
Duplicate Bridge

Session Notes
Club Manager and Director Materials


All books are:
at Advancing/Advanced levels
designed for both print and the small screen
work well on Android (and presumably Apple)

Date Media Ed Book Title (Level), Summary & Notes
1 EZ-ExpertTM Bidding Tools — Second Edition

Paperback $10 on amazon.com.
PDF For purchaser of any edition: Temporary Free PDF Program, based on latest published paperback.
Errata For the second edition, which emptied this list.
List of changes included in the second edition, by visual scan.
The second edition was initially published as a major update to the first edition. Won't do that again: after the final updates, the author got a non-updated book from Amazon (credited, but still...). If your first edition says "Updated...February, 2025" on the back of your title page, and "Updated" on the spine of a paperback, you should be good. Otherwise, you should get the second edition.
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Date        Annotated Bidding Practice
Dec 2024   Bidding Practice 1 – Annotated    East Hands    West Hands
26 deals from top flight regional pairs events in 2024.
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      The initial postings below have been used by the author over the years to practice various conventions and bidding systems. I hope to provide practice materials for prominent features in the Bidding Tools book. Please send any requests to the gmail address you will find in the Foreword of the book or at the top of any article.
          A bullet indicates a set of practice materials that is associated with a topic in the Bidding Tools book, and possibly one or more articles. A set without a bullet is not associated with the book. Use recommended methods or your own methods to practice with these deals.
    Bid       The Bid PDF contains the curtain cards for practice bidding from Bridge Composer. South always deals, but the vulnerability varies. Best is to print them out, and cut them vertically, up the middle. Duplex printing helps, because that puts South & West on one side of a half-sheet and North & East on the other side – no need to switch papers to switch roles. You may choose to ignore or bid the following East or West hand on your sheet.
    Opps       An Opps PDF contains notes on bidding by the opponents, deal by deal.
    HR       The HR PDF contains a hand record for all the deals, such as you would pick up after a club game. These deals are usually just as the computer spit them out. If a deal is off-target, just skip to the next — there are usually plenty.
    HR+       The HR+ PDF contains an annotated hand record, possibly giving auctions for alternative bidding systems or tools. Deals that are off-target have been removed from all related files, as part of the process.
    PBN       A PBN (Portable Bridge Notation) file is not needed for practice bidding. It can be read and employed by a program such as Bridge Composer.
    Work       A Work file is not needed for practice bidding. This file receives deals as PBN, one per line, from the Deal program. The file is then read by Bridge Composer.
    Specs       A specfications file is not needed for practice bidding. It specifies how the computer was told to select deals, often as reported by DMpro.
    Tcl       A Tcl (tickle) file is not needed for practice bidding. This program provides the logic for the Deal program to select deals.
      For information on generating practice deals, please see Practice Deals, which talks about the Deal program. The older Anatomy of a Bridge Deal talks about multiple methods, including Dealmaster Pro. DMpro does not require programming to deal, but has issues. (I have not tried the modern version.) Some items below containing "simu" or "lead" may also be of interest.

Date       Practice Topic, Notes & Links

Posting of previously-generated deals is complete.
    Jacoby 2 NT & Limit Raise — Swedish Jacoby
Generated Jan 2023.    Bid    HR    PBN    Specs   
    Spiral Raises — Fragment Spiral
Generated Feb 2020:    Bid    HR    PBN    Work    Tcl   
Needs improvement — North always has four trumps.
    Major Suit Game Tries (1M-2M)
Generated May 2017: West deals; we are E-W; N-S hands hidden in PBN file.
Spades:    Bid    HR+    PBN    Hearts:    Bid    HR+    PBN   
      Standard Modern Precision — The Imprecision System
Generated 2016-2019.
1C Opening (2016):    Bid    HR    PBN   
1D, 1NT, 2C & 2D Opening (2017):    Bid    HR    PBN   
2C & 2D Opening (2019):    Bid    HR    PBN   
      Unbalanced Diamond System
Generated Sep-Oct 2014. Oct*100:    Bid    HR    PBN   
Sep*24-1:    Bid    HR    PBN    Sep*24-2:    Bid    HR    PBN   
      Raptor and Roadrunner 1NT Overcalls
Generated Dec 2011:    Bid    HR+    PBN   
    Spades over Hearts — Flannery and Major Nightmare Solutions
Generated Nov 2011 for the following contexts:
Flannery*51 (opener has 4 spades, 5 hearts, 11-15 HCP):
Bid    HR+    PBN   
Extended Flannery*18 (opener has 4 spades, 6 hearts, 11-15 HCP):
Bid    HR+    PBN   
Tucker*53 (opener 3 spades, 5+ hearts, normally opened 1 heart):
Bid    HR+    PBN   
Non_Tucker*36 (opener 0-2 spades, 5+ hearts, normally opened 1 heart) plus Misfit*22 (responder GF, 4+ spades, 0-2 hearts):
Bid    HR+    PBN   
These deals were analyzed for the original article and may be used with Tucker over One Heart.
      Explorations of Roman 3-suited Openings
Generated Oct 2011:    Bid    Opps    HR+    PBN    Bid-X1    HR+-X1    PBN-X1    Bid-X2    HR-X2    PBN-X2   
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            EZ-ExpertTM Bidding Tools supersedes all the articles with titles preceded by a down arrow (⇓) and described in a smaller font; those with residual value are still available.
          Key articles not superseded by EZ-ExpertTM Bidding Tools have titles preceded by a bullet.
    Bold       Articles with Bold Titles have ongoing importance.
    PDF       All articles are PDFs.
    (I)       Intermediate level material.
    (A)       Advancing/Advanced level material
    Print       Be sure to see Printing Media J, T or X Documents before printing one.

Date Media Article Title (Level), Summary & Notes
Feb 2025 T Simulations: Stayman or Transfer, and a Minor
Over a standard opening bid of 1 NT and a Stayman two club response, responder may have the other major and a longer minor suit. Also, after a Jacoby transfer is completed, responder may have a minor suit. In either situation, bidding the minor is forcing to game. When should responder do that? This simulation article provides answers. 5,000 deals have been analyzed for each situation:
Stayman + Clubs:   XLSX   PBN
Transfer + Clubs:   XLSX   PBN
Jan 2025 T Baze Extension
Please ignore this article, which contains a section cut out of Bidding Tools on the off chance that somebody liked it there.
Jan 2025 T Blackout, by Tim Bourke
This article has been newly transcribed and up-formatted. The old, pale, mimeograph version from Australia (1975) is here.
This article defines the blackout convention over opener's strong reverse – at a point in time just before responder's rebid of their major changed to be forcing. The interested reader will discover significant differences from how lebensohl is usually played over a reverse.
Bourke emailed: Bobby Richman introduced a variation of blackout to the Melbourne youth group in 1971/2. In the US, (from memory) it was discussed in MIKE LAWRENCE The Lebensohl Convention 1983 (Texas Bridge Supplies, Baytown Tx) stapled, 215x140mm, pp 23. ed 1, as a variant of Lebensohl.
Jan 2025 T After One Diamond – Two Clubs (A)
Insert this new topic after page 304 of EZ-Expert Bidding Tools (Edition 1). The author has aligned his approach to this auction with Marty Bergen's. Older versions of this article had other names, including "Responding to One Diamond with Clubs." This updates the Oct 2024 version of this article.
Sep 2024 T Transfers after Transfers (A)
Significant improvements, still two pages.
Oct 2023: Over partner’s 1 NT opening bid, we bid Stayman and follow with 2 ♠ to invite game with five or more spades. This plan effectively makes 2 NT obsolete as an invitation, in this auction: { 1 NT – 2 ♡; 2 ♠ – ? } Do experts repurpose that? Gavin Wolpert replied, "Most experts are shifting to transfers after transfers." This is an augmented summary of the plan he provided.
Aug 2024 T Responses to a 2 NT Opening (A)
Semi-puppet Stayman added; other minor improvements.
Dec 2023: Muppet and replacing Gerber updated; other minor improvements.
Oct 2023: Over our 2 NT opening, bidding room is cramped, and we do not have the wealth of options that we have over 1 NT. This article compares increasingly complicated systems over our 2 NT opening, differentiated by the form of Stayman used:
1. Standard Stayman (the only one the author plays);
2. Puppet Stayman, including the muppet variant;
3. Semi-puppet Stayman; or
4. 5-card-major Stayman.
Aug 2024 T Opener's Reverses, by Monroe Ingberman (A)
This article has been transcribed from the The Contract Bridge BULLETIN, November, 1970. The successor to that BULLETIN is the Bridge Bulletin, the official publication of the American Contract Bridge League. All modern Bulletins are available to ACBL members at https://www.acbl.org > MyACBL.
Jun 2024 T Bart: Spade Opener’s Two Clubs (A)
The one spade opener's two club rebid over a forcing 1 NT response may be played as Bart. It is used to sort out various hands, especially to find a 5–3 heart fit.
Jan 2024 T Tucker over One Heart (A)
Tucker is a strong alternative to the Flannery two diamond opening bid. However, it has not sold well, and I have removed this article from the Appendix of the book.
Dec 2023 T Two-Suited Overcalls (A)
Two-suited overcalls are powerful tools that mean we do not need to bid a second time to show our shape, perhaps with the opponents fighting all the way. Two-suiters are a major offensive threat, since they often take more tricks than their high cards would indicate. This article considers the Michaels, top-and-bottom and Bailey cue-bids with unusual 2NT. It also considers three-bid systems, such as Ghestem, that immediately show all three combinations of unbid suits.
Nov 2023 T Almost 2/1 (A)
In the Almost 2/1 system, often called Eastern Scientific, a response at the two-level is forcing to game unless responder rebids their suit. Think of the system as Kaplan-Sheinwold with strong notrumps. If you don't already play such a system, it's probably not worth your time to learn it. Almost 2/1 works fine with the tools in my book. (Updated Nov 2023 from Sep, to refer to "Responding to One Diamond with Clubs," but that article has been updated and renamed "After One Diamond - Two Clubs.")
Nov 2023 T They Mess with Our One Notrump (A)
This article describes advanced methods to cope with interference by the opponents over our 1 NT opening bid: TNT runouts from a penalty double, two of a minor for both majors, and transfer lebensohl.
Oct 2023 T A Gerber Replacement (A)
Assuming we have a way to use crosswood to ask for keycards in a minor, we don't need Gerber over a 1NT or 2NT opening. Invented by the great Zia Mahmood, this replaces Gerber with improved quantitative responses.
Oct 2023 T Transfer Advances of Our Overcall (A)
Invented long ago by Jeff Rubens, this plan only adds hands that advancer can show, without removing any!
Sep 2023 T Delayed Kickback for Hearts (A)
Delayed kickback resolves ambiguities: does four spades ask for keycards, or does it mean something else?
Sep 2023 T In the Zone (A)
To play our best, we need to stay focused, centered, "in the zone." Here are factors that affect the size and sturdiness of our zone, and staying in it.
Sep 2023 T One-Under Raises of a Major Suit (A)
This method replaces Jacoby 2NT with an artificial two-level response that also includes a 3-card limit raise — we can get out at the two level. Other changes include an artificial two club response and a game-forcing 2NT response with a balanced hand. The advanced responses here are untested.
Aug 2023 J Fragment Spiral (A)
One small but important correction to Dutch spiral.
Mar 2020: A spiral inquiry is often used when opener may have raised responder's major suit holding only three card support. This article describes a better system than basic "3-3-4-4" spiral raises. Charts compare these with other methods. A major rewrite for clarity, with few changes in methods from the Jul 2019 version. This conventional inquiry has been renamed from semi-natural spiral.
Practice files moved to: Bridge > Practice
Apr 2023 K Ingberman, Blackout, Lebensohl Reverses - Roots
Totally superseded.
Feb 2023 K Swedish Jacoby 2NT
Totally superseded.
Practice files moved to: Bridge > Practice
Aug 2022 T The Strong Two Club Opening (A)
This article is a major update to "Miles Responses to a Strong Two Club Opening" (Jul 2009).
May 2020 J Intervene over an Opening Bid with a Strong Hand
Totally superseded.
May 2020 J Leaping and Non-Leaping Michaels
Totally superseded.
Feb 2020 J Practice Deals & Opening Leads (A)
This article describes using free and low-cost software to:
  1. create deals to practice bidding for a specific situation or convention, and
  2. perform simulations to determine what the best opening lead is, with a specific hand and auction.
Supporting files — use these links in the case of a 403 error:
practice.pl TEST.pbn TEST.tcl TEST.txt
Spiral practice files moved to: Bridge > Practice
Dec 2019 J The Imprecision Bridge Bidding System (A)
Imprecision is a variant of Standard Modern Precision with the one diamomnd system replaced, multi-range 1NT openings, and a version of Bart to find a safe partscore (or game) after this auction: 1C [strong, artificial, forcing] — 1D [0-7 HCP]; 1M [4+ cards, forcing] — 1S or 1NT.
Jul 2019 J Inverted Minor Raises
Totally superseded.
Apr 2019 J An Overview of the Use of Transfers in and out of Competition, by Marc Smith (A)
This series of 13 articles describes methods to extend the use of transfers far beyond the usual direct responses to a notrump opening bid. The series is part of a trove of 54 articles at https://sites.google.com/site/bridgequarter/home, edited and stashed there by Steve Turner in 2007. No contact information was provided. Pete has formatted and edited the series for clarity, with little impact on the content itself. It should now be far easier to comprehend or print, while working well on a tablet or smartphone. Pete gave part (6), the most important, extra attention.
Feb 2019 P Major Suit Game Tries and Raises at Bridge (I/A)
The author leads with his tried-and-true principles of game tries over standard raises and responding to them, but shows their shortcomings. He then proceeds to modern methods, which aim to avoid game tries when possible, and to conceal potentially damaging information from the opponents. Losing Trick Count is discussed and sure cover cards, aka winners, are introduced. The slow-down raise, mini-splinters by responder, and jump mixed raises are recommended. Reverse two-way reverse Drury is introduced, with full game tries available to both partners. The limit raise is merged with the forcing raise both to gain space and for competitive advantage. Important ideas by Marty Bergen, Ken Eichenbaum, Andrew Gumperz, Lew Gamerman and many others are considered in the Appendix, plus tests of specific game try methods. Three pages of annotated references are included. There are lots of ideas and arrangements of ideas here.
Dec 2018 J Improving 2/1 Game Force, Part 1, by Fred Gitelman (A)
This article was originally published in Canadian Master Point, November 1993; repaired by Pete Matthews Jr from available sources and posted with permission of the author.
Topics: PROBLEM 1: The lack of definition of the 2/1. PROBLEM 2: The (misguided) principle of fast arrival, Serious 3NT, Picture Bids. Likely the earliest published, useful description of Serious 3NT methods.
Dec 2018 J Improving 2/1 Game Force, Part 2, by Fred Gitelman (A)
This article was originally published in Canadian Master Point, January 1994; repaired by Pete Matthews Jr from available sources and posted with permission of the author.
Topics: Likely the earliest published, useful descriptions of Last Train to Clarksville (LTTC) and Lackwood.
Dec 2018 J Improving 2/1 Game Force, Part 3, by Fred Gitelman (A)
This article was originally published in Canadian Master Point, June 1994; repaired by Pete Matthews Jr from available sources and posted with permission of the author.
Topics: Responses to cheapest jump shift, used as replacement for Jacoby 2NT. Improving Forcing 1NT Auctions.
Oct 2018 J Disrupting Precision Minor Suit Openings (I/A)
In the Precision bidding system, the one club opening is used for most strong hands. When this comes up, it offers an opportunity to get in the way.
The most common Precision opening is one diamond. The opponents may try to use it to eat your lunch. Be prepared, or go hungry!
Jul 2017 P Roman Keycard Blackwood, Delayed Kickback and Crosswood
Totally superseded.
May 2013 P Bridge Playing & Simulation Software Review (A)
This article surveys the top five bridge playing programs for Windows computers: Jack, Wbridge5 (free!), Shark, GiB and Bridge Baron. Two more programs are considered for their capability to let you design your own bidding conventions: Bridge Buff and Blue Chip Bridge. Finally, tools for for performing bridge simulations are evaluated, including a simulation to evaluate three dealing tools: Bridge Buff, Dealmaster Pro, and Deal (free & best!)
Mar 2013 P Anatomy of a Bridge Deal (A)
This article presents a deal with a somewhat unusual bidding decision. More than just providing the correct answer, it show methods to determine that answer.
PDF  Deals analyzed: GiB plays 3 diamonds doubled, by East. PBN 
PDF  Deals analyzed: GiB plays 3 notrump, by North. PBN 
PDF  Deals analyzed: double dummy, North may hold 5 clubs. PBN 
PDF  Deals analyzed: double dummy, North plays 3NT without competition. PBN 
PDF  Spreadsheet of results. XLSX 
Oct 2012 P Opener Rebids 2NT (A)
Years in the making, the author presents his survey of available methods and those he recommends — slip out page 4.
Jan 2012 P The Raptor and Roadrunner 1NT Overcalls (A)
The Raptor 1NT overcall and its Roadrunner derivative promise a major suit and a longer minor, typically 4-5 or 4-6. High card strength is usually that of a normal opening bid. Evaluation of the systems through 40 deals is followed by a one-page description of each convention. Defenses are provided. The main advantage of these conventions is that they are fun to play, as they appear to be results-neutral, or slightly better - with the loss of the natural 1NT overcall. The author has only played Raptor, and only at Matchpoints, where a single board won't swing an entire session.
Supporting files moved to: Bridge > Practice
Nov 2011 P Flannery and Major Nightmare Solutions at Bridge (A)
This is the definitive article on the web about bidding systems for deals where the opening bidder has five or more hearts and three or four spades. The Tucker 1NT rebid is introduced and recommended over approaches based on standard methods, the Flannery Two Diamond opening, the Kaplan Interchange, Opener's Transfer Rebids, Opener's Gazzilli Two Club rebid, and Kaplan-Sheinwold Updated (KSU). This sixth version of the article adds evaluation of Transfer, Gazzilli, KSU, and Extended Flannery methods, more Tucker context deals, and Extended Flannery context deals. Want to start playing Tucker? Just pull out page 2. Also see A Major Nightmare below. Supporting materials for this article include:
PDF  Spreadsheet summarizing bidding evaluation results. XLS 
Practice files moved to: Bridge > Practice
Oct 2011 P Explorations of Roman 3-Suited Openings at Bridge (A)
This is the definitive article on the web about specialized openings for hands with 4-4-4-1 distribution. Conventions analyzed that are already in use include: Blue Team Two Diamonds, Mini-Roman Two Diamonds, and Split Roman Two Diamonds. The author also describes and analyzes new conventions: Triple Roman Two Diamonds (in two point ranges), and Quad Roman Two Clubs. These conventions are considered in the context of Eastern Scientific (similar to 2/1 Game Force) and Unbalanced Diamond (a system with artificial openings). This second version of the article adds the Miles Roman Two Diamonds and supersedes the Quad Roman Two Clubs with Triple Roman Two Clubs. The first set of extra deals is evaluated with the main contenders.
PDF  Double spreadsheet summarizing bidding evaluation results. XLSX 
Most supporting materials moved to:
Bridge > Practice
Mar 2011 P Legal and Illegal Switches
Totally superseded.
Dec 2010 P Leong Transfers after Opener Rebids 1NT (A) ... by Eric Leong (assembled by Pete Matthews Jr).
Dec 2010 P Bridge Bidding Systems for Finding Major Suit Fits (A)
Montreal Relay, Transfer Walsh, Crowhurst, New Minor Forcing, Checkback Stayman, Two-Way NMF, Leong Transfers [rev. Dec 2010], Morgan Transfers, Fourth Bid Transfers, Fourth Suit Forcing, X-Y-Z.
Dec 2010 P The Unbalanced Diamond System by Marshall Miles (A)
This article provides a detailed summary of the bidding system, as described in Miles' book. It fills in some gaps, and discusses potential improvements.
My UBD folder contains the rather terse, final, 8-page system notes for Andrew Hanes and myself from Nov 2014. We probably switched to Standard Modern Precision (SMP) around then. The folder also contains 91 pages of system notes by Bruce Watson from 2016. If you are actually playing UBD, I would be glad to send them on.
Practice files moved to: Bridge > Practice
Nov 2009 P Bridge Scoring, Strategy, and Tactics (I)
This article describes bridge scoring and its impact upon play, essential information for intermediate and novice players.
Jul 2009 P Morgan Transfers after Opener Rebids 1NT (A)
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Session Notes

Levels are Intermediate (I) and Advancing/Advanced (A).

Date Location Media Title (Level)
2024-10-30 Charlotte Regl P Good Raise (I/A)
2024-10-22 Robots P Draw Trumps (I/A)
2024-07-15 Robots P Robot NABC Slam (I). (Updated with squeeze line 2024-10-23.)
2024-07-12 Puritan P Matchpoint Play (A)
2024-04-27 Puritan P Long Suit (I/A)
2024-04-10 BBO-ACBL P Everything Is Wrong (A)
2024-03-14 BBO-ACBL P Walsh One Spade (I/A)
2024-02-14 Robots P Misclick (A)
2024-02 Hilton Head Regl P GOSH. Which Slam? Poison. Takeout Double. Weak Two-Bid. Lead-Director. Trump Tricks. (I/A)
2023-10 Buffalo Regl P Curly Cue. Singleton. Spades over Hearts. Defending 3 NT. Who Has the Queen? Four Spades and Five Hearts. (I/A)
2023-12-15 BBO-ACBL P Reverse in Traffic (I/A)
2023-10-19 BBO-ACBL P The Buttinski Rule (I/A)
2023-09 Warwick Regl P Partner Strikes Gold. Opener Rebids a Minor. Spade Fit. Diamond Partial. (I/A)
2023-08-23 WinchArl P One Notrump Doubled (I/A)
2023-06-29 BBO-ACBL P Invitational Jump (I/A)
2023-05-03 BBO-ACBL P Support with Support (I/A)
2023-05-03 Puritan P Our Forcing 1 NT Overcalled (A)
2023-05-01 FF Arl P Half the Deck (A)
2023-04-26 BBO-ACBL P Slamming after 2NT - 3♣ (A)
2023-04 Gatlinburg Regl P Two Spades. Pass or Open? Hearts! Both Minors. Guilty As Charged. Six Notrump (I/A)
2023-04-14 Puritan P Multi-Landy (A)
2023-03-30 BBO-ACBL P XYZ (I/A)
2023-03-22 WinchArl P Lebensohl (I/A)
2023-03-22 WinchArl P Two Slams and a Squeeze (A)
2023-02-01 BBO-ACBL P Big Hearts (I/A)
2023-01-20 Puritan P Two Slams (A)
2022-Aug Bridge Bulletin L Eric G Schwartz 1939-2022, so long, friend!
2022-12-16 Puritan P Spade Partial (A)
2022-12-02 Puritan P Inverted Minors; Slam Killer; Reopening (I)
2022-10-29 Charlotte Regl P Serious Swedish Jacoby (A)
2022-09-13 BBO-ACBL P Missed Slam (A)
2022-09-16 Puritan P An Extra Notrump (A)
2022-09-15 WinchArl P Mixed Raise (A)
2022-07-19 NABC Sr Swiss P Smith Echo (I/A)
2022-06-16 BidBox P Rebid in Hearts (I/A)
2022-05-27 BBO-ACBL P Flannery Deal (A)
2022-05-11 BBO-ACBL P Defend Three Clubs (I/A)
2022-04-27 BBO-ACBL P Declare One No Trump; Two Strong No Trumps (I/A)
2022-05-16 BBO-ACBL P Red Suits (A)
2022-05 BBO-ACBL P Pesky Heart Raise (A)
2022-05 BBO P Two Club Opening Bid? (I/A)
2022-05 BBO P Hearts, by GOSH (A)
2022-04-26 ACBL-Bulletin P A good defensive inference plus a good play (I/A)
2022-04-12 ACBL-Bulletin P Double and Cuebid Trouble (A)
2021-12 ACBL-Bulletin P King-Size Headache (A)
2022-04-12 Bay State P Plan the Defense (I)
2022-01-30 BBO-ACBL P Majors over Their One NT (I)
2021-08-03 Bay State P Don't Double... (I)
2021-06-30 Bay State P Cue Bid (I/A)
2021-06-25 Bay State P Deception (I)
2021-06-17 BBO-ACBL P Direct vs. Delayed Heart Raise (I/A)
2021-06-10 BBO-ACBL P Minor Suit Slam? (I/A)
2021-06-10 BBO-ACBL P Reopening Double (A)
2021-05-20 BBO-ACBL P Two Doubles of Preempts (I/A)
2021-05-15 BBO-Huntsville P Club Special (A+)
2021-05-01 BBO-D25-GNT P Defense; Game Try; Slam? (A)
2021-02-14 BBO-Huntsville P Opening Choice (A)
2021-03-20 BBO-NAOBC P Slamming (A)
2021-03-24 BBO-Huntsville P Four Spade Opening; Four Heart Overcall (I/A)
2021-02-24 BBO-ACBL P Soccer Match (A)
2020-12-02 BBO-ACBL P Bad Split (A)
2020-11-29 BBO-Huntsville P Top or Bottom Swing (I/A)
2020-10-21 BBO-ACBL P Strong Suit, Your Lead (A)
2020-09-30 BBO-ACBL P Your Lead (A)
2020-07-08 BBO-Westwood P 21 Balanced; Missed Slam (A)
2020-06-24 BBO-Westwood P Strong 2-Suiter (A)
2020-03 Birmingham Regl P Trump lead; Double & Bid; Responsive Double; 2 NT Rebid; Slamming! (I/A)
2020-02-29 Calendar P It's Your Lead! (I/A)
2020-01-15 Westwood P What Finesse?; Heavy Traffic (A)
2019-12-20 Westwood P Bumble Stop (I)
2019-12-18 Westwood P Autofix (I/A)
2019-12-14 Watertown P Responder Transfers, Jumps to 5NT; The Pip II (A)
2019-12-10 MIT P Preempt at MIT Indy (A)
2019-12-06 Westwood P 39 Results (I/A)
2019-11-25 Westwood P Nebulous Double; Five Hearts; Diamonds on Dummy (I/A)
2019-11-13 Westwood P Heart Suit (I/A)
2019-11-06 Mansfield Regl P After Jacoby 2NT and Opener's Jump Rebid (I/A)
2019-10-23 Westwood P Invitational with Minors; One and a Half Suiter; Three Suiter (I/A)
2019-10-16 Westwood P Spades! (I/A)   [updated 2019-12-15]
2019-09-13 Westwood P DSI Double Trouble (A)
2019-08-30 Warwick Regl P Eight Ever, Nine Never (A)
2019-08-29 Warwick Regl P RI Squeezer (A)
2019-07 Nashville Regl P Substitute; Which Diamond? (opening lead problem and simulation); Snapdragon Double (A)
2019-06 Nashua Regl P Serious 3NT; Short-Suit Game Try (A)
2019-06-22 Nashua Regl P A Minor Advance (A)
2019-06-12 Westwood P Hearts with Spades (A)
2019-05-17 Westwood P Trouble (A)
2019-05-10 Tampa Regl P Penalty Pass (A)
2019-05-04 Auburn Secl P Wild Weak Twos (A)
2019-05-04 Auburn Secl P Cue Bid Agreements; Irrational Exuberance (A)
2019-05-02 Westwood P Silly Squeeze (A)
2019-04-09 Westwood P Ignorance (I)
2019-02-00 ACBL Bulletin P Bidding Box: Standard Modern Precision Auction (A)
2019-03-00 Westwood P Conflagration (A)
2019-02-04 Westwood P Careful Play; Penalty Card (A)
2019-02-01 Westwood P Free Bid in Westwood (A)
2018-11-21 Westwood P Threading a Major Nightmare (A)
2018-09-17 Provincetown P Unusual Double (I)
2018-08-28 Warwick Regl P Four Deals from Warwick (I/A)
2018-08-21 Westwood P Double and Cue Bid (I/A)
2018-08-09 Westwood P Opening Lead against 3NT (A)
2018-06-19 Nashua Regl P Nashua Deals (I/A)
2018-01-26 Westwood P Defensive Problem (I/A)
2017-10-23 Charlotte Regl P Charlotte Precision Problem (I/A)
2017-10-18 Westwood P Which Major (I/A)
2017-06-06 MIT P Dubious Grand Slam (I/A)
2017-05-02 Westwood P Precision Slam (A)
2017-03-15 Westwood P Two Westwood Deals (I/A)
2016-05-03 MIT P When You're Hot (I/A)
2016-03-26 Westwood P Trumped in Westwood (I/A)
2016-03-15 MIT P Three Slams (I/A)
2015-09-24 Westwood P Low from a Doubleton Honor (A)
2013-11-05 MIT P Redouble Trouble (I)
2013-08-16 Watertown Secl P They Play Flannery (I/A)
2013-04-23 MIT P What do you call an eight card suit? (I/A)
2013-01-29 MIT P Two Deals (I/A)
2013-01-06 Newton Regl P At the Individuals (I/A)
2013-01-05 Newton Regl P Opener Rebids His Minor (I)
2012-11-09 Mansfield Regl P Two Leads from Mansfield (I/A)
2012-08-30 Warwick Regl P Unauthorized Information (I)
2012-07-06 Bethesda Regl P The Tale of the Four of Hearts (I)
2012-06-26 MIT P Preemptive Bidding and Signalling (I)
2012-05-29 MIT P Two in the Glue (I/A)
2012-05-22 MIT P Defending with a Strong Suit (I)
2012-05-08 MIT P Make This Slam (A)
2012-03-20 MIT P Singleton Ace (I)
2012-03-13 MIT P Trump Coup (A)
2012-02-25 Watertown Secl P No Misguess (A)
2012-01-17 MIT P The Rueful Rabbit at MIT (I)
2012-01-17 MIT P Bid Their Suits! (A)
2011-11-22 MIT P It's a Bitch (A)
2011-10-25 MIT P Count! (I)
2011-09-02 Warwick Regl P A Major Nightmare (A)
2011-08-11 Parsippany Regl P Over a Third Seat Weak Two Spades (A)
2011-07-19 MIT HTML Drury and Jump Shifts (I)
2011-07-12 MIT P Opener's Second Suit (I)
2011-04-09 Watertown Secl P Diabolical Lead (A)
2011-04-08 Watertown Secl P Double Restricted Choice (A)
2011-03-29 MIT P Weak 6-4 Majors (I)
2011-03-22 MIT P An Easy Grand (A)
2011-03-01 MIT P Misplay This Hand (A)
2011-02-15 MIT P Almost a Small Nightmare (A)
2011-02-15 MIT P The Five Level Belongs to the Opponents (I)
2011-02-08 MIT HTML J75432-K10-AKQ-J9 after 1NT Forcing (A)
2011-01-25 MIT P 7-5 Misfit (1D - 2C) (A)
2011-01-18 MIT P Easy in Spades, Tricky in NT (A)
2011-01-11 MIT P Suit Combination: A109xx - Qxxx (A)
2011-01-04 MIT P Balancing Preempt (A)
2010-12-28 MIT P Strong Jump Shift (I)
2009-06-02 MIT P Relay Precision Slam (I/A)
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Club Manager and Director Materials

For the calendar years 2006 through 2016, I was the manager of the MIT/DL Bridge Club. Since I'm much better when I'm prepared in advance, compared to coping with directing issues on the fly, I developed tools that helped to run the game more smoothly. Those tools may still be available on the club's site, http://web.mit.edu/mitdlbc/www/contrib.html#Manager.

Director Materials (not yet fully assimilated):

Since I seldom direct bridge games any more, it is unlikely that there will be further updates to this material.

Publication Notes

The Publication Notes have been moved to http://3nt.xyz/about/index.html#PubNotes.

Unless specifically attributed otherwise, content © Pete Matthews Jr.