Out Takes

-10 Dick & Dorothy Larkin.jpg -11 Alice Larkin.jpg -12 Henry, Alice & Dick Larkin.jpg -20 1947-04-20 Albert 'Jigger' Booth Jr.jpg -21 1957-01 Albert Booth Jr.jpg -30 1917~ C F Black.jpg -31 The Blacks.jpg -32 1957~ Blackie & Mildred, Weare NH.jpg -33 Mildred & Blackie, Weare NH.jpg -40 Marie, Liz Perry, 9 Ravine Rd, Wellesley Hills MA.jpg -41 Liz Perry, Marie & Vic.jpg -50 1875~ 06a Album of Grace Caroline Fowler (Blakeslee).jpg -51 1875~ 06b Album of Grace Caroline Fowler (Blakeslee).jpg -52 Mr & Mrs Charles Bowman Sr.jpg 1865~ 02a Album of Grace Caroline Fowler (Blakeslee).jpg 1865~ 02b Album of Grace Caroline Fowler (Blakeslee).jpg 1875~ 001 Album of Chas W BlakesleeJr.jpg 1875~ 002 Album of Chas W BlakesleeJr.jpg 1875~ 003 Album of Chas W BlakesleeJr.jpg 1875~ 004 Album of Chas W BlakesleeJr.jpg 1875~ 005 Album of Chas W BlakesleeJr.jpg 1875~ 006a Album of Chas W BlakesleeJr.jpg 1875~ 007 Album of Chas W BlakesleeJr.jpg 1875~ 008 Album of Chas W BlakesleeJr.jpg 1875~ 009 Album of Chas W BlakesleeJr.jpg 1875~ 01 Album of Grace Caroline Fowler (Blakeslee).jpg 1875~ 010a Album of Chas W BlakesleeJr.jpg 1875~ 011 Album of Chas W BlakesleeJr.jpg 1875~ 012 Album of Chas W BlakesleeJr.jpg 1875~ 014 Album of Chas W BlakesleeJr.jpg 1875~ 015a Album of Chas W Blakeslee Jr.jpg 1875~ 015b Album of Chas W BlakesleeJr.jpg 1875~ 016 Album of Chas W BlakesleeJr.jpg 1875~ 017 Album of Chas W BlakesleeJr.jpg 1875~ 018 Album of Chas W BlakesleeJr.jpg 1875~ 019 Album of Chas W BlakesleeJr.jpg 1875~ 020 Album of Chas W BlakesleeJr.jpg 1875~ 021 Album of Chas W BlakesleeJr.jpg 1875~ 022 Album of Chas W BlakesleeJr.jpg 1875~ 03 Album of Grace Caroline Fowler (Blakeslee).jpg 1875~ 04 Album of Grace Caroline Fowler (Blakeslee).jpg 1875~ 05 Album of Grace Caroline Fowler (Blakeslee).jpg 1875~ 07 Album of Grace Caroline Fowler (Blakeslee).jpg 1875~ 08 Album of Grace Caroline Fowler (Blakeslee).jpg 1916 Virginia Colwell (20 mo).jpg 1940~ Liz Perry & George Fowles (unsure which).jpg 1948-08 Mary Beth Delo.jpg 1953 Marguerite Lee.jpg Alice Anita (Hitchcock) Baumgartner.jpg Bruce Cummings.jpg Helen Beehler, Liz Perry, Marie Biever, Gertrude Williams, Eva Lyons. Sue Rodman, Bess Swanton, Adelaide Taft.jpg