Liz (Fowler) & John Beecher Perry Family

1890~ John Beecher Perry.jpg 1891~ Engagement - John, Harry & mother Sarah Jane Perry with Liz Fowler (front) [301].jpg 1892-06-28 Christ Church, New Haven CT, where Elizabeth & John were married.jpg 1892-06-28 Elizabeth Stevens Fowler & John Beecher Perry.jpg 1892-06-28 Rev G Brinley Morgan married John & Elizabeth [154].jpg 1894-06 1 Ped (7 mo).jpg 1894-06 2 Ped (7 mo).jpg 1895 Ped Perry.jpg 1895~ 1 Liz & Ped Perry.jpg 1896 Horace Burr Jay Perry (age 3).jpg 1896~  Liz.jpg 1896~ 1 Ped on post, Old Beecher homestead, Oxford CT.jpg 1896~ Lower part of barn at Oxford.jpg 1897 Horace Burr Jay Perry (3rd from left).jpg 1897-02-27 Ped.jpg 1897-03-13 John, Ped & Liz Perry.jpg 1897-03-20 Ped & Liz Perry.jpg 1897-12 Ped - 'the only time he ever touched this doll'.jpg 1897~ Elizabeth Stevens 'Liz' (Fowler) Perry.jpg 1898-03 Ped Perry.jpg 1898~ 2 Ped, Oxford CT.jpg 1898~ 6 Ped Perry.jpg 1898~ Ped (front), Sarah & Horace, Harry, Liz; Oxford CT.jpg 1899~ 0 Ped with tripod Harry used to lift out rocks.jpg 1899~ 1 Harry Perry at Oxford.jpg 1899~ 1 Old Beecher homestead.jpg 1899~ 3 Harry Perry at Oxford.jpg 1899~ 4 Ped Perry.jpg 1899~ 5 Ped Perry.jpg 1899~ 6 Ped Perry.jpg 1899~ 7 John Beecher Perry, New Haven Grays.jpg 1900~ Barn behind John Beecher Perry's house, Oxford CT.jpg 1900~ Living room, Perry home, 801 Elm St, New Haven.jpg 1900~ Liz & Ped Perry, John & Nellie Willmott.jpg 1900~ Liz Perry watches herself write a letter, 801 Elm St, New Haven.jpg 1900~ Nellie Willmott, John & Liz Perry.jpg 1900~ New Haven Green.jpg 1900~ Ped on both sides, Checkers, 801 Elm St, New Haven CT.jpg 1900~ Ped's Godmother, Nellie Willmott.jpg 1901-12~ Christmas at Hessleins.jpg 1901~ Bridge Club at 801 Elm St, New Haven.jpg 1901~ Party at Hessleins.jpg 1901~ Ped, Oxford Farm.jpg 1902~ 3 Ped.jpg 1902~ 9 Burge & Ped.jpg 1902~ Burge & Ped.jpg 1902~ John Beecher Perry, New Haven Grays (CT National Guard).jpg 1902~ John, Burge & Ped.jpg 1902~ Liz, Ped & John Perry at the beach.jpg 1902~ New Haven Grays - (f) Ped Perry; (m) Liz Perry, Florence Holladay, Ina; (r) -, Frank Hamilton, -, John Perry.jpg 1903-02-04 Party for Thomas H Cox.jpg 1903~ 7 Ped.jpg 1903~ 8 Ped.jpg 1904-09-30 1 Old Beecher Homestead postcard, Oxford CT.jpg 1904~ 7 Ped.jpg 1904~ New Haven Grays event, Niantic CT.jpg 1904~ Ped & Liz Perry.jpg 1904~ Ped.jpg 1905 21 (r) Ped & Harry; (f) John & Liz; Model F 1-cyl Cadillac, C2203.jpg 1905-06-15 Ped Perry, Room 8, Roger Sherman School.jpg 1905-07 John B Perry & Ped Perry.jpg 1905~ 9 Ped.jpg 1905~ Edith Blakeslee & Fred Nettleton, Oxford CT.jpg 1905~ Frank Andrews, Ethel Baldwin, Bess Frisbie, Edith Blakeslee & Fred Nettleton, Oxford CT.jpg 1905~ Fred Nettleton & Ethel Baldwin, Oxford CT.jpg 1905~ Ped, Liz, Harry & Mabel (Hotchkiss) Perry, Oxford CT.jpg 1906 John B Perry (3rd from left, front), New Haven Grays outing (CT National Guard).jpg 1907-07-04 1 (r) Mabel & Harry Perry, Mrs & Win Beardsley, Liz Perry; (f) Carl Fulton; Doris, Bess, Betty & Walt Frisbie; Ped Perry; Oxford CT.jpg 1907-07-04~ 2 (r) Mabel & Harry Perry; Mrs & Wm Beardsley; JB Perry; (f) Carl Fulton; Doris, Bess & Betty Frisbie; Liz & Ped Perry; Oxford CT.jpg 1907~ Ped Perry.jpg 1908~ 1 John Beecher Perry.jpg 1908~ 2 JBP & HBP.jpg 1908~ 3 John Beecher Perry.jpg 1909 FAIRVIEW BUSS, Oxford CT.jpg 1909-05~ (r) Liz Perry, Gussie Bradstreet, Alice Frisbie, Bess Frisbie, Edith Blakeslee, Ped; (f) Doris & Betty Frisbie; at the spring, Oxford CT.jpg 1909-08 1 Ped, John & Liz Perry; C6745; Beecher homestead, Oxford CT.jpg 1909-08~ 2 (r) Mrs Brooks, Louise, Liz Perry; (f) John Perry, Mr Brooks - 'our first Reo', C6745.jpg 1909-08~ 3 Mrs Brooks, Louise, Liz, John & Mr Brooks.jpg 1909~ 2 At Oxford.jpg 1909~ 3 At Oxford.jpg 1909~ Norma Andrews [Brevoort], Bess Frisbie & Liz Perry.jpg 1910 (f) John Perry, Betty (4+) & Doris (9-) Frisbie; (m) Ethel Baldwin, Norma Andrews [Brevoort], Liz Perry (pouring), Bess Frisbie; (r) Frank Andrews, Fred Nettleton, Jack Brevoort.jpg 1910 Old Beecher Homestead postcard, Oxford CT.jpg 1910-06-28 John, Liz & Ped Perry, Gussie Bradstreet - 'Our 18th anniversary'  .jpg 1910~ (f) Uncle Martin, Liz, Ped, Aunt Annie; (r) Alice, Doris, Walt, Betty & Bess Frisbie.jpg 1910~ Family & Friends at Oxford.jpg 1910~ Family Gathering, Oxford CT.jpg 1910~ Liz Perry.jpg 1910~ Ped, Elizabeth, John & Jennie.jpg 1911-06-28  Ped, John & Liz Perry.jpg 1912-02 1 The Radiator, Dance Number, HBP Editor-in-Chief.jpg 1912-02 2 The Radiator, Dance Number, HBP Editor-in-Chief.jpg 1913-06-13 HBP, Most to Be Admired.jpg 1913~ 1  Horace Burr Jay Perry 1893-1961.jpg 1913~ 2 Horace Burr Jay Perry.jpg 1913~ 3 HBP.jpg 1915~ Aunt Annie - Mrs Martin Sturdevent[Sturtevant].jpg 1915~ Mr Cable, Ped, Walt, Uncle Martin Sturdevant[Sturtevant].jpg 1917-03-09 JBP Military Census.jpg 1920-09 Mormon Church, Hawaii.jpg 1921~ John Beecher Perry in Shriner's Fez.jpg 1923 John, Jack & Liz Perry, Plymouth Rock MA [304].jpg 1928~ John Beecher Perry.jpg 1937 Liz Perry & Katie Johnson at Duke.jpg 1937-02 1 St Augustine FL.jpg 1937-02 2 Plane we saw come in at Miami.jpg 1937-02 2 St Augustine FL.jpg 1937-02 3 St Augustine FL.jpg 1937-02 Ernest Williams & Liz Perry, Fort Lauderdale FL.jpg 1937-02 Katie Johnson, Liz Perry & Nina Williams.jpg 1937-02 Katie Johnson, Nina & Jessie Williams.jpg 1937-02 Liz Perry, hotel grounds, St Augustine FL.jpg 1937-02 Liz Perry, our green bench, St Augustine FL.jpg 1937-02 Nina Williams, Liz Perry, Katie Johnson & Ernest Williams, Miami FL.jpg 1937-02 The Huntington, St Augustine FL.jpg 1937-02-03 Katie Johnson & Liz Perry, Palm Springs FL.jpg 1937-02-03 Nina Williams, Church of Bethesda-by-the-Sea, Palm Beach FL.jpg 1937-02-04 Katie Johnson, Nina Williams, Jessie Williams, Liz Perry; Williams Home, Fort Lauderdale FL.jpg 1937-02-26 Jessie Williams, Liz Perry, Katie Johnson & Nina Williams; the day we left Fort Lauderdale FL.jpg 1937-02-26 Miami FL.jpg 1937~ 1 Bok Tower, Lake Wales FL.jpg 1937~ 2 Bok Tower, Lake Wales FL.jpg 1937~ Katie Johnson & Liz Perry, Bantam Lake.jpg 1937~ Liz Perry (GG).jpg 1937~ Liz Perry 4.jpg 1937~ Liz Perry, Bantam Lake CT.jpg 1937~ Liz Perry, Bantam Lake.jpg 1937~ Liz Perry, Bronxville NY.jpg 1938~ Liz Perry, Bantam Lake CT.jpg 1939-03-14 Elizabeth Stevens (Fowler) Perry, Woodbridge CT.jpg 1940~ Liz Perry at Allentown.jpg 1940~ Liz Perry, Woodbridge CT.jpg 1941-04-18 Katie Johnson & Liz Perry, Bantam Lake CT.jpg 1941-07-16 Liz Perry, Bantam Lake.jpg 1941~ Barbara Lee Fowles (age 4 mo).jpg 1941~ Beth & Carol Ann Fowles.jpg 1941~ Carol Ann Fowles (age 15 mo).jpg 1945-04-07 Liz Perry, 333 Sherman Ave, New Haven.jpg 1948-02~ Gram with tumbleweed, California.jpg 1948~ Liz & Bess at the Raquet Club, Palm Springs CA.jpg 1954~ 1 Visiting Bess & Walt Frisbie, San Jacinto CA.jpg 1954~ 2 Visiting Bess & Walt Frisbie, San Jacinto CA.jpg 1955-05~ Liz Perry, Wellesley Hills MA.jpg 1955-06-19 Liz Perry.jpg 1958-04-05 GG (Liz), 5 Alden Rd, Wellesley.jpg 1959-07~ 1 Liz Perry (age 87), 26 Driftwood Lane, Weston MA.jpg 1959-07~ 2 Liz Perry (age 87); 26 Driftwood Lane, Weston MA.jpg 1960~ 1 Grace Miller & Liz Perry @ Red Cross.jpg 1960~ 2 Liz Perry at Red Cross.jpg 1960~ Wellesley Chapter House, American Red Cross.jpg 1961 Liz & George 1961 (515x640).jpg 1961-03 Liz Perry, 20 years & 8,344 hours of service, Red Cross.jpg 1961-04 Liz Perry & Caroline Razee; Phillips House, South Natick MA.jpg 1961-04-13  GG (Liz) & George Razee.jpg 1961-10-09 1 Liz Perry & George Razee in silhouette.jpg 1961-10-09 2 HBD Liz Perry (90); Phillips House, South Natick MA.jpg 1961-10-09 Liz Perry on her 90th birthday, South Natick MA.jpg 1961~ Phillips House, 10 Phillips St, So Natick MA - where Cousin Liz lives.jpg 1962-09-04 Postcard from Andrea on Isleboro to Liz Perry in Phillips House.jpg 1963-12-20 1 Elizabeth Stevens (Fowler) Perry 1871-1963.jpg 1963-12-20 2 Elizabeth Stevens (Fowler) Perry 1871-1963.jpg 1977-09~ 1 Beecher Homestead, Oxford CT.jpg 1977-09~ 2 Beecher Homestead, Oxford CT.jpg