(Reload to revert.)
Date | Page | Type | Description |
2025-02 | 282 | Fix | Index lebensohl:over weak two-bid.
Two lines below the line starting "10.", insert "we" at the start of the line. |
2025-02 | 283 | Index | Meckwell:over 1 NT. |
2025-02 | 284 | New | Index multi-Landy:over 1 NT.
Over a weak 1 NT opening (could be weaker than 14), acting in the direct seat promises opening bid strength. Meckwell can seldom resolve overcaller's 5-4 holdings, either major-minor or both majors; but the opponents are also in the dark. Even 4-4 can be OK! Meckwell never forces the partnership to the three level, so we can often make a nuisance of ourselves without suffering for it. If our intent is to disturb the 1 NT opening while assisting our defense, then Meckwell is highly suitable. We don't need that much accuracy when we plan to get out at the two level. Playing Meckwell, it's clearly a mistake to go to the three level with less than 4-card support for a two-suiter. Multi-Landy. If we would like to seriously contest the partscore, or to consider a game, then multi-Landy seems better. It's more accurate. That's what we want when we hope to declare. That accuracy can be a disadvantage when an opponent declares. |
2025-02 | 298 | Index | Bartusek. |
2025-02 | 183 | New | Update [G] for my article "Simulation: Stayman and a Minor." |
2025-02 | 093 | New | Marty Bergen, "Opener rebids after a 1NT response to 1H –
part 2," in the Jan 2025 Bridge Bulletin, p. 59.
(A) AKQ10-AJ654-64-75: our approved rebid is 2C, but wait! "As I have repeatedly written and stated, 'any suit headed by four honors should be treated as if it had an additional card.'" A fine plan: open 1S on this "5-5" hand. (D) AJT-AKJT2-53-AT9: "This is not a 17-point hand! ... The only correct rebid is 3 NT." On page 50, we have a choice, the expert meaning of 3 NT, showing a balanced hand with six cards in the major, or like 2 NT, only stronger. It looks like Bergen is in the latter camp, but wait! This heart suit has four honors and thus should be treated as six cards long. This hand works for either choice. [page 50] |
2025-02 | 198 | Alt | Jerry Helms, in his column in the Dec 2024 Bridge Bulletin, p. 53, tackles the lead-directing double of our Jacoby transfer. His preference is that accepting the transfer "means we have a home," that is, either 3+ card support or a stopper in the doubled suit. If your partnership plays that redouble is an offer to play, then consider the Helms method. However, it does not tell responder whether we have enough trumps to compete to the three level. It's better for bidding garden-variety deals, if the redouble shows doubleton support with a stopper. We agree with Helms that a pass should show a doubleton without a stopper. |
2025-02 | 147 | Alt | Mike Lawrence tackles "Responder's bid after opener's reverse"
in the Dec 2024 Bridge Bulletin, p. 50.
The article decribes an incompatible alternative to the
"two-way slow-down" of this book.
a multiple world champion, outstanding author,
and an obvious candidate,
has been nominated for the Bridge Hall of Fame.
His method for reverses is surely a worthy alternative.
Lawrence's article is aimed at intermediate players and is based on the auction {1D-1S; 2H}. He mentions using the cheaper of the fourth suit and 2NT to show a weak hand (what we call the slow-down bid). However, he does not define responder's 3NT after the slow-down bid. Instead, he suggests the immediate jump to "3 NT shows a fat 9 up to a so-so 11 points ... [or] a wretched 12." With slam interest (e.g., AQ64-Q6-JT9-KQT6), Lawrence says responder should rebid something other than 2NT or 3NT. After a reverse into hearts, that could be the fourth suit (3C here), "showing game values [and] ... usually undefined." Lawrence's method is emminently playable and simpler than two-way slow-down after a reverse into hearts. However, he does not say how responder can differentiate ways to 3NT after a reverse into hearts. The fourth suit (oM) is used up, and 2NT is usually natural but non-forcing. We could use two-way slow-down here, but then why not over both categories of reverse? We have a worthy alternative to the book here, so the partnership should make an active decision on which way to play. |
2025-02 | 176 | Note | James Marsh Sternberg, MD, tackles "When should I open 1NT?" in the Dec 2024 Bridge Bulletin, p. 61. The article is a clear expression of ideas consistent with this section of this book. |
2025-01 | 0 | File emptied by second edition. |
Page | Type | Significant Change in Second Edition
(page numbers from second edition, by visual scan) |
9 | New | This second edition is dedicated to Jim Negro. |
84 | Fix | Choice of 2-way Drury flavors. |
86 | New | Splinters topic. |
94 | Fix | Picture bid denies a side control. |
108 | New | Topics: Responding in a major suit, Bypass spades, The other major, 4-4 majors. |
110 | Fix | Chart improvements. |
113 | Del | Unnecessary rule removed. |
114 | Del | Examples now numbered 6 & 7, due to move of "1D - 2C" section. |
117 | Fix | "Free Bid at One of a Minor" inserted at page 145 and then moved here. |
133 | Fix | No doubleton paragraph 2 improved. |
135 | Rule moved ahead of heading. | |
141 | New | Response in the other minor topic added. "1C - 1D" moved here from page 111. "After 1D - 2C" new; modified several times at the end of January. |
146 | Fix | Change topic to "Opener's Strong Reverse," removing use of lebelsohl and blackout names in main text. |
147 | Fix | Define new terms two-way and stop-major. Reorganize choices regarding reverses. |
149 | Del | Remove picture option from chart. (Move example 6 to after the chart, and renumber it 0, solving a pagination issue; examples after former 6 are renumbered.) |
150 | Fix | Key Features updated. |
156 | Fix | Backstory: "The roots of modern systems over opener’s strong reverse are Ingberman, lebensohl, and blackout. People use these names somewhat interchangeably, with cross-pollination and revision of methods. I deliberately omitted these names from the text, simply talking about the slow-down bid. The choices in this book do not cover all the issues. This tangle is complicated! Look for an upcoming article on 3NT.XYZ." Many details about those methods have been removed from the Backstory, to reappear in the article. |
170 | Fix | After a 1 D or 1 NT response. |
171 | Fix | Last paragraph. |
172 | Fix | Rule moved to top of page. |
187 | Del | Baze extension. |
190 | The former last paragraph is split in two. | |
192 | Fix | Chart for Size Ask (2 S). |
195 | fix | Update first sentence of Backstory. |
196 | Fix | Chart and following paragraph. |
197 | New | Chart "2 S (size ask or clubs) doubled" instead of using lists. |
198 | New+ | Add examples. Replace list of key features with a simpler chart, saving a sheet of paper. |
202 | Del | Three bogus lines that were in the 3 S section appeared in the 3 H section of the chart in the Jan 24 update. Three bogus lines for 3S/4C/4D/4H, replacing as needed. |
204 | Last paragraph condensed. | |
206 | Fix | First paragraph. |
211 | Fix | Reverse clauses paragraph 2, reads better. |
212 | Fix | Switch to correct puppet/relay terms for Parrish. Replace author's extension with a superior plan. |
213 | Fix | Change from Kokish relay to birthright, as the primary name: it was originally published in the article "Capturing Your Birthright" in Melange de Bridge. The second negative is the cheaper minor or 3 NT, the method called "cheaper minor," according to Bill Root. |
215 | Fix | Expand summary of Marshall Miles' 2 C responses. |
220 | New | Examples 1 & 2 and a paragraph. |
221 | Fix | Add choice for Nonvulnerable or Always. With ranked responses, rebidding the suit is worst. |
222 | New | Add a choice to play McCabe or just wing it. |
236 | New | Add brief summary of delayed kickback. |
244 | New | Reference to delayed kickback. |
247 | Example 2 moved ahead to here. | |
248 | New | Replace K with a stub, plus a new section: "Overcall of Our Major Suit Opening - Immediate 4 NT," including new example 2. |
251 | Fix |
K. Refer to "Overcall of Our Major...."
L. Refer to "Diamonds and Then Clubs." |
253 | Fix+ | "It is possible to play super Gerber over bids other than 3 NT, but don't." Add "Conclusion." |
258 | Fix | Paragraph, insert "2 C or." |
262 | Fix | With choices for lower- or higher-longer, explain what a double means. |
263 | Fix | Replace bullet with checked box. |
264 | Fix | Add run-in headings to this page. Add "More basic investigations," referring to upcoming "Over Their Weak Two-Bid." |
266 | Del | Note 3 (page 256 in original edition 1); the poll results are in the text. Rework last three paragraphs at bottom of page. |
271 | Fix | Expand note 9, A-B-C-Q. |
282 | New | "Over Their Weak Two-Bid," including Lebensohl." |
285 | Fix+ | Double; add optional 2H/2S (from Robert Todd). First paragraph of Backstory condensed. |
286 | Add | Bennett. |
296 | Fix | Recommend against range Stayman, which applies only when LHO's major suit opening bid is passed around to a reopening 1 NT. Add two optionl bids. Replace last two paragraphs of "Heavy invites." |
307 | Del | "Kaplan Interchange over One Heart." |
309 | Fix | Flip order in "Notrump bids" heading. |
310 | Add | Tweak last line. |