C; 4+ D; 3+ H; 3- S; 11+ HCP; 12-19 total points; forcing to 3N} Pass {No suitable call -- 16- total points} 3S {rebiddable S; 13+ total points; forcing} Pass {No suitable call -- 20- total points} 4S {4+ C; 4+ D; 3+ H; 2-3 S; 11+ HCP; 12-17 total points} AP [Note "1:Fourth suit forcing -- 4+ S; 13+ total points; forcing to 3N"] [Application "BridgeComposer; Views=001F"] [DoubleDummyTricks "aa977aa9773234632346"] [OptimumResultTable "Declarer;Denomination\2R;Result\2R"] N S 10 N H 9 N D 7 N C 7 N NT 10 E S 2 E H 3 E D 4 E C 6 E NT 3 S S 10 S H 9 S D 7 S C 7 S NT 10 W S 2 W H 3 W D 4 W C 6 W NT 3 [Event ""] [Site ""] [Date "2010.11.12"] [Board "25"] [West ""] [North ""] [East ""] [South ""] [Dealer "S"] [Vulnerable "EW"] [Deal "S:KJT9.J875.AK76.6 Q865.T62.Q82.KQ7 A742.KQ43.953.52 3.A9.JT4.AJT9843"] [Scoring ""] [Declarer "N"] [Contract "4H"] [Result ""] {East bids 3\C. GIB: 4\HN =2\n ES: 1\D - (P) - 1\H - (3\C); 3\HN =5\n UnbalD: 1\D - (P) - 1\H - (3\C); 3\HN =7\n Blue: N/A\n Mini: 2\D - (P) - 2\H - (3\C); P - (P) - 3\HN [pass or correct] =7\n Split: 2\D - (P) - 2\S - (3\C); P - (P) - 3\H - (P); 3\SN =7\n HiTrip: N/A\n LoTrip: 2\D - (P) - 2\H - (3\C); P - (P) - 3\HN =7\n Quad: 2\C - (P) - 2\D - (3\C); P - (P) - 3\HN =7 Verdict: The GIB North went overboard with 3\H and snagged another bottom. The ES auction is inferior, because North could decide that 3\H is not merely competitive - but if South passes 3\C, that will likely end the auction. The UnbalD auction is better, because South's 3\H is limited to 14 HCP. The three-suited openings fare well, as North can easily bid 3\H, with spades in reserve. The Split auction seems a tad better, as South knows for sure that North has both majors. The LoTrip and Quad Norths must inquire, as they are interested in game opposite a midi. Trip 2C: 2\C - (P) - 2\D - (3\C); P - (P) - 3\HN =7\n Miles: 2\D - (P) - 2\H - (3\C); P - (P) - 3\HN =7} [Auction "S"] 1D {Minor suit opening -- 3+ D; 11-21 HCP; 12-22 total points} Pass {No suitable call -- 16- total points} 1H {One over one -- 4+ H; 6+ total points} 2C {Simple overcall -- 9+ HCP; rebiddable C; 10+ total points} 2H {3+ D; 4+ H; 11+ HCP; 12-17 total points} Pass {No suitable call -- 10- total points} 3H {4+ H; 10-12 total points} Pass {No suitable call -- 9+ HCP; rebiddable C; 10-20 total points} 4H {3+ D; 4+ H; 15-17 total points} AP [Application "BridgeComposer; Views=001F"] [DoubleDummyTricks "59994599947433974339"] [OptimumResultTable "Declarer;Denomination\2R;Result\2R"] N S 9 N H 9 N D 9 N C 4 N NT 5 E S 4 E H 3 E D 3 E C 9 E NT 7 S S 9 S H 9 S D 9 S C 4 S NT 5 W S 4 W H 3 W D 3 W C 9 W NT 7 [Event ""] [Site ""] [Date "2010.11.12"] [Board "26"] [West ""] [North ""] [East ""] [South ""] [Dealer "S"] [Vulnerable "All"] [Deal "S:AK73.AK95.K543.K J.QJ842.87.J8532 94.T763.AT962.QT QT8652..QJ.A9764"] [Scoring ""] [Declarer "N"] [Contract "4H"] [Result ""] {East shows black suits or jumps to 2\S, weak. GIB: 4\HN =6\n ES: 1\D - (P) - 1\H - (2NT); 4\HN =6\n UnbalD: 1\C - (P) - 1\H - (2\S); 4\HN =6\n Blue: 2\D - 2\H; 2NT [short \C] - 3\C; 3\H [19-20] - 4\HN =6\n Mini: N/A\n Split: N/A\n HiTrip: 2\D - 2\H; 2\S [maxi] - 2NT; 3\S [short \C] - 4\HN =6\n LoTrip: 2\D - 2\H; 3\S [maxi, short \C] - 4\HN =5\n Quad: 2\C - 2\H; 2\S [maxi] - 2NT; 3\S [short \C] - 4\HN =6 Verdict: Notrump works well, only because clubs are stopped (which neither partner can know) and diamonds run (as the cards lie). At the same time, a 5-0 split dooms 4\H, the proper contract. Note that West should not double 4\H, because he cannot set 5\D - and should not save, of course, with 5 decent trumps - and East should respect that. The LoTrip auction essentially lands in game because North has red suits and South has 18-20 HCP. (Cheapening all the ranges by a point would increase this risk.) The HiTrip, Quad, ES and UnbalD openings are superior, because they could stop in 3\D, 3\H or lower, if North were broke. With all those primes and the \CK, the standard and UnbalD Souths are correct to drive to game. \n Similarly, the Blue South should upgrade those primes to 19-20, even if the \CK only counts 1. The GIB East could have tried 2NT, instead of 2\S, but the UnbalD East could not, after the artificial 1\C opening. Trip 2C: 2\C - 2\D; 2NT [midi] - 3\H [inv]; 4\HN =6\n Miles: 2\D - 2\H; 3\HN [16-19] =3} [Auction "S"] 1D {Minor suit opening -- 3+ D; 11-21 HCP; 12-22 total points} Pass {No suitable call -- 16- total points} 1H {One over one -- 4+ H; 6+ total points} 2S {Aggressive weak jump overcall -- 6+ S; 10- HCP; 3+ total points} 4H {3+ D; 4+ H; 21- HCP; 19-22 total points} AP [Application "BridgeComposer; Views=001F"] [DoubleDummyTricks "a79b4a79b43642936429"] [OptimumResultTable "Declarer;Denomination\2R;Result\2R"] N S 7 N H 9 N D 11 N C 4 N NT 10 E S 6 E H 4 E D 2 E C 9 E NT 3 S S 7 S H 9 S D 11 S C 4 S NT 10 W S 6 W H 4 W D 2 W C 9 W NT 3 [Event ""] [Site ""] [Date "2010.11.12"] [Board "27"] [West ""] [North ""] [East ""] [South ""] [Dealer "S"] [Vulnerable "None"] [Deal "S:KJT6.KJ84.KJT5.Q A852.A5.Q72.T853 Q943.QT2..AKJ762 7.9763.A98643.94"] [Scoring ""] [Declarer "N"] [Contract "4S"] [Result ""] {\n GIB: 4\SN =6\n ES: 1\D - 2\C; 2\D - 2\S [GF]; 3NT [4 spades, hearts stopped, my invention] - 4\SN =7\n UnbalD: 1\D - 2\C; 2NT [GF] - 3\S; 4\SN =7\n Blue: N/A\n Mini: 2\D - 2NT; 3\C - 4\SN =6\n Split: 2\D - 2\H; 2\S [short black] - 2NT; 3\D - 4\SN =6\n HiTrip: N/A\n LoTrip: 2\D - 2NT [inv \S]; 3\H [short \C] - 4\SS =7\n Quad: 2\C - 2NT [inv \S]; 3\H [short \C] - 4\SS =7 Verdict: Almost a flat board. I don't like GIB's auction, but South does eventually show extras. The UnbalD South, upgrading the \CQ, was able to show enough to drive to game, even if North had planned on rebidding a non-forcing 3\C. The ES South had the same option, but chose to keep both majors in play. The LoTrip and Quad auctions work well. In contrast, the other Norths decided to drive to game on 12 HCP and a possible misfit. It worked out well on this deal. Trip 2C: 2\C - 2\D; 2\H [12-14, long \H]; 2NT; 3\S [short \C] - 4SS =6\n Miles: 2\D - 2NT; 3\C - 4\SN =6} [Auction "S"] 1D {Minor suit opening -- 3+ D; 11-21 HCP; 12-22 total points} Pass {No suitable call -- 16- total points} 2C {10+ HCP; biddable C; 11+ total points} Pass {No suitable call -- 20- total points} 2H {New suit -- 3+ D; 4+ H; 21- HCP; 14-22 total points} Pass {No suitable call -- 16- total points} 2S {5+ C; 4+ S; 10+ HCP; 11+ total points} Pass {No suitable call -- 20- total points} 4S {3+ D; 4+ H; 4+ S; 14-16 total points} AP [Application "BridgeComposer; Views=001F"] [DoubleDummyTricks "9a9599a9593237332373"] [OptimumResultTable "Declarer;Denomination\2R;Result\2R"] N S 10 N H 9 N D 5 N C 9 N NT 9 E S 2 E H 3 E D 7 E C 3 E NT 3 S S 10 S H 9 S D 5 S C 9 S NT 9 W S 2 W H 3 W D 7 W C 3 W NT 3 [Event ""] [Site ""] [Date "2010.11.12"] [Board "28"] [West ""] [North ""] [East ""] [South ""] [Dealer "S"] [Vulnerable "NS"] [Deal "S:AKQ6.AT54.QJ72.2 8.83.K9643.AT643 J7542.K96.AT5.95 T93.QJ72.8.KQJ87"] [Scoring ""] [Declarer "N"] [Contract "4S"] [Result ""] {West shows both minors, weak through 2NT; if so, East bids 5\C. GIB: 4\SN =9\n ES: 1\D - 1\S; 4\C! - 4\SN =9\n UnbalD: 1\C - (2\C) [minors] - 2\S [negative] - 5\C; 5\SN =5\n Blue: N/A\n Mini: N/A\n Split: N/A\n HiTrip: 2\D - 2NT [inv \S]; 3\H [short \C] - 4\SN =9\n LoTrip: 2\D - (P) - 2\H - (P) ; 2\S [midi] - (2NT) - X - (5\C); P - (P) - 5\SS =6\n Quad: 2\C - (P) - 2\D - (P) ; 2\H [midi] - (2NT) - X - (5\C); P - (P) - 5\SN =6 Verdict: The natural 1\D opening used by GIB and ES prevents the unusual NT overcall and wins the board. The LoTrip and Quad auctions hold an average result over the long haul, as 5\S mostly depends on the diamond finesse. Miles recommends negative free bids in competition after the artificial 1\C opening of UnbalD. Does this North hand qualify? An off-shape negative double might get to 5\H. Passing does not seem appropriate. Using methods that Mark and I tried briefly, the auction would have been: 1\C - (2\C) - X [6-9 HCP] - 5\CW; P - (P) - X, never finding the spade fit. In an accident of the auction, the HiTrip 2NT rebid avoids West's 2NT intervention. Trip 2C: 2\C - (P) - 2\D - (P); 2\S [15-16] - (2NT) - P - (5\C); p - (P) - 5\SN =6\n Miles: 2\D - 2\S; 3\S - 4\SN =9} [Auction "S"] 1D {Minor suit opening -- 3+ D; 11-21 HCP; 12-22 total points} Pass {No suitable call -- 16- total points} 1S {One over one -- 4+ S; 6+ total points} Pass {No suitable call -- 20- total points} 3S {Jump raise -- 3+ D; 4+ S; 18-19 total points} Pass {No suitable call -- 16- total points} 4S {4+ S; 7-13 total points} AP [Application "BridgeComposer; Views=001F"] [DoubleDummyTricks "8ba948ba943234932349"] [OptimumResultTable "Declarer;Denomination\2R;Result\2R"] N S 11 N H 10 N D 9 N C 4 N NT 8 E S 2 E H 3 E D 4 E C 9 E NT 3 S S 11 S H 10 S D 9 S C 4 S NT 8 W S 2 W H 3 W D 4 W C 9 W NT 3 [Event ""] [Site ""] [Date "2010.11.12"] [Board "29"] [West ""] [North ""] [East ""] [South ""] [Dealer "S"] [Vulnerable "All"] [Deal "S:K.AK97.A852.9732 Q86.652.KQ4.AQT4 J52.J83.T9.KJ865 AT9743.QT4.J763."] [Scoring ""] [Declarer "S"] [Contract "2C"] [Result ""] {West doubles one of a red suit for takeout, and East jumps in spades; otherwise, East bids 1\S, and West invites game. GIB: 2\CS =6\n ES: 1\D - (X) - P - (2\SW) =2\n UnbalD: 1\D - (X) - P - (2\SW) =2\n Blue: N/A\n Mini: 2\D - 2\HN =8\n Split: 2\D - 2\S; 3\CN =8\n HiTrip: N/A\n LoTrip: 2\D - 2\S; 3\CN =8\n Quad: 2\C - 2\HN =8 Verdict: The three-suited openings are likely to keep East-West out of the auction, earning a plus score. GIB's East-West were unusually timid, and should have competed. The Split and LoTrip auctions get to the superior strain, but may tip East to balance with 3\S, so it's a wash. Trip 2C: 2\C - 2\HN =8\n Miles: N/A} [Auction "S"] 1D {Minor suit opening -- 3+ D; 11-21 HCP; 12-22 total points} Pass {No suitable call -- 16- total points} 1NT {3- H; 3- S; 6-10 HCP; 7+ total points} Pass {No suitable call -- 20- total points} 2C {New suit -- 4+ C; 4+ D; 11+ HCP; 3-card D; 12-18 total points} AP [Application "BridgeComposer; Views=001F"] [DoubleDummyTricks "7486a7486a5957359573"] [OptimumResultTable "Declarer;Denomination\2R;Result\2R"] N S 4 N H 8 N D 6 N C 10 N NT 7 E S 9 E H 5 E D 7 E C 3 E NT 5 S S 4 S H 8 S D 6 S C 10 S NT 7 W S 9 W H 5 W D 7 W C 3 W NT 5 [Event ""] [Site ""] [Date "2010.11.12"] [Board "30"] [West ""] [North ""] [East ""] [South ""] [Dealer "S"] [Vulnerable "None"] [Deal "S:9.KJ32.AJT4.QJ85 AJ764.T76.Q62.T6 K53.A5.875.K9743 QT82.Q984.K93.A2"] [Scoring ""] [Declarer "S"] [Contract "3C"] [Result ""] {\n GIB: 3\CS =6\n ES: 1\D - 1NT; 2\C - 3\CS =6\n UnbalD: 1\D - 1NT; 2\H [1=4=4=4, 11-14] - 3\CN =7\n Blue: N/A\n Mini: 2\D - 2\S; 2NT - 3\CS =5\n Split: 2\D - 2\S; 3\CS =6\n HiTrip: N/A\n LoTrip: 2\D - 2\H; 2NT [long \H] - 3\CN [pass or correct] =6\n Quad: 2\C - 2\D; 2NT [long \H] - 3\CS [pass or correct] =6 Verdict: The LoTrip and Quad auctions could have had trouble, playing 3\D or 3\S in a 4-3 fit. In both systems, North has game opposite a midi, and thus must inquire. 5\C could be on, opposite diamond shortness (switch South's pointy suits), which was never ruled out by either auction. Remember that 4\C is always artificial on inquiry auctions, so North cannot risk asking over 2NT and discovering spade shortness at 3\H. In contrast, the UnbalD auction worked quite well, since North has values for the 3-level. The Mini auction would, of course, miss a likely game, when South has a 15-point maximum. Otherwise, the Mini and Split auctions are equivalent. The natural 1\D opening does just fine, although North never finds out about the spade shortness. Trip 2C: N/A\n Miles: N/A} [Auction "S"] 1D {Minor suit opening -- 3+ D; 11-21 HCP; 12-22 total points} Pass {No suitable call -- 16- total points} 1NT {3- H; 3- S; 6-10 HCP; 7+ total points} Pass {No suitable call -- 20- total points} 2C {New suit -- 4+ C; 4+ D; 11+ HCP; 3-card D; 12-18 total points} Pass {No suitable call -- 16- total points} 3C {4+ C; 3- H; 3- S; 10- HCP; 12+ total points} AP [Application "BridgeComposer; Views=001F"] [DoubleDummyTricks "878aa878aa4653346533"] [OptimumResultTable "Declarer;Denomination\2R;Result\2R"] N S 7 N H 8 N D 10 N C 10 N NT 8 E S 6 E H 5 E D 3 E C 3 E NT 4 S S 7 S H 8 S D 10 S C 10 S NT 8 W S 6 W H 5 W D 3 W C 3 W NT 4 [Event ""] [Site ""] [Date "2010.11.12"] [Board "31"] [West ""] [North ""] [East ""] [South ""] [Dealer "S"] [Vulnerable "NS"] [Deal "S:Q974.A764.7.AJT7 .Q852.KT983.KQ98 AK8.K93.A654.643 JT6532.JT.QJ2.52"] [Scoring ""] [Declarer "N"] [Contract "3NT"] [Result ""] {West overcalls 1\D. GIB: 3NTN =8\n ES: 1\C - (1\D) - 2\D - (P); 2\H - (P) - 2\S - (P); 3\SN =7\n UnbalD: 1\D - 2NT; 3\D [small singleton] - 3\SN =7\n Blue: N/A\n Mini: 2\D - 2NT; 3\D - 3\SN =7\n Split: N/A\n HiTrip: N/A\n LoTrip: P - 1\D; 1\H - 1NT; 2NT - 3NTN =8\n Quad: 2\C - 2\D; 2NT [long \H] - 3\SN [pass or correct] =7 Verdict: It will take good judgement for North-South to stop in 3\S, but it's definitely possible. The Mini North has promised at least invitational values, so may choose to try 3\S. North-South have 25 HCP and 7 top tricks. Adding a round Q to South only makes 3NT reasonable, so North is right to want a maximum from an 11-15 South. 3\S is easier for the UnbalD North, opposite the usual 11-14 South. Often when it's right to play the Moysian fit, it's sufficient to find that strain, and not necessary to push to game. With 3NT failing by a trick or two, this is one of those hands. When the ES North offers 3\S, South has an easy pass. The contract is cold on a dummy reversal. The Quad North only wants to play 3NT if South has a short spade. This inventive pass or correct 3\S bid should do the job. The likely spade lead on the GIB (and natural LoTrip) auctions makes 3NT a great spot. Trip 2C: N/A\n Miles: N/A} [Auction "S"] Pass {No suitable call -- 11- HCP; 12- total points} Pass {No suitable call -- 11- HCP; 12- total points} 1D {Minor suit opening -- 3+ D; 11-21 HCP; 12-22 total points} Pass {No suitable call -- 16- total points} 1H {One over one -- 4+ H; 11- HCP; 6-12 total points} Pass {No suitable call -- 11- HCP; 12- total points} 1NT {2-5 C; 4-5 D; 2-3 H; 2-3 S; 12-14 HCP} Pass {No suitable call -- 16- total points} 2NT {Invitational to 3NT game -- 4+ H; 11 HCP; 12 total points} Pass {No suitable call -- 11- HCP; 12- total points} 3NT {2-5 C; 4-5 D; 2-3 H; 2-3 S; 14 HCP} AP [Application "BridgeComposer; Views=001F"] [DoubleDummyTricks "899588a9595347453474"] [OptimumResultTable "Declarer;Denomination\2R;Result\2R"] N S 9 N H 9 N D 5 N C 8 N NT 8 E S 3 E H 4 E D 7 E C 4 E NT 5 S S 10 S H 9 S D 5 S C 9 S NT 8 W S 3 W H 4 W D 7 W C 4 W NT 5 [Event ""] [Site ""] [Date "2010.11.12"] [Board "32"] [West ""] [North ""] [East ""] [South ""] [Dealer "S"] [Vulnerable "EW"] [Deal "S:AT97.9.QJ85.K984 J86.AQJT42.A92.J KQ5.K853.KT7.Q73 432.76.643.AT652"] [Scoring ""] [Declarer "N"] [Contract "1S"] [Result ""] {West bids hearts; East passes. GIB: 1\SN =9\n ES: P - (1H) - P - (P); X - (P) - 1NTN =5\n UnbalD: N/A\n Blue: N/A\n Mini: N/A\n Split: N/A\n HiTrip: N/A\n LoTrip: N/A\n Quad: N/A Verdict: GIB surely got it right, bidding 1\S over that reopening double. Think about it: even if this is a 3-3 fit, 1\S will probably come home. 1\S prevents the negative score on this layout. The obvious choice is 1NT, expecting to make 7-8 tricks opposite a passed hand (but not this time). A diamond lead, accurate cashing, and a trump promotion will defeat 1\H. Passing the double would be unusual, and likely to lose. If you played Split with a 10-13 minimum, the auction should go: 2\D - (2\H) - X [cards] - 2\SS Trip 2C: N/A\n Miles: N/A} [Auction "S"] Pass {No suitable call -- 11- HCP; 12- total points} 1H {Major suit opening -- 5+ H; 21- HCP; 12-22 total points} Pass {No suitable call -- 16- total points} Pass {No suitable call -- 5- HCP} X {3+ C; 3+ D; 3+ S; 9-11 HCP; 12- total points} Pass {No suitable call -- 5+ H; 21- HCP; 12-22 total points} 1S {4+ S; 16- total points} AP [Application "BridgeComposer; Views=001F"] [DoubleDummyTricks "69699696994364443644"] [OptimumResultTable "Declarer;Denomination\2R;Result\2R"] N S 9 N H 6 N D 9 N C 9 N NT 6 E S 3 E H 6 E D 4 E C 4 E NT 4 S S 9 S H 6 S D 9 S C 9 S NT 6 W S 3 W H 6 W D 4 W C 4 W NT 4 [Event ""] [Site ""] [Date "2010.11.12"] [Board "33"] [West ""] [North ""] [East ""] [South ""] [Dealer "S"] [Vulnerable "None"] [Deal "S:A864.AQ84.7.KJ75 973.976.KQ94.A63 KJ2.J53.AJT65.Q8 QT5.KT2.832.T942"] [Scoring ""] [Declarer "N"] [Contract "3NT"] [Result ""] {\n GIB: 3NTN =6\n ES: 1\C - 1\D; 1\H - 2NT; 3NTN =6\n UnbalD: 1\D - 1NT [forcing]; 2\C - 2NT; 3NTS =6\n Blue: N/A\n Mini: 2\D - 2NT; 3\D - 3\S; 4\SN =7\n Split: 2\D - 2NT [inv]; 3NT =5\n HiTrip: 2\D - 2\H; 2NT [long \H] - 3\D [ask]; 3NTS [short \D] =6\n LoTrip: 2\D - 2\H; 2NT [long \H] - 3\D [ask]; 3NTS [short \D] =5\n Quad: 2\C - 2\D; 2\H [midi] - 2\S; 2NT [long \H] - 3\D[ask]; 3NTS [short \D] =6 Verdict: The creative Mini auction is effective, but may elude the inexperienced at the table. The invitational 3\S should have play when there is no game. Assuming 3NT by South would show a stiff honor, or perhaps bad spades, South gets to a double dummy good contract - now just make it. If North bids 3NT himself and finds South with a K or Q less, 3NT will be hopeless. The Split pair has the natural, invitational 2NT, a mixed blessing. Since North denies a major, he is likely to have diamonds stopped, but it would be nice to know. The LoTrip North essentially commits to game, opposite 12-14, fit or no. The HiTrip opening promises at least 14 HCP, providing North with the confidence needed to drive to 3NT. Similarly, the 1-level openings provide ample space to feel comfortable with the 26-point 3NT. Trip 2C: 2\C - 2\D; 2\H [12-14, long \H] - 2NT; 3\C [short \D] - 3\S [inv]; 4\SN =7\n Miles: 2\D - 2NT; 3\D - 3\S; 4\SN =7} [Auction "S"] 1C {Minor suit opening -- 3+ C; 11-21 HCP; 12-22 total points} Pass {No suitable call -- 16- total points} 1D {One over one -- 4+ D; 6+ total points} Pass {No suitable call -- 20- total points} 1H {3+ C; 4- D; 4+ H; 11-21 HCP; 12-22 total points} Pass {No suitable call -- 16- total points} 1S =1= {Fourth suit forcing -- 4+ D; 11+ total points} Pass {No suitable call -- 20- total points} 3S {3+ C; 4- D; 4+ H; 4+ S; 21- HCP; 14-22 total points; forcing} Pass {No suitable call -- 16- total points} 3NT {4+ D; 5- H; 5- S; 13-18 HCP} AP [Note "1:Fourth suit forcing -- 4+ D; 11+ total points"] [Application "BridgeComposer; Views=001F"] [DoubleDummyTricks "9bba99aba94223442234"] [OptimumResultTable "Declarer;Denomination\2R;Result\2R"] N S 11 N H 11 N D 10 N C 9 N NT 9 E S 2 E H 2 E D 3 E C 4 E NT 4 S S 10 S H 11 S D 10 S C 9 S NT 9 W S 2 W H 2 W D 3 W C 4 W NT 4 [Event ""] [Site ""] [Date "2010.11.12"] [Board "34"] [West ""] [North ""] [East ""] [South ""] [Dealer "S"] [Vulnerable "NS"] [Deal "S:A.AJ76.A865.AQT9 JT985.QT42.J.432 Q632.K83.Q743.J8 K74.95.KT92.K765"] [Scoring ""] [Declarer "N"] [Contract "3NT"] [Result ""] {\n GIB: 3NTN =4\n ES: 1\D - 1\S; 2\H [strong, NF] - 2NT [tell me more]; 3\C [extras] - 3NTN =7\n UnbalD: 1\C - 1\S; 2\D - 3\D; 3NTS =4\n Blue: 2\D - 2\H; 2\S [short major] - 2NT; 3\H [19-20, short \S] - 3NTN =7\n Mini: N/A\n Split: N/A\n HiTrip: 2\D - 2\S; 2NT [maxi, short \S] - 3NTS =6\n LoTrip: 2\D - 2\S; 2NT [maxi, short \S] - 3NTS =6\n Quad: 2\C - 2\S; 2NT [maxi, short \S] - 3NTS =6 Verdict: GIB deserves to play 2\C with a laydown game. 3NT is not great, but is a normal contract. The UnbalD 2\D rebid is forcing for one round, so South would be in this one less one of the Qs in the North hand, a poor prospect, and a nasty auction. The system needs a 3-suited opening. The three-suited opening and ES auctions all show at least 18 HCP, and North is correct to try 3NT, with 26+ between the two hands. North never finds out about South's spade honor, so declaring in North would be slightly better. Trip 2C: 2\C - 2\D; 2NT [midi] - 3\C; 3\H [short \S] - 3NTS =6\n Miles: 2\D - 2\S; 3\C [16-19, misfit] - 3NTN =6} [Auction "S"] 1D {Minor suit opening -- 3+ D; 11-21 HCP; 12-22 total points} Pass {No suitable call -- 16- total points} 1S {One over one -- 4+ S; 6+ total points} Pass {No suitable call -- 20- total points} 2C {Opener two rebid -- 4+ C; 4+ D; 3- S; 11+ HCP; 12-19 total points} Pass {No suitable call -- 16- total points} 2D {Correct back -- 2+ D; 4+ S; 6-9 total points} Pass {No suitable call -- 20- total points} 2H {4+ C; 4+ D; 4+ H; 3- S; 17-19 total points} Pass {No suitable call -- 16- total points} 2NT {Invitational to 3NT game -- 2+ D; 4+ S; 8+ HCP; 9- total points} Pass {No suitable call -- 20- total points} 3NT {4+ C; 4+ D; 4-5 H; 3- S; 17+ HCP; 19- total points} AP [Application "BridgeComposer; Views=001F"] [DoubleDummyTricks "989b9989a94532445324"] [OptimumResultTable "Declarer;Denomination\2R;Result\2R"] N S 8 N H 9 N D 11 N C 9 N NT 9 E S 5 E H 3 E D 2 E C 4 E NT 4 S S 8 S H 9 S D 10 S C 9 S NT 9 W S 5 W H 3 W D 2 W C 4 W NT 4 [Event ""] [Site ""] [Date "2010.11.12"] [Board "35"] [West ""] [North ""] [East ""] [South ""] [Dealer "S"] [Vulnerable "EW"] [Deal "S:QT82.KQ84.2.AQ32 AK753.J96.J874.6 J96.75.KQT9.J954 4.AT32.A653.KT87"] [Scoring ""] [Declarer "S"] [Contract "3C"] [Result ""] {\n GIB: 3\CS =4\n ES: 1\C - 1\D; 1\H - 2\CS =8\n UnbalD: 1\D - 1NT [forcing]; 2\CS =8\n Blue: N/A\n Mini: 2\D - 3\CN [pass or correct] =4\n Split: 2\D - 2\H; 2NT [short \D] - 3\CN =4\n HiTrip: N/A\n LoTrip: 2\D - 2\H; 2NT [long \H] - 3\CN [pass or correct] =4\n Quad: 2\C - 2\D; 2NT [long \H] - 3\CN [pass or correct] =4 Verdict: The three-suited openings all reach 3\C cleanly, although the meanings of the bids take two basic forms. If you think it over, no matter how opener responds on a minimum range, within the system in use, these auctions will lead to an 8-card minor suit fit. If opener shows a midi, responder can still bid 3\C, pass or correct. Responder also has the option with all these systems of playing 2\S (or 3 of a minor, if a misfit). Neither black suit contract will do well on a spade lead, but the spade contract may escape that. The one-level openings should get to only 2\C, likely a significant difference only at matchpoints. A matchpoint 1\S overcall should not make much difference. GIB overbid. Trip 2C: 2\C - 2\SN =4\n Miles: 2\D - 2\SN =4} [Auction "S"] 1C {Minor suit opening -- 3+ C; 11-21 HCP; 12-22 total points} 1S {One-level overcall -- 5+ S; 8-17 HCP; 9-19 total points} 2C {Free minor raise -- 4+ C; 7-9 total points} Pass {No suitable call -- 11- total points} 3C {4+ C; 16-17 total points} AP [Application "BridgeComposer; Views=001F"] [DoubleDummyTricks "76557765575678656786"] [OptimumResultTable "Declarer;Denomination\2R;Result\2R"] N S 6 N H 5 N D 5 N C 7 N NT 7 E S 6 E H 7 E D 8 E C 6 E NT 5 S S 6 S H 5 S D 5 S C 7 S NT 7 W S 6 W H 7 W D 8 W C 6 W NT 5 [Event ""] [Site ""] [Date "2010.11.12"] [Board "36"] [West ""] [North ""] [East ""] [South ""] [Dealer "S"] [Vulnerable "All"] [Deal "S:J953.AKT2.K.AK97 KQ8.J9863.653.85 A64.Q54.T9742.T3 T72.7.AQJ8.QJ642"] [Scoring ""] [Declarer "S"] [Contract "1H"] [Result ""] {\n GIB: 1\HS =7\n ES: 1\C - 1\D; 1\HS =7\n UnbalD: 1\C - 1\D; 2\C - 2\D; 2\HS =6\n Blue: N/A\n Mini: N/A\n Split: N/A\n HiTrip: 2\D - 2\SN =6\n LoTrip: 2\D - 2\SN =6\n Quad: 2\C - 2\HN =6 Verdict: While it's clearly better to play on the 1-level, all these auctions are fine. Trip 2C: 2\C - 2\HN =6\n Miles: 2\D - 2\H; 3\HN =3} [Auction "S"] 1C {Minor suit opening -- 3+ C; 11-21 HCP; 12-22 total points} Pass {No suitable call -- 16- total points} 1D {One over one -- 4+ D; 6+ total points} Pass {No suitable call -- 20- total points} 1H {3+ C; 4- D; 4+ H; 11-21 HCP; 12-22 total points} AP [Application "BridgeComposer; Views=001F"] [DoubleDummyTricks "78877788775456654466"] [OptimumResultTable "Declarer;Denomination\2R;Result\2R"] N S 8 N H 8 N D 7 N C 7 N NT 7 E S 4 E H 5 E D 6 E C 6 E NT 5 S S 8 S H 8 S D 7 S C 7 S NT 7 W S 4 W H 4 W D 6 W C 6 W NT 5 [Event ""] [Site ""] [Date "2010.11.12"] [Board "37"] [West ""] [North ""] [East ""] [South ""] [Dealer "S"] [Vulnerable "NS"] [Deal "S:AQ52.9.A764.KT92 J843.AJT872.8.A4 K9.KQ53.J532.J63 T76.64.KQT9.Q875"] [Scoring ""] [Declarer "S"] [Contract "3NT"] [Result ""] {East bids 1\H or 2\H. GIB: 3NTS =1\n ES: 1\D - (1\H) - 1NTN =6\n UnbalD: 1\D - (1\H) - 1NTN =6\n Blue: N/A\n Mini: 2\D - (2\HW) - P [trap] - (P); X =10\n Split: 2\D - (2\HW) - P [trap] - (P); X =10\n HiTrip: N/A\n LoTrip: 2\D - (2\HW) - P [trap] - (P); X =10\n Quad: 2\C - (2\HW) - P [trap] - (P); X =10 Verdict: The one-level openings get to the superior 1NT partscore. The three-suited openings would all get to 3\D, but for help from West. South should reopen with a double on this prime 13-count, but would still get a fine board for a pass. GIB overbids again. Trip 2C: 2\C - (2\HW) - P [trap] - (P); X =10\n Miles: 2\D - (2\HW) - P [trap] - (P); X =10} [Auction "S"] 1D {Minor suit opening -- 3+ D; 11-21 HCP; 12-22 total points} 1H {One-level overcall -- 5+ H; 8-17 HCP; 9-19 total points} 2D {Free minor raise -- 4+ D; 7-9 total points} Pass {No suitable call -- 11- total points} 2S {4 D; 4+ S; 21- HCP; 16-22 total points} Pass {No suitable call -- 5+ H; 8-17 HCP; 9-19 total points} 3H {4+ D; 9 total points; likely stop in H; forcing to 3N} Pass {No suitable call -- 11- total points} 3NT {4 D; 5- H; 4-5 S; 18-21 HCP; 22- total points} AP [Application "BridgeComposer; Views=001F"] [DoubleDummyTricks "87788877885565555654"] [OptimumResultTable "Declarer;Denomination\2R;Result\2R"] N S 7 N H 7 N D 8 N C 8 N NT 8 E S 5 E H 6 E D 5 E C 5 E NT 5 S S 7 S H 7 S D 8 S C 8 S NT 8 W S 5 W H 6 W D 5 W C 4 W NT 5 [Event ""] [Site ""] [Date "2010.11.12"] [Board "38"] [West ""] [North ""] [East ""] [South ""] [Dealer "S"] [Vulnerable "EW"] [Deal "S:Q.KQ95.AQ52.JT82 T2.A86.T87.A9753 A875.T432.KJ3.K6 KJ9643.J7.964.Q4"] [Scoring ""] [Declarer "N"] [Contract "4H"] [Result ""] {\n GIB: 4\HN =7\n ES: 1\D - 1\H; 2\H - 2NT; 4\HN =7\n UnbalD: 1\D - 1\H; 3\H [11-13, 4 \H, singleton] - 4\HN =7\n Blue: N/A\n Mini: 2\D - 2NT; 3\S [short] - 4\HN =5\n Split: 2\D - 2\H; 2\S [short black] - 2NT; 3\C - 4\HN =7\n HiTrip: N/A\n LoTrip: 2\D - 2NT [inv \S] - 3\C - 4\HN =7\n Quad: 2\C - 2NT [inv \S] - 3\C - 4\HN =7 Verdict: All the systems should get to 4\H, but there are differences. The Mini North has a lucky card location, where the \SA still has value, even with the worth possible (3\S) bid from opener. Switch the \SA and \CK, and North would only want to be in game opposite heart shortness. The alternative 4\D response (4-4 or longer in the majors) would be equivalent in this case, but would facilitate slamming on a bigger hand. The LoTrip and Quad Norths have it all. When South shows short spades, all honors are still working, and 4\H is a reasonable shot. Swap the \SA and \CK, and North stops in 3\H. The Split North has an equivalent invitational 3\H bid available over opener's 3\C showing spade shortness: he could simply have signed off in hearts, rather than inquiring with 2NT. The GIB auction is standard, although West's vulnerable overcall is pretty sick. Trip 2C: 2\C - 2\D; 2\H [12-14, long \H] - 2NT; 3\D [short \S] - 4\HS =7\n Miles: N/A} [Auction "S"] 1D {Minor suit opening -- 3+ D; 11-21 HCP; 12-22 total points} Pass {No suitable call -- 16- total points} 1H {One over one -- 4+ H; 6+ total points} 1S {7+ HCP; rebiddable S} 2H {3+ D; 4+ H; 11+ HCP; 12-17 total points} Pass {No suitable call -- 13- total points} 2NT {Invitational to 3NT game -- 4+ H; 10-13 HCP; 11+ total points} Pass {No suitable call -- 7+ HCP; rebiddable S; 20- total points} 4H {3+ D; 4+ H; 14-17 total points} AP [Application "BridgeComposer; Views=001F"] [DoubleDummyTricks "96aa896aa84723547235"] [OptimumResultTable "Declarer;Denomination\2R;Result\2R"] N S 6 N H 10 N D 10 N C 8 N NT 9 E S 7 E H 2 E D 3 E C 5 E NT 4 S S 6 S H 10 S D 10 S C 8 S NT 9 W S 7 W H 2 W D 3 W C 5 W NT 4 [Event ""] [Site ""] [Date "2010.11.12"] [Board "39"] [West ""] [North ""] [East ""] [South ""] [Dealer "S"] [Vulnerable "All"] [Deal "S:KQ96.Q.AJ95.KJ85 A8.T864.732.AQ96 J2.J9753.QT.T732 T7543.AK2.K864.4"] [Scoring ""] [Declarer "S"] [Contract "1D"] [Result ""] {West reopens 1\S over a natural opening. GIB: 1\DS =6\n ES: 1\DS =6\n UnbalD: 1\DS =6\n Blue: N/A\n Mini: 2\D - 2\H; 2\S - 3\CN =4\n Split: 2\D - 2\H; 3\CS [short \H] =4\n HiTrip: 2\D - 2\H; 3\CS [short \H] =4\n LoTrip: 2\D - 2\H; 3\CS [short \H] =4\n Quad: 2\C - 2\H; 2\S - 3\CN =4 Verdict: West might reopen with 1\S, despite the diamond length, but it would not work out well this time. Over the artificial UnbalD 1\D opening, the balance tips more toward passing. The three-suited openings all get a level too high. Trip 2C: 2\C - 2\H; 2\S - 3\CN =4\n Miles: 2\D - 2\H; 2\S - 3\CN =4} [Auction "S"] 1D {Minor suit opening -- 3+ D; 11-21 HCP; 12-22 total points} AP [Application "BridgeComposer; Views=001F"] [DoubleDummyTricks "86678866785666456665"] [OptimumResultTable "Declarer;Denomination\2R;Result\2R"] N S 6 N H 6 N D 7 N C 8 N NT 8 E S 6 E H 6 E D 6 E C 4 E NT 5 S S 6 S H 6 S D 7 S C 8 S NT 8 W S 6 W H 6 W D 6 W C 5 W NT 5 [Event ""] [Site ""] [Date "2010.11.12"] [Board "40"] [West ""] [North ""] [East ""] [South ""] [Dealer "S"] [Vulnerable "None"] [Deal "S:AQT4.9.AJ83.A963 K9876.K76543.Q5. J52.AT8.T962.J74 3.QJ2.K74.KQT852"] [Scoring ""] [Declarer "E"] [Contract "4HX"] [Result ""] {West shows a weak hand with both majors thru 2\H, or bids 2\H weak. East picks \H or bids \C over spades. GIB: 4\HWX =3\n ES: 1\D - (2\D) - P - (2\H); X - (P) - 3\D - (3\HE) =4\n UnbalD: 1\C - (2\H) [majors] - P - (3\HW) =4\n Blue: N/A\n Mini: 2\D - 2\H; 2\SS =7\n Split: N/A\n HiTrip: 2\D - (P) - 2\S - (3\CE) =8\n LoTrip: 2\D - (P) - 2\S - (3\CE) =8\n Quad: 2\C - (P) - 2\H - (P); 2\SS =7 Verdict: The last two GIB bids (starting with 3\S) before the double were out of control. The UnbalD West bids aggressively to 3\H, in the face of the strong, limited 1\C opening. Most of the other East-West pairs have to be pushed to 3\H. This is a hand that could go many ways. The HiTrip and LoTrip auctions win this time, because West has no reasonable escape from East's 3\C bid. This time, East might do better to wait and back in with 3\C, but you can see how risky that would be. When North responds in hearts, East's holding in that suit should keep him out of the auction. Trip 2C: 2\C - 2\H; 2\SS =7\n Miles: 2\D - 2\H; 2\SS =7} [Auction "S"] 1D {Minor suit opening -- 3+ D; 11-21 HCP; 12-22 total points} 2D =1= {Michaels -- 5+ H; 5+ S; 9+ total points; forcing} Pass {No suitable call -- 8- total points} 2H {2+ H; 14- total points} X {Takeout double -- 4+ C; 4+ D; 5- H; 5- S; 21- HCP; 16-22 total points} Pass {No suitable call -- 5+ H; 5+ S; 9+ total points} 3D {3+ D; 8- total points} Pass {No suitable call -- 2+ H; 11- total points} Pass {No suitable call -- 4+ C; 4+ D; 5- H; 5- S; 21- HCP; 16-22 total points} 3H {6+ H; 5+ S; 12+ total points} 3S {4+ D; 8 total points} 4H {2+ H; 11- total points} X {4+ C; 4+ D; 5- H; 5- S; 21- HCP; 17-22 total points} AP [Note "1:Michaels -- 5+ H; 5+ S; 9+ total points; forcing"] [Application "BridgeComposer; Views=001F"] [DoubleDummyTricks "66386664976794667946"] [OptimumResultTable "Declarer;Denomination\2R;Result\2R"] N S 6 N H 3 N D 8 N C 6 N NT 6 E S 7 E H 9 E D 4 E C 6 E NT 6 S S 6 S H 4 S D 9 S C 7 S NT 6 W S 7 W H 9 W D 4 W C 6 W NT 6 [Event ""] [Site ""] [Date "2010.11.12"] [Board "41"] [West ""] [North ""] [East ""] [South ""] [Dealer "S"] [Vulnerable "EW"] [Deal "S:AJ64.KJT8.T.K854 KT93..AKJ9532.Q2 872.962.Q764.A76 Q5.AQ7543.8.JT93"] [Scoring ""] [Declarer "W"] [Contract "3D"] [Result ""] {West bids diamonds twice, through 3\D. GIB: 3\DW =6\n ES: 1\C - (1\D) - P - (1\H); P - (2\DW) =3\n UnbalD: 1\D - (2\D) - P - (2\H); P - (3\DW) =7\n Blue: N/A\n Mini: 2\D - (3\DW) =7\n Split: 2\D - (3\DW) =7\n HiTrip: N/A\n LoTrip: 2\D - (3\DW) =7\n Quad: 2\C - (2\D) - P - (2\H); P - (3\DW) =6 Verdict: This deal shows a curious preemptive effect of the artificial diamond openings, even 1\D. After a 1\C opening, West can settle peacefully in 2\D, so long as he does not make an awful 1\S rebid. After an artificial 1\D opening, West will land in 3\D. After a Quad 2\C opening, 3\D will be reached, unless East decides to pass this misfit with suits breaking badly. After a 3-suited 2\D opening, West must start at 3\D, and may be lucky to end there. Those in 3\D might be doubled at matchpoints if South had extras, with North converting. Trip 2C: 2\C - (2\D) - P - (2\H); P - (3\DW) =6 \n Miles: 2\D - (3\DW) =7} [Auction "S"] 1C {Minor suit opening -- 3+ C; 11-21 HCP; 12-22 total points} 1D {One-level overcall -- 5+ D; 8-17 HCP; 9-19 total points} Pass {No suitable call --} 1H {4- D; 5+ H; 7+ total points} Pass {No suitable call -- 3+ C; 11+ HCP; 12-20 total points} 1S {5+ D; 2- H; 4+ S; 17- HCP; 13-19 total points} Pass {No suitable call -- 8- total points} 2H {4- D; 6+ H; 7-11 total points} Pass {No suitable call -- 3+ C; 11+ HCP; 12-20 total points} 3D {6+ D; 2- H; 4+ S; 13-17 total points} AP [Application "BridgeComposer; Views=001F"] [DoubleDummyTricks "66646666567778767787"] [OptimumResultTable "Declarer;Denomination\2R;Result\2R"] N S 6 N H 6 N D 4 N C 6 N NT 6 E S 7 E H 7 E D 8 E C 7 E NT 7 S S 6 S H 6 S D 5 S C 6 S NT 6 W S 7 W H 7 W D 8 W C 7 W NT 6 [Event ""] [Site ""] [Date "2010.11.12"] [Board "42"] [West ""] [North ""] [East ""] [South ""] [Dealer "S"] [Vulnerable "All"] [Deal "S:T875.AK96.A.9862 KQJ6.T52.K72.J73 A94.873.Q9654.A5 32.QJ4.JT83.KQT4"] [Scoring ""] [Declarer ""] [Contract "Pass"] [Result ""] {\n GIB: Pass =6\n ES: Pass =6\n UnbalD: Pass =5\n Blue: Pass =6\n Mini: 2\D - 2\SN =6\n Split: 2\D - 2\SN =6\n HiTrip: Pass =6\n LoTrip: Pass =6\n Quad: 2\D - 2\SN =6 Verdict: Only South has the high cards approaching an opening hand. I reckon this hand quite not good enough, even with both majors and three quick tricks, playing ES or UnbalD. A 3-suited opening would result in a contract of 2\S (or 2\H). While these contracts can be made double-dummy, it's not obvious how to do so, even looking at all the hands. An UnbalD 1\D opening, often made with 11 HCP, might result in 2\CS, resulting in a lower score. Trip 2C: N/A\n Miles: N/A} [Auction "S"] AP [Application "BridgeComposer; Views=001F"] [DoubleDummyTricks "68876688767556675566"] [OptimumResultTable "Declarer;Denomination\2R;Result\2R"] N S 8 N H 8 N D 7 N C 6 N NT 6 E S 5 E H 5 E D 6 E C 6 E NT 7 S S 8 S H 8 S D 7 S C 6 S NT 6 W S 5 W H 5 W D 6 W C 6 W NT 7 [Event ""] [Site ""] [Date "2010.11.12"] [Board "43"] [West ""] [North ""] [East ""] [South ""] [Dealer "S"] [Vulnerable "None"] [Deal "S:K972.4.AK63.KJT8 A6.965.QJ95.Q975 QJ4.KQJT83.T842. T853.A72.7.A6432"] [Scoring ""] [Declarer "N"] [Contract "2H"] [Result ""] {\n GIB: 2\HN =6\n ES: 1\D - 1\H; 1\S - 3\HN =6\n UnbalD: 1\D - 1\H; 1\S - 3\HN =6\n Blue: N/A\n Mini: 2\D - 3\HN =6\n Split: 2\D - 3\HN =6\n HiTrip: 2\D - 3\HN =6\n LoTrip: 2\D - 3\HN =6\n Quad: 2\C - 3\HN =6 Verdict: Flat board, but 2\H by GIB North seems an underbid. Trip 2C: 2\C - 3\HN =6\n Miles: 2\D - 2NT; 3\HS =6} [Auction "S"] 1D {Minor suit opening -- 3+ D; 11-21 HCP; 12-22 total points} Pass {No suitable call -- 16- total points} 1H {One over one -- 4+ H; 6+ total points} Pass {No suitable call -- 20- total points} 1S {4+ D; 3- H; 4+ S; 11-21 HCP; 12-22 total points} Pass {No suitable call -- 16- total points} 2H {Rebid -- 6+ H; 6-9 total points} AP [Application "BridgeComposer; Views=001F"] [DoubleDummyTricks "89a9589a954434744347"] [OptimumResultTable "Declarer;Denomination\2R;Result\2R"] N S 9 N H 10 N D 9 N C 5 N NT 8 E S 4 E H 3 E D 4 E C 7 E NT 4 S S 9 S H 10 S D 9 S C 5 S NT 8 W S 4 W H 3 W D 4 W C 7 W NT 4 [Event ""] [Site ""] [Date "2010.11.12"] [Board "44"] [West ""] [North ""] [East ""] [South ""] [Dealer "S"] [Vulnerable "NS"] [Deal "S:KQT2.A972.T.AQ82 95.Q43.J9643.JT4 86.J65.A852.K976 AJ743.KT8.KQ7.53"] [Scoring ""] [Declarer "N"] [Contract "1NT"] [Result ""] {\n GIB: 1NTN =5\n ES: 1\C - 1\D; 1\H- 2\CS =7\n UnbalD: 1\C - 1\D; 2\C [NF] - 3\CS =6\n Blue: N/A\n Mini: 2\D - 3\CN [pass or correct] =6\n Split: N/A\n HiTrip: 2\D - 2\H; 2NT [mini, long \H]; 3\CN [pass or correct] =6\n LoTrip: 2\D - 2\H; 2\S [midi] - 3\CN [pass or correct] =6\n Quad: 2\C - 2\D; 2\H [midi] - 3\CN [pass or correct] =6 Verdict: A flat board with a slight advantage to stopping in only 2\C, and a disadvantage to 1NT. Trip 2C: 2\C - 2\D; 2\S [15-16] - 3\CN [pass or correct] =6\n Miles: 2\D - 2\HN =6} [Auction "S"] 1C {Minor suit opening -- 3+ C; 11-21 HCP; 12-22 total points} Pass {No suitable call -- 16- total points} 1NT {2-5 C; 2-5 D; 2-3 H; 2-3 S; 6-10 HCP; 7+ total points} AP [Application "BridgeComposer; Views=001F"] [DoubleDummyTricks "8796a8796a4647346463"] [OptimumResultTable "Declarer;Denomination\2R;Result\2R"] N S 7 N H 9 N D 6 N C 10 N NT 8 E S 6 E H 4 E D 7 E C 3 E NT 4 S S 7 S H 9 S D 6 S C 10 S NT 8 W S 6 W H 4 W D 6 W C 3 W NT 4 [Event ""] [Site ""] [Date "2010.11.12"] [Board "45"] [West ""] [North ""] [East ""] [South ""] [Dealer "S"] [Vulnerable "All"] [Deal "S:AK65.KT87.9.AQ94 974.Q932.T6.JT83 T2.A5.AK8743.K75 QJ83.J64.QJ52.62"] [Scoring ""] [Declarer "N"] [Contract "6D"] [Result ""] {\n GIB: 6\DN =1\n ES: 1\C - 1\D; 1\H - 1\S [GF, may be art.]; 2\S - 3\D; 3NTS =7\n UnbalD: 1\C - 2\D [10+ HCP, 5+\D]; 2NT [likely short \D] - 3\D; 3NTS =7\n Blue: N/A\n Mini: N/A\n Split: N/A\n HiTrip: 2\D - 2\H; 2NT [long \H] - 3\D; 3NTS [short \D] =7\n LoTrip: 2\D - 2\H; 2\S [midi] - 2NT; 3\C [short \D] - 3NTS =7\n Quad: 2\C - 2\D; 2\H [midi] - 2\S; 2NT [long \H] - 3\D; 3NTS [short \D] =7 Verdict: Decent auctions lead to 3NT, but a wheel certainly could come off, as it did for GIB. Trip 2C: 2\C - 2\D; 2\S [15-16] - 2NT; 3\C [short \D] - 3NTN =7\n Miles: 2\D - 3\D; 3\S [16-19. misfit] - 4NTN =6} [Auction "S"] 1C {Minor suit opening -- 3+ C; 11-21 HCP; 12-22 total points} Pass {No suitable call -- 16- total points} 1D {One over one -- 4+ D; 6+ total points} Pass {No suitable call -- 20- total points} 1H {3+ C; 4- D; 4+ H; 11-21 HCP; 12-22 total points} Pass {No suitable call -- 16- total points} 1S =1= {Fourth suit forcing -- 4+ D; 11+ total points} Pass {No suitable call -- 20- total points} 2NT {3-6 C; 2-4 D; 4-5 H; 2-5 S; 15-18 HCP; 22- total points; likely stop in S} Pass {No suitable call -- 16- total points} 6D {6+ D; 18+ total points} AP [Note "1:Fourth suit forcing -- 4+ D; 11+ total points"] [Application "BridgeComposer; Views=001F"] [DoubleDummyTricks "aaabbaaabb2232222322"] [OptimumResultTable "Declarer;Denomination\2R;Result\2R"] N S 10 N H 10 N D 11 N C 11 N NT 10 E S 2 E H 3 E D 2 E C 2 E NT 2 S S 10 S H 10 S D 11 S C 11 S NT 10 W S 2 W H 3 W D 2 W C 2 W NT 2 [Event ""] [Site ""] [Date "2010.11.12"] [Board "46"] [West ""] [North ""] [East ""] [South ""] [Dealer "S"] [Vulnerable "None"] [Deal "S:QJ82.JT73.Q.AK53 K75.A8.AKT754.QT A943.KQ92.9.J876 T6.654.J8632.942"] [Scoring ""] [Declarer "W"] [Contract "4D"] [Result ""] {West shows a good hand with good diamonds; East bids a preemptive 3\D. GIB: 4\DW =2\n ES: 1\C - (1\D) - X - (3\D); P - (P) - X - (P); 3\HS =7\n UnbalD: 1\D - (2\D) - X - (P); 2\S - (P) - 3\SS =7\n Blue: N/A\n Mini: 2\D - (3\D) - X [cards] - (P); 3\HS [short \D] =7\n Split: 2\D - (3\D) - X [cards] - (P); 3\HS [short \D] =7\n HiTrip: N/A\n LoTrip: 2\D - (3\D) - X [cards] - (P); 3\HS [short \D] =7\n Quad: 2\C - (2\D) - 2NT [game try] - (P); 3\C [mini, short \D] - (3\D) - 3\HN =7 Verdict: With a likely loser in each suit, and other things that could go wrong, a major suit game is against the odds. As dealt, the lie of the cards permits picking up both black suits, and all suits split evenly. The GIB West should have been doubled in 4\D, for a bottom. East's flat 5-3-3-2 is too poor for the 4-level. The three-suited openings should effectively keep East out of the bidding. North doubles to show the balance of power, and South takes out cheaply with shortness. An alternative for North would be to compete with 3\H, promising at least two places to play. The Quad North is stuck, not willing to play only 2\D doubled, and makes the underbid of 2\H, showing at least two places to play. It works out fine, in this case. In the UnbalD auction, South bids spades first, keeping hearts in reserve for competition at the 3-level, since his distribution not fully known. Trip 2C: N/A\n Miles: N/A} [Auction "S"] 1C {Minor suit opening -- 3+ C; 11-21 HCP; 12-22 total points} 1D {One-level overcall -- 5+ D; 8-17 HCP; 9-19 total points} X {Negative double -- 4+ H; 4+ S; 7+ total points} 4D {5+ D} AP [Application "BridgeComposer; Views=001F"] [DoubleDummyTricks "6bb5b6bb5b5228252282"] [OptimumResultTable "Declarer;Denomination\2R;Result\2R"] N S 11 N H 11 N D 5 N C 11 N NT 6 E S 2 E H 2 E D 8 E C 2 E NT 5 S S 11 S H 11 S D 5 S C 11 S NT 6 W S 2 W H 2 W D 8 W C 2 W NT 5 [Event ""] [Site ""] [Date "2010.11.12"] [Board "47"] [West ""] [North ""] [East ""] [South ""] [Dealer "S"] [Vulnerable "NS"] [Deal "S:QJ82.Q876.3.KQT3 T54.T42.AK874.A7 K63.AJ.T965.J964 A97.K953.QJ2.852"] [Scoring ""] [Declarer ""] [Contract "Pass"] [Result ""] {West bids 1\D and rebids 1NT over a 1\H response. GIB: Pass =8\n ES: P - (1\D) - P - (1\H); P - 1NTW =5\n UnbalD: P - (1\D) - P - (1\H); P - 1NTW =5\n Blue: N/A\n Mini: N/A\n Split: N/A\n HiTrip: N/A\n LoTrip: N/A\n Quad: N/A Verdict: GIB was the beneficiary of an anemic pass by West. Trip 2C: N/A\n Miles: N/A} [Auction "S"] AP [Application "BridgeComposer; Views=001F"] [DoubleDummyTricks "57659575598668486684"] [OptimumResultTable "Declarer;Denomination\2R;Result\2R"] N S 7 N H 6 N D 5 N C 9 N NT 5 E S 6 E H 6 E D 8 E C 4 E NT 8 S S 7 S H 5 S D 5 S C 9 S NT 5 W S 6 W H 6 W D 8 W C 4 W NT 8 [Event ""] [Site ""] [Date "2010.11.12"] [Board "48"] [West ""] [North ""] [East ""] [South ""] [Dealer "S"] [Vulnerable "EW"] [Deal "S:A.6542.A432.K973 K764.J8.J875.A52 JT9832.KQT3.9.QT Q5.A97.KQT6.J864"] [Scoring ""] [Declarer "N"] [Contract "2S"] [Result ""] {\n GIB: 2\SN =8\n ES: Pass =5\n UnbalD: Pass =5\n Blue: N/A\n Mini: N/A\n Split: N/A\n HiTrip: N/A\n LoTrip: N/A\n Quad: N/A Verdict: 2\S is not unreasonable in third seat by North, winning the board this time. Trip 2C: N/A\n Miles: N/A} [Auction "S"] Pass {No suitable call -- 11- HCP; 12- total points} Pass {No suitable call -- 11- HCP; 12- total points} 2S {Weak two bid -- 5-11 HCP; rebiddable S} AP [Application "BridgeComposer; Views=001F"] [DoubleDummyTricks "68967689676547565475"] [OptimumResultTable "Declarer;Denomination\2R;Result\2R"] N S 8 N H 9 N D 6 N C 7 N NT 6 E S 5 E H 4 E D 7 E C 5 E NT 6 S S 8 S H 9 S D 6 S C 7 S NT 6 W S 5 W H 4 W D 7 W C 5 W NT 6 [Event ""] [Site ""] [Date "2010.11.12"] [Board "49"] [West ""] [North ""] [East ""] [South ""] [Dealer "S"] [Vulnerable "None"] [Deal "S:5.K853.AQ64.AK64 AT74.QT.T93.8752 K8.A762.872.QJ93 QJ9632.J94.KJ5.T"] [Scoring ""] [Declarer "N"] [Contract "4H"] [Result ""] {East bids 2\S, weak. GIB: 4\HN =6\n ES: 1\D - (P) - 1\H - (2\S); 4\HN =6\n UnbalD: 1\C - (P) - 1\H - (2\S); 4\HN =6\n Blue: N/A\n Mini: N/A\n Split: N/A\n HiTrip: 2\D - 2\H; 2NT [14-16, long \H] - 4\HN =7\n LoTrip: 2\D - 2\H; 2\S [midi] - 2NT; 3\H [short \S] - 4\HN =7\n Quad: 2\C - 2\D; 2\H [midi] - 2\S; 2NT [long \H] - 3\D; 3\H [short \S] - 4\HS =7 Verdict: The three-suited openings keep out the interference. Trip 2C: 2\C - 2\D; 2\S [15-16] - 2NT; 3\H [short \S] - 4\HS =7\n Miles: 2\D - 2\H; 3\H [16-19] - 4\HN =7} [Auction "S"] 1D {Minor suit opening -- 3+ D; 11-21 HCP; 12-22 total points} Pass {No suitable call -- 16- total points} 1H {One over one -- 4+ H; 6+ total points} 2S {Aggressive weak jump overcall -- 5+ S; 9- HCP; 3+ total points} 3H {3+ D; 4+ H; 15-18 total points} 3S {The Law: 9 trump -> 3 level -- 3+ S; 4-16 total points} 4H {4+ H; 10-15 total points} AP [Application "BridgeComposer; Views=001F"] [DoubleDummyTricks "96aaa96aaa3733337333"] [OptimumResultTable "Declarer;Denomination\2R;Result\2R"] N S 6 N H 10 N D 10 N C 10 N NT 9 E S 7 E H 3 E D 3 E C 3 E NT 3 S S 6 S H 10 S D 10 S C 10 S NT 9 W S 7 W H 3 W D 3 W C 3 W NT 3