Directing a Game - from MIT/DL Bridge Club

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      Directing a Game
      XLS   PDF   MIT/DL Bridge Club Preferred Pairs Movements ... by Pete Matthews, revised November, 2009
A one-page summary of movement options for the director of the game.
      XLS   PDF   MIT/DL Bridge Club Individual ... by Pete Matthews, May, 2012
A one-page summary of movement options for the director of the game.
      DOC   PDF   MIT/DL BC Team Movements ... by Pete Matthews, January, 2010
A one-page summary of movement options for the director of the game.
      XLS   PDF   5-Table Round Robin Teams ... by Pete Matthews, July, 2009
A chart for five teams, one set of pre-dealt boards, and hand records.
      XLS   PDF   6-Table Round Robin Teams ... by Pete Matthews, July, 2007
A chart for six teams, one set of pre-dealt boards, and hand records.
      XLS   PDF   7-Table Round Robin Teams ... by Pete Matthews, July, 2007
A chart for seven teams, one set of pre-dealt boards, and hand records.
      DOCX   PDF   Pete vs. ACBLscore: Wrong Board Played ... by Pete Matthews, November, 2015
What to do to score the game, when players play the wrong board.
      EXE PRO   Round Timer ... by Rich Waugh
We found this old program (the EXE) on the web and run it on the club laptop (Windows) to time the game and announce round changes.
An optional profile (the PRO) configures the timer for eight rounds, no hospitality breaks, no new boards with 3 minutes to go, 22 minutes per round plus 1 minute to change. (Standard timing is 6 minutes per board, plus 3 minutes per round, so this is 2 minutes extra per round, for a 3-board movement with no late plays permitted.) For a different number of boards, adjust the minutes per round, remembering the extra minute to change already scheduled. Place this small-game profile into C:\Program Files\Round Timer\Profiles, and File-Load it to establish these defaults.
      Webs   Web Movements ... by Tim Hill
Tim Hill, Boston-area director and a Bay State Bridge owner, provides the definitive work on the web, and perhaps anywhere, on web movements for duplicate bridge. The main link, to the left, is to the "For Directors" page on the Bay State Bridge site, which provides the current Web Movements package. Web Movements are recommended in Fairness in Matchpoint Duplicate Games by Marvin French. If your club regularly has 10 or more tables, has a dealing machine, and you are technically inclined, web movements may be for you. Electronic scorepads are recommended, because with travelers, some tables may see many fewer scores than other tables.
      ACBLscore Movement Files
The ACBLscore program contains built-in movements, mostly Mitchells. The program allows editing and saving of movements into external movement files. Numerous movements are supported by external movement files that come with ACBLscore. Additional movement files may be obtained from other sources, such as the adjacent links on this page. The ACBLscore program is installed into \ACBLSCOR on your hard disk. Movement files have the type of BAM (board-a-match), IND (individual), or MOV (pairs), and are stored in a folder of the same name under \ACBLSCOR. Place a movement file in the correct folder, and ACBLscore will make it available as an external movement. For movements available here, download them and then drag/drop.
      BridgeMats BridgeMats ... by Pete Matthews
Bridge movement table mats and the program to create them from ACBLscore movement files. Presented with the preformatted mats are ACBLscore movement files for both individual and pair movements, including a zip of all of them. The BridgeMats program will dump (report on the contents of) a movement file, and will calculate rover individual movements.