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[Event "##Tucker"]
[Site ""]
[Date "2011.01.02"]
[Board "3"]
[West ""]
[North ""]
[East ""]
[South ""]
[Dealer "S"]
[Vulnerable "EW"]
[Deal "S:A82.AK952.A92.A5 T9.JT43.743.K732 K753.6.QJT65.JT4 QJ64.Q87.K8.Q986"]
[Scoring ""]
[Declarer "S"]
[Contract "3NT"]
[Result ""]
{Std: 1\H - 1\S; 2NT - 3NTS =7\n
Mod: 1\H - 1NT; 2NT - 3NTN =4\n
Tucker: 1\H - 1\S; 1NT [\S:3] - 2\D; 2NT - 3NTS =8\n
Kaplan: 1\H - 1\S [\S:0-4]; 2NT - 3NTS =7\n
Flannery: 1\H - 1NT; 2NT - 3NTN =4\n
Transfer: Std\n
Gazzilli: Std
Game is a much better bet when South declares. Any auction where North
responds 1NT turns out poorly.
Only the Tucker auction confirms a spade fit. Fortunately, it also means
South declares NT - better on all fronts. So long as N-S are playing some
sort of Wolff over a jump 2NT rebid, no system should lose a 5-3 spade fit.
Without it, all but Tucker pairs would play 2NT when North is weaker, with
five spades.}
[Auction "S"]
1H {Major suit opening -- 5+ H; 21- HCP; 12-22 total points}
Pass {No suitable call -- 16- total points}
1S {One over one -- 4+ S; 6+ total points}
Pass {No suitable call -- 20- total points}
2NT {Jump in notrump -- 2-5 C; 2-5 D; 5 H; 2-3 S; 18-19 HCP; 22- total points; partial stop in C; partial stop in D}
Pass {No suitable call -- 16- total points}
3D {4+ D; 2- H; 4+ S; 6+ total points}
Pass {No suitable call -- 20- total points}
3S {2-5 C; 2-5 D; 5 H; 3 S; 18+ HCP; 18- total points; partial stop in C; partial stop in D}
Pass {No suitable call -- 16- total points}
3NT {4+ D; 2- H; 4-5 S; 7-12 HCP}
[Application "BridgeComposer; Views=001F"]
[DoubleDummyTricks "aaab8baab82231522215"]
[OptimumResultTable "Declarer;Denomination\2R;Result\2R"]
N S 10
N H 10
N D 11
N C 8
N NT 10
E S 2
E H 3
E D 1
E C 5
E NT 2
S S 10
S H 10
S D 11
S C 8
S NT 11
W S 2
W H 2
W D 1
W C 5
W NT 2
[Event ""]
[Site ""]
[Date "2011.01.02"]
[Board "4"]
[West ""]
[North ""]
[East ""]
[South ""]
[Dealer "S"]
[Vulnerable "All"]
[Deal "W:986.QT52.K965.KJ QJ72.9.AJT83.T74 AT5.43.Q742.9852 K43.AKJ876..AQ63"]
[Scoring ""]
[Declarer "N"]
[Contract "3NT"]
[Result ""]
{Std: 1\H - 1\S; 3\C - 3NTN =6\n
Mod: 1\H - 1NT; 3\C - 3NTN =5\n
Tucker: 1\H - 1\S; 1NT [\S:3] - 2\D; 2NT - 3NTS =7\n
Kaplan: 1\H - 1\S [\S:0-4]; 3\C - 3NTN =6\n
Flannery: 1\H - 1NT; 3\C - 3NTN =6\n
Transfer: 1\H - 1\S; 1NT [\C] - 2\D; 2\S - 2NT; 3NTS =6\n
Gazzilli: 1\H - 1\S; 2\C! - 2\D!; 2\S - 2NT; 3\C - 3NTN =6
For natural bidders, this is the "nightmare hand": six of mine and three of
yours. The Std auction at least mentions spades, while the Mod, Kaplan, and
Flannery auctions do not.
The Tucker auction finds the spade fit and heart shortness, settling into 3NT.
This should also be reached if responder tries to sign off in 2\S. This
normal contract is not easy. \n
The Transfer auction shown works, but does not show the sixth heart. If South
instead chooses a 2\D transfer showing a good hand with 6+ hearts, he must
then pick one of the two black suits to show.
[Auction "S"]
1H {Major suit opening -- 5+ H; 21- HCP; 12-22 total points}
Pass {No suitable call -- 16- total points}
1S {One over one -- 4+ S; 6+ total points}
Pass {No suitable call -- 20- total points}
3C {Jump shift -- 5+ H; 21- HCP; biddable C; 20-22 total points}
Pass {No suitable call -- 16- total points}
3NT {5- H; 4-5 S; 8-13 HCP; partial stop in D}
[Application "BridgeComposer; Views=001F"]
[DoubleDummyTricks "999899a98a4345343353"]
[OptimumResultTable "Declarer;Denomination\2R;Result\2R"]
N S 9
N H 9
N D 8
N C 9
N NT 9
E S 3
E H 4
E D 5
E C 3
E NT 4
S S 10
S H 9
S D 8
S C 10
S NT 9
W S 3
W H 3
W D 5
W C 3
W NT 4
[Event ""]
[Site ""]
[Date "2011.01.02"]
[Board "7"]
[West ""]
[North ""]
[East ""]
[South ""]
[Dealer "S"]
[Vulnerable "All"]
[Deal "S:A43.AJ9876.7.AQ8 KT5.Q53.A542.952 Q9862.T2.J983.K4 J7.K4.KQT6.JT763"]
[Scoring ""]
[Declarer "S"]
[Contract "4H"]
[Result ""]
{Std: 1\H - 1\S; 3\HS =5\n
Mod: 1\H - 1\S; 3\SN =6\n
Tucker: 1\H - 1\S; 1NT [\S:3] - 2\S; 3\C - 3\SN =7\n
Kaplan: 1\H - 1NT [\S:5+]; 3\SN =7\n
Flannery: 1\H - 1\S [\S:5+]; 3\SN =7\n
Transfer: 1\H - 1\S; 2\D - 2\H; 2\SN =8\n
Gazzilli: 1\H - 1\S; 2\C! [upgrade] - 2\H; 2\SN =8\n
KSU: 1\H - 1\S; 2\C - 2\S; 3\SN =7
A "nightmare hand": six of mine and three of yours. Everybody gets to invite
in spades, except the Std bidder. The Mod auction is less secure, because
North could have a good four card suit.}
[Auction "S"]
1H {Major suit opening -- 5+ H; 21- HCP; 12-22 total points}
Pass {No suitable call -- 16- total points}
1S {One over one -- 4+ S; 6+ total points}
Pass {No suitable call -- 20- total points}
3H {Opener rebid -- 6+ H; 17-20 total points}
Pass {No suitable call -- 16- total points}
4H {2+ H; 4+ S; 8-13 total points}
[Application "BridgeComposer; Views=001F"]
[DoubleDummyTricks "79965799655437854378"]
[OptimumResultTable "Declarer;Denomination\2R;Result\2R"]
N S 9
N H 9
N D 6
N C 5
N NT 7
E S 4
E H 3
E D 7
E C 8
E NT 5
S S 9
S H 9
S D 6
S C 5
S NT 7
W S 4
W H 3
W D 7
W C 8
W NT 5
[Event ""]
[Site ""]
[Date "2011.01.02"]
[Board "8"]
[West ""]
[North ""]
[East ""]
[South ""]
[Dealer "S"]
[Vulnerable "None"]
[Deal "W:A7632.732.K9.Q94 KJ84..Q65432.J83 9.AK654.T87.A752 QT5.QJT98.AJ.KT6"]
[Scoring ""]
[Declarer "N"]
[Contract "2S"]
[Result ""]
{Std: 1\H - 1\S; 1NTS =4\n
Mod: 1\H - 1\S; 1NTS =4\n
Tucker: 1\H - 1\S; 1NT [\S:3] - 2\DN =7\n
Kaplan: 1\H - 1\S [\S:0-4]; 2\C - 2\DN =6\n
Flannery: 1\H - 1\S; 1NTS =4\n
Transfer: 1\H - 1\S; 1NT [\C] - 2\DN =6\n
Gazzilli: 1\H - 1\S; 1NT - 2\DN =6
Revised: only Kaplan and the Tucker framework have responser's 2\D natural.
In the standard framework, a new minor would be forcing, so these systems
languish in 1NT.
The Kaplan and Flannery auctions have no chance at a 4-3 spade fit, perhaps a
decent spot on some other hand. Flip side, West has no clue about the spades,
and may back in!
The Mod South knows North's spades are decent, possibly useful.}
[Auction "S"]
1H {Major suit opening -- 5+ H; 21- HCP; 12-22 total points}
Pass {No suitable call -- 16- total points}
1S {One over one -- 4+ S; 6+ total points}
Pass {No suitable call -- 20- total points}
1NT {2-5 C; 2-5 D; 5 H; 2-3 S; 11-14 HCP; 12+ total points}
Pass {No suitable call -- 16- total points}
2D {4+ D; 2- H; 4+ S; 8+ total points}
Pass {No suitable call -- 20- total points}
2S {2-5 C; 2-5 D; 5 H; 3 S; 11-14 HCP; 12+ total points}
[Application "BridgeComposer; Views=001F"]
[DoubleDummyTricks "66585665856685866857"]
[OptimumResultTable "Declarer;Denomination\2R;Result\2R"]
N S 6
N H 5
N D 8
N C 5
N NT 6
E S 6
E H 8
E D 5
E C 8
E NT 6
S S 6
S H 5
S D 8
S C 5
S NT 6
W S 6
W H 8
W D 5
W C 7
W NT 6
[Event ""]
[Site ""]
[Date "2011.01.02"]
[Board "10"]
[West ""]
[North ""]
[East ""]
[South ""]
[Dealer "S"]
[Vulnerable "All"]
[Deal "E:863.876.KT2.KJ52 AQ2.KJT952.AQJ.T 7.43.9754.AQ9864 KJT954.AQ.863.73"]
[Scoring ""]
[Declarer "N"]
[Contract "4S"]
[Result ""]
{Std: 1\H - 1\S; 3\H - 4\HS =2\n
Mod: 1\H - 1\S; 4\C [short] - 4\H; 4NT - 5\H; 6\SN =8\n
Tucker: 1\H - 1\S; 1NT [\S:3] - 4\S; 4NT - 5\H; 6\SN =8\n
Kaplan: 1\H - 1NT [\S:5+]; 4\C - 4\H; 4NT - 5\H; 6\SS =8\n
Flannery: 1\H - 1\S [\S:5+]; 4\C - 4\H; 4NT - 5\H; 6\SN =8\n
Transfer: 1\H - 1\S; 2\D [\H, good] - 3\H; 3\S - 3NT [serious];\n
5NT [pick] - 6\SN =7\n
Gazzilli: 1\H - 1\S; 2\C! - 2\D!; 2\H - 3\H; 3\S - 3NT [serious];\n
5NT [pick] - 6\SN =7 \n
KSU: Std
For Std bidding, a nightmare come true. The other systems have little trouble
bidding the great slam. The Kaplan auction right-sides the diamonds, but it
does not matter with 12-13 top tricks. The Transfer and Gazzilli auctions
could be off an unlikely two aces.
[Auction "S"]
1H {Major suit opening -- 5+ H; 21- HCP; 12-22 total points}
Pass {No suitable call -- 16- total points}
1S {One over one -- 4+ S; 6+ total points}
Pass {No suitable call -- 20- total points}
3H {Opener rebid -- 6+ H; 17-20 total points}
Pass {No suitable call -- 16- total points}
3S {6+ S; 8+ total points; forcing}
Pass {No suitable call -- 20- total points}
4S {6+ H; 1+ S; 17-20 total points}
[Application "BridgeComposer; Views=001F"]
[DoubleDummyTricks "7cc867cc860003700037"]
[OptimumResultTable "Declarer;Denomination\2R;Result\2R"]
N S 12
N H 12
N D 8
N C 6
N NT 7
E S 0
E H 0
E D 3
E C 7
E NT 0
S S 12
S H 12
S D 8
S C 6
S NT 7
W S 0
W H 0
W D 3
W C 7
W NT 0
[Event ""]
[Site ""]
[Date "2011.01.02"]
[Board "12"]
[West ""]
[North ""]
[East ""]
[South ""]
[Dealer "S"]
[Vulnerable "NS"]
[Deal "W:865.K62.KJ64.A52 KT43.7.Q9852.987 A92.J98.A73.QJT3 QJ7.AQT543.T.K64"]
[Scoring ""]
[Declarer "S"]
[Contract "2H"]
[Result ""]
{Std: 1\H - 1\S; 2\SN =5\n
Mod: 1\H - (P) - P - 1NT; P - (2\C) - P - (2\D) [11-14]; 2NTE =4\n
Tucker: 1\H - 1\S; 1NT [\S:3] - 2\D; 2\HS =6\n
Kaplan: 1\H - 1\S [\S:0-4]; 2\HS =6\n
Flannery: 1\H - 1NT; 2\HS =6\n
Transfer: Std\n
Gazzilli: Std
[Auction "S"]
1H {Major suit opening -- 5+ H; 21- HCP; 12-22 total points}
Pass {No suitable call -- 16- total points}
1S {One over one -- 4+ S; 6+ total points}
Pass {No suitable call -- 20- total points}
2H {Opener rebids his H -- 6+ H; 3- S; 12-16 total points}
[Application "BridgeComposer; Views=001F"]
[DoubleDummyTricks "55655556558778887788"]
[OptimumResultTable "Declarer;Denomination\2R;Result\2R"]
N S 5
N H 6
N D 5
N C 5
N NT 5
E S 7
E H 7
E D 8
E C 8
E NT 8
S S 5
S H 6
S D 5
S C 5
S NT 5
W S 7
W H 7
W D 8
W C 8
W NT 8
[Event ""]
[Site ""]
[Date "2011.01.02"]
[Board "13"]
[West ""]
[North ""]
[East ""]
[South ""]
[Dealer "S"]
[Vulnerable "All"]
[Deal "N:AQ97.3.K8653.T83 J842.986.2.A9752 K63.AKQ52.AQT9.K T5.JT74.J74.QJ64"]
[Scoring ""]
[Declarer "S"]
[Contract "6D"]
[Result ""]
{Std: 1\H - 1\S; 3\D - 4\D; 4\S - 6\DN =8\n
Mod: 1\H - 1\S; 3\D - 4\D; 4\S - 6\DN =8\n
Tucker: 1\H - 1\S; 1NT [\S:3] - 2\S; 3\D - 4\D; 4NT - 5\H; 6\DS =8\n
Kaplan: 1\H - 1\S [\S:0-4]; 3\D - 4\D; 4\H - 4\S; 4NT - 5\H; 6\DS =7\n
Flannery: 1\H - 1NT; 3\D - 4\D; 4\H - 4\S; 4NT - 5\H; 6\DS =7\n
Transfer: 1\H - 1\S; 2\C [\D] - 3\D; 4\C [Crosswood] - 4\S; 6\DN =7\n
Gazzilli: 1\H - 1\S; 2\C! - 2\D!; 2\S - 3\D; 5\D - 6\DN =6
4\S on the Std/Mod auction offers a place to play. This enables North to leap
to slam, assuming 3=5=4=1.
The Tucker North shows four good spades with 2\S followed by 4\D, so South can
drive to slam. Kaplan and Flannery have space for a couple of key cue bids,
so they should also reach slam.
The Transfer auction depends on North upgrading to a 3\D "raise". The
standard auction is better than both this and Gazzilli.}
[Auction "S"]
1H {Major suit opening -- 5+ H; 21- HCP; 12-22 total points}
Pass {No suitable call -- 16- total points}
1S {One over one -- 4+ S; 6+ total points}
Pass {No suitable call -- 20- total points}
3D {Jump shift -- 5+ H; 21- HCP; biddable D; 20-22 total points}
Pass {No suitable call -- 16- total points}
5D {4+ D; 4+ S; 5- 8421 HCP in D; 12+ total points}
Pass {No suitable call -- 20- total points}
6D {5+ H; 21- HCP; biddable D; 20-22 total points}
[Application "BridgeComposer; Views=001F"]
[DoubleDummyTricks "8bbc78bbc71220612206"]
[OptimumResultTable "Declarer;Denomination\2R;Result\2R"]
N S 11
N H 11
N D 12
N C 7
N NT 8
E S 2
E H 2
E D 0
E C 6
E NT 1
S S 11
S H 11
S D 12
S C 7
S NT 8
W S 2
W H 2
W D 0
W C 6
W NT 1
[Event ""]
[Site ""]
[Date "2011.01.02"]
[Board "14"]
[West ""]
[North ""]
[East ""]
[South ""]
[Dealer "S"]
[Vulnerable "None"]
[Deal "E:QJ5.94.T97.KJ543 A94.K8753.A2.AT7 73.QJT62.QJ43.96 KT862.A.K865.Q82"]
[Scoring ""]
[Declarer "N"]
[Contract "4S"]
[Result ""]
{Std: 1\H - 1\S; 2\S - 3\S; 4\SN =6\n
Mod: 1\H - 1\S; 2\S - 3\S; 4\SN =7\n
Tucker: 1\H - 1\S; 1NT [\S:3] - 3\S; 4\SN =7\n
Kaplan: 1\H - 1NT [\S:5+]; 2\S - 3\S; 4\SS =7\n
Flannery: 1\H - 1\S; 2\S - 3\S; 4\SN =7\n
Transfer: Std\n
Gazzilli: Std \n
KSU: 1\H - 1\S; 2\C - 2\D; 2\S - 4\SN =7
The 2\S bid is more comfortable for the Mod South than for Std, and a
super-max for Kaplan and Flannery. Tucker does just fine, too.}
[Auction "S"]
1H {Major suit opening -- 5+ H; 21- HCP; 12-22 total points}
Pass {No suitable call -- 16- total points}
1S {One over one -- 4+ S; 6+ total points}
Pass {No suitable call -- 20- total points}
2C {Opener two rebid -- 4+ C; 5+ H; 3- S; 12-19 total points}
Pass {No suitable call -- 16- total points}
2NT {Balanced invite -- 4-5 S; 10-12 HCP; likely stop in D}
Pass {No suitable call -- 20- total points}
3S {4+ C; 5+ H; 3 S; 15-19 total points}
Pass {No suitable call -- 16- total points}
4S {5 S; 10-12 HCP; likely stop in D}
[Application "BridgeComposer; Views=001F"]
[DoubleDummyTricks "ab9aaab99a3243332433"]
[OptimumResultTable "Declarer;Denomination\2R;Result\2R"]
N S 11
N H 9
N D 10
N C 10
N NT 10
E S 2
E H 4
E D 3
E C 3
E NT 3
S S 11
S H 9
S D 9
S C 10
S NT 10
W S 2
W H 4
W D 3
W C 3
W NT 3
[Event ""]
[Site ""]
[Date "2011.01.02"]
[Board "15"]
[West ""]
[North ""]
[East ""]
[South ""]
[Dealer "S"]
[Vulnerable "NS"]
[Deal "S:JT9.AJT652.A.KJ6 62.Q8.T863.AQ972 K853.3.KJ92.T543 AQ74.K974.Q754.8"]
[Scoring ""]
[Declarer "S"]
[Contract "2H"]
[Result ""]
{Std: 1\H - 1\S; 2\HS =6\n
Mod: 1\H - 1NT; 2\HS =6\n
Tucker: 1\H - 1\S; 1NT [\S:3] - 2\S =5\n
Kaplan: 1\H - 1\S [\S:0-4]; 2\HS =6\n
Flannery: 1\H - 1NT; 2\HS =6\n
Transfer: 1\H - 1\S; 2\D [\H, good] - 2\HS =6\n
Gazzilli: 1\H - 1\S; 2\HS =6
North's hand has the worst shape for Tucker, but there appears to be little
difference in the value of one major over the other.}
[Auction "S"]
1H {Major suit opening -- 5+ H; 21- HCP; 12-22 total points}
Pass {No suitable call -- 16- total points}
1S {One over one -- 4+ S; 6+ total points}
Pass {No suitable call -- 20- total points}
2H {Opener rebids his H -- 6+ H; 3- S; 12-16 total points}
[Application "BridgeComposer; Views=001F"]
[DoubleDummyTricks "67556675567578675786"]
[OptimumResultTable "Declarer;Denomination\2R;Result\2R"]
N S 7
N H 5
N D 5
N C 6
N NT 6
E S 5
E H 7
E D 8
E C 6
E NT 7
S S 7
S H 5
S D 5
S C 6
S NT 6
W S 5
W H 7
W D 8
W C 6
W NT 7
[Event ""]
[Site ""]
[Date "2011.01.02"]
[Board "16"]
[West ""]
[North ""]
[East ""]
[South ""]
[Dealer "S"]
[Vulnerable "EW"]
[Deal "W:854.J6.QJ5.T6532 AQJ962.Q7.A864.9 7.832.K73.KQJ874 KT3.AKT954.T92.A"]
[Scoring ""]
[Declarer "N"]
[Contract "4S"]
[Result ""]
{Std: 1\H - (P) - 1\S - (3\C); 3\H - (P) - 4\D [cue] - (P);\n
4NT - (P) - 5\S - (P); 5NT - (P) - 7\C [pick] - (P); 7\SN =7\n
Mod: 1\H - (P) - 1\S - (3\C); 3\S - (P) - 4\D [cue] - (P); =9\n
4\H - 4NT; 5\C - 5NT; 7\SN \n
Tucker: 1\H - 2\S; 3\S - 3NT [serious]; 4\C - 4\D; \n
4\H [2 of top 3] - 4NT; 5\S - 5NT; 6\H - 7\SN =10\n
Kaplan: see Mod =9\n
Flannery: see Mod =9\n
Transfer: Tucker\n
Gazzilli: Tucker\n
KSU: Mod
Pick a grand at the 7-level works, but is not as comfortable as the auctions
where South can raise spades at the 3-level. The Tucker auction is too rich
for vulnerable opponents, permitting an excellent unimpeded action. The
overcall may have helped the other auctions.}
[Auction "S"]
1H {Major suit opening -- 5+ H; 21- HCP; 12-22 total points}
Pass {No suitable call -- 16- total points}
1S {One over one -- 4+ S; 6+ total points}
2C {Simple overcall -- 9+ HCP; rebiddable C; 10+ total points}
X =1= {Support double - 3 S -- 5+ H; 3 S; 21- HCP; 12-22 total points}
Pass {No suitable call -- 16- total points}
3C {4+ S; 13+ total points; forcing to 3N}
Pass {No suitable call -- 9+ HCP; rebiddable C; 10-20 total points}
3NT {5-6 H; 3 S; 14-19 HCP; 22- total points; likely stop in C}
Pass {No suitable call -- 10- total points}
4S {5+ S; 13+ total points}
[Note "1:Support double - 3 S -- 5+ H; 3 S; 21- HCP; 12-22 total points"]
[Application "BridgeComposer; Views=001F"]
[DoubleDummyTricks "dddb5dddb50002800028"]
[OptimumResultTable "Declarer;Denomination\2R;Result\2R"]
N S 13
N H 13
N D 11
N C 5
N NT 13
E S 0
E H 0
E D 2
E C 8
E NT 0
S S 13
S H 13
S D 11
S C 5
S NT 13
W S 0
W H 0
W D 2
W C 8
W NT 0
[Event ""]
[Site ""]
[Date "2011.01.02"]
[Board "17"]
[West ""]
[North ""]
[East ""]
[South ""]
[Dealer "S"]
[Vulnerable "None"]
[Deal "N:AKQT5.4.542.T862 9.T65.AT986.KJ75 J87.AKJ73.KQ.A43 6432.Q982.J73.Q9"]
[Scoring ""]
[Declarer "N"]
[Contract "4S"]
[Result ""]
{Std: 1\H - 1\S; 2NT - 3\S; 4\SN =6\n
Mod: 1\H - 1\S; 2NT - 3\S; 4\SN =6\n
Tucker: 1\H - 1\S; 1NT [\S:3] - 2\S; 3NT - 4\SN =6\n
Kaplan: 1\H - 1NT [\S:5+]; 4\SS =6\n
Flannery: 1\H - 1\S; 4\SN =6\n
Transfer: Std\n
Gazzilli: Std \n
KSU: Std}
[Auction "S"]
1H {Major suit opening -- 5+ H; 21- HCP; 12-22 total points}
Pass {No suitable call -- 16- total points}
1S {One over one -- 4+ S; 6+ total points}
Pass {No suitable call -- 20- total points}
2NT {Jump in notrump -- 2-5 C; 2-5 D; 5 H; 2-3 S; 18-19 HCP; 22- total points; partial stop in C; partial stop in D}
Pass {No suitable call -- 16- total points}
3S {Rebid suit -- 6+ S; 8+ total points}
Pass {No suitable call -- 20- total points}
4S {2-5 C; 2-5 D; 5 H; 2-3 S; 18-19 HCP; 22- total points; partial stop in C; partial stop in D}
[Application "BridgeComposer; Views=001F"]
[DoubleDummyTricks "9a8699a8694337443374"]
[OptimumResultTable "Declarer;Denomination\2R;Result\2R"]
N S 10
N H 8
N D 6
N C 9
N NT 9
E S 3
E H 3
E D 7
E C 4
E NT 4
S S 10
S H 8
S D 6
S C 9
S NT 9
W S 3
W H 3
W D 7
W C 4
W NT 4
[Event ""]
[Site ""]
[Date "2011.01.02"]
[Board "18"]
[West ""]
[North ""]
[East ""]
[South ""]
[Dealer "S"]
[Vulnerable "NS"]
[Deal "E:T5.AK9.J32.87632 J97.QJ862.AK6.T9 KQ6.543.9875.AQJ A8432.T7.QT4.K54"]
[Scoring ""]
[Declarer "E"]
[Contract "1NT"]
[Result ""]
{Std: Pass =3\n
Mod: 1\H - 1\S; 2\SN =7\n
Tucker: 1\H - 1\S; 1NT [\S:3] - 2\SN =7\n
Kaplan: 1\H - 1\S; 2\SN =7\n
Flannery: 1\H - 1\S; 2\SN =7\n
Transfer: Std\n
Gazzilli: Std \n
KSU: 3}
[Auction "S"]
Pass {No suitable call -- 11- HCP; 12- total points}
1D {Minor suit opening -- 3+ D; 11-21 HCP; 12-22 total points}
Pass {No suitable call -- 16- total points}
1NT {3- H; 3- S; 6-10 HCP; 7+ total points}
[Application "BridgeComposer; Views=001F"]
[DoubleDummyTricks "69876698765446754467"]
[OptimumResultTable "Declarer;Denomination\2R;Result\2R"]
N S 9
N H 8
N D 7
N C 6
N NT 6
E S 4
E H 4
E D 6
E C 7
E NT 5
S S 9
S H 8
S D 7
S C 6
S NT 6
W S 4
W H 4
W D 6
W C 7
W NT 5
[Event ""]
[Site ""]
[Date "2011.01.02"]
[Board "21"]
[West ""]
[North ""]
[East ""]
[South ""]
[Dealer "S"]
[Vulnerable "NS"]
[Deal "N:AT54.63.J984.AKQ K3.AT2.T2.T97432 QJ7.KJ854.KQ65.5 9862.Q97.A73.J86"]
[Scoring ""]
[Declarer "S"]
[Contract "4H"]
[Result ""]
{Std: 1\H - 1\S; 2\S - 3NTN =7\n
Mod: 1\H - 1\S; 2\S - 3NTN =7\n
Tucker: 1\H - 2\C; 2\D - 2NT; 3NTN =7\n
Kaplan: 1\H - 1\S [\S:0-4]; 2\D - 3NTN =8\n
Flannery: 1\H - 1NT; 2\D - 3NTN =8\n
Transfer: Tucker\n
Gazzilli: Tucker
The Tucker, Kaplan and Flannery auctions work slightly better, because North
knows about South's diamonds. However, Tucker achieves this by bidding the
strong club fragment.}
[Auction "S"]
1H {Major suit opening -- 5+ H; 21- HCP; 12-22 total points}
Pass {No suitable call -- 16- total points}
1S {One over one -- 4+ S; 6+ total points}
Pass {No suitable call -- 20- total points}
2D {Opener two rebid -- 4+ D; 5+ H; 3- S; 12-19 total points}
Pass {No suitable call -- 16- total points}
3NT {4 S; 13-16 HCP; likely stop in C}
Pass {No suitable call -- 20- total points}
4H {4+ D; 3- S; twice rebiddable H; 12-19 total points}
[Application "BridgeComposer; Views=001F"]
[DoubleDummyTricks "9a9b69a9b63332733327"]
[OptimumResultTable "Declarer;Denomination\2R;Result\2R"]
N S 10
N H 9
N D 11
N C 6
N NT 9
E S 3
E H 3
E D 2
E C 7
E NT 3
S S 10
S H 9
S D 11
S C 6
S NT 9
W S 3
W H 3
W D 2
W C 7
W NT 3
[Event ""]
[Site ""]
[Date "2011.01.02"]
[Board "22"]
[West ""]
[North ""]
[East ""]
[South ""]
[Dealer "S"]
[Vulnerable "EW"]
[Deal "E:83.854.AK954.A83 K92.AQJT2.Q.9762 Q754.K63.J73.JT5 AJT6.97.T862.KQ4"]
[Scoring ""]
[Declarer "N"]
[Contract "4S"]
[Result ""]
{Std: 1\H - 1\S; 2\SN =6\n
Mod: 1\H - 1\S; 2\SN =6\n
Tucker: 1\H - 1\S; 1NT [\S:3] - 2\HS =9\n
Kaplan: 1\H - 1\S [\S:0-4]; 2\C - 2\HS =8\n
Flannery: 1\H - 1NT; 2\C - 2\HS =8\n
Transfer: Std\n
Gazzilli: Std
[Auction "S"]
1H {Major suit opening -- 5+ H; 21- HCP; 12-22 total points}
Pass {No suitable call -- 16- total points}
1S {One over one -- 4+ S; 6+ total points}
Pass {No suitable call -- 20- total points}
2C {Opener two rebid -- 4+ C; 5+ H; 3- S; 12-19 total points}
Pass {No suitable call -- 16- total points}
2D =1= {Fourth suit forcing -- 4+ S; 13+ total points; forcing to 3N}
X {6+ HCP; rebiddable D; 7+ 8421 HCP in D; 20- total points}
2S {4+ C; 5+ H; 3 S; 12-19 total points; forcing to 3N}
Pass {No suitable call -- 14- total points}
3C {3+ C; 4+ S; 13+ total points; forcing to 3N}
Pass {No suitable call -- 6+ HCP; rebiddable D; 7+ 8421 HCP in D; 20- total points}
3S {4+ C; 5+ H; 3 S; 12-19 total points; forcing}
Pass {No suitable call -- 14- total points}
4S {3+ C; 4+ S; 13+ total points}
[Note "1:Fourth suit forcing -- 4+ S; 13+ total points; forcing to 3N"]
[Application "BridgeComposer; Views=001F"]
[DoubleDummyTricks "68968689687547575475"]
[OptimumResultTable "Declarer;Denomination\2R;Result\2R"]
N S 8
N H 9
N D 6
N C 8
N NT 6
E S 5
E H 4
E D 7
E C 5
E NT 7
S S 8
S H 9
S D 6
S C 8
S NT 6
W S 5
W H 4
W D 7
W C 5
W NT 7
[Event ""]
[Site ""]
[Date "2011.01.02"]
[Board "23"]
[West ""]
[North ""]
[East ""]
[South ""]
[Dealer "S"]
[Vulnerable "All"]
[Deal "S:J82.AQT643.AT.85 QT97.85.96.A7432 6543..KQ532.KJT6 AK.KJ972.J874.Q9"]
[Scoring ""]
[Declarer "E"]
[Contract "2H"]
[Result ""]
{Std: 1\H - 1\S; 2\HS =4\n
Mod: 1\H - 1NT; 2\HS =4\n
Tucker: 1\H - 1\S; 1NT [\S:3] - 2\DN =8\n
Kaplan: 1\H - 1\S [\S:0-4]; 2\HS =4\n
Flannery: 1\H - 1NT; 2\HS =4\n
Transfer: Std\n
Gazzilli: Std
An impressive victory for Tucker! North's 2\D says: four bad spades, 0-1
hearts, and 5+ diamonds - an easy pass for South.}
[Auction "S"]
Pass {No suitable call -- 11- HCP; 12- total points}
Pass {No suitable call -- 11- HCP; 12- total points}
Pass {No suitable call -- 11- HCP; 12- total points}
1H {Major suit opening -- 5+ H; 21- HCP; 12-22 total points}
Pass {No suitable call -- 11- HCP; 12- total points}
1S {One over one -- 4+ S; 11- HCP; 6-12 total points}
Pass {No suitable call -- 11- HCP; 12- total points}
2D {Opener two rebid -- 4+ D; 5+ H; 3- S; 12-19 total points}
Pass {No suitable call -- 11- HCP; 12- total points}
2H {2+ H; 4+ S; 6-9 total points}
[Application "BridgeComposer; Views=001F"]
[DoubleDummyTricks "78687786866564655646"]
[OptimumResultTable "Declarer;Denomination\2R;Result\2R"]
N S 8
N H 6
N D 8
N C 7
N NT 7
E S 5
E H 6
E D 4
E C 6
E NT 6
S S 8
S H 6
S D 8
S C 6
S NT 7
W S 5
W H 6
W D 4
W C 6
W NT 5
[Event ""]
[Site ""]
[Date "2011.01.02"]
[Board "25"]
[West ""]
[North ""]
[East ""]
[South ""]
[Dealer "S"]
[Vulnerable "EW"]
[Deal "N:KT765.K2.963.963 J3.T84.AJT87.J84 A84.Q9765.5.AKQ5 Q92.AJ3.KQ42.T72"]
[Scoring ""]
[Declarer "N"]
[Contract "2S"]
[Result ""]
{Std: 1\H - 1\S; 2\C - 2\H; 2\S - 4\SN =6\n
Mod: 1\H - 1\S; 2\C - 2\H; 2\S - 4\SN =6\n
Tucker: 1\H - 1\S; 1NT [\S:3] - 2\S; 3\C - 4\SN =8\n
Kaplan: 1\H - 1NT [\S:5]; 3\S - 4\SN =8\n
Flannery: 1\H - 1\S; 3\S - 4\SN =8\n
Transfer: 1\H - 1\S; 1NT [\C] - 2\H; 2\S - 4\SN =8\n
Gazzilli: 1\H - 1\S; 2\C!- 2\H; 2\S - 4\SN =8\n
KSU: 1\H - 1\S; 2\C - 2\S; 3\S - 4\SN =8
The Std and Mod auctions work fine this time, but give North a singleton
heart, and this hand would probably be played in clubs. The other auctions
are clearly superior, because they cannot lose the 5-3 spade fit.}
[Auction "S"]
1H {Major suit opening -- 5+ H; 21- HCP; 12-22 total points}
Pass {No suitable call -- 16- total points}
1S {One over one -- 4+ S; 6+ total points}
Pass {No suitable call -- 20- total points}
2S {Simple raise -- 5+ H; 4+ S; 12-17 total points}
[Application "BridgeComposer; Views=001F"]
[DoubleDummyTricks "7a96a7a96a6347363473"]
[OptimumResultTable "Declarer;Denomination\2R;Result\2R"]
N S 10
N H 9
N D 6
N C 10
N NT 7
E S 3
E H 4
E D 7
E C 3
E NT 6
S S 10
S H 9
S D 6
S C 10
S NT 7
W S 3
W H 4
W D 7
W C 3
W NT 6
[Event ""]
[Site ""]
[Date "2011.01.02"]
[Board "26"]
[West ""]
[North ""]
[East ""]
[South ""]
[Dealer "S"]
[Vulnerable "All"]
[Deal "E:Q642.Q.JT975.J32 AK9.K8753.K6.964 73.AJ964.42.KQ87 JT85.T2.AQ83.AT5"]
[Scoring ""]
[Declarer "S"]
[Contract "3NT"]
[Result ""]
{Std: 1\H - 1\S; 2\S - 2NTN =6 (all)\n
Mod: 1\H - 1NT; 2\C - 2NTN\n
Tucker:1\H - 1\S; 1NT! - 2NTS\n
Kaplan: 1\H - 1\S!; 2\C - 2NTN \n
Flannery: 1\H - 1NT; 2\C - 2NTN\n
Transfer: Std\n
Gazzilli: Std
[Auction "S"]
1H {Major suit opening -- 5+ H; 21- HCP; 12-22 total points}
Pass {No suitable call -- 16- total points}
1S {One over one -- 4+ S; 6+ total points}
Pass {No suitable call -- 20- total points}
1NT {2-5 C; 2-5 D; 5 H; 2-3 S; 11-14 HCP; 12+ total points}
Pass {No suitable call -- 16- total points}
2NT {Invitational to 3NT game -- 4+ S; 12-13 HCP}
Pass {No suitable call -- 20- total points}
3NT {2-5 C; 2-5 D; 5 H; 2-3 S; 13-14 HCP}
[Application "BridgeComposer; Views=001F"]
[DoubleDummyTricks "78777787776566665666"]
[OptimumResultTable "Declarer;Denomination\2R;Result\2R"]
N S 8
N H 7
N D 7
N C 7
N NT 7
E S 5
E H 6
E D 6
E C 6
E NT 6
S S 8
S H 7
S D 7
S C 7
S NT 7
W S 5
W H 6
W D 6
W C 6
W NT 6
[Event ""]
[Site ""]
[Date "2011.01.02"]
[Board "27"]
[West ""]
[North ""]
[East ""]
[South ""]
[Dealer "S"]
[Vulnerable "None"]
[Deal "S:Q84.AJ542.A83.T3 T752.KT93.95.QJ7 AKJ96.6.KQJ4.AK9 3.Q87.T762.86542"]
[Scoring ""]
[Declarer "N"]
[Contract "6S"]
[Result ""]
{Std: P - 1\S; 2\D! - 4NT; 5\S - 5NT; 6\S - 6NTN =7 (all)\n
Mod: \n
Kaplan: \n
Flannery: \n
Transfer: Std\n
Gazzilli: Std
[Auction "S"]
Pass {No suitable call -- 11- HCP; 12- total points}
Pass {No suitable call -- 11- HCP; 12- total points}
2C {Strong two club -- 23+ total points; forcing to 2N}
Pass {No suitable call --}
2NT {Positive notrump -- 2-5 C; 2-5 D; 2-4 H; 2-4 S; 8-11 HCP; 12- total points}
Pass {No suitable call -- 11- HCP; 12- total points}
3S {5+ S; 23+ total points}
Pass {No suitable call -- 20- total points}
5S {2-5 C; 2-5 D; 2-4 H; 3-4 S; 8-11 HCP; 12- total points}
Pass {No suitable call -- 11- HCP; 12- total points}
6S {5+ S; 23+ total points}
[Application "BridgeComposer; Views=001F"]
[DoubleDummyTricks "dd9d9dd9d90030400304"]
[OptimumResultTable "Declarer;Denomination\2R;Result\2R"]
N S 13
N H 9
N D 13
N C 9
N NT 13
E S 0
E H 3
E D 0
E C 4
E NT 0
S S 13
S H 9
S D 13
S C 9
S NT 13
W S 0
W H 3
W D 0
W C 4
W NT 0
[Event ""]
[Site ""]
[Date "2011.01.02"]
[Board "28"]
[West ""]
[North ""]
[East ""]
[South ""]
[Dealer "S"]
[Vulnerable "NS"]
[Deal "W:Q632.J.Q9764.T62 98754.32.K5.AJ97 T.AQ874.AJ32.K43 AKJ.KT965.T8.Q85"]
[Scoring ""]
[Declarer "S"]
[Contract "2H"]
[Result ""]
{Std: 1\H - 1\S; 2\SN =6 (all)\n
Mod: same\n
Tucker: 1\H - 1\S; 1NT! - 2\SN\n
Kaplan: 1\H - 1NT!; 2\SN\n
Flannery: see Std\n
Transfer: Std\n
Gazzilli: Std \n
KSU: Std}
[Auction "S"]
1H {Major suit opening -- 5+ H; 21- HCP; 12-22 total points}
Pass {No suitable call -- 16- total points}
1S {One over one -- 4+ S; 6+ total points}
Pass {No suitable call -- 20- total points}
1NT {2-5 C; 2-5 D; 5 H; 2-3 S; 11-14 HCP; 12+ total points}
Pass {No suitable call -- 16- total points}
2H {Retreat from notrump -- 3+ H; 4+ S; 6-12 total points}
[Application "BridgeComposer; Views=001F"]
[DoubleDummyTricks "7773757637666a6666a6"]
[OptimumResultTable "Declarer;Denomination\2R;Result\2R"]
N S 7
N H 7
N D 3
N C 7
N NT 7
E S 6
E H 6
E D 10
E C 6
E NT 6
S S 7
S H 6
S D 3
S C 7
S NT 5
W S 6
W H 6
W D 10
W C 6
W NT 6
[Event ""]
[Site ""]
[Date "2011.01.02"]
[Board "29"]
[West ""]
[North ""]
[East ""]
[South ""]
[Dealer "S"]
[Vulnerable "All"]
[Deal "N:QT93.J6.T8.A8632 J876.Q2.742.K975 K52.AKT974.K53.T A4.853.AQJ96.QJ4"]
[Scoring ""]
[Declarer "S"]
[Contract "2H"]
[Result ""]
{Std: 1\H - (2\D) - X - (P); 2\HS =6\n
Mod: see Std\n
Tucker:see Std\n
Kaplan: see Std\n
Flannery: 1\H - (2\D) - P - (P); 2\HS =7\n
Transfer: Std\n
Gazzilli: Std
The Flannery North knows South is unlikely to hold four spades, and can afford
to stay out of the auction. South has an automatic reopening 2\H bid, but he
might not have.}
[Auction "S"]
1H {Major suit opening -- 5+ H; 21- HCP; 12-22 total points}
2D {Two-level overcall -- 5+ D; 10+ HCP; 11-18 total points}
X {Negative double -- 4+ S; 7+ HCP; 8+ total points}
Pass {No suitable call --}
2H {rebiddable H; 12-16 total points}
[Application "BridgeComposer; Views=001F"]
[DoubleDummyTricks "7896678a674536645366"]
[OptimumResultTable "Declarer;Denomination\2R;Result\2R"]
N S 8
N H 9
N D 6
N C 6
N NT 7
E S 5
E H 3
E D 6
E C 6
E NT 4
S S 8
S H 10
S D 6
S C 7
S NT 7
W S 5
W H 3
W D 6
W C 6
W NT 4
[Event ""]
[Site ""]
[Date "2011.01.02"]
[Board "30"]
[West ""]
[North ""]
[East ""]
[South ""]
[Dealer "S"]
[Vulnerable "None"]
[Deal "E:T97.A873.T832.T9 K63.KQ9642.Q94.K QJ.J5.65.AQJ8763 A8542.T.AKJ7.542"]
[Scoring ""]
[Declarer "N"]
[Contract "4S"]
[Result ""]
{Std: 1\H - (3\C) - 3\S - (P); 4\SN =6\n
Mod: see Std\n
Tucker: see Std\n
Kaplan: see Std\n
Flannery: see Std\n
Transfer: Std\n
Gazzilli: Std
The Flannery North could make a negative double that could promise five
spades, since South is unlikely to have four. However, see deal 40, where
that agreement would be a substantial disadvantage.}
[Auction "S"]
1H {Major suit opening -- 5+ H; 21- HCP; 12-22 total points}
2C {Two-level overcall -- 5+ C; 10+ HCP; 11-18 total points}
2S {Free bid -- rebiddable S; 11+ total points}
Pass {No suitable call -- 9- total points}
3S {Raise responder's response -- 5+ H; 3+ S; 12-15 total points}
Pass {No suitable call -- 5+ C; 10+ HCP; 11-18 total points}
4S {rebiddable S; 13-18 total points}
[Application "BridgeComposer; Views=001F"]
[DoubleDummyTricks "5aa955aa957333873338"]
[OptimumResultTable "Declarer;Denomination\2R;Result\2R"]
N S 10
N H 10
N D 9
N C 5
N NT 5
E S 3
E H 3
E D 3
E C 8
E NT 7
S S 10
S H 10
S D 9
S C 5
S NT 5
W S 3
W H 3
W D 3
W C 8
W NT 7
[Event ""]
[Site ""]
[Date "2011.01.02"]
[Board "31"]
[West ""]
[North ""]
[East ""]
[South ""]
[Dealer "S"]
[Vulnerable "NS"]
[Deal "S:J83.KT542.AKT.Q3 .QJ97.87632.J742 AKT76542...AKT85 Q9.A863.QJ954.96"]
[Scoring ""]
[Declarer "N"]
[Contract "6S"]
[Result ""]
{Std: 1\H - 1\S; 1NT - 2\C!; 2\S - 4\C; 4\D - 5\C; 5\D - 6\C; 7\C - 7\SN\n
Mod: same =10\n
Tucker: 1\H - 2\S; 3\S - 4\C; 4\D - 5\C; 5\D - 6\C; 7\C - 7\SN =11\n
Kaplan: 1\H - 1NT!; 2\S - 4\C; 4\D - 5\C; 5\D - 6\C; 7\C - 7\SN =10\n
Flannery: 1\H - 1\S; 2\S - 4\C; 4\D - 5\C; 5\D - 6\C; 7\C - 7\SN =10\n
Transfer/Gazzilli: Tucker KSU: Std
When North cue bids boldly past 4NT, South should assume a void, especially
when playing Serious 3NT. It will definitely be hearts, if North could have
jumped to 5\D to ask for key cards with a void there. When South cues 5\D,
North counts 12 top tricks and should probably bid a grand slam unless South
produces a late heart cue.
Non-serious 3NT happens to be easier on the Tucker auction, but North can
still bid clubs 3 times to get the point across, instead of:\n
1\H - 2\S; 3\S - 3NT!; 4\D - 5\C; 5\D - 6\C; 7\C - 7\SN =10\n
The other Norths need to jump to 4\C to set the right tone, and they do not
have Serious 3NT available. However, if they play a strong jump shift
indicating immediate slam potential, the Tucker auction ensues.
[Auction "S"]
1H {Major suit opening -- 5+ H; 21- HCP; 12-22 total points}
Pass {No suitable call -- 16- total points}
1S {One over one -- 4+ S; 6+ total points}
Pass {No suitable call -- 20- total points}
1NT {2-5 C; 2-5 D; 5 H; 2-3 S; 11-14 HCP; 12+ total points}
Pass {No suitable call -- 16- total points}
6S {6+ S; 21+ total points}
[Application "BridgeComposer; Views=001F"]
[DoubleDummyTricks "cd86ccd86d0047000570"]
[OptimumResultTable "Declarer;Denomination\2R;Result\2R"]
N S 13
N H 8
N D 6
N C 12
N NT 12
E S 0
E H 4
E D 7
E C 0
E NT 0
S S 13
S H 8
S D 6
S C 13
S NT 12
W S 0
W H 5
W D 7
W C 0
W NT 0
[Event ""]
[Site ""]
[Date "2011.01.02"]
[Board "32"]
[West ""]
[North ""]
[East ""]
[South ""]
[Dealer "S"]
[Vulnerable "EW"]
[Deal "W:972.AJ.QJT852.65 AQT83.86.4.KQT32 65.QT95.A7.J9874 KJ4.K7432.K963.A"]
[Scoring ""]
[Declarer "N"]
[Contract "4S"]
[Result ""]
{Std: 1\H - 1\S; 2\S - 4\SN =6\n
Mod: same\n
Tucker: 1\H - 2\C; 2\D [natural, \S:0-3] - 2\S; 3\S - 4\C [2 of top 3,
non-serious] - 4\SN =6\n
Kaplan: 1\H - 1NT; 2\S - 4\SN =6\n
Flannery: see Std\n
Transfer: Std\n
Gazzilli: Std \n
KSU: Std
[Auction "S"]
1H {Major suit opening -- 5+ H; 21- HCP; 12-22 total points}
Pass {No suitable call -- 16- total points}
1S {One over one -- 4+ S; 6+ total points}
Pass {No suitable call -- 20- total points}
2S {Simple raise -- 5+ H; 4+ S; 12-17 total points}
Pass {No suitable call -- 16- total points}
4D =1= {Splinter -- 1- D; 4+ S; 13+ total points}
Pass {No suitable call -- 20- total points}
4H {Help-suit slam try -- 5+ H; 4+ S; 2-11 8421 HCP in H; 14-17 total points}
Pass {No suitable call -- 16- total points}
4S {1- D; 4+ S; 13-16 total points}
[Note "1:Splinter -- 1- D; 4+ S; 13+ total points"]
[Application "BridgeComposer; Views=001F"]
[DoubleDummyTricks "9a8689a8684347443474"]
[OptimumResultTable "Declarer;Denomination\2R;Result\2R"]
N S 10
N H 8
N D 6
N C 8
N NT 9
E S 3
E H 4
E D 7
E C 4
E NT 4
S S 10
S H 8
S D 6
S C 8
S NT 9
W S 3
W H 4
W D 7
W C 4
W NT 4
[Event ""]
[Site ""]
[Date "2011.01.02"]
[Board "33"]
[West ""]
[North ""]
[East ""]
[South ""]
[Dealer "S"]
[Vulnerable "None"]
[Deal "N:A98765.J.AQ9.765 KT2.T973.8643.T3 QJ4.AKQ52.KJT72. 3.864.5.AKQJ9842"]
[Scoring ""]
[Declarer "N"]
[Contract "6S"]
[Result ""]
{Std: see GiB auction above =6\n
Mod: \n
Kaplan: \n
Flannery: \n
Transfer: Std\n
Gazzilli: Std
[Auction "S"]
1H {Major suit opening -- 5+ H; 21- HCP; 12-22 total points}
4C {Aggressive weak jump overcall -- 7+ C; 11- HCP; 3+ total points}
4S {4+ S; 13+ total points}
Pass {No suitable call --}
6S {5+ H; 4+ S; 21- HCP; 20-22 total points}
[Application "BridgeComposer; Views=001F"]
[DoubleDummyTricks "5cbc55cbc52111821118"]
[OptimumResultTable "Declarer;Denomination\2R;Result\2R"]
N S 12
N H 11
N D 12
N C 5
N NT 5
E S 1
E H 1
E D 1
E C 8
E NT 2
S S 12
S H 11
S D 12
S C 5
S NT 5
W S 1
W H 1
W D 1
W C 8
W NT 2
[Event ""]
[Site ""]
[Date "2011.01.02"]
[Board "34"]
[West ""]
[North ""]
[East ""]
[South ""]
[Dealer "S"]
[Vulnerable "NS"]
[Deal "E:K54.J84.K64.AK85 A98.KT952.A85.Q2 J7.A76.QJT72.973 QT632.Q3.93.JT64"]
[Scoring ""]
[Declarer "S"]
[Contract "1NT"]
[Result ""]
{Std: 1\H - 1\S; 1NT - 2\SN =6\n
Mod: see Std\n
Tucker: 1\H - 1\S; 1NT - 2\SN =7\n
Kaplan: 1\H - 1NT; 2\SS =7\n
Flannery: 1\H - 1\S; 2\SN =7\n
Transfer: Std\n
Gazzilli: Std \n
KSU: Flannery}
[Auction "S"]
1H {Major suit opening -- 5+ H; 21- HCP; 12-22 total points}
Pass {No suitable call -- 16- total points}
1S {One over one -- 4+ S; 6+ total points}
Pass {No suitable call -- 20- total points}
1NT {2-5 C; 2-5 D; 5 H; 2-3 S; 11-14 HCP; 12+ total points}
[Application "BridgeComposer; Views=001F"]
[DoubleDummyTricks "68757687576468664686"]
[OptimumResultTable "Declarer;Denomination\2R;Result\2R"]
N S 8
N H 7
N D 5
N C 7
N NT 6
E S 4
E H 6
E D 8
E C 6
E NT 6
S S 8
S H 7
S D 5
S C 7
S NT 6
W S 4
W H 6
W D 8
W C 6
W NT 6
[Event ""]
[Site ""]
[Date "2011.01.02"]
[Board "35"]
[West ""]
[North ""]
[East ""]
[South ""]
[Dealer "S"]
[Vulnerable "EW"]
[Deal "S:876.AKJ54.KT.975 AK2.Q9862.5.AK42 J943.T.AQ8432.T8 QT5.73.J976.QJ63"]
[Scoring ""]
[Declarer "W"]
[Contract "2C"]
[Result ""]
{Std: see GiB above =6\n
Mod: \n
Kaplan: \n
Flannery: \n
Transfer: Std\n
Gazzilli: Std
[Auction "S"]
Pass {No suitable call -- 11- HCP; 12- total points}
1H {Major suit opening -- 5+ H; 21- HCP; 12-22 total points}
Pass {No suitable call -- 16- total points}
1NT {Forcing one notrump -- 3- H; 3- S; 6+ HCP; 14- total points}
Pass {No suitable call -- 11- HCP; 12- total points}
2C {New suit -- 3+ C; 5+ H; 12-18 total points}
[Application "BridgeComposer; Views=001F"]
[DoubleDummyTricks "56474564748785987859"]
[OptimumResultTable "Declarer;Denomination\2R;Result\2R"]
N S 6
N H 4
N D 7
N C 4
N NT 5
E S 7
E H 8
E D 5
E C 9
E NT 8
S S 6
S H 4
S D 7
S C 4
S NT 5
W S 7
W H 8
W D 5
W C 9
W NT 8
[Event ""]
[Site ""]
[Date "2011.01.02"]
[Board "36"]
[West ""]
[North ""]
[East ""]
[South ""]
[Dealer "S"]
[Vulnerable "All"]
[Deal "W:97.J43.753.JT974 K543.92.KT86.AQ2 QJ82.876.A42.K86 AT6.AKQT5.QJ9.53"]
[Scoring ""]
[Declarer "S"]
[Contract "4H"]
[Result ""]
{Std: 1NT - 2\C; 2\H - 3NTS =5\n
Mod: see Std\n
Tucker: 1\H - 2\D; 2\H - 2NT; 3\D - 3NTN =7\n
Kaplan: see Tucker \n
Flannery: see Tucker\n
Transfer: Tucker\n
Gazzilli: Tucker
16-point hands with five hearts can be a problem in the bidding. If the hand
also contains three spades, 1NT is a more attractive start, since a transfer
into spades will result in a 5-3 fit (not 5-2 with 5-3 hearts). With nothing
else to tip the scales, the Std and Mod Souths will likely open 1NT, which
happens to wrong-side this contract. The other Souths have a system advantage
to opening 1\H, which will certainly discover a 5-3 spade fit, if one exists.
Alternative Std/Mod auctions: (1) the Tucker auction, \n
(2) 1\H - 1\S; 2\S - 3NTN, where 2\S is a gross underbid, or\n
(3) 1\H - 1\S; 2\D - 3\D; 3\S - 3NTN, which works out well this time.
[Auction "S"]
1H {Major suit opening -- 5+ H; 21- HCP; 12-22 total points}
Pass {No suitable call -- 16- total points}
1S {One over one -- 4+ S; 6+ total points}
Pass {No suitable call -- 20- total points}
3H {Opener rebid -- 6+ H; 17-20 total points}
Pass {No suitable call -- 16- total points}
4H {2+ H; 4+ S; 8-13 total points}
[Application "BridgeComposer; Views=001F"]
[DoubleDummyTricks "cacc8babb81311512115"]
[OptimumResultTable "Declarer;Denomination\2R;Result\2R"]
N S 10
N H 12
N D 12
N C 8
N NT 12
E S 3
E H 1
E D 1
E C 5
E NT 1
S S 10
S H 11
S D 11
S C 8
S NT 11
W S 2
W H 1
W D 1
W C 5
W NT 1
[Event ""]
[Site ""]
[Date "2011.01.02"]
[Board "37"]
[West ""]
[North ""]
[East ""]
[South ""]
[Dealer "S"]
[Vulnerable "NS"]
[Deal "N:J9874.J9.QJ9.AJT Q6.K54.852.Q9874 A32.AQ763.KT7.K3 KT5.T82.A643.652"]
[Scoring ""]
[Declarer "N"]
[Contract "4S"]
[Result ""]
{Std: 1NT - 2\H; 2\S - 3NT; 4\SS =6\n
Mod: see Std\n
Tucker: see Std\n
Kaplan: see Std \n
Flannery: see Std\n
Transfer: Std\n
Gazzilli: Std \n
KSU: 1\H - 1\S; 2\D - 2NT; 4\SN =6 [playing 1NT opening weak]
This time, the 16-point hand holds both three spades and stoppers to protect,
so 1NT is a standout.
[Auction "S"]
1H {Major suit opening -- 5+ H; 21- HCP; 12-22 total points}
Pass {No suitable call -- 16- total points}
1S {One over one -- 4+ S; 6+ total points}
Pass {No suitable call -- 20- total points}
2S {Simple raise -- 5+ H; 4+ S; 12-17 total points}
Pass {No suitable call -- 16- total points}
3S {4+ S; 10-12 total points}
Pass {No suitable call -- 20- total points}
3NT {5-6 H; 4-5 S; 17+ HCP; 17- total points; partial stop in C; partial stop in D}
Pass {No suitable call -- 16- total points}
4S {4+ S; 10-12 total points}
[Application "BridgeComposer; Views=001F"]
[DoubleDummyTricks "aaa98aaa983333533335"]
[OptimumResultTable "Declarer;Denomination\2R;Result\2R"]
N S 10
N H 10
N D 9
N C 8
N NT 10
E S 3
E H 3
E D 3
E C 5
E NT 3
S S 10
S H 10
S D 9
S C 8
S NT 10
W S 3
W H 3
W D 3
W C 5
W NT 3
[Event ""]
[Site ""]
[Date "2011.01.02"]
[Board "38"]
[West ""]
[North ""]
[East ""]
[South ""]
[Dealer "S"]
[Vulnerable "EW"]
[Deal "E:KQ543.2.QT54.J62 AJ7.KJT86.A93.K8 2.A9743.KJ8.T975 T986.Q5.762.AQ43"]
[Scoring ""]
[Declarer "N"]
[Contract "2S"]
[Result ""]
{Std: 1NTS =6\n
Mod: \n
Kaplan: \n
Flannery: \n
Transfer: Std\n
Gazzilli: Std
Some alternative auctions:\n
Std: 1\H - 1\S; 2\D - 2\H; 2\SN =4\n
Tucker: 1\H - 1\S; 1NT [\S:3] - 2\H S [bad spades] =6\n
Transfer: 1\H - 1\S; 2\C - 2\H; 2\SN =4\n
Gazzilli: 1\H - 1\S; 2\C! - 2\D!; 2\SN =4}
[Auction "S"]
1H {Major suit opening -- 5+ H; 21- HCP; 12-22 total points}
Pass {No suitable call -- 16- total points}
1S {One over one -- 4+ S; 6+ total points}
Pass {No suitable call -- 20- total points}
2S {Simple raise -- 5+ H; 4+ S; 12-17 total points}
[Application "BridgeComposer; Views=001F"]
[DoubleDummyTricks "98978989784545445454"]
[OptimumResultTable "Declarer;Denomination\2R;Result\2R"]
N S 8
N H 9
N D 7
N C 8
N NT 9
E S 5
E H 4
E D 5
E C 4
E NT 4
S S 8
S H 9
S D 7
S C 8
S NT 9
W S 5
W H 4
W D 5
W C 4
W NT 4
[Event ""]
[Site ""]
[Date "2011.01.02"]
[Board "39"]
[West ""]
[North ""]
[East ""]
[South ""]
[Dealer "S"]
[Vulnerable "All"]
[Deal "S:KQ3.AQT85.K3.AT5 65.J97632.Q8.Q64 AJT98.K4.A72.932 742..JT9654.KJ87"]
[Scoring ""]
[Declarer "N"]
[Contract "6S"]
[Result ""]
{Std: 1\H - 1\S; 2NT - 3\S; 4\C - 4NT; 5\C - 5\D; 6\D - 6\SN =8\n
Mod: see Std\n
Tucker: 1\H - 2\S; 3\S - 4\D[non-serious]; 4\H [last train] - 4NT; ... =8\n
Kaplan: 1\H - 1NT [\S:5]; 4\S - 4NT; 5\C - 5\D; 6\D - 6\SN =6\n
Flannery: 1\H - 1NT [\S:5]; 4\S - 4NT; 5\C - 5\D; 6\D - 6\SN =6\n
Transfer/Gazzilli: Tucker\n
KSU: Std
North should recognize \HK4 is a fine holding, and drive to slam opposite a
strong 2NT rebid containing a club control.
On the Kaplan and Flannery auctions, South is in a pickle. A jump to 4\S
seems in order, but North does not find out about the club control. If South
instead chooses 2NT, how does the partnership set trumps and proceed?
Presumably North's 3\S over 2NT would show six - or could it be only 5 with
slam interest? 3\D might work. Likely undiscussed.}
[Auction "S"]
1H {Major suit opening -- 5+ H; 21- HCP; 12-22 total points}
Pass {No suitable call -- 16- total points}
1S {One over one -- 4+ S; 6+ total points}
Pass {No suitable call -- 20- total points}
2NT {Jump in notrump -- 2-5 C; 2-5 D; 5 H; 2-3 S; 18-19 HCP; 22- total points; partial stop in C; partial stop in D}
Pass {No suitable call -- 16- total points}
3S {Rebid suit -- 6+ S; 8+ total points}
Pass {No suitable call -- 20- total points}
4S {2-5 C; 2-5 D; 5 H; 2-3 S; 18-19 HCP; 22- total points; partial stop in C; partial stop in D}
Pass {No suitable call -- 16- total points}
4NT {Blackwood (S) -- 6+ S; 13+ total points}
Pass {No suitable call -- 20- total points}
5C {Zero or three key cards -- 2-5 C; 2-5 D; 5 H; 2-3 S; 18-19 HCP; 22- total points; 3- controls; partial stop in C; partial stop in D}
Pass {No suitable call -- 16- total points}
5D {? queen -- 6+ S; 13+ total points}
Pass {No suitable call -- 20- total points}
6D {Queen & king -- 2-5 C; 2-5 D; 5 H; 2-3 S; 18-19 HCP; 4+ 8421 HCP in D; 2+ 8421 HCP in S; 22- total points; 3- controls; partial stop in C; partial stop in D}
Pass {No suitable call -- 16- total points}
6S {Signoff -- 6+ S; 13+ total points}
[Application "BridgeComposer; Views=001F"]
[DoubleDummyTricks "bc968bc9681147411474"]
[OptimumResultTable "Declarer;Denomination\2R;Result\2R"]
N S 12
N H 9
N D 6
N C 8
N NT 11
E S 1
E H 4
E D 7
E C 4
E NT 1
S S 12
S H 9
S D 6
S C 8
S NT 11
W S 1
W H 4
W D 7
W C 4
W NT 1
[Event ""]
[Site ""]
[Date "2011.01.02"]
[Board "40"]
[West ""]
[North ""]
[East ""]
[South ""]
[Dealer "S"]
[Vulnerable "None"]
[Deal "W:853.KT4.2.KQT963 AJT9.Q5.QJ985.J5 K74.83.AK743.742 Q62.AJ9762.T6.A8"]
[Scoring ""]
[Declarer ""]
[Contract "Pass"]
[Result ""]
{Std: 1\H - (3\C) - X - (P); 3\HS =6\n
Mod: see Std\n
Tucker: see Std\n
Kaplan: see Std\n
Flannery: see Std\n
Transfer: Std\n
Gazzilli: Std
If a negative double shows five spades, the Flannery North has no good call.
Maybe this is not such a good idea. I'm assuming this agreement is not in
effect. See deal 30.}
[Auction "S"]
[Application "BridgeComposer; Views=001F"]
[DoubleDummyTricks "58873588736555965559"]
[OptimumResultTable "Declarer;Denomination\2R;Result\2R"]
N S 8
N H 8
N D 7
N C 3
N NT 5
E S 5
E H 5
E D 5
E C 9
E NT 6
S S 8
S H 8
S D 7
S C 3
S NT 5
W S 5
W H 5
W D 5
W C 9
W NT 6
[Event ""]
[Site ""]
[Date "2011.01.02"]
[Board "41"]
[West ""]
[North ""]
[East ""]
[South ""]
[Dealer "S"]
[Vulnerable "EW"]
[Deal "N:KT763.T.A7.AKQ72 AQ.8743.J854.865 J52.AQJ95.KT3.J4 984.K62.Q962.T93"]
[Scoring ""]
[Declarer "N"]
[Contract "4S"]
[Result ""]
{Std: 1\H - 2\C; 2\H - 2\S; 2NT - 3\S; 4\SN =6\n
Mod: \n
Kaplan: \n
Flannery: \n
Transfer: Std\n
Gazzilli: Std\n
KSU: 1\H - 1\S; 2\S - 3\C [GF]; 3\H [2 of top 3] - 4\SN =7
On this type of North hand, I find it much more efficient to start a game
forcing sequence with 2\C. Auctions after a 5+ unlimited 1\S response get
murky. This is also true with Tucker, where a 2\S response is not as
South keeps his foot firmly on the brake, and the auction stops at a safe
[Auction "S"]
1H {Major suit opening -- 5+ H; 21- HCP; 12-22 total points}
Pass {No suitable call -- 16- total points}
1S {One over one -- 4+ S; 6+ total points}
Pass {No suitable call -- 20- total points}
1NT {2-5 C; 2-5 D; 5 H; 2-3 S; 11-14 HCP; 12+ total points}
Pass {No suitable call -- 16- total points}
2C =1= {New minor forcing -- 5+ S; 13+ total points}
Pass {No suitable call -- 20- total points}
2S {Secondary support -- 2-5 C; 2-5 D; 5 H; 3 S; 11-12 HCP; 12+ total points}
Pass {No suitable call -- 16- total points}
4S {5+ S; 13-18 total points}
[Note "1:New minor forcing -- 5+ S; 13+ total points"]
[Application "BridgeComposer; Views=001F"]
[DoubleDummyTricks "aba8baba8b3235232352"]
[OptimumResultTable "Declarer;Denomination\2R;Result\2R"]
N S 11
N H 10
N D 8
N C 11
N NT 10
E S 2
E H 3
E D 5
E C 2
E NT 3
S S 11
S H 10
S D 8
S C 11
S NT 10
W S 2
W H 3
W D 5
W C 2
W NT 3
[Event ""]
[Site ""]
[Date "2011.01.02"]
[Board "42"]
[West ""]
[North ""]
[East ""]
[South ""]
[Dealer "S"]
[Vulnerable "All"]
[Deal "E:K4.A743.2.QJ6432 T65.KQJ62.A983.A AQ98.T98.64.K975 J732.5.KQJT75.T8"]
[Scoring ""]
[Declarer "S"]
[Contract "3D"]
[Result ""]
{Std: 1\H - 1\S; 2\D - 3\DS =6\n
Mod: 1\H - 1NT; 2\D - 3\DS =6\n
Tucker: see Std\n
Kaplan: 1\H - 1\S!; 2\D - 3\DS =6\n
Flannery: see Mod\n
Transfer: 1\H - 1\S; 2\C [\D] - 2\DN =7\n
Gazzilli: 1\H - 1\S; 2\D [max 15] - 3\DS =6
[Auction "S"]
1H {Major suit opening -- 5+ H; 21- HCP; 12-22 total points}
Pass {No suitable call -- 16- total points}
1S {One over one -- 4+ S; 6+ total points}
Pass {No suitable call -- 20- total points}
2D {Opener two rebid -- 4+ D; 5+ H; 3- S; 12-19 total points}
Pass {No suitable call -- 16- total points}
3D {Invitational with support -- 4+ D; 4+ S; 10-12 total points}
[Application "BridgeComposer; Views=001F"]
[DoubleDummyTricks "77893778934654945549"]
[OptimumResultTable "Declarer;Denomination\2R;Result\2R"]
N S 7
N H 8
N D 9
N C 3
N NT 7
E S 6
E H 5
E D 4
E C 9
E NT 4
S S 7
S H 8
S D 9
S C 3
S NT 7
W S 5
W H 5
W D 4
W C 9
W NT 4
[Event ""]
[Site ""]
[Date "2011.01.02"]
[Board "43"]
[West ""]
[North ""]
[East ""]
[South ""]
[Dealer "S"]
[Vulnerable "None"]
[Deal "S:K43.AK975.973.QT 5.QJ43.AQT64.J64 QJ72.T8.J52.K532 AT986.62.K8.A987"]
[Scoring ""]
[Declarer "W"]
[Contract "3C"]
[Result ""]
{Std: 1\H - (2\D) - X - (XX); P - (P) - 2\HS - (P); P - (X) =3\n
Mod: same\n
Tucker: same\n
Kaplan: same\n
Flannery: same\n
Transfer: Std\n
Gazzilli: Std
With length in hearts and the space-consuming suit below hearts, West makes a
light 2\D overcall.}
[Auction "S"]
1H {Major suit opening -- 5+ H; 21- HCP; 12-22 total points}
2D {Two-level overcall -- 5+ D; 10+ HCP; 11-18 total points}
X {Negative double -- 4+ S; 7+ HCP; 8+ total points}
XX {2- D; 12+ HCP}
2S {5+ H; 3+ S; 12-16 total points}
3C {4+ C; 5+ D; 10+ HCP; 11-18 total points}
[Application "BridgeComposer; Views=001F"]
[DoubleDummyTricks "4553445534877a9877a9"]
[OptimumResultTable "Declarer;Denomination\2R;Result\2R"]
N S 5
N H 5
N D 3
N C 4
N NT 4
E S 7
E H 7
E D 10
E C 9
E NT 8
S S 5
S H 5
S D 3
S C 4
S NT 4
W S 7
W H 7
W D 10
W C 9
W NT 8
[Event ""]
[Site ""]
[Date "2011.01.02"]
[Board "44"]
[West ""]
[North ""]
[East ""]
[South ""]
[Dealer "S"]
[Vulnerable "NS"]
[Deal "W:J7.AK874.62.6432 KQT86.J.QJ98.A95 954.32.K7543.KJ7 A32.QT965.AT.QT8"]
[Scoring ""]
[Declarer "S"]
[Contract "3NT"]
[Result ""]
{Std: 1\H - 1\S; 1NT - 3NTS =5\n
Mod: 1\H - 1\S; 2\S - 4\SN =7\n
Tucker: 1\H - 2\S; 3\S - 4\C [non-serious]; 4\SN =7\n
Kaplan: 1\H - 1NT!; 2\S - 4\SN =7\n
Flannery: see Mod\n
Transfer: Tucker\n
Gazzilli: Tucker \n
KSU: Mod}
[Auction "S"]
1H {Major suit opening -- 5+ H; 21- HCP; 12-22 total points}
Pass {No suitable call -- 16- total points}
1S {One over one -- 4+ S; 6+ total points}
Pass {No suitable call -- 20- total points}
1NT {2-5 C; 2-5 D; 5 H; 2-3 S; 11-14 HCP; 12+ total points}
Pass {No suitable call -- 16- total points}
3NT {4- H; 4-5 S; 14-18 HCP}
[Application "BridgeComposer; Views=001F"]
[DoubleDummyTricks "ab9899b9893245432454"]
[OptimumResultTable "Declarer;Denomination\2R;Result\2R"]
N S 11
N H 9
N D 8
N C 9
N NT 10
E S 2
E H 4
E D 5
E C 4
E NT 3
S S 11
S H 9
S D 8
S C 9
S NT 9
W S 2
W H 4
W D 5
W C 4
W NT 3
[Event ""]
[Site ""]
[Date "2011.01.02"]
[Board "45"]
[West ""]
[North ""]
[East ""]
[South ""]
[Dealer "S"]
[Vulnerable "All"]
[Deal "N:AT64.5.AT765.KT8 KQJ3.94.J932.973 872.AKJT87.4.A42 95.Q632.KQ8.QJ65"]
[Scoring ""]
[Declarer "S"]
[Contract "4H"]
[Result ""]
{Std: 1\H - 1\S; 2\H - 2NT; 3NTN =6\n
Mod: see Std\n
Tucker: 1\H - 1\S; 1NT! - 2NT; 3\H - 3NTS =6\n
Kaplan: 1\H - 1\S!; 2\H - 2NT; 3NTN =7\n
Flannery: 1\H - 1NT; 2\H - 2NT; 3NTN =7\n
Transfer: Std\n
Gazzilli: Std
The Tucker auction explores both major suits before settling into 3NT - on
another day, from the wrong side. Kaplan and Flannery explore both majors as
well (spades by implication), and declare NT by North, whose stoppers might be
The Std and Mod auctions could have concealed an 8-card spade fit. South's
spades are too weak to take a chance on 3\S over 2NT.}
[Auction "S"]
1H {Major suit opening -- 5+ H; 21- HCP; 12-22 total points}
Pass {No suitable call -- 16- total points}
1S {One over one -- 4+ S; 6+ total points}
Pass {No suitable call -- 20- total points}
2H {Opener rebids his H -- 6+ H; 3- S; 12-16 total points}
Pass {No suitable call -- 16- total points}
3D {Responder reverse -- 5+ S; biddable D; 13+ total points}
Pass {No suitable call -- 20- total points}
3H {3- S; strong rebiddable H; 12-16 total points}
Pass {No suitable call -- 16- total points}
4H {2+ H; 5+ S; biddable D; 13-18 total points}
[Application "BridgeComposer; Views=001F"]
[DoubleDummyTricks "99979999794435444354"]
[OptimumResultTable "Declarer;Denomination\2R;Result\2R"]
N S 9
N H 9
N D 7
N C 9
N NT 9
E S 4
E H 3
E D 5
E C 4
E NT 4
S S 9
S H 9
S D 7
S C 9
S NT 9
W S 4
W H 3
W D 5
W C 4
W NT 4
[Event ""]
[Site ""]
[Date "2011.01.02"]
[Board "46"]
[West ""]
[North ""]
[East ""]
[South ""]
[Dealer "S"]
[Vulnerable "None"]
[Deal "E:K8.Q9.T42.QJT875 765.KJT853.K5.A4 AQT4.764.A98.962 J932.A2.QJ763.K3"]
[Scoring ""]
[Declarer ""]
[Contract "Pass"]
[Result ""]
{Std: 1\H - 1\S; 2\H - 2NTN =6\n
Mod: 1\H - 1NT; 2\H - 2NTN =6\n
Tucker: 1\H - 1\S; 1NT! - 2NTS =6\n
Kaplan: 1\H - 1\S!; 2\H - 2NTN =6\n
Flannery: see Mod\n
Transfer: Std\n
Gazzilli: Std
[Auction "S"]
[Application "BridgeComposer; Views=001F"]
[DoubleDummyTricks "98985989854545845458"]
[OptimumResultTable "Declarer;Denomination\2R;Result\2R"]
N S 8
N H 9
N D 8
N C 5
N NT 9
E S 5
E H 4
E D 5
E C 8
E NT 4
S S 8
S H 9
S D 8
S C 5
S NT 9
W S 5
W H 4
W D 5
W C 8
W NT 4
[Event ""]
[Site ""]
[Date "2011.01.02"]
[Board "47"]
[West ""]
[North ""]
[East ""]
[South ""]
[Dealer "S"]
[Vulnerable "NS"]
[Deal "S:A98.K6542.J972.A KQ652.AJ83.Q5.KJ JT73.7.K64.Q8753 4.QT9.AT83.T9642"]
[Scoring ""]
[Declarer "W"]
[Contract "1S"]
[Result ""]
{Std: see GiB above =6\n
Mod: \n
Kaplan: \n
Flannery: \n
Transfer: Std\n
Gazzilli: Std
[Auction "S"]
1H {Major suit opening -- 5+ H; 21- HCP; 12-22 total points}
1S {One-level overcall -- 5+ S; 8-17 HCP; 9-19 total points}
[Application "BridgeComposer; Views=001F"]
[DoubleDummyTricks "45464554658786787867"]
[OptimumResultTable "Declarer;Denomination\2R;Result\2R"]
N S 5
N H 4
N D 6
N C 4
N NT 4
E S 7
E H 8
E D 6
E C 7
E NT 8
S S 5
S H 4
S D 6
S C 5
S NT 5
W S 7
W H 8
W D 6
W C 7
W NT 8
[Event ""]
[Site ""]
[Date "2011.01.02"]
[Board "48"]
[West ""]
[North ""]
[East ""]
[South ""]
[Dealer "S"]
[Vulnerable "EW"]
[Deal "W:5.QJ75.JT6.T6543 AJ962.4.K92.AKQ9 Q873.AT9.53.J872 KT4.K8632.AQ874."]
[Scoring ""]
[Declarer "N"]
[Contract "6S"]
[Result ""]
{Std: 1\H - 1\S; 2\S - 3\C; 3\D- 4NT; 5\H - 5\SN =4\n
Mod: see Std\n
Tucker: 1\H - 2\S; 3\S - 3NT [serious]; 4\C - 4\SN =7\n
Kaplan: 1\H - 1NT!; 2\S - 3\C; 3\D 4NT; 5\H - 5\SN =4\n
Flannery: see Std\n
Transfer: Tucker\n
Gazzilli: Tucker\n
KSU: 1\H - 1\S; 2\S - 3\C [GF]; 3\D- 3NT [serious]; 4\C - 4\SN =7
The Tucker auction, with Serious 3NT active, is the only one that stops at the
four-level. South's 4\C cue bid must be shortness, so North decides against a
thin slam. (While slam can only be made with an unlikely double trump
finesse, plus a diamond split and the \HA onside.)}
[Auction "S"]
1H {Major suit opening -- 5+ H; 21- HCP; 12-22 total points}
Pass {No suitable call -- 16- total points}
1S {One over one -- 4+ S; 6+ total points}
Pass {No suitable call -- 20- total points}
2D {Opener two rebid -- 4+ D; 5+ H; 3- S; 12-19 total points}
Pass {No suitable call -- 16- total points}
3C =1= {Fourth suit forcing -- 4+ S; 13+ total points}
Pass {No suitable call -- 20- total points}
3S {4+ D; 5+ H; 3 S; 12-19 total points}
Pass {No suitable call -- 16- total points}
6S {5+ S; 21+ total points}
[Note "1:Fourth suit forcing -- 4+ S; 13+ total points"]
[Application "BridgeComposer; Views=001F"]
[DoubleDummyTricks "ccac8ccac81131400314"]
[OptimumResultTable "Declarer;Denomination\2R;Result\2R"]
N S 12
N H 10
N D 12
N C 8
N NT 12
E S 1
E H 3
E D 1
E C 4
E NT 1
S S 12
S H 10
S D 12
S C 8
S NT 12
W S 0
W H 3
W D 1
W C 4
W NT 0
[Event ""]
[Site ""]
[Date "2011.01.02"]
[Board "49"]
[West ""]
[North ""]
[East ""]
[South ""]
[Dealer "S"]
[Vulnerable "None"]
[Deal "N:KQJ9.72.8.975432 652.4.KQJ7632.J8 743.AQJT86.AT9.T AT8.K953.54.AKQ6"]
[Scoring ""]
[Declarer "W"]
[Contract "3NT"]
[Result ""]
{Std: see GiB above =6\n
Mod: \n
Kaplan: \n
Flannery: \n
Transfer: Std\n
Gazzilli: Std
[Auction "S"]
1H {Major suit opening -- 5+ H; 21- HCP; 12-22 total points}
1NT {One notrump overcall -- 2-5 C; 2-5 D; 2-5 H; 2-5 S; 16-18 HCP; likely stop in H}
2C {rebiddable-strong rebiddable C; 6-12 total points}
3D {rebiddable D; 9+ total points; forcing to 3N}
Pass {No suitable call -- 5+ H; 21- HCP; 12-22 total points}
3NT {2-5 C; 2-5 D; 2-5 H; 2-5 S; 18 HCP; likely stop in C; likely stop in H}
[Application "BridgeComposer; Views=001F"]
[DoubleDummyTricks "27827279277649676496"]
[OptimumResultTable "Declarer;Denomination\2R;Result\2R"]
N S 7
N H 8
N D 2
N C 7
N NT 2
E S 6
E H 4
E D 9
E C 6
E NT 7
S S 7
S H 9
S D 2
S C 7
S NT 2
W S 6
W H 4
W D 9
W C 6
W NT 7
[Event ""]
[Site ""]
[Date "2011.01.02"]
[Board "50"]
[West ""]
[North ""]
[East ""]
[South ""]
[Dealer "S"]
[Vulnerable "NS"]
[Deal "E:T54.86.K9854.A85 J92.QJT73.AT6.KJ A87.AK42.QJ2.763 KQ63.95.73.QT942"]
[Scoring ""]
[Declarer "S"]
[Contract "1NT"]
[Result ""]
{Std: 1\H - 1\S; 1NTS =5 \n
Mod: see Std\n
Tucker: 1\H - 1\S; 1NT [\S:3] - 2\HS =7\n
Kaplan: 1\H - 1\S!; 2\D - 2\HS =6\n
Flannery: 1\H - 1NT; 2\D - 2\HS =6\n
Transfer: 1\H - 1\S; 2\C [\D] - 2\HS =6\n
Gazzilli: Std
After the Std auction, do you play 2\C weak? Probably not. So the natural
1NT rebid is not that valuable. North might choose 2\H, but would you?
The Tucker auction discloses the spade fit, a safe place to hide if North has
a stiff heart. Kaplan and Flannery cannot find such a 7-card fit.}
[Auction "S"]
1H {Major suit opening -- 5+ H; 21- HCP; 12-22 total points}
Pass {No suitable call -- 16- total points}
1S {One over one -- 4+ S; 6+ total points}
Pass {No suitable call -- 20- total points}
1NT {2-5 C; 2-5 D; 5 H; 2-3 S; 11-14 HCP; 12+ total points}
[Application "BridgeComposer; Views=001F"]
[DoubleDummyTricks "57758577586568565685"]
[OptimumResultTable "Declarer;Denomination\2R;Result\2R"]
N S 7
N H 7
N D 5
N C 8
N NT 5
E S 5
E H 6
E D 8
E C 5
E NT 6
S S 7
S H 7
S D 5
S C 8
S NT 5
W S 5
W H 6
W D 8
W C 5
W NT 6
[Event "+Tucker"]
[Site ""]
[Date "2011.11.03"]
[Board "51"]
[West ""]
[North ""]
[East ""]
[South ""]
[Dealer "S"]
[Vulnerable "None"]
[Deal "S:973.AK984.62.AJ9 62.762.KT85.QT76 AQT5.QJ.QJ4.K843 KJ84.T53.A973.52"]
[Scoring ""]
[Declarer "S"]
[Contract "3NT"]
[Result ""]
{Std: 1\H - 1\S; 1NT - 3NTN =6\n
Mod: 1\H - 1\S; 2\S - 3NTN =6\n
Tucker: 1\H - 2\C; 2\H - 2NT; 3NTN =6\n
Kaplan: see Tucker\n
Flannery: see Tucker\n
Transfer: see Tucker\n
Gazzilli: see Tucker }
[Auction "S"]
1H {Major suit opening -- 5+ H; 21- HCP; 12-22 total points}
Pass {No suitable call -- 16- total points}
1S {One over one -- 4+ S; 6+ total points}
Pass {No suitable call -- 20- total points}
1NT {2-5 C; 2-5 D; 5 H; 2-3 S; 11-14 HCP; 12+ total points}
Pass {No suitable call -- 16- total points}
3NT {4- H; 4-5 S; 14-18 HCP}
[Application "BridgeComposer; Views=001F"]
[DoubleDummyTricks "98979999784446444464"]
[OptimumResultTable "Declarer;Denomination\2R;Result\2R"]
N S 8
N H 9
N D 7
N C 9
N NT 9
E S 4
E H 4
E D 6
E C 4
E NT 4
S S 9
S H 9
S D 7
S C 8
S NT 9
W S 4
W H 4
W D 6
W C 4
W NT 4
[Event "+Tucker"]
[Site ""]
[Date "2011.11.03"]
[Board "52"]
[West ""]
[North ""]
[East ""]
[South ""]
[Dealer "S"]
[Vulnerable "NS"]
[Deal "S:AJ2.KQJ975.73.A3 76.A83.KQJ652.QT KQ98.42.AT84.985 T543.T6.9.KJ7642"]
[Scoring ""]
[Declarer "S"]
[Contract "4H"]
[Result ""]
{Std: 1\H - (2\D) - X - (P); 3\H - (P) - 4\HS =6\n
Mod: same\n
Tucker: same\n
Kaplan: same\n
Flannery: same\n
Transfer: same\n
Gazzilli: same }
[Auction "S"]
1H {Major suit opening -- 5+ H; 21- HCP; 12-22 total points}
2D {Two-level overcall -- 5+ D; 10+ HCP; 11-18 total points}
X {Negative double -- 4+ S; 7+ HCP; 8+ total points}
Pass {No suitable call --}
3D {5+ H; 21- HCP; 17-22 total points; forcing to 3N}
Pass {No suitable call -- 5+ D; 10+ HCP; 11-18 total points}
3NT {5- H; 4-5 S; 10-15 HCP; likely stop in D}
Pass {No suitable call -- 9- total points}
4H {21- HCP; twice rebiddable H; 17-22 total points}
[Application "BridgeComposer; Views=001F"]
[DoubleDummyTricks "99b7599b752226722267"]
[OptimumResultTable "Declarer;Denomination\2R;Result\2R"]
N S 9
N H 11
N D 7
N C 5
N NT 9
E S 2
E H 2
E D 6
E C 7
E NT 2
S S 9
S H 11
S D 7
S C 5
S NT 9
W S 2
W H 2
W D 6
W C 7
W NT 2
[Event "+Tucker"]
[Site ""]
[Date "2011.11.03"]
[Board "53"]
[West ""]
[North ""]
[East ""]
[South ""]
[Dealer "S"]
[Vulnerable "EW"]
[Deal "S:AQ3.Q9432.AJ64.4 T94.KJT8.KQ75.A8 KJ752.6.T83.K532 86.A75.92.QJT976"]
[Scoring ""]
[Declarer "N"]
[Contract "4S"]
[Result ""]
{Std: 1\H - 1\S; 2\SN =6\n
Mod: Std\n
Tucker: Std\n
Kaplan: 1\H - 1NT [\S:5]; 2\SS =7\n
Flannery: 1\H - 1\S [\S:5]; 2\SN =7\n
Transfer: Std\n
Gazzilli: Std \n
KSU: Flannery}
[Auction "S"]
1H {Major suit opening -- 5+ H; 21- HCP; 12-22 total points}
Pass {No suitable call -- 16- total points}
1S {One over one -- 4+ S; 6+ total points}
Pass {No suitable call -- 20- total points}
2S {Simple raise -- 5+ H; 4+ S; 12-17 total points}
Pass {No suitable call -- 16- total points}
3S {4+ S; 10-12 total points}
Pass {No suitable call -- 20- total points}
4S {5+ H; 4+ S; 15-17 total points}
[Application "BridgeComposer; Views=001F"]
[DoubleDummyTricks "78574796746476764767"]
[OptimumResultTable "Declarer;Denomination\2R;Result\2R"]
N S 8
N H 5
N D 7
N C 4
N NT 7
E S 4
E H 7
E D 6
E C 7
E NT 6
S S 9
S H 6
S D 7
S C 4
S NT 7
W S 4
W H 7
W D 6
W C 7
W NT 6
[Event "+Tucker"]
[Site ""]
[Date "2011.11.03"]
[Board "54"]
[West ""]
[North ""]
[East ""]
[South ""]
[Dealer "S"]
[Vulnerable "All"]
[Deal "S:QJ9.QT832.AKQ97. A83.K6.53.T87543 K754.95.864.AKQ9 T62.AJ74.JT2.J62"]
[Scoring ""]
[Declarer "N"]
[Contract "3NT"]
[Result ""]
{Std: 1\H - 1\S; 2\D - 2NT; 3\S - 3NTN =7\n
Mod: 1\H - 1NT; 2\D - 2NT; 3\D - 3NTS =6\n
Tucker: Std\n
Kaplan: 1\H - 1\S [\S:0-4]; 2\D - 2NT; 3\D - 3NTN =6\n
Flannery: 1\H - 1NT; 2\D - 2NT; 3\D - 3NTN =6\n
Transfer: 1\H - 1\S; 2\C [\D] - 2NT; 3\S - 3NTN =7\n
Gazzilli: 1\H - 1\S; 2\D - 2NT; 3\S - 3NTN =7 }
[Auction "S"]
1H {Major suit opening -- 5+ H; 21- HCP; 12-22 total points}
Pass {No suitable call -- 16- total points}
1S {One over one -- 4+ S; 6+ total points}
Pass {No suitable call -- 20- total points}
2D {Opener two rebid -- 4+ D; 5+ H; 3- S; 12-19 total points}
Pass {No suitable call -- 16- total points}
2NT {Balanced invite -- 4-5 S; 10-12 HCP; likely stop in C}
Pass {No suitable call -- 20- total points}
3D {5+ D; 5+ H; 3- S; 15-19 total points}
Pass {No suitable call -- 16- total points}
3NT {5- H; 4-5 S; 12 HCP; likely stop in C}
[Application "BridgeComposer; Views=001F"]
[DoubleDummyTricks "aa9a8aa9a83343533435"]
[OptimumResultTable "Declarer;Denomination\2R;Result\2R"]
N S 10
N H 9
N D 10
N C 8
N NT 10
E S 3
E H 4
E D 3
E C 5
E NT 3
S S 10
S H 9
S D 10
S C 8
S NT 10
W S 3
W H 4
W D 3
W C 5
W NT 3
[Event "+Tucker"]
[Site ""]
[Date "2011.11.03"]
[Board "55"]
[West ""]
[North ""]
[East ""]
[South ""]
[Dealer "S"]
[Vulnerable "NS"]
[Deal "S:AK2.KJT98.AQT.53 .7543.J87653.T92 Q98743.A.92.AKQ7 JT65.Q62.K4.J864"]
[Scoring ""]
[Declarer "S"]
[Contract "7NT"]
[Result ""]
{Std: 1\H - 1\S; 2\D - 3\C [4SF]; 3\S - 4NT; 5\C - 5NT; 6\H - 7\SN =8 \n
Mod: 1\H - 1\S; 3\S - 3NT [serious]; 4\D - 4NT; ... (see Std) 7\SN =10\n
Tucker: 1\H - 2\S; 3\S - 4\C; 4\D [serious] - 4NT; ... (see Std) 7\SN =10\n
Kaplan: 1\H - 1NT [\S:5]; 3\S ... (see Std) 7\SN =10\n
Flannery: Mod\n
Transfer: Tucker\n
Gazzilli: Tucker\n
KSU: 1\H - 1\S; 2\D [5-cd or 15+] - 3\C; 3\S - 4\C; 4\D - 4NT; ...\n
(see Std) 7\SN =10
The Std North does not have a solid way to set trumps, determine slam
strength, and then bid it. South will have some extras for the delayed raise,
but that could be more distribution.}
[Auction "S"]
1H {Major suit opening -- 5+ H; 21- HCP; 12-22 total points}
Pass {No suitable call -- 16- total points}
1S {One over one -- 4+ S; 6+ total points}
Pass {No suitable call -- 20- total points}
2NT {Jump in notrump -- 2-5 C; 2-5 D; 5 H; 2-3 S; 18-19 HCP; 22- total points; partial stop in C; partial stop in D}
Pass {No suitable call -- 16- total points}
3S {Rebid suit -- 6+ S; 8+ total points}
Pass {No suitable call -- 20- total points}
4S {2-5 C; 2-5 D; 5 H; 2-3 S; 18-19 HCP; 22- total points; partial stop in C; partial stop in D}
Pass {No suitable call -- 16- total points}
4NT {Blackwood (S) -- 6+ S; 13+ total points}
Pass {No suitable call -- 20- total points}
5C {Zero or three key cards -- 2-5 C; 2-5 D; 5 H; 2-3 S; 18-19 HCP; 22- total points; 3- controls; partial stop in C; partial stop in D}
Pass {No suitable call -- 16- total points}
5NT {Query kings. Have all keycards. Does not promise extras -- 6+ S; 2+ 8421 HCP in S; 13+ total points}
Pass {No suitable call -- 20- total points}
6H {King of H -- 2-5 C; 2-5 D; 5 H; 2-3 S; 18-19 HCP; 4+ 8421 HCP in H; 22- total points; 3- controls; partial stop in C; partial stop in D}
Pass {No suitable call -- 16- total points}
7NT {6+ S; 18+ HCP; 2+ 8421 HCP in S}
[Application "BridgeComposer; Views=001F"]
[DoubleDummyTricks "ddb9bddb9c0024100241"]
[OptimumResultTable "Declarer;Denomination\2R;Result\2R"]
N S 13
N H 11
N D 9
N C 11
N NT 13
E S 0
E H 2
E D 4
E C 1
E NT 0
S S 13
S H 11
S D 9
S C 12
S NT 13
W S 0
W H 2
W D 4
W C 1
W NT 0
[Event "+Tucker"]
[Site ""]
[Date "2011.11.03"]
[Board "56"]
[West ""]
[North ""]
[East ""]
[South ""]
[Dealer "S"]
[Vulnerable "EW"]
[Deal "S:Q92.AKQJ5.K864.3 J743.T42.J72.T64 AT65.9.Q93.KQ982 K8.8763.AT5.AJ75"]
[Scoring ""]
[Declarer "N"]
[Contract "3NT"]
[Result ""]
{Std: 1\H - 1\S; 2\S - 3\C; 3\D - 3NTN =7\n
Mod: Std\n
Tucker: 1\H - 1\S; 1NT [\S:3] - 2NT; 3\D - 3NTN =7\n
Kaplan: 1\H - 1\S [\S:0-4]; 2\D - 2NT; 3NTN =6\n
Flannery: 1\H - 1NT; 2\D - 2NT; 3NTN =6\n
Transfer: 1\H - 1\S; 2\C [\D] - 2NT; 3\S - 3NTN =7\n
Gazzilli: 1\H - 1\S; 2\D - 2NT; 3\S - 3NTN =7
The Kaplan and Flannery Norths do not know the location of South's shortness -
could be touchy, if spades.}
[Auction "S"]
1H {Major suit opening -- 5+ H; 21- HCP; 12-22 total points}
Pass {No suitable call -- 16- total points}
1S {One over one -- 4+ S; 6+ total points}
Pass {No suitable call -- 20- total points}
2D {Opener two rebid -- 4+ D; 5+ H; 3- S; 12-19 total points}
Pass {No suitable call -- 16- total points}
3NT {4 S; 13-16 HCP; likely stop in C}
[Application "BridgeComposer; Views=001F"]
[DoubleDummyTricks "aaaa999a993333433334"]
[OptimumResultTable "Declarer;Denomination\2R;Result\2R"]
N S 10
N H 10
N D 10
N C 9
N NT 10
E S 3
E H 3
E D 3
E C 4
E NT 3
S S 9
S H 10
S D 9
S C 9
S NT 9
W S 3
W H 3
W D 3
W C 4
W NT 3
[Event "+Tucker"]
[Site ""]
[Date "2011.11.03"]
[Board "57"]
[West ""]
[North ""]
[East ""]
[South ""]
[Dealer "S"]
[Vulnerable "All"]
[Deal "S:532.AQ932.6.AQ52 K.JT865.AJT83.64 QJT4..K7542.KJT8 A9876.K74.Q9.973"]
[Scoring ""]
[Declarer "S"]
[Contract "3C"]
[Result ""]
{Std: 1\H - 1\S; 2\CS =8\n
Mod: 1\H - 1\S; 2\SN =7\n
Tucker: 1\H - 1\S; 1NT [\S:3] - 2\SN =7\n
Kaplan: 1\H - 1\S [\S:0-4]; 2\CS =8\n
Flannery: 1\H - 1NT; 2\CS =8\n
Transfer: 1\H - 1\S; 1NT [\C] - 2\CN =7\n
Gazzilli: 1\H - 1\S; 2\C! - 2\D!; 2\H [\C, max 15] - 3\CS =6}
[Auction "S"]
1H {Major suit opening -- 5+ H; 21- HCP; 12-22 total points}
Pass {No suitable call -- 16- total points}
1S {One over one -- 4+ S; 6+ total points}
Pass {No suitable call -- 20- total points}
2C {Opener two rebid -- 4+ C; 5+ H; 3- S; 12-19 total points}
Pass {No suitable call -- 16- total points}
3C {Invitational with support -- 4+ C; 4+ S; 10-12 total points}
[Application "BridgeComposer; Views=001F"]
[DoubleDummyTricks "78779787795566355663"]
[OptimumResultTable "Declarer;Denomination\2R;Result\2R"]
N S 8
N H 7
N D 7
N C 9
N NT 7
E S 5
E H 6
E D 6
E C 3
E NT 5
S S 8
S H 7
S D 7
S C 9
S NT 7
W S 5
W H 6
W D 6
W C 3
W NT 5
[Event "+Tucker"]
[Site ""]
[Date "2011.11.03"]
[Board "58"]
[West ""]
[North ""]
[East ""]
[South ""]
[Dealer "S"]
[Vulnerable "None"]
[Deal "S:KJ2.AT9652.K42.5 Q85.K7.5.K876432 A743.Q4.AQT9.AJ9 T96.J83.J8763.QT"]
[Scoring ""]
[Declarer "N"]
[Contract "3NT"]
[Result ""]
{Std: 1\H - 1\S; 2\S - 3NT; 4\HS =6\n
Mod: Std\n
Tucker: 1\H - 2\D; 2\H - 2NT; 3\D - 3NTN =7\n
Kaplan: Tucker\n
Flannery: Tucker\n
Transfer: Tucker\n
Gazzilli: Tucker}
[Auction "S"]
1H {Major suit opening -- 5+ H; 21- HCP; 12-22 total points}
3C {Aggressive weak jump overcall -- 6+ C; 10- HCP; 3+ total points}
X {Negative double -- 4+ S; 9+ total points}
Pass {No suitable call --}
3H {rebiddable H; 12-15 total points}
Pass {No suitable call -- 6+ C; 10- HCP; 3+ total points}
3NT {5- H; 4-5 S; 15-20 HCP; likely stop in C}
[Application "BridgeComposer; Views=001F"]
[DoubleDummyTricks "bbca6bbcb71212612126"]
[OptimumResultTable "Declarer;Denomination\2R;Result\2R"]
N S 11
N H 12
N D 10
N C 6
N NT 11
E S 2
E H 1
E D 2
E C 6
E NT 1
S S 11
S H 12
S D 11
S C 7
S NT 11
W S 2
W H 1
W D 2
W C 6
W NT 1
[Event "+Tucker"]
[Site ""]
[Date "2011.11.03"]
[Board "59"]
[West ""]
[North ""]
[East ""]
[South ""]
[Dealer "S"]
[Vulnerable "EW"]
[Deal "S:AJ4.KT832.AJ3.K2 T652.Q94.Q94.876 9873..T75.AQT543 KQ.AJ765.K862.J9"]
[Scoring ""]
[Declarer "N"]
[Contract "2S"]
[Result ""]
{Std: 1NT - 2\S [\C]; 3\CS =6\n
Mod: Std\n
Tucker: Std\n
Kaplan: Std\n
Flannery: Std\n
Transfer: Std\n
Gazzilli: Std }
[Auction "S"]
1H {Major suit opening -- 5+ H; 21- HCP; 12-22 total points}
Pass {No suitable call -- 16- total points}
1S {One over one -- 4+ S; 6+ total points}
Pass {No suitable call -- 20- total points}
2S {Simple raise -- 5+ H; 4+ S; 12-17 total points}
[Application "BridgeComposer; Views=001F"]
[DoubleDummyTricks "9978a9978a4465344653"]
[OptimumResultTable "Declarer;Denomination\2R;Result\2R"]
N S 9
N H 7
N D 8
N C 10
N NT 9
E S 4
E H 6
E D 5
E C 3
E NT 4
S S 9
S H 7
S D 8
S C 10
S NT 9
W S 4
W H 6
W D 5
W C 3
W NT 4
[Event "+Tucker"]
[Site ""]
[Date "2011.11.03"]
[Board "60"]
[West ""]
[North ""]
[East ""]
[South ""]
[Dealer "S"]
[Vulnerable "All"]
[Deal "S:AQ7.AQJ973.J53.K 6.T62.T94.QJ9532 KJ9853.84.87.A64 T42.K5.AKQ62.T87"]
[Scoring ""]
[Declarer "N"]
[Contract "4S"]
[Result ""]
{Std: 1\H - 1\S; 3\H - 3\S; 4\SN =6\n
Mod: 1\H - 1\S; 3\S - 4\SN =6\n
Tucker: 1\H - 1\S; 1NT [\S:3] - 2\S; 3\H - 4\SN =7\n
Kaplan: 1\H - 1NT [\S:5]; 3\S - 4\SN =7\n
Flannery: 1\H - 1\S [\S:5]; 3\S - 4\SN =7\n
Transfer: 1\H - 1\S; 2\D [\H, good] - 2\H; 2\S - 4\SN =7\n
Gazzilli: 1\H - 1\S; 2\C! - 2\D!; 2\S - 4\SN =7\n
KSU: Flannery}
[Auction "S"]
1H {Major suit opening -- 5+ H; 21- HCP; 12-22 total points}
Pass {No suitable call -- 16- total points}
1S {One over one -- 4+ S; 6+ total points}
Pass {No suitable call -- 20- total points}
3H {Opener rebid -- 6+ H; 17-20 total points}
Pass {No suitable call -- 16- total points}
3S {6+ S; 8+ total points; forcing}
Pass {No suitable call -- 20- total points}
4S {6+ H; 1+ S; 17-20 total points}
[Application "BridgeComposer; Views=001F"]
[DoubleDummyTricks "8bb668bb660006700067"]
[OptimumResultTable "Declarer;Denomination\2R;Result\2R"]
N S 11
N H 11
N D 6
N C 6
N NT 8
E S 0
E H 0
E D 6
E C 7
E NT 0
S S 11
S H 11
S D 6
S C 6
S NT 8
W S 0
W H 0
W D 6
W C 7
W NT 0
[Event "+Tucker"]
[Site ""]
[Date "2011.11.03"]
[Board "61"]
[West ""]
[North ""]
[East ""]
[South ""]
[Dealer "S"]
[Vulnerable "None"]
[Deal "S:K64.AT9632.K.AT6 93.K54.A6543.Q97 QJ8752.87.92.K32 AT.QJ.QJT87.J854"]
[Scoring ""]
[Declarer "N"]
[Contract "3S"]
[Result ""]
{Std: 1\H - 1\S; 2\HS =4\n
Mod: 1\H - 1\S; 2\SN =7\n
Tucker: 1\H - 1\S; 1NT [\S:3] - 2\SN =7\n
Kaplan: 1\H - 1NT [\S:5]; 2\SS =7\n
Flannery: 1\H - 1\S [\S:5]; 2\SN =7\n
Transfer: Std\n
Gazzilli: Std \n
KSU: Flannery}
[Auction "S"]
1H {Major suit opening -- 5+ H; 21- HCP; 12-22 total points}
Pass {No suitable call -- 16- total points}
1S {One over one -- 4+ S; 6+ total points}
Pass {No suitable call -- 20- total points}
2H {Opener rebids his H -- 6+ H; 3- S; 12-16 total points}
Pass {No suitable call -- 16- total points}
2S {Responder rebid -- 6+ S; 6-10 total points}
Pass {No suitable call -- 20- total points}
3S {6+ H; 2-3 S; 16+ HCP; 16- total points}
[Application "BridgeComposer; Views=001F"]
[DoubleDummyTricks "69845698456359863598"]
[OptimumResultTable "Declarer;Denomination\2R;Result\2R"]
N S 9
N H 8
N D 4
N C 5
N NT 6
E S 3
E H 5
E D 9
E C 8
E NT 6
S S 9
S H 8
S D 4
S C 5
S NT 6
W S 3
W H 5
W D 9
W C 8
W NT 6
[Event "+Tucker"]
[Site ""]
[Date "2011.11.03"]
[Board "62"]
[West ""]
[North ""]
[East ""]
[South ""]
[Dealer "S"]
[Vulnerable "NS"]
[Deal "S:A98.KJT83.63.AJ8 QT632.A7.T942.T7 KJ54.94.Q85.6432 7.Q652.AKJ7.KQ95"]
[Scoring ""]
[Declarer "S"]
[Contract "1NT"]
[Result ""]
{Std: 1\H - (P) - 1\S - (X); XX [\S:3] - (2\DW) =7\n
Mod: Std\n
Tucker: Std\n
Kaplan: 1\H - 1\S [\S:0-4]; 2\C - 2\HS =5\n
Flannery: 1\H - 1NT; 2\C - 2\HS =5\n
Transfer: Std\n
Gazzilli: Std }
[Auction "S"]
1H {Major suit opening -- 5+ H; 21- HCP; 12-22 total points}
Pass {No suitable call -- 16- total points}
1S {One over one -- 4+ S; 6+ total points}
Pass {No suitable call -- 20- total points}
1NT {2-5 C; 2-5 D; 5 H; 2-3 S; 11-14 HCP; 12+ total points}
[Application "BridgeComposer; Views=001F"]
[DoubleDummyTricks "66746667466769766687"]
[OptimumResultTable "Declarer;Denomination\2R;Result\2R"]
N S 6
N H 7
N D 4
N C 6
N NT 6
E S 7
E H 6
E D 9
E C 7
E NT 6
S S 6
S H 7
S D 4
S C 6
S NT 6
W S 6
W H 6
W D 8
W C 7
W NT 6