Food & Drink

Balanced Beers - All Ratings

Balanced Beers - All Ratings
Balanced Beers - Overview
Balanced Beers - Available Favorites

Date N Rating Title & Summary
Feb 2025 3.5 ★★★+ Dark As Hell, black lager, Jacks Abby, Framingham MA, 5.0%, 12 oz can, canned 01 14 25.

"Indulge in the allure of this inky black lager brewed in the style of a traditional schwartzbier. Don't let the darkness deceive you, as this beer drinks surprisingly light with pleasant notes of chocolate and coffee. When you drink Dark As Hell, you will see the light."

The initial attack of this beer is "burnt," like I remember some porters, maybe from Trader Joes, from before I started ratings. Maybe it's for Starbucks-lovers - they burn their coffee, perhaps to encourage folks to load it up with expensive junk! Fortunately, I bought only the single can at Trader Joe's. Yes, if you focus past the burnt, there is a lager back there. Perhaps Dark As Hell has superseded Smoke & Dagger.

Jan 2025 3.0 ★★★☆☆ S'Mores Framinghammer, ruined Baltic porter, Jacks Abby, Framingham MA, 9.0%, 16 oz can, canned 10 30 24.

Aargh! I fell for the infamous "New Coke" scam. Framinghammer is a truly outstanding brew. It should be routinely sold in 12 oz or even 8 oz cans, due to its 9 to 10% ABV. Instead, in recent years it has only been sold in large bottles, often with different flavorings. So here was a fellow offering tastes at Wegmans. I liked it so much that I bought a 4-pack of cans, despite them being 16 oz. When I opened a can for dinner, it was sickly sweet, and I dumped most of it out. Only then did I see "S'Mores" on the label. Now I get what the guy meant when he said this was a special order for Wegmans. If you are into dessert beers, split one can three or four ways. Oops, you cannot buy just one can of anything at Wegmans. I have no idea what to do with the other three cans.

The "New Coke" saga, as I understand it. Years ago, Pepsi ran blind taste tests with customers, and people routinely preferred Pepsi. The Coca-Cola company replicated the test! The company lost confidence in their market-dominating product and rolled out "New Coke" to compete with Pepsi. Disaster! The customers would not buy it. Bottom line, Pepsi was sweeter than Coke, so in small-taste tests, Pepsi does taste better. But that's not how people drink soda.

Nov 2024 4.5 ★★★★+ Baltic Porter, Siluria Brewing Co, Alabaster AL, 7.5%.

Mine was the last of a keg at Creekside BBQ in Pelham AL (see my review on Yelp). The bartender told me, coffee notes, but no actual coffee. It was definitely a Siluria, but I did not hear or see the name; I believe it was their Baltic porter. VG+.

Nov 2024 4.0 ★★★★ Truck Stop, brown ale, Back Forty Beer Co, Gadsden AL, IBU 4, 6%.

A medium, balanced brown ale, minimal bitter, VG.

Apr 2023 4.0 ★★★★ Organic Chocolate Stout, Samuel Smith's Old Brewery (Tadcaster) N Yorks, England, 5%, undated, stamped SB06W1.

"The gently roasted chocolate malt and real organic cocoa used in this ale impart a delicious, smooth and creamy character, with inviting deep flavors and a delightful finish." The label is adorned with a picture of "a brewer caring for a batch of ale during open primary fermentation, where the centuries-old Smith yeast strain produces the rocky white foam" on a stone square inside the brewery.

From a box of six Samuel Smith brews, the chocolate was dominant on the fine stout base. I would not want this often, but it was tasty, better than most chocolate stouts. My impression was that the sweetness was correct, but the chocolate a little strong. However, this may have been backwards. I do like a little sweet in my beer, but maybe less of that would improve the brew.

Feb 2024 4.5 ★★★★+ Shock Top Belgian White, spiced Belgian-style wheat ale, Shock Top Brewing Co (Anheuser-Busch), St Louis MO, 5.2%.

The only attractive alternative being Blue Moon Belgian White, I tried this on a return to E-Tang, an Asian-fusion restaurant on Hilton Head Island. Although this brew rates "poor" on Beer Advocate, I found it interesting and flavorful with a good head. VG+

Feb 2024 3.7 ★★★++ Sapporo, Japanese style, Sapporo Brewing Co, Guelph Ontario, 4.9%.

"Discover the perfectly balanced taste...." on the label led me to try this brew at E-Tang, an Asian-fusion restaurant on Hilton Head Island. Sapporo is a balanced, medium brew with a somewhat stronger hop finish. VG++

Dec 2023 3.5 ★★★+ Organic Pale Ale, Samuel Smith's Old Brewery (Tadcaster) N Yorks, England, 5%, undated, stamped SC07W1.

"Captures the true soul of beer. It is brewed with hard well water, best organic malted barley, yeast and organic aroma hops. Fermented in open-topped 'stone Yorkshire squares.'"

From a box of six Samuel Smith brews. My first reaction was, oh, it's gassy. Then that it was slightly over-hopped. Basically, there is little or no malt flavor, despite the darkish amber color. This beer was disappointing before a light dinner of pizza, was fine with the pizza, and I dumped the rest as it disappointed after pizza. Good+

Nov 2023 4.2 ★★★★ Samuel Adams Winter Lager, bock lager, The Boston Beer Company, Cincinnati OH, Breinigsville PA & Boston MA, 5.6%, 22 IBU.

A loose bottle from TJ, same specs, but better than VG.

Feb 2020: "No matter what or how you celebrate, Winter Lager's rich malt notes and accents of cinnamon, ginger and orange peel are perfect for any festivity." This well-balanced, full-mouth beer has medium flavor, of which the spices are a significant feature, almost VG. I had it with a light dinner of eggs scrambled with broccolli and cheddar, a piece of rye toast, and a small salad.

Included in a mixed six of cans from Wegmans. Good+

Nov 2023 3.5 ★★★+ Oktoberfest, Josephsbrau Brewing Co (Trader Joes), San Jose CA, 25 IBU, 5.3%.

This year it came in a 12-oz can, "best before 04/27/24." Same specs, but it's definitely inferior: perhaps can-taste or overhopped/undermalted. I bought the last seven cans in the store as singles on 18 Oct, thinking I was lucky to get them. Indications are, they were brewed last summer.

Since I usually don't finish any beer these days, I don't stick with an unimpressive brew. I dumped out the most recent can and opened a TJ Winter Ride, still an excellent brew.

Oct 2021: Balanced and flavorful, a fine bargain at $7 a six-pack. I'm pleased to see this label again, as TJs reportedly lost their brewer a couple of years ago. VG+ now.

Jun 2017: Very good.

Sep 2023 4.5 ★★★★+ Oktoberfest, Sierra Nevada Brewing Co, Chico CA & Mills River NC, bottled 08/20/20, 6.0%.

Sep 2023: "Family owned and argued over. Brewed in collaboration with Kehrwieder Brewery." 12-oz can pkgd 071823. VG+ rating confirmed.

Oct 2020: "Our Festbier is a refreshing ode to beer's biggest party. Toasty malts and German hops yield notes of fresh bread and floral, fruity character for a balanced, crisp lager that makes any moment festive."

At last, a wonderfully accurate label description! Sierra Nevada Oktoberfest is medium flavored and VG+.

Sep 2023 4.0 ★★★★ Festbier, Märzen style lager, Victory Brewing Co, Downington PA 5.6%, best by Jan 05 24.

VG, better flavor than most fest beers.

Sep 2023 3.7 ★★★++ Oktoberfest, classic Märzen style, D G Yuengling & Son Inc, Pottsville PA, unknown%, undated, stamped 16923 B1 0821.

"Crafted with an authentic German recipe, this Märzen style lager is a perfect balance of subtly sweet and refreshingly smooth."

Not quite.

Sep 2023 3.5 ★★★+ Octoberfest, Märzen, Bells Brewery Inc, Comstock MI, 5.5%, shelf life 3 months, pkg 07/11/2023.

This was my first of three new-to-me fest beers from a mixed six from Wegmans (plus an OBD [also 07/11/23] and two Sierra Nevadas [07/18/23]), purchased 9/20/2023. Therefore, this bottle was sold with less than one month of shelf life left. Experience is, they put beers into that case to get rid of them, when they are getting old &mash; so consume promptly!

Jul 2023 4.5 ★★★★+ Grand Cacao, chocolate stout, Troegs Brewing Co, Hershey PA, 6.5%, dark brown, freshest by 051623.

This is the first chocolate stout that I would be pleased to have again. I had been putting off trying it, because all the others have been overpoweringly sweet. Grand Cacao balances its sweet and chocolate with a solid stout.

"This deliciously decadent stout is built on a foundation of rich chocolate malt, caramel malt and roasted barley. Cold-steeping on Peruvian cacao nibs and natural vanilla doubles down on the smooth symphony of chocolate, and a spalsh of milk sugar delivers a velvetly sweet and creamy finish."

Apr 2023 3.7 ★★★++ Cherokee Red, Smoky Mountain Brewery, Gatlinburg TN.

This brew pub has six of their regular brews on draft: Appalachian Pale Ale, Helles, Black Bear Ale, Mountain Light, Cherokee Red and IPA. The Black Bear disappointed, and the seasonal Capricator Bock fell short of this description: dark beer with a slightly sweet finish, rich and malty German-style lager. I settled for a Good+ to VG Cherokee Red, which I had with an excellent cheese pizza with meatball on top.

Jan 2023 4.0 ★★★★ Irish Stout, Dublin City Brewing Co, Ireland, 4.2%.

A decent, somewhat bland stout, similar to and almost as good as Guinness brewed in Ireland — way better than Guinness here. Its alcohol level appeals, now that I'm reducing my intake.

Jan 2023 4.5 ★★★★+ Pig's Ear Brown Ale, Woodstock Inn Brewery, North Woodstock NH, 4.3%.

Jan 2023: canned on 12/12/22. "Pig's Ear is a smooth, nutty, roasted Brown Ale with notes of toffee, caramel and chocolate." — a more refined statement on the can, for a more refined brew. Not a big beer, but plenty of taste, with a significant but not overpowering hop finish. I started it while making a salad and a couple of toasted cheese sandwiches — fine both with and without food. This single can from Trader Joes was much better this time around — VG+ — low alcohol — I picked up a six.

Mar 2020: canned on 12/10/19. "If it looks like a pig and squeals like a pig, double check before pouring it into a glass. If you're lucky, it's our smooth, nutty, roasted Brown Ale. If not, well..." Maybe I got the pig. Medium taste, a little thin and gassy in the front and middle of the mouth. Better than Ellie's Brown, but I think I'd rather have a Sam Lager; to me that means I should retest Sam.

Dec 2022 4.0 ★★★★ Gingerbread Stout, "the original," imperial milk stout with fresh local ginger & honey, Hardywood Park Craft Brewery, Richmond VA, 25.4-oz bottle, 55 IBU, 9.2%, 2014 reserve.

"'...freagin' Christmas in a bottle... Our Score: 100' — BeerAdvocate"

"Made with baby ginger from Casselmonte Farm and Wildflower honey from Bearer Farms, Hardywood Gingerbread Stout captures the terrior of central Virginia in a dark, creamy libation with a velvety mouthfeel and an intriguing evolution of notes from milk chocolate and vanilla to honeycomb and cinnamon to a snap of ginger in the finish. We hope Hardywood Gingerbread Stout contributes to your merriment this season."

The darkest of four beers that Victor brought from his collection to celebrate Christmas. This brew was very smooth with fine, subtle flavors. Aging too long completely wiped out the originally huge (55) bitterness, knocking the flavor out of balance.

Dec 2022 3.0 ★★★☆☆ 2010 Merry Christmas & Happy New Year, "Our Special Ale," Anchor Brewing Co, San Francisco CA, 5.5%.

The second darkest of four beers that Victor brought from his collection to celebrate Christmas. A little gassy and a little sour, this was my least favorite of the four. It clearly suffered from being kept too long.

Dec 2022 3.5 ★★★+ 2011 Merry Christmas & Happy New Year, 37th annual "Our Special Ale," brewed differently in early November each year, Anchor Brewing Co, San Francisco CA, 5.5%.

The third darkest of four beers that Victor brought from his collection to celebrate Christmas. Smoky and just a touch gassy. Victor said the smokiness could also be from keeping it too long.

Dec 2022 4.5 ★★★★+ 2012 Christmas Ale, Goose Island Beer Co, Chicago IL, 7.3%, bottled on 09/19/12.

"Best enjoyed in a nonic pint glass. ... Goose Island Ale will remain brewery fresh for 180 days after the bottled on date."

The lightest (but still medium dark) of four beers that Victor brought from his collection to celebrate Christmas. Of the four, this had the best balance, slightly sweet and not gassy. A treat — see other Goose Island offerings on this page. Victor says Goose Island no longer makes a Christmas ale.

Dec 2022 4.0 ★★★★ North Sky, stout, Allagash Brewing Co, Portland ME, 7.5%, pint can, packaged 01-05-22.

"Smooth — roasted — silky — Like a clear night lit by stars, this silky, Belgian-inspired stout balances lighter notes of fruit and sweetness with roasty malt. Inspired by late evenings spent around a crackling campfire, North Sky is brewed to merge lightness and darkness into a super-sippable stout."

This brew was a bit brash when I started it before dinner, at best VG. With a dinner of broccoli cheddar soup and with mediocre almond biscotti from Costco, it was VG+.

This single came from Trader Joes a few days ago; I was astonished to find it almost a year old. Perhaps it is brash in old age. Check this out:

Dec 2022 2.0 ★★☆☆☆ Red Tape, amber ale, Jack's Abby, Framingham MA, 25 IBU, OG 12.4 Plato, 5%, unfiltered & unpasteurized, 16-oz can.

This brew has elements of good malt, but is both slighty gassy and more than slightly metallic. I dumped out most of it, and opened a 'Gansett - paler, and much less bold overall - but a superior brew. A generous Fair for Red Tape.

Date stamp partially legible, canned 10/??/2?. My guess this single from Trader Joes is from 2022, but could it be 2021.

Dec 2022 5.0 ★★★★★ Winter Ride, double bock, Josephsbrau Brewing Co (Trader Joes), San Jose CA, 7.5%.

Nov 2020: "Dark Roasted Caramel Munich Malts." Apparently, the Josephsbrau craft brewer folded, but they have now started commisioning beers with another brewer. This brew does not measure up to the old Winter Brew, rated Excellent on this page. I'm rating the new incarnation barely VG, even though the specs (and likely the recipe) are the same. The brewer does make a difference.

This beer, with an elevated hop finish, was just not exciting. Maybe that's as it was before, but now the malts fell short. Or maybe my taste is changing. I have five more bottles to change my mind. 28 IBU, VG.

Dec 2022: For eight bucks at TJs in Foxboro, I grabbed six-pack in a cardboard box, cans stamped "Best by 07/18/23." This could be the old Winter Brew. I had it with a Trader Joes Greek Spanakopita pie and a salad with TJ balsamic chicken. No IBU listed — excellent, and I have five more!

Dec 2022 4.5 ★★★★+ Mad River Maple, amber ale, Lawson's Finest Liquids, Waitsfield VT, pint canned on 10/18/22, 8%. "Straight from the Green Mountains to your head!"
Our robust, rich maple ale is loaded with 100% Vermont maple syrup. It delivers a smooth and palate pleasing mouthfeel with a slightly sweet finish.

Lawson's Finest Liquids. Our name is our promise. We protect freshness with a singular committment to cold. Cold Stored. Cold Shipped. Cold Shelved.TM All to keep every beer the freshest—from our breweries to your first sip. Visit us ... or at

Victor brought me this enjoyable, well-balanced amber ale that is suitable for regular consumption. (In contrast, Fayson Maple Imperial Stout is spectacular for a special occasion.) VG+

Dec 2022 4.0 ★★★★ Harpoon Dark, Munich dunkel, Harpoon Brewery, Boston MA & Windsor VT, PKG 11/07/22, 35 IBU, 5.5%.
"We Drink Our Fill and Sell the Rest"
— Our original catch phrase

No beer better exemplifies that mentality than Harpoon Dark. Originally called Munich Style Dark, the draft line for this "shift beer" has been flowing, almost non-stop since we racked the first keg of it in 1998.
Always available at our breweries but rarely bottled or canned—we're excited to share it with you this holiday season.

The Employee Owners of Harpoon

The big Stop & Shop has started a mixed six case — but had only this one brew that I was willing to try. The fellow who was stocking the cases had not gotten to this case yet; when I mentioned Harpoon Dark, he went down and opened a holiday 12-pack. I took the three Darks from that box; I put them with the three in the cold case, trusting Harpoon on this. It's possible that I bought the only full six-pack of Harpoon Dark sold this season.

This is a nice, dry, dark lager with a prominent hop finish. I'd like it more with a stronger malt. Solidly VG.

Nov 2022 4.5 ★★★★+ Folk Metal, oatmeal stout, Burlington Beer Co, Williston VT, 5.5%, pint can.

Folk Metal is a fine hearty beer, between a stout and a porter, almost a lunch in a can. Drinking it without food, it had a bit of a sour aftertaste. An ounce of cashews fixed that. VG+

Nov 2022 5.0 ★★★★★ Founders Porter, Founders Brewing Co, Grand Rapids MI, 45 IBU, 6.5%,

Aug 2022: A rich, balanced flavor with a hint of sweet and a mild but pronounced bitterness - excellent!

One of a mixed six of stouts and porters from Wegmans, bottled on 04.27.22.

Feb 2020: "Dark, rich & sexy." "Pours silky black with a creamy tan head. The nose is sweet with strong chocolate and caramel malt presence. No absence of hops gives Founders' robust porter the full flavor you deserve and expect. Cozy like velvet, it's a lover, not a fighter."

This is an odd brew. It has a full head and full-mouth flavor, with some sweetness, but not balanced. The predominant flavor differs from typical hops, near the back of the mouth, but not all the way back where hop bitterness usually appears. I stuck a litmus strip in the glass, and it showed 5.5 (lowest reading on my guide), and well below 5.8, the next color. This is an acidic (sour) brew that cancels the hop bitterness. Beer Advocate rates it 95 (world class), where nobody mentions "sour" or "acid, so maybe I have it wrong. I would try this again some time and am rating it VG, but only for occasional consumption.

Included in a mixed six of bottles from Wegmans, bottled on 12/12/19, consumed 2/13 with PB pretzel nuggets. [Perhaps the snack was an issue here.]

Nov 2022: Dual entries combined.

Nov 2022 4.5 ★★★★+ Milk Stout, Left Hand Brewing Co., Longmont CO, 6%.

Apr 2018: Smooth, like a Guinness with flavor. "Pour hard." VG

Nov 2022: I've had this stout on tap, in cans with nitro, in bottles with red and with green labels — I like them all, and have not noticed much difference. Upgrading to VG+.

Nov 2020 4.5 ★★★★+ Old Brown Dog, American brown ale, Smuttynose Brewing Company, Hampton NH, 6.5%, bottled on 05/09/19.

Old Brown Dog is the brown ale against which all other brown ales should be judged. If you think Budweiser or Coors is decent beer, try an Old Brown Dog and get some real flavor. You may prefer other beers in general or at times, but Old Brown Dog is a great balanced beer. It's not sweet. "Make mine a Smutty!"

Unfortunately, making a great beer in the IPA era is no guarantee of success. Smuttynose was foreclosed and then sold twice. My local pub could not get Smuttynose from his distributor, although it was still in stores. I hope they pull through. Fortunately, I have a few more in the basement. Their web site now shows only cans; they may be the way of the future, but I prefer bottles.

Jan 2020 update: I had an OBD with a Trader Joes Greek Spanakopita and rate it at least VG+.

Mar 2020 update: Had another, smooth front to back of mouth, 10-month old bottle, upgrading to excellent.

Aug 2020 update: Surprising thing, I split a 'Gansett with pizza and it was great. Split an OBD next, not so good. I'm not changing the rating, but I won't be having it with pizza.

Nov 2022 update: I prefer Shed, and have reduced OBD to VG+.

Nov 2022 4.0 ★★★★ Mc Chouffe, Belgian brown beer, Brasserie D'Achouffe, Achouffe Belgium, 8.0%, best before end 01-2023.

A balanced, flavorful brew, at least VG. I'm not impressed by the cute Scot shtick on the label.

Oct 2022 3.5 ★★★+ Shiner Bock, Spoetzl Brewery, Shiner TX, 4.5%, undated.

"Handcrafted in the same brewery where it was first made back in 1913, this gently hopped medium brown brew is the pride of Shiner Texas."

With a couple of grilled chicken sausages, couscous and a salad, much of this bottle slipped down unremarked. Concentrating, I find it medium-light flavored, a touch gassy, and balanced. I'd rather have a 'Gansett. Good+. (Included in a mixed six from Wegmans.)

Oct 2022 4.0 ★★★★ Peanut Butter Milk Stout, Left Hand Brewing Co., Longmont CO, 25 IBU, 6.2%, 12 oz can, best by 12/15/2022.

"Rich milk chocolate notes team up with peanut buttery perfection for a deliciously dark duo."

Chocolate-forward, dark and tasty, a dessert beer. More is going on here than chocolate, but I cannot identify a peanut taste. Unbalanced, the sweet chocolate dominates with regular malt and hops submerged, about as sweet as I would ever want a beer. I suspect it is "chocolate malt" and not actual chocolate that provides the flavor, a good thing if true. I drank it with and after a light dinner and would have it again, but not for quite a while. VG

Other reviewers find it peanut-butter-forward, maybe on draft or the nitro version.

Oct 2022 3.0 ★★★☆☆ Oktoberfest, Märzen lager, Brooklyn Brewery, Brooklyn NY & Utica NY, 5.5%, best before 01/2023.

Dark amber, not over-hopped, this brew tastes under-malted and a bit gassy, but definitely better than the Founders it superseded.

Oct 2022 2.0 ★★☆☆☆ Founders Oktoberfest, German-style Märzen, Founders Brewing Co, Grand Rapids MI, 20 IBU, 6%, 12 oz, canned on 07.01.22.

Medium amber, not over-hopped, this brew tastes under-malted, a bit gassy, and a bit off (slightly metallic). I dumped out half. This can came to me in a mixed six from Wegmans in mid to late September and to my glass on October 2. They have not had fest biers for long - this is not all on Wegmans. The brewers may have pulled the trigger too soon.

Fest biers are the most variable in quality of all that I have tried. This is the second fest bier in a can that was a major disappointment.

The modern wisdom is that beer keeps better in cans, because the light can't get at it. I think metal cans are part of the problem, and that beer keeps better in brown glass bottles stored in a cool, dark place. I keep my bottles in my old Sam Adams Double Bock box, with the top closed, in the unheated basement.

Sep 2022 4.5 ★★★★+ Oktoberfest, Märzen lager, Zero Gravity Craft Brewery, Burlington VT, 5.4%, pint can.

"A classic Bavarian style Märzen lager brewed with all German ingredients."

A medium-bodied, medium amber, well-balanced beer — a pleasure to drink. VG+

Sep 2022 3.0 ★★★☆☆ Old 76 Strong Ale, Madison Brewing Co, Bennington VT, IBU 45, 6.8%, taste on draft.

"A rich English Yorkshire style ale with a strong malt backbone and smooth finish. Dark amber in color."

If accurate, this would have been just what I wanted. I don't remember the details, but it fell quite short.

Restaurant & brewery. We had a very good dinner at the brewery in Bennington. They have 14 of their brews on tap. Unfortunately, I could not find one to drink with dinner. (We had stopped first at Farm Road Brewing on the corner, whose 12 beers on tap looked better, but the dinner options from their partner, Ramuntos, were not appealing.)

Old 76 Strong Ale, Chocolate Peanut Butter Stout, and one other that is not on their web site all fell short. Village Vanilla Bourbon Porter might have been good, but I'm leery of such multiple flavors. They brew it with oak spirals! It occurs to me that they have one or two basic recipies into which they throw some flavors.

Sep 2022 4.0 ★★★★ Chocolate Peanut Butter Stout, Madison Brewing Co, Bennington VT, 5.8%, taste on draft.

"Beer Wars 2018 Medal Winner! We take our delicious Mocha Milk Stout and infuse it with all natural Peanut Butter, Cocoa Nibs, and Chocolate Coffee!"

This one was full-flavored and tasty. I am extremely sensitive to caffeine, so I had to decline.

Aug 2022 3.0 ★★★☆☆ Yuengling Hershey's Chocolate Porter, D G Yuengling & Son Inc, Pottsville PA, unknown%, undated, stamped 2341 B1 1539.

"America's oldest brewery." [One of a mixed six of stouts and porters from Wegmans.]

A decent brew with an overpowering chocolate flavor, even overpowering the sweetness. Beer for kids or dessert. Being highly sensitive to caffiene, I dumped it out after three or four ounces. Still, it was interesting.

Aug 2022 4.0 ★★★★ Kalamazoo Stout, stout brewed with brewers licorice, Bells Brewery Inc, Comstock MI, 6.0%, shelf life 6 months, pkg 02/01/2022.

"Named after the city where it all began, Kalamazoo StoutTM is one of our most classic recipes. This smooth, full-bodied stout offers a blend of aromas and flavors of dark chocolate and freshly roasted coffee, balanced with a significant hop presence." [One of a mixed six of stouts and porters from Wegmans.]

After today's bridge game, I hit up Roche and TJs while hungry. I opened this stout while cooking a larger dinner than usual: marinated flank steak, swiss chard, corn on the cob, teeny-tiny potatoes. Before dinner, it tasted like a very good stout, but overpowered by the licorice. (good+) The steak and greens held their own against the stout, which enhanced the meal. (VG+) Overall, VG.

Wegmans has a great beer selection, but their mixed six case often contains tail ends. This was one, but I managed to test it one day after the end of its shelf life.

Aug 2022 3.7 ★★★++ Oatmeal Stout, Samuel Smith's Old Brewery (Tadcaster) N Yorks, England, unknown%, undated, stamped SI22U1.

"An opaque, wonderfully silky and smooth textured ale with a complex, medium dry palate and bittersweet finish. Brewed with well water (the original well sunk in 1758 is still in use), malted barley, roasted barley, oatmeal, yeast and hops.
"Fermented in open-topped 'stone Yorkshire squares'. Celebrated Oatmeal Stout is a style benchmark revived by Samuel Smith's and the inspiration for hundreds of commercial oatmeal stouts." [One of a mixed six of stouts and porters from Wegmans.]

My first reaction was, oh, it's gassy. This imperession faded and reappeared during a light dinner of salad and chicken sausages rolled in toast with Dijon mustard. The flavor was good, but slightly off-balance at the finish. The Samuel Smith's Imperial Stout is far superior. Good++

Aug 2022 5.0 ★★★★★ Imperial Stout, Samuel Smith's Old Brewery (Tadcaster) N Yorks, England, 7.0%, undated.

"Brewed at Samuel Smith's small, traditional British brewery with well water (the original well sunk in 1758 is still in use), ... deep chocolate in colour with a roasted barley nose and flavour that is a complexity of malt, hops and yeast.
"Fermented in 'stone Yorkshire squares'. This distinctive type of ale was originally shipped to Imperial Russia; it was a favorite of Russian nobility." [One of a mixed six of stouts and porters from Wegmans.]

A rich, balanced flavor with a hint of sweet and a mild but pronounced bitterness - excellent!

Jul 2022 5.0 ★★★★★ Leffe Brune/Brown, Abbey Ale, InBev Belgium, Leuven Belgium, for S.A Braserie de L'Abbaye de Leffe, Dinant, Belgium, 6.5%, 11.2-oz, freshest before 07/04/23.

"A roasted aroma with caramel notes." A brown ale and a Belgian ale at the same time - excellent!

Jul 2022 5.0 ★★★★★ Trappistes Rochefort , Belgian ale, Abbaye N.-D. de Saint-Remy, Rochefort Belgium, 9.2%, 11.2-oz, L.19.05.2026.

Trappistes Rochefort 8 is a wonderful, dark amber ale with full, balanced flavor — from the front to the back of the mouth. The date on the bottle implies it can be stored for years. Excellent!

Jul 2022 4.0 ★★★★ Erastus, abbey-style tripel (Belgian-style ale), Schilling Beer Co, Littleton NH, 9%, 16-oz can dated 060222.

Victor brought me this fruity, yellow ale. Unlike the other three Schilling offerings, it is balanced, with no flavor dominating. My first impression was VG+, but my interest waned, and I dumped out the last three ounces or so. VG.

Jul 2022 3.5 ★★★+ Petřín 11°, Czech-style amber lager (Polomavý lager), Schilling Beer Co, Littleton NH, 4.4%, 16-oz can dated 052722.

Victor brought the Petrin and we shared it at a family dinner. It has a nice medium flavor for an amber lager, with a typical Schilling hop finish — not overpowering, but the only flavor that remains. Good+

Jul 2022 3.5 ★★★+ Palmovka, blended Czech-style pilsner (Speciální), Schilling Beer Co, Littleton NH, 5.5%, 16-oz can dated 061622.

Victor brought this and we shared it at a family dinner. It has a slightly richer flavor than a typical pilsner, with a typical Schilling hop finish — not overpowering, but the only flavor that remains. Barely Good+

Jul 2022 4.0 ★★★★ Modernism, Czech-style dark lager (foeder-lagered), Schilling Beer Co, Littleton NH, 4.8%, 16-oz can dated 061422.

Victor brought me his favorite dark lager, which is medium flavored with a dominant but not overpowering hop finish. VG

Jun 2022 4.0 ★★★★ Blue Moon Belgian White, wheat ale brewed with coriander and orange peel, Blue Moon Brewing Co, Golden CO, 5.4%, dated Nov 21 22.

In Columbia SC, where dark beers are thin on the ground, I rediscovered Blue Moon. A cloudy yellow, this draft slipped down easily with dinner. My VG rating is for a single bottle I picked up at Trader Joes after my return.

Jun 2022 5.0 ★★★★★ Green Man Porter, rich dark ale, Green Man Brewing Co, Asheville NC, 6.0%, 40 IBi, 12-oz can.

"Can what you do — Do what you can"

At the hospitality suite on the Saturday night of the tournament in Columbia SC, I remarked on the lack of brown ales, as I checked out the wines. A fellow brought us each a Green Man Porter, his favorite beer, from the stash in his room. Yum! I have never had a better porter: full, balanced flavor, and without the burnt taste of some porters. Excellent!

Jun 2022 4.5 ★★★★+ Delirium Tremens, Huyghe Brewery, Melle Belgium, 8.5%, 22 IBU, 7.5 EBC (pale blond), on draft.

"The fine and regular sparkling ensures a fine and stable head. Feels like the sound shot of alcohol is igniting the mouth. Slightly malty, a nice touch of alcohol, spicy. In reality the tongue and palate are warmed. The taste is characterized by its roundness. The aftertaste is strong, long-lasting and dry bitter."

At the recent Columbia SC regional bridge tournament, I downed two smaller drafts with dinner on a happy hour. A fine, well-balanced, light brew, VG+

Jun 2022 2.5 ★★+ Guinness Extra Stout, Guinness Ltd, Ireland, 5.6%.

Guinness has rare mouth feel and small taste, quite special for some folks. For example, my mother-in-law loathed beer, but enjoyed Guinness.

If I never saw another Guinness it would be too soon. That's because unenlightened bar managers often think Guinness satisfies the need for a brown ale, and they do not consider the fine alternatives. I absolutely refuse to consume Guinness.

Jun 2022: Guinness in Ireland is VG, with some real flavor. A cabbie explained to me that Guinness ships syrup to the U.S., where it is turned into beer — hopeless. Gary says that beer shipped across the Atlantic, in either direction, is pasteurized, which changes the flavor.

Jun 2022 4.5 ★★★★+ [cúl dorcha] traditional dark ale, West Kerry Brewery, Dingle Peninsula, Ireland, 5%, 500 ml, best before Dec 2022.

cúl dorcha was VG+ on draft, with dinner in a restaurant in Dingle. I sought it out in the Super-Value, and had the bottle with a light dinner back at Greenmount House B & B. From the bottle, it was only VG. [cul dorcha]

May 2022 4.0 ★★★★ Von Trapp Dunkel, dark lager Von Trapp Brewing, Stowe VT, 5.7%, 22 IBU, 12 oz can, best by 05/20/22.

"By the family that inspired 'The Sound of Music' — A little of Austria, a lot of Vermont — A deep, rich, smooth and crisp dark lager — Brewed on the grounds of Trapp Family Lodge ... with the finest traditional ingredients and our pure Vermont spring water." This brew leaves an aftertaste in the back of the mouth that seems sour, but must be the bitterness of the hops. The several other, subtle flavors swirl around and drown: gassy start, slightly sweet, malty, burnt. Barely VG.

2019: "Full malt flavor, notes of chocolate." Definitely a lager, hops mildly dominant, not sweet or heavy.

May 2022 3.0 ★★★☆☆ Newcastle Brown Ale, Lagunitas Brewing, Petaluma CA & Chicago IL,, 4.7%, undated.

Years ago, I tried Newcastle in bottles more than once, and was disappointed. However, I had a freebie on draft once, while while I was waiting for a delayed pizza, and it was very good. The label on this bottle boasts NEWCASTLE in red, with the expected BROWN ALE in white, faintly outlined in red below it. Everything else on the label is white on pale orange, and the print gets smaller and smaller - clearly designed to obfuscate. I did discern it was made by Lagunitas, and thought they might have done it right. Nope. Had I seen heinekenusa on the label, I might have known better.

The first sip of this brew has subtle, tasty malt flavors. That is quickly submerged by a bitter hop finish. Soon, the malt is not discernable, only the hops. I poured out the last two ounces. As I write, a good rating seems generous.

May 2022 4.5 ★★★★+ Hibernator, Scotch ale, Long Trail Brewing Co, Bridgewater Corners VT, dark amber, undated, 6.0%.

"A Vermont classic, don’t sleep on this rich and robust winter brew. Notes of caramel and toffee round out a complex malt profile."

In the past few months, I had two Hibernators and two Double Bags, one at a time and separated by days or weeks. They come across similarly. The Hibernator is smoother, with a sixth less alcohol; I like it a bit better. Since, unlike Double Bag, Hibernator has seasonal availability, it's likely to be fresh when purchased during the Winter.

Long Trail could address the freshness issue by dating bottles.

Mar 2022 3.5 ★★★+ The Bock Hog, doppelbock lager, Harpoon Brewery, Boston MA & Windsor VT, 22 oz bottle, PKG 12/07/20, 9%. Barrel aged in the Boss Hog VII straight rye whiskey casks from WhistlePig.

This came to me as a gift and sat around quite a while, as I would not open it without somebody who would like to share it. As I write, I searched the bottle with doubled reading glasses and a flashlight, and finally found the date. Maybe I kept it too long.

This brew had an overpowering smoky flavor. Surprisingly, it also came across as a bit gassy, perhaps because all the expected double bock flavors were submerged. I would be willing to try it again, when fresh, preferably in my favorite format, the 12 oz bottle. Even though I would not want to have this bottle again, it was interesting, so I'll give it a Good+.

Feb 2022 4.0 ★★★★ A Good Honest Pint, ESB, Drop-In Brewing, Middlebury VT, 16 oz can, undated, 6.0%.

Drop-In Brewing is the production brewery of the American Brewer's Guild Brewing School. The Leader in Craft Brewing Education. An English ESB is rich, full-bodied, is brewed with flavorful malts, and traditional hop varieties. Not pretentious, not designed to be dissected, torn apart, and endlessly reviewed. Just a beer that makes you smack your lips, drain the pint, and think to yourself I earned this today.

Balanced, medium-bodied flavor similar to Narraganset, but with slight raw edges. I'd rather have a 'Gansett.

Feb 2022 4.5 ★★★★+ Narragansett Lager, Rochester NY & Pawtucket RI, 5%.

In the summer, I often pick up a six of 'Gansett at Trader Joes. It's light with real flavor. says: Made on Honor for five generations, The Famous Narragansett Lager has been one of the greats since 1890. Pre-Prohibition era drinkers toasted 'Gansett, Dr. Suess illustrated 'Gansett, the Sox scored with 'Gansett, and Captain Quint crushed 'Gansett. Today, the highest rated, heritage American lager (according to Beer Advocate) is brewed to be clean, crisp, refreshing and perfectly balanced. "Hi Neighbor! Have a 'Gansett!"

This year, I declared a temporary summer on a decent day in April. This beer is indeed balanced with real, but mild flavor, a little gassy as milder beers often are. I confess, I am also nostalgic for the old Ted Williams era. Better than acceptable, though not exceptional, this beer remains on my TJ buy list. VG

Aug 2020 update: Surprising thing, I split a 'Gansett with pizza and it was great. Split an OBD next, not so good.

Feb 2022 update: I drank my last 'Gansett from the summer on the last Wed night in Jan (after an online bridge game, to celebrate finally winning overall). It was super! It kept well or improved, VG+

Feb 2022 4.5 ★★★★+ Double Bag, altbier, Long Trail Brewing Co, Bridgewater Corners VT, 33 IBU, dark amber, undated, 7.2%.

Nov 2019~: Years ago, I liked Double Bag, buying it then as a second or third best to Sam Adams Double Bock. No more. I think they added hops, knocking the brew out of balance, and I have stopped buying Double Bag. (This Good+ rating was based on a six I bought at a convenience store when leaving Barre VT. I suspect it was brewed the prior year.)

Aug 2020: The mixed six case at Wegmans offered up a Double Bag. Elizabeth and I agreed it rates four stars. It has a slightly gassy start, a slight hoppy finish, a medium, balanced mid-taste, and a light amber color. I'm raising the rating from Good+ to just barely VG. I conclude that it does not age well.

Feb 2022: The big Stop & Shop in Dedham now offers a mixed six: I got a pair of Murphys and two of different Long Trails. (The store did not have any of the four items I went for — scattered empty shelves — but they did have plentiful beer, wine and soda stocks.)

Unlike before, this Double Bag was fresh and tasty (with some left-over cottage pie): a little sweet, moderately strong, mostly balanced, with a distinct hop finish. I'm raising this to a provisional VG+: be sure to consume it during the winter when it was brewed.

Jan 2022 4.5 ★★★★+ Symphony of Stars, oatmeal stout, Four Quarters Brewing LLC, Winooski VT, pint can, 6.0%.

Full flavored, hinting of burnt & sweet, intensely dark, slightly thick, and balanced — at least VG+.

Dec 2021 4.0 ★★★★ Stockyard Oatmeal Stout, Josephsbrau (Trader Joes), 5.2%.

May 2019: Full flavored, not sweet, dark, balanced with slight hop overtone. "A deliciously creamy Stout in the Irish tradition — with it's rich tan head intact, this deep and dark-colored beer has all the aroma and flavor of chocolate, roasted oats and coffee — all derived from the specialty malts used in the Brewing process." VG.

Apr 2020: Bought a bottle and split it with our friend Elizabeth. The base taste, to me, is burnt. Elizabeth said it was acidic, but I did not get that. I think she liked it better than me. I disliked it while preparing corn on the cob, salad, sweet potatoes, and grilling marinated chicken tenders, but it was decent with dinner. It's moderately balanced, but there are so many better beers out there that I do not plan to buy it again. Downgraded to Good+.

Dec 2021: Tried another bottle, marked Best By 06/06/22. This relatively balanced, full-flavored brew had a slightly sour finish. It's not a favorite, but I'll be glad to have one occasionally. Since TJ sells singles at 6-pack prices, I'll do it. It's sad to say that, along with Winter Ride, it's probably the best brew in the store right now. (Their old brewer was superior; the current one, mediocre.) VG.

Dec 2021 3.0 ★★★☆☆ Magic Hat #9, pale ale with natural flavors, Magic Hat Brewing Co [FIFCO USA], Rochester NY, 5.1%.

Jan 2020: "#9 is a sorta dry, crisp, refreshing ale whose mysterious and unusual palate will swirl across your tongue with subtle notes of fruit and a floral hop bitterness." In times gone by, the label said apricots. This is another beer that my wife and I used to like. I had it with pecan crusted tilapia from Wegmans, sweet potato and salad. #9 did not please; I got a light fruity hop bitterness with little else. Perhaps it was the bleu salad dressing, but I do not plan to try #9 again. Fair+. (Included in a mixed six of bottles from Wegmans.)

Dec 2021: Magic Hat was founded in Burlington VT, and their web site appears to reflect that. However, if you click LEGAL at the bottom of a page, it brings you to FIFCO USA. Genesee and related brands were bought to form North American Brands (NAB) in 2009. NAB was purchased by FIFCO in 2012, and NAB officially became FIFCO USA in 2019. JW Dundee (Honey Brown) is another of their brands. As indicated elsewhere, my opinion of Genesee is low. No wonder #9 and Honey Brown are not consistent with memory.

A murky memory of buying a six of uninspiring #9... in my box I found one bottle of #9, stamped on the glass: 4123346201708E. If that's Aug 2017, it's probably hopeless — even if it's 17 Aug 2020, it's ancient for a Genesee beer. Why can't they stamp a clear date on the bottle? Well, it was quite sour, so I dumped it out, and washed away the taste with something better. The underlying taste was good, so I'm rounding up the rating. I'm basically done with FIFCO/Genesee brews.

Dec 2021 3.0 ★★★☆☆ Original Honey Brown, lager brewed with honey, Dundee Brewing Co [FIFCO USA], Rochester NY.

Mar 2020: Honey Brown used to be a favorite of my wife (who has switched to Yuengling) and my sister, and I used to like it. The label says "extra rich lager" but their web site says "medium-bodied lager." Shucks, I drank this in early April, forgot to write it up. As I recall, it was balanced, mild & a little gassy.o Good+

Dec 2021: Without a further review, I'm posting this just below the review of Magic Hat #9. I'm rounding down the approximate rating to Good. I'm basically done with FIFCO/Genesee brews.

Dec 2021 4.0 ★★★★ Who Let the Oats Stout, oatmeal stout, Colaborative Brewing, Mad River Valley VT, 16 oz can, 5%.

A very good, balanced and inoffensive stout.

Dec 2021 4.0 ★★★★ Heart of Lothian, Scottish Ale, Drop-In Brewing, Middlebury VT, 16 oz can, 5.6%.

Drop-In Brewing is the production brewery of the American Brewer's Guild Brewing School. The Leader in Craft Brewing Education. HEART OF LOTHIAN is an ale brewed with Scottish Golden Promise barley malt, British crystal and chocolate malts, British hops & yeast, and by a British brewer.

This is a Scottish ale - fine, balanced flavor, but less bold than a Scotch ale, which I greatly prefer:

"Scotch Ales, or Wee Heavys, tend to be higher in ABV, above 6% at least, with a higher final gravity that makes them a touch sweeter. Scottish Ales on the other hand essentially refer to the lower ABV equivalent of an English Pale Ale, clocking in at around 3-5% ABV." —
Nov 2021 4.0 ★★★★ Rogue Hazelnut Brown Nectar, Ale with Natural Hazelnut Flavor, Rogue Ales, Newport OR, 12 oz can, 33 IBU, 38 SRM, 5.6%.

"A nutty twist to a traditional European style brown ale. Dark brown in color with a hazelnut aroma, a rich nutty flavor and a smooth, malty finish.... Pair it with: grilled cheese sandwich, pork chops, bread pudding."

The label has a five-pointed star, with each point labeled and five levels of shading; in summary: Nutty 5, Toffee 4, Malt 3, Bitter 2, Roast 1. These values seem right to me; however, there are surely more attributes of beer: fruity, sour, gassy, etc.

Alex gave me this to try. Having committed to salad and a grilled cheese sandwich for dinner, I pulled this out of the fridge to discover the pairing recommendation, which was right on. Balanced and smooth, I rated it only VG, because I'm not a hazelnut fan. I expect it will again be a winner for me, after a long while.

Oct 2021 4.0 ★★★★ 67° Grizzly, brown ale,, Franklin Brewing Co, Franklin MA, 16 oz can, 5.8%.

Balanced and smooth, this Grizzly slipped right down with a Teton Polish sausage with Dijon on rye, and a cup of chili.

Oct 2021 3.5 ★★★+ Copper Legend, Octoberfest, Jack's Abby, Framingham MA, 5.7%, 22 IBU.

Oct 2019: Jack's Abby mostly brews IPAs, sometimes masquerading under other names. Copper Legend is a delightful exception, balanced, medium-flavored, copper colored, and available around October.

Dec 2020: Not as appreciative this year, I would only buy Copper Legend again as a last resort. I'm lowering the rating from VG to Good+.

Oct 2021: Concur with last year. Canned 9-24-2021 and consumed exactly two months later, this 16 oz single came from Trader Joes. A little gassy; lighter in color and flavor than the clearly superior Sam I had the night before.

Oct 2021 4.0 ★★★★ Samuel Adams Octoberfest, lager, The Boston Beer Company, Cincinnati OH, Breinigsville PA & Boston MA, 5.3%, 16 IBU.

"Rich & balanced, traditional Marzen". "Malt brings so much to a great beer. That's why we developed a unique malt blend to provide a robust color and smooth rich flavor. Like you, we look forward to this tradition every year."

Feb 2020: Included in a mixed six of cans from Wegmans. Tested with my wife and friend as part of a 3-beer Oktoberfest Challenge on Feb 11. We had it with Asian chicken rollups and Kirkland brocolli cheddar soup with lots of added broccoli. With medium, balanced flavor, this drinkable beer was the clear winner of the challenge, but I've had better. Good+.

Oct 2021 A very fresh single bottle from Trader Joes (enjoy before Mar), this brew initially came off as a little gassy at the finish. It then filled in nicely, and is worth an upgrade to at least VG.

Oct 2021 4.0 ★★★★ Fat Tire Amber Ale, New Belgium Brewing Co, Fort Collins CO & Asheville NC, 5.2%, 22 IBU.

Nov 2019: My original notes say, wonderful malty flavor. However, I could not wait for the most recent six to be gone, so I could fill the space in my box with something better. (It is possible I kept it too long.) Good.

Oct 2021: Trader Joes has a modest beer selection, but anything they have, you can buy as a single, basically the same price. I snagged a fresh Fat Tire (enjoy by 23 Jan 22) — fine amber color and a nice, balanced flavor — upping my rating to VG. I'm learning that freshness really does count, especially with lighter color, lower alcohol brews such as Fat Tire Amber Ale.

Oct 2021 3.0 ★★★☆☆ Robust Porter, Smuttynose Brewing Company, Hampton NH, 6.2%, canned on 06/07/21.

Oct 2021: Partly burnt flavor with a slightly sour finish, this Robust Porter did not live up to my expectations. The problem could be that it sat on the shelf too long; though I just got it in a mixed six from Wegmans, they often put older beers in that case. Consumed 10/18/21, over four months old, but a porter should keep longer than a lighter brew.

Aug 2018: Very tasty, a fairly heavy porter, not burnt/sooty as some porters. VG+

Oct 2021 4.5 ★★★★+ Helles, Great Central Brewing Company, Chicago IL 10 IBU, 5%.

"The Great Central Helles is an easy-drinking beer for hard-working people. Simple, clean and balanced, precision is a must in crafting this full-bodied brew, a true lager with special attention paid to fermenting for nuanced flavor — and we know our care and craftsmanship is appreciated by makers like you who enjoy this delicious, malty beer most."

Sold on draft as GCBC Lager (as the can would be labeled) at a beer truck accompanying the "A La Esh" BBQ food truck in Sharon MA; this brew was surprisingly flavorful and balanced (the other choices were two IPAs). VG+

Oct 2021 3.0 ★★★☆☆ Blithering Idiot, Barleywine Ale, Weyerbacher Brewing Co, Easton PA, 11.1%.

This bottle came in a mixed six from Wegmans. If you have a need for a dessert beer, this may be it. However, it was too sweet for me (of the sweet tooth), and I wound up dumping out the last third of it. I had it with Sukhi's Chicken Coconut Curry with Mango from Costco which also disappointed (the heat drowned out the other subtle flavors). Next time, back to Sukhi's Chicken Tikka Masala with a Merry Monks!

Sep 2021 4.0 ★★★★ Ipswich Oatmeal Stout, Ipswich Ale Brewery, Ipswich MA.

We had a 3-way stout challenge at Monday night family dinner. This brew finished last, although we agreed we would be pleased to have it again. We should have opened this can first, instead of last. Even better, lay out three glasses each.

This brew seemed somewhat gassy, with little sweetness, and a distinct hop finish. I'm giving it a provisional VG rating, but I need to test it again, without such fierce competition.

Updated from Feb 2020: VG rating confirmed with 12-oz can dated 05/13/21 — consumed without food, after an online bridge game on Sep 29. It made a great head in the glass, and I did not find it gassy. Rather than bitter, I found the finish a little tart, which could be age-related. This was from a mixed six at Wegmans; as we know, they often stick their older product in that case.

Oct 2021 4.0 ★★★★ Munsterfest, Oktoberfest style lager, Three Floyd's Brewing LLC, Munster IN, 6%.

"A Marzen-style fest bier brewed with the finest German malted barley, aromatic Bavarian noble hops and traditional lager yeast. This rich malty lager is one of the few that remain true to the tradition of fest beers originally brewed to honor the marriage of Prince Ludwig in 1810. We hope you enjoy this Fall offering. Prost."

Very good, flavorful, balanced amber brew. [tested Sep 2021]

Oct 2021 3.5 ★★★+ Konstantin, Austrian-style Marzen, Schilling Brewiung Co, Littleton NH, pint can, 5%.

Amber, slightly sharp finiush, good+. [tested Sep 2021]

Oct 2021 5.0 ★★★★★ Kameraden, Baltic porter, Schilling Brewiung Co, Littleton NH, pint can, 9%.

Strong flavor, but not burnt; balanced. I don't recall a better porter, excellent. [tested Sep 2021]

Jul 2021 5.0 ★★★★★ Luscious, British imperial stout, John Kimmich, The Alchemist, Stowe VT, pint can, 9.2%.

Jun 2020: Thick and rich with a slight sour finish - — did not bother me — Victor said the sour might be because the beer is getting old. Full, balanced flavor, excellent.

Victor brought out this and two other brews for us to share, for my birthday dinner in Barre: grilled chicken, no-mayo potato salad, homemade noknead bread, and Argentine chimmichurri.

Jul 2021: Alex came back from a visit to Vermont with a variety of brews. When he hosted a family gathering, he gave me a Lucious — every bit as good as I remembered, but without the sour (being a fresh can) — it pours like light syrup. We had burgers, dogs, corn, grilled green beans and chips. This is not your every day brew; it's superb for a special occasion.

"Lucious is our award-winning British-style Imperial Stout. It certainly lives up to is name."

Jun 2021 3.5 ★★★+ Barn Cat, English style dark mild ale (nitro can, please shake), Bunker Brewing LLC, Portland ME, pint can, 4.8%.

Definitely mild, to the edge of bland.  I enjoyed it, but would not seek it out.  Good+. [tested Apr 2021]

Jun 2021 5.0 ★★★★★ WinterHammer, bock-style pale lager, Schilling Beer Co, Littleton NH, pint can, 6.9%. Medium-flavored, well balanced, amber, excellent. [tested Apr 2021]

Jun 2021 5.0 ★★★★★ Expedition Stout, Bells Brewery, Comstock MI, factory batch no 10673, pkgd 9/29/11, 10.5%.

"Here's a beer that thirsts for travel, holding up impressively under the rigors of any journey.  At the same time, it's perfectly content to sit quietly in your cellar, aging and improving while you wait for the moment that seems perfectly appropriate for its consumption." Thick, full flavored & mostly balanced, we split it split three ways.  Slightly sour finish may be due to keeping almost a decade — a feature, not a problem.  Excellent. [tested Apr 2021]

Jun 2021 3.0 ★★★☆☆ Peleg, old ale aged in oak barrels, Hill Farmstead Brewery, Greensboro Bend VT, 25 oz (500 ml) bottle.

Named after Peleg Hill Jr, a little gassy, intentionally sour; the sour dominates the other good flavors.  Good. [tested Apr 2021]

Jun 2021 4.5 ★★★★+ Eclipse, imperial stout brewed with honey, aged in oak barrels, FiftyFifty Brewing Co, Truckee CA, 22 oz, 9.5%.

The label was marked "BR 3 2012." The blue wax over the top, for 2012, indicates aging in Old Fitzgerald bourbon barrels.  Full flavored, VG+. [tested Apr 2021]

Jan 2021 4.0 ★★★★ Drive Thru Red, dry hopped red ale, Josephsbrau Brewing Co (Trader Joes), San Jose CA, 7.2%, 42 IBU.

"Layered with a rich, malty body and dry hopped with noble Tettang hops." Interesting, good flavor, but strong hops bring it out of balance. I'm going to give it a bare VG rating, because I would consider buying it again.

Jan 2021 3.0 ★★★☆☆ Trader Jose Dark, brewed by Artesanas de Malta Y Cebada, Mexico, Trader Joes, 11.2 oz, 5.3%.

Jun 2017:Nice brown ale [for which I did not record the brewer]. This beer is on my TJ buy list.

Jan 2021:Not having had this for a while, I snagged a single at TJs to test again. I did not chill it, just pulled it out of the cool basement. I did not like it!

This turns out to be a lager, not an ale. Maybe I mistreated it by not chilling, maybe my tastes changed, maybe the beer was old (lagers may not like that — bottle undated), maybe the brewer or the recipe changed. I am removing it from my TJ buy list and downgrading from VG+ all the way to Good.

Jan 2021 5.0 ★★★★★ Framinghammer, Baltic Porter, Jacks Abby, Framingham MA, unfiltered & unpasteurized, OG 23.5, 10%, 45 IBU, 16 oz can, canned 11 23 20.

"A lengthy conditioning period creates a silky smooth chocolaty mouthfeel enhanced by the use of oats and brown sugar. Noticeable sweetness gets balanced by roasted malt and hop bitterness. At 10% alcohol by volume, this beer is sure to keep you warm on a cold winter night."

A fabulous balanced porter: sweet, black, burnt & bitter, without any aspect dominating. I could not bear to toss the last of the 16 oz can, which was definitely too big. Yum.

Jan 2023: Now apparently available only in large bottles with various flavors added, about $10 per. The effective death of a great brew — I have taken Framinghammer off the favorites/buy list.

Dec 2020 4.5 ★★★★+ Optimator, doppelbock, Spaten-Brau, Munich Germany, 06.2021 (presumaby a best-by date), 7.6% (according to Beeradvocate).

Alex gave me one of these to try. This double bock is apparently available year round, and he picked it up at Wegmans. It's perfectly balanced and highly drinkable, not heavy. I'll give it a VG+ for now, and consider an upgrade.

Nov 2020 5.0 ★★★★★ Dark Intrigue, malt beverage aged in bourbon barrels (barleywine), Victory Brewing Co, Downington PA, bottled 9 Nov 2011,

Victor says this is Storm King (which I have yet to taste), with special aging. Splendid!

Nov 2020 4.5 ★★★★+ Backwoods Bastard, ale aged in oak bourbon barrels, Founders Brewing Co, Grand Rapids MI, 50 IBU, 10.2%.

Victor says the basis of the beer is Dirty Bastard. The bourbon flavor is an additional, balanced dimension. The hops were not apparent in this bottle from about 2014. It would probably be Excellent, if fresher; VG+

Nov 2020 4.5 ★★★★+ Big Black Voodo Daddy, stout, Voodoo Brewing Co, Meadville PA, 25 degrees OG, 4 degrees plato FG, 65 IBU, 12.5%.

"A Dark Horse and one of the Biggest Baddest Stouts around. This is an old recipe that I called Ecliptical Stout at Jackson Brewing ... This is one beer that I have been saving to make again since then, about 12 years ago." [Matt]

Beer Advocate says this is a seasonal brew, and has these notes: "This Is our Imperial Stout that we age in conditioning tanks with oak staves. This adds a classic character of old world aging with out the Bourbon tones. This black ale is about 12% alc. and very rich in roasted and chocolate malt tones. Velvety smooth and able to be aged for years." No ratings at Beer Advocate go back farther than 2018. This 25-oz bottle was from 2014 or earlier, VG+.

Nov 2020 4.0 ★★★★ Oak Horizontal, malt beverage aged in bourbon barrels (barleywine), 750ml, bottled Dec 20, 2012, Victory Brewing Co, Downington PA, 9.5%.

Unfortunately, I was not able to record all the details of the many fine brews Victor brought out that weekend. This one was VG.

Nov 2020 3.0 ★★★☆☆ Fruet, ale aged in bourbon barrels, Famille Rue The Bruery, Orange County CA, 25.4 oz, 15.5%.

"Anno 2012 Anniversary. This sturdy beer marks our fourth year... Bottle number 00854. Fruet will age gracefully for decades when cellared properly. Best stored and cellared around 55°F (13°C) in a dark place. Ideal serving serving temperature is 60°F. Please pour carefully, leaving the yeast sediment behind in the bottle. Best served in a tulip or wine glass."

Unfortunately, after all the care and pride the Bruery took in this beer, it was a disappointment; I'll rate it Good. It was too sweet, without much else to balance the flavor.

Nov 2020 5.0 ★★★★★ Bourbon County, Goose Island, Chicago.

Jan 2019: The original Bourbon barrel aged stout, my son Alex bought a large bottle of the 2013 edition (14.9%) for $7 in Jan 2014, when his wife Colleen went into labor with their first, Sam. Almost syrupy, full flavor, fruity finish, eventually bitter. He shared it with me for Sam's 5th birthday. Special, indeed.

Oct 2020: Victor brought out a 12 oz bottle of the 2014 edition (13.8%) to share. This was also sweet and thick, but not spectacular, VG+. Victor says this brew is supposed to reach its peak at five years; we had it at six. He stopped collecting about five years ago; even with my help, it may be many years before he gets through his collection.

Oct 2020 5.0 ★★★★★ Dirty Bastard, scotch style ale, Founders Brewing Co, Grand Rapids MI, 50 IBU, 8.5%.

"So good it's almost wrong. Dark ruby in color and brewed seven varieties of imported malts. Complex in finish, with hints of smoke and peat, paired with a malty richness and a right hook of hop power to give it the bad attitude that a beer named Dirty Bastard has to live up to. Ain't for the wee lads."

Feb 2020: After this one departed at family dinner, I was able to get a couple more in a mixed 3x2 at Wegmans. This medium-sweet, full-flavored, full-mouth brew has a lingering sour taste. My litmus paper gave an inconclusive reading. VG+

Oct 2020: After being mostly shut in for a week, I went to Costco and snagged a meatloaf and mashed. Dirty Bastard was great with this meal! Instead of overpowering, the hops complemented the comfort food. Raising the rating.

Also, I'm coming to recognize that the mixed six case at Wegmans may be filled with older beers. This six, bottled on 08.19.20, had no hint of sour.

Oct 2020 4.0 ★★★★ Steinbier, Marzen-style lager, Night Shift Brewing, Everett MA, 16 oz can, canned 08/17/20, 5.8%.

"Steinbier celebrates classic German festbiers. We brew it exclusively with German malts and hops, and then lager it in tanks for six weeks per German tradition. It sips full-bodied and clean, with hearty flavors of fresh bread and a refreshing nip of hops. Your treat in a stein every time - prost!"

A tad richer than many Oktoberfest-style beers, Steinbier is medium flavored and well balanced with the mentioned nip of hops: VG.

Oct 2020 3.5 ★★★+ Switchback Ale, Unfiltered - Naturally Conditioned, Switchback Brewing Co, Burlington VT, bottled on 6.22.2020, 5%.

"Switchback Ale was developed as a flavor concept, not adhering to any style guidelines. This reddish-amber, hard to describe beer is full of flavor yet always invites one to have another. This unique combination has made Switchback Ale a Vermont favorite."

Medium, balanced flavor with a hop finish. I liked it, but looking forward, I would buy a six of 'Gansett ahead of Switchback — might be worth a head-to-head test. Good+.

Sep 2020 4.0 ★★★★ Arrogant Bastard Ale, American strong ale, Arrogant Consortia, Escondido CA & Richmond VA, 16 oz can, 7.2%.

Arrogant Bastard Ale is not as splendid as I recalled. This time, it started mellow, grew stronger mid-mouth, and finished bitter — arrogantly over-hopped. I'd rate this VG+, if it came in 12-oz bottles, far and away my favorite non-draft format. The last two ounces went down the drain; I'd had plenty.

Beer Advocate still has the ballyhoo I remember from the 22 oz bottle I had years ago:

At Arrogant Bastard Brewing Co., we believe that pandering to the lowest common denominator represents the height of tyranny — a virtual form of keeping the consumer barefoot and stupid. Brought forth upon an unsuspecting public in 1997, Arrogant Bastard Ale openly challenged the tyrannical overlords who were brazenly attempting to keep Americans chained in the shackles of poor taste. As the progenitor of its style, Arrogant Bastard Ale has reveled in its unprecedented and uncompromising celebration of intensity. There have been many nods to Arrogant Bastard Ale...even outright attempts to copy it...but only one can ever embody the true nature of Liquid Arrogance!"

This online letter, dated September 30, 2019 is worth a read; among other things, it clarifies that Stone Brewing developed and controls the Arrogant Bastard line. Stone seems to have split its offerings (perhaps in the year since that letter) into those labeled Stone and those labeled Arrogant Consortia. The label on the tall can shown with that letter and on the Arrogant Consortia site shows the bold slogan,"YOU'RE NOT WORTHY."

Wegmans charged me $12 for six talls of "Stone Arrogant," a fair price. The redesigned label removes all the ballyhoo, except "DRINK FRESH NUMBSKULL." Maybe they knuckled under to the Portman Group.

Sep 2020 3.5 ★★★+ Benediktiner Festbier, brewed in Lich Germany for Benediktiner Weissbrau GMBH, 24 oz can, dated 2020-05-06i, ABV not listed.

Mild, subtle flavor with a hop finish, good+. Beer Advocate says it is 5.8% ABV.

Sep 2020 5.0 ★★★★★ Moscow, Midnight Sun Brewing Co, Anchorage AK, 11%, 45 IBU, 22 oz bottle. Russian Imperial Stout, ale brewed with Rye.

"First brewed as part of our 2011 World Tour series, Moscow is a heavy, opaque black liquid that pours softly and soulfully into your snifter. A high percentage of spicy rye and roasted malts create a dense, chewy yet elegant winter wonderland of flavors."

Victor brought this out to share, age uncertain. It's a full flavored well balanced, slightly sweet brew with a forceful mid-mouth and a semi-tart finish. The 45 IBU were not in evidence, so the brew had soured over time. No complaints, this brew was excellent.

Sep 2020 4.5 ★★★★+ Monster Ale, Brooklyn Brewery, Utica NY, 10.1%. Barley wine style.

Victor says this brew was named after the brewery cat, who died in 2012 — this was the last year they made this brew. Medium flavor, not hoppy. He said it has mellowed out nicely; he was really enjoying it. VG+

Sep 2020 4.5 ★★★★+ Naked Lunch in a Copenhagen Heavenly Resto, imperial stout, Evil Twin Brewing, product of Holland, 10%, 11.2 oz.

Victor brought this brew and several others out to share. It's full-flavored, not hoppy, lightly sweet; my enjoyment increased as I sipped, VG+.

Victor recommends this article for the scoop on the Bjergso twins and Evil Twin Brewing.

Sep 2020 4.5 ★★★★+ Bourbon Barrel Barleywine 2012, Central Waters Brewing Co, Amherst WI, 11.5%.

Sweet, good but not overpowering bourbon flavor, not hoppy. VG+.

Aug 2020 4.0 ★★★★ Dragon's Milk, bourbon barrel-aged stout, New Holland Brewing Co, Holland, Grand Rapids & Saugatuck MI, 11%, 30 IBU.

Mar 2020: This was available for $5 a bottle at Whole Foods, but I balked at the price; maybe later. New Holland brews beers that go up to 17% ABV.

Aug 2020: Medium flavor and smooth. The bourbon flavor dominates, to the point of overpowering other flavors — especially the IBU 30 hops, which were not evident. This beer is out of balance, but not in the typical IPA fashion. While I like this beer, I'm rating it only VG, partly because of the high price. Check this list for quite a few bourbon brews that score higher on flavor and/or price.

Alex & I went exploring near his new home, wandered into the Sharon Market. It turns out to be a good beer store. (They probably had wine, but tunnel vision took over.) On the recommendation of Alex and the clearly knowledgable owner, I went for the 4-pack, about $17 — a minor celebration.

Aug 2020 4.0 ★★★★ Von Trapp Oktoberfest, Stowe VT, 5.6%, 35 IBU.

"A true full-bodied Oktoberfest lager dark in color withb a fine caramel finish." A tasty Oktoberfest dominated by a strong hop finish. While out of balance, it's still very good.

Aug 2020 4.0 ★★★★ Tank 7 Farmhouse Ale, Boulevard Brewing Co, Kansas City MO, 8%, 38 IBU.

Nov 2018: Light and fruity, more like a Belgian ale, VG. Bottle $4 at Whole Foods.

Aug 2020: Sustained hop finish. Bottle $2 in a $12 mixed six at Wegmans.

Aug 2020 3.5 ★★★+ Carlsburg Elephant, Fredericks, Denmark, 11.2 oz, 7.2%.

Dec 2019: Light and apparently unfiltered, this beer slipped right down with an omelet and my homemade rye toast. VG [received in a Yankee swap]

Aug 2020: This brew was not quite as impressive with dinner tonight, a burger, chicken sausage, corn, and grilled veg. I'm lowering the rating to Good+, because I would avoid buying it in a store. I concede that this relatively pale beer may have gone off, since last December.

Aug 2020 5.0 ★★★★★ Double Townie, Barrel House Z, 95 Woodrock Rd, Weymouth MA, 32 oz growler can, 10%.

This was a great, dark, balanced, full-flavored brew. It was sweet, but I forgot to record how sweet; sorry.

Alex brought this out to share with Colleen and me at an outdoor celebration of Karen's 65th. (No way she would go for such a brew.)

Jul 2020 5.0 ★★★★★ Plead the 5th, Imperial Stout, Dark Horse Brewing Co, Marshall MI, 11.0%

Thick and rich, a superb dessert stout. [From Victor's collection.]

Jul 2020 5.0 ★★★★★- Earl, Coffee Imperial Stout, Hill Farmstead Brewery, Greensboro Bend VT, 500ml (16.9 oz), 7.2%.

"Ingredients: pale, caramel and chocolate malt; roasted barley; coffee; hops; ale yeast; and our well water." It's thicker and sweeter than Avena Obscura, which we had two nights earlier.

This full-flavored, balanced brew was great with pulled pork and slaw. I drank most of it, which Victor had opened for me. Then I turned the bottle around to see what it was. Oops, coffee; I do love coffee, but it does not love me; decaf coffee in the morning can keep me awake at night. The taste is superb, but I tacked on a minus for the coffee. I did not get to sleep until 4 am, but it may have been worth it.

[From Victor's collection.]

Jul 2020 5.0 ★★★★★ Fayson Maple Imperial Stout, Lawson's Finest Liquids, Waitsfield VT.

Jan 2020: rum barrel aged, 375ml (12.7 oz), bottled January 2016, 11%. "Rich and complex beer perfect for sipping or pairing with chocolate or dessert." Dark, thick, sweet, with a huge flavor: excellent for a treat. Victor brought this beer to a family pizza party, a pairing that worked unexpectedly well — the beer was better than the pizza.

Jul 2020: 10.1% alc. "Brewed with loads of roasted and black malts, & over two gallons of VT maple syrup per barrel, this beauty was carefully aged in oak barrels that previously held a 20-year old Carribbean rum. This rich and complex beer will mature for many months. Made for sub-zero nights & pairing with decadent desserts. Straight from the Green Mountains to your head."

Excellent, full-flavored, thick and rich. [From Victor's collection.]

Jul 2020 4.5 ★★★★+ Avena Obscura, Black Flannel Brewing Co, Essex VT, 16 oz can, 20 IBU, 15 OG, 50 SRM, 5.6%.

"Packed with flaked oats and carefully selected roasted malts. Notes of dark chocolate, toasted walnuts, and cream. Full-bodied, finishing with rich maltiness. Pairs with: ale-braised mussels, rabbit tourtierre, aged cheddar, creme brulee. ... Drink fresh."

Highly drinkable and not sweet, this beer has a balanced subtle variety of flavors.

Jun 2020 5.0 ★★★★★ Weyerbacher Merry Monks, Belgian-style tripel, Weyerbacher Brewing Co, Easton PA, 9.3%.

Feb 2020: Out of the box, this is a decent tripel, with an intrusive hop finish. However, I paired it with a Trader Joes Butter Chicken entree (their best, although sometimes short on chicken), and it rose to VG+. The mild to medium heat of the sauce cut the hops and brought up the sweet and fruitiness. Brews of this nature can be superb with Indian food. I won't upgrade to excellent, but I gave it some thought.

Jun 2020: The last time I had a Golden Monkey, I was a little disappointed. To check this out, I opened a Merry Monks and a Golden Monkey, with some Sukhi's Chicken Tikka Masala from Costco. The Merry Monks has a robust flavor that I particularly like; I am raising it to excellent. However, Karen said it's too hoppy and tastes like grape juice; she did not like it.

Jun 2020 4.5 ★★★★+ Victory Golden Monkey, Belgian-style tripel ale with added spices, Victory Brewing Co, Downington PA, 9.5%.

Mar 2020: "Mystical flavors to enlighten you. Nose is loaded with Belgian yeast character of banana and clove with an equally fruity body balanced with with a light, earthy hop character. Savor notes of orange and spice followed by a dry finish." We had this excellent bottled brew with Indian food in Birmingham, a splendid combination.

Jun 2020: The last time I had a Golden Monkey, I was a little disappointed. To check this out, I opened a Merry Monks and a Golden Monkey, with some Sukhi's Chicken Tikka Masala from Costco. The flavor of the Golden Monkey is milder, with a slightly gassy effect. The added spices are neat. I am lowering this to the low end of VG+. Karen likes it.

Jun 2020 5.0 ★★★★★ The Seven Isles, port barrel aged stout, Trillium Brewing Co, Fort Point, Fenway & Canton Ma, 25.4 oz bottle, 14.4%.

Thick and rich with port flavors. Excellent. Alex brought this out for a late birthday celebration. Yum.

Jun 2020 5.0 ★★★★★ Old Stock Ale 2012, North Coast Brewing Co, Fort Bragg CA, 11.7%.

Victor says this beer can age forever. It's sweet, but not syrupy, full flavor, well balanced. It was excellent with our carrot cake dessert.

Victor brought out this and two other brews for my birthday dinner in Barre.

Jun 2020 5.0 ★★★★★ Sucaba Vintage No 005, barrel aged barley wine, Firestone Walker Brewing Co, Paso Robles & Buellton CA, 22 oz bottle, 13.3%, OG 36.6 Plato, 42 IBU, cases 3500, FG 3.8 P, 45 SRM (dark ruby).

Excellent, but after getting all the particulars, I forgot to record the taste. As I recall, thick and full-flavored.

Victor brought out this and two other brews for my birthday dinner in Barre.

Jun 2020 5.0 ★★★★★ Everett, robust American ale, Hill Farmstead Brewery, Greensboro Bend VT, 7.2%.

Apr 2019: Pale, caramel and chocolate malt, roasted barley, hops, ale, yeast, and well water. Excellent.

Jun 2020: huge, balanced flavor, thick, strong coffee flavor (from the malt, no coffee). Superb.

May 2020 3.5 ★★★+ Samuel Adams Boston Lager, The Boston Beer Company, Cincinnati OH, Breinigsville PA & Boston MA, 5%.

Sam is acceptable, especially on draft. This is the beer that turned the whole industry around, truly great in its day. However, it's medium-flavored and a little off-balance; there are many better brews now.

3.7 ★★★++ Yuengling Traditional Lager, Original Amber Beer, DG Yuengling & Son, Pottsville PA, 4.5%.

Yuengling is acceptable, especially on draft. My wife, who will drink few of my beers, and seldom any beer, occasionally drinks Yuengling. I prefer Yuengling to Sam Adams Boston Lager.

Apr 2020 3.5 ★★★+ Boatswain Chocolate Stout, stout brewed with cocoa powder, 12 oz can, Rhinelander Brewing Co, Monroe WI, 5.4%.

After the Stockyard, we moved on to this brew, also from Trader Joes.. It is milder, mostly balanced, but a little gassy, with an interesting chocolate flavor. OK, but also not on my buy list.

Mar 2020 4.5 ★★★★+ Brown Shugga, Sweet Release, Lagunitas Brewing Co, Petaluma CA, 10%, 51.1 IBU, OG 1.100.

Malt, brown sugar, hops, yeast and water. "We believe this Special Ale is Something Unique. Feeding Brown Cane Sugar to otherwise Cultured Brewery Yeast is a'kin to feeding Raw Shark to your Gerbil. It is unlikely to ever occur in nature without Human Intervention. And it looks weird besides. But it has happened and now it is too late."

Jan 2020: Full flavored, with dominant hops (back-mouth), some mid-mouth, not much front-mouth. At Wegmans in Oct 2019, I liked a small taste of this beer and fell for a six. (And I've been thru Petaluma on a great vacation.) Based on my first whole bottle at home, I rated it ★★★+. The 4-star rating is based on the fourth bottle, which I had with a large salad topped with tuna salad and capers, plus toast.

Mar 2020 update: I opened the fifth bottle around 6, expecting dinner soon. It was full-flavor and full-mouth, not small at the start as previously claimed. I had trouble holding back before dinner at 7, helping Karen prepare a cauliflower cottage pie. It was superb with the hearty dinner as well; the hop-finish was just right. Tempered by previous lower ratings, I'm holding back to VG+ for my new rating. This is a swell beer for an IPA drinker who wants to upgrade.

Highly unusual for me, I opened a second beer, as the Brown Shugga disappeared mid-dinner. The Smuttynose Robust Porter (reviewed on this page) was consistently VG+, though quite different from Brown Shugga.

Mar 2020 4.0 ★★★★ Brown Ale, Brooklyn Brewery, Brooklyn NY, 5.6%, best by 07/20.

"This is the original American Brown Ale. A blend of six malts takes center stage, following brown ale's British roots to give the beer its deep russet-brown color and hints of cocoa, coffee and toasted caramel. ... perfect with any red meat, roasted poultry, barbecue, though it it's a favorite on its own."

A full-mouth, medium-flavored beer, VG. Karen asked if she would like this beer. "Probably not, but it's milder than usual." ... "I could drink this if I had to (three stars)." We had it with scrambled eggs mixed with black beans, red pepper, scallions and tomato; served with a mild salsa, Food Should Taste Good multi-grain ships and cucumber slices.

Mar 2020 4.0 ★★★★ Maudite, Belgian style double ale brewed with spices. Unibroue, Chambly, Quebec, 8%, 22 IBU, SRM 18 (brown).

Sommalier Selection: bottle refermented Belgian style ale. I have fond memories of Maudite on several occasions, but I did not record a rating in 2018.

Mar 2020 update: I tried it again before dinner and during Karen's orange (sesame ginger) chicken with rice and salad. I'm sticking with the VG rating. It's balanced, but did not greatly impress tonight. Perhaps another time.

Mar 2020 4.5 ★★★★+ La Fin du Monde, Belgian style triple ale brewed with spices, Unibroue, Chambly, Quebec, 9%, 19 IBU, SRM 5.5 (gold).

Sommalier Selection: bottle refermented Belgian style ale.

A full-mouth, balanced, medium-flavored brew, as expected for a tripel. Across the board, Unibroue brews top-quality balanced beers. They sell six varieties in a boxed-six in the winter, and I just broke into my box from this year. VG+, previously misrated Good in 2018.

Mar 2020 4.5 ★★★★+ Old Chub Scotch Ale, Oskar Blues Brewery, Longmont CO, 8.0%, canned on 12/13/19.

"It's like sputnik, a virtual planetoid." Old Chub has balanced, full flavor, with a slightly sour aftertaste that is not noticeable with food. VG+

Mar 2020 3.0 ★★★☆☆ Ellie's Brown, American brown ale, Avery Brewing Co, Boulder CO, 5.5%, canned on 12/20/19.

"Brewed with Rocky Mountan water, malted barley, hops & yeast." The picture of a dog on the can could be Ellie. "Loyal | Friendly | Mellow"

This unbalanced brew has a tiny start and mid-mouth, medium-strong at the back of the mouth, with a disappointing aftertaste. It comes across as gassy. I did drink it, so it rates good. Actually, I'm dumping the last ounce.

Mar 2020 5.0 ★★★★★ Mission St. Brown Ale, Steinhaus Brewing [Trader Joes], CA, 5.7%, best by 06/07/17.

"Mission Street resides at the intersection of quality and value, a place we have called home for more than 40 years. Our award-winning beer is crafted in small batches using only the finest all-natural hops and malted barley, resulting in a classic brown ale with remarkable flavor and freshness."

When I pulled the Ommegang out of my liquor box, I discovered this 22 oz bottle. Over the years, I've had maybe eight bottles from Trader Joes for $1.99, a fine value. Most of the other Mission St offerings were presented in 6-packs, which I would rather have, but this brew is special enough to buy the big one. I have not seen it in years. All the Steinhaus brews were apparently brewed under contract at other breweries, and have been discontinued, including Fat Weasel, which I also enjoyed. Sad.

Tonight, I had the final Brown Ale with ginger-marinated flank steak, fine egg noodles with butter, and a salad. Yum. The beer was as good as it gets, even being three years old: a slight sweet start, full-mouth flavor, and a hop finish. The bottle foamed over when I opened it. A nostalgic excellent.

Mar 2020 4.5 ★★★★+ Ommegang Abbey Ale Dubbel, Ommegang [Duvel], Cooperstown NY, 8.2%, 20 IBU, 18.2 OG.

"Brewed with orange peel, grains of paradise, coriander, licorice root, anise. Pour slowly so as to not disturb the yeast sediment, but with enough vigor to create a luxurious head and release the rich bouquet." Ths is the beer that made the brewery, formerly called Abbey Ale without the Dubbel. The price has gone up substantially over the years, especially since Duvel bought the brewery.

This updated review is based on an undated 750 ml bottle that I aged in the basement for a couple of years. We had it with burgers and various side dishes, which concealed the depth of flavor that emerged after the meal. It is well-balanced, with an edgy, substantial, full-mouth flavor that lingers. The flavors are not my favorite, but they are spectacular.

Mar 2020 4.0 ★★★★ Brown Ale, Good People Brewing Co, Birmingham AL.

A very good brew, but with an end taste I would describe as sharp. Thinking back, perhaps it needs a bolder malt. At the counter of a restaurant near the Birmingham regional bridge tournament, it was a pleasure to pluck this drinkable can from a lineup of Bud Light and equivalents, IPAs, etc.

Feb 2020 5.0 ★★★★★ Dynasty, imperial stout, Night Shift Brewing, Everett MA, pint can, 9.4%

This medium sweet brew has full-mouth flavor, and a distinct hop finish. Excellent.

We had a 3-way stout challenge at Monday night family dinner. Alex rated this a close second to Bennington. "Canned 12/09/19."

Feb 2020 5.0 ★★★★★ Bennington, oatmeal stout, Night Shift Brewing, Everett MA, pint can, 7.3%

This slightly syrupy brew has an explosion of chocolate, full-mouth flavor, and a distinct hop finish. It's outstanding, but not for everyday drinking.

We had a 3-way stout challenge at Monday night family dinner. Alex rated this best, calling it a dessert stout. "Oatmeal stout with dutch-processed cocoa & maple syrup, canned 11/05/19."

Feb 2020 3.5 ★★★+ Boddingtons Pub Ale, AB InBev UK Limited, Luton, England, pint can with pub insert, 4.7% (per Beeradvocate).

"Since 1778 when it was first brewed at the Strangeways brewery in Manchester, Boddingtons has been renowned as a unique, pale gold ale. After pouring, the beer cascades slowly in the glass to give Boddingtons its distinctive creamy head and smooth body."

This beer has mild but real flavor, with a hop uptick at the finish and mouth-feel reminiscent of Guinness. I have enjoyed Boddingtons for a couple of decades, ever since I first had it on tap, at the then-top-rated London restaurant for fish and chips. OOPS, it's AB InBev; well, I like it anyhow. Good+. When I get some Narragansett, I'm going to put them head to head, as it were.

Feb 2020 5.0 ★★★★★ Bourbon Barrel Quad, barrel-aged ale, Boulevard Brewing Co, Kansas City MO, 11.2%, 26 IBU.

This brew has huge full-mouth flavor. It's sweet, but not overly so; nicely balanced with the hops. The bourbon barrel flavor prominently overlays all; some might say, too prominently. I had it with a salad, finishing with some 100-day Gouda and and Merlot Bellavitano cheese — stretching that alcohol over an hour or more.

From a mixed 3x2 at Wegmans. I have another! This is similar to Sixth Glass, aged in bourbon barrels, with 1% higher ABV and 4 higher IBU, so buy according to your bourbon preference. Both are excellent.

Feb 2020 3.0 ★★★☆☆ Lagerbier, Bissell Bros Brewing Co, Portland ME, 5.3%.

Mild flavor builds front to back, with a substantial hop finish (for a mild beer). Good.

This is one of four cans that Alex and Collen brought over to family dinner, after a weekend exploring Portland breweries with friends.

Feb 2020 4.0 ★★★★ Tripel, Brewery Extrava, Portland ME, 9.5%, SRM 7.

"Gold in color, briliant clarity with a rocky head. Lovely bouquet with significant spiciness, fruity esters and soft alcohol. ... Moderately bitter with a superdry finish, this tripel is surprisingly drinkable." This is an accurate description of this medium-flavored, full-mouth, balanced brew. (They need to edit the redundancy on the can.) VG.

This is one of four cans that Alex and Collen brought over to family dinner, after a weekend exploring Portland breweries with friends.

Feb 2020 2.0 ★★☆☆☆ Chai Mead, Wassail, DBA Maine Mead Works, Portland ME, 6.7%.

Immediate sweetness impact, with tea and spices. Ingredients are water, honey, organic assam black tea, spices, two chemicals, but no hops. Interesting to taste, but it's basically a sugar soda with alcohol, a refermentation preventer, and a preservative. Fair.

This is one of four cans that Alex and Collen brought over to family dinner, after a weekend exploring Portland breweries with friends.

Years ago, Pepsi ran some blind taste tests against Coke, and won. Coca-Cola's response was "New Coke," preferred by over 200,000 testers. Customer outcry was huge. It turns out that Pepsi and new Coke were sweeter than Coca-Cola classic. This turns out to easily win a taste test, but lose hands down in larger quantity. I can see how Chai Mead could have tested well among many other brews. (Of course, sugary drinks are known to be a major cause of obesity — probably beer, too.)

Feb 2020 2.5 ★★+ Nocturna, bourbon barrel aged stout with vanilla, Allagash Brewing Co, Portland ME, 9.9%.

Formerly called Bourbon Barrel Black, this brew explodes with a sweet chocolate flavor, which is the combination of significant hop bitterness, a sweet brew, and way too much vanilla. Interesting, but the malt was obscured; it's like an alcoholic soda. Alex remembered it being better on tap.

This is one of four cans that Alex and Collen brought over to family dinner, after a weekend exploring Portland breweries with friends. (See comments for Chai Mead.)

Feb 2020 4.0 ★★★★ Harpoon Winter Warmer, Harpoon Brewery, Boston MA & Windsor VT, 5.9%.

On draft at Horse Thieves Tavern in Dedham MA, this beer was balanced, medium smooth, definitely better than Sam Adams Winter Warmer. Of course, for similar beers, the one on tap is likely to win. I had it with a [lamb] shepherd's pie, VG.

Feb 2020 4.5 ★★★★+ Southern Tier 2Xstout, double milk stout, Southern Tier Brewing Co, Lakewood NY, 7.5%.

Solid flavor with a pronounced hop finish. With the grandkids over to dinner, I waited and had this with some Kirkland (Costco) PB pretzels. While eating them, front of mouth was lacking, but I recall some sweetness before startng to snack — likely masked by the snack (molasses in the PB). I'm stretching a little to VG+, as I would be pleased to do this again.

Included in a mixed six of bottles from Wegmans.

Feb 2020 1.0 ☆☆☆☆ Genesee Oktoberfest, Genesee Brewing Co [North American Breweries], Rochester NY.

The pronounced, unpalatable, metallic taste suggested this beer might be unsafe to drink. Poor. (Without the metal, it might have been good, relatively balanced.)

Included in a mixed six of cans from Wegmans. Tested with my wife and friend as part of a 3-beer Oktoberfest Challenge on Feb 11.

2020-02-11 Pete to

... This is a heads-up that I am about to rate one of your beers one star out of five. If you send me a brief reply, I'll post it with my rating.

The beer in question is an Oktoberfest that I bought within the month as part of a mixed six at Wegmans. It has a distinct, unpleasant metallic taste, confirmed by two others who tried it. The bottom of the can is stamped "J119 1307:57". Painted on, is 90905B1BE.

2020-02-12 to Pete:

Thanks for contacting us. That Oktoberfest is past its recommended shelf life of 140 days from production, and Wegmans should not have had it available for purchase.

Please let me know where the Wegmans is located, so we can ask the wholesaler to remove any remaining past-code beer.

If you’d like reimbursement for the Oktoberfest you purchased, ....

2012-02-12 Pete

Wegmans, University Ave, Westwood, one can in a mixed six that I selected to try.

If the markings encode a date, it is not obvious to me, and with hundreds of beers, I don't see why it would be to them, either. Furthermore, I would expect any beer to be drinkable to six months or more. In other words, an Oktoberfest should be fine less than 110 days past the end of October, even if brewed in early August.

2020-02-12 to Pete:

The wholesaler is supposed to assist in rotating stock and removing past code product from accounts. They are familiar with the codes and shelf life. Recommended shelf life is just that- recommended. How the beer is handled after leaving the brewery can also affect the flavor adversely.

Also, only two of our beers (not in the Genesee family) have a recommended shelf life of 180 days. The rest are 140 days or 120 days.

Yes, handling counts. I transport my own beer promptly to my basement (cool to cold year round) or refrigerator. However, I do keep some for quite a while, and this is the only time I have had this problem. I understand that lagers may not keep well. Well, they should print an expiration date on the can, not some obscure code.

I also prefer bottled beer: a can might itself be a source of impurities. Cans are coated inside; in the past, coatings contained BPA. If the coating fails, you can get aluminum, also not great for you, in the beer. Detritus on the can lid can also be an issue.

Feb 2020 2.5 ★★+ Shiner Oktoberfest, Marzen-style beer, Spoetzl Brewery, Shiner TX, 5.7%.

Tested with a light sandwich, this beer was gassy and unbalanced, with a hop finish. Upon contemplation, there were other mild flavors.

Included in a mixed six of cans from Wegmans. Tested with my wife and friend as part of a 3-beer Oktoberfest Challenge on Feb 11. We had it with Asian chicken rollups and Kirkland brocolli cheddar soup with lots of added broccoli. This beer was more tolerable after the relatively strong soup. Fair+.

Feb 2020 4.0 ★★★★ Over the Moon Milk Stout, Open Gate Brewery [Guinness], Baltimore MD.

"Luxuriously smooth and sweet with creamy with notes of chocolate and coffee. Made at our Open Gate Brewery in Baltimore, where we combine 250+ years of Guinness brewing experience in Ireland with American beer creativity." Slightly sweet, medium flavor in the full mouth, with a hop up-tick at the end. VG.

Included in a mixed six of cans from Wegmans.

Jan 2020 3.5 ★★★+ Zero Gravity Extra Stout, Zero Gravity Craft Brewery, Burlington VT, 5.9%.

"A black Irish ale with aromas of chocolate and coffee followed by the rich flavors of roasted barley, with a dry finish." I agree with the dry finish. It's prominent mid-mouth; perhaps that's the claimed chocolate and coffee. Not much else there. (I have not had a 'Gansett since last summer, but I might prefer one to this Extra Stout.) I started the beer after tonight's bridge game, then broke out some Coupole Vermont goat cheese and crackers. Before I finished writing, all was gone. Let's call it Good+.

A reviewer on Beer Advocate seems to have nailled it: Palate is unfortunately just really empty. Exceptionally wet with only a faint hint of roast and char on the mid palate. Very wet and watery mouthfeel and quite gaseous too. There's just not a lot going on here, if it is just still drinkable.

Jan 2020 2.0 ★★☆☆☆ Old Rasputin, Russian imperial stout, North Coast Brewing Co, Fort Bragg CA, 9%.

"Brewed in the tradition of the 18th century English brewers who supplied the Tussian courrt of Catherine the Great. Old Rasputin develops a cult following wherever it goes. It's a rich, intense brew with big complex flavors & a warming finish."

Not a warming finish, a huge hop finish. I really disliked it. After a few tries while cooking burgers for family dinner, I gave it to my son, who appreciates the hops (as do Beer Advocate reviewers, who rate it World Class). I broke out a Troegenator — yum!

Jan 2020 5.0 ★★★★★ Shed Mountain Ale, rugged mountain ale, Shed Brewery [Otter Creek Brewing], Middlebury VT, 7.4%, 35 IBU.

This beer has been a staple for me; the only question was, VG+ or excellent? Well I had it with another TJ Butter Chicken dinner, and while I forgot to write it up, I recollect it was excellent: balanced with a slightly sweet start and a slight hop finish. I'll just have to test it some more — four bottles in the basement!

Jan 2020 4.0 ★★★★ Mayflower Oatmeal Stout, Mayflower Brewing Co, Plymouth MA, pint can, 5.4%.

While making dinner, this stout was full-flavored and balanced, starting with some sweetness, and finishing slightly sour in the back of the mouth. Sour is not something I usually appreciate in beer, but it was interesting here. I enjoyed the brew with a Trader Joes Butter Chicken entree (think tikka masala) and oven-roasted haricot vert. The spice killed off the sour, which came back with the final ounce or two when the enteee was done. VG (close to +).

Roasted Haricot Vert: 1 1/2 to 2 lb Trader Joes frozen French green beans (or regular GB), EVOO, salt and pepper. Put beans into a microwave-safe pot (I use the larger Corningware French White round covered pot). Drizzle with EVOO, salt & pepper. Microwave on high for 8 to 10 minutes, broken into three intervals. (Baking or grilling veggies without softening in the microwave takes too long, and does not improve the results.) At each interval, mix the beans by grasping the pot with mitts and moving the pot aggressively in a vertical circle for a minute or so. (I have big hands; stirring is a logical alternative.) Let sit for a few minutes, if some beans are not thawed. Spread the beans evenly onto a baking sheet and bake for about 15 minutes at about 400 degrees F, turning the beans over about three times. (In good weather, put the beans into a grill pan on a hot (max) gas grill, and cook in essentially the same manner.) They are done when they are caramelized, browned or slightly charred to taste.

Jan 2020 4.5 ★★★★+ Harpoon Octoberfest, Harpoon Brewery, Boston MA & Windsor VT, 5.3%, 32 IBU.

"Our take on the classic Marzen is a full-bodied, festive tribute to fall." Well-balanced and medium-flavored, I had it with some Kirkland broccolli cheddar soup (augmented with frozen broccoli) and a numperpickle bagel, VG+.

Included in a mixed six of bottles from Wegmans.

Jan 2020 4.0 ★★★★ Shipyard Nightwind, winter ale, Shipyard Brewing Co, South Burlington VT, 5.8%.

Light sweet start, balanced medium flavor, spicy finish, VG. I shared this with a friend, and my half disappeared way too soon. We had it with the first burgers of the year (sesame roll and 1/2 lb Angus from Wegmans counter, thick slice of Cabot 3-year block cheddar from Costco [best all-around cheese in USA]) and grilled haricot vert (see Mayflower Oatmeal Stout).

Included in a mixed six of bottles from Wegmans.

Jan 2020 5.0 ★★★★★ Troegenator, doublebock beer, Troegs Brewing Co, Hershey PA, 8.2%, 25 IBU, bronze color.

Troegenator is one of my favorite beers; I usually have some in the house. It's sweet but not syrupy, full-flavored, and balanced — excellent. "Monks had fasting figured out. No food? No problem. Just drink a Double Bock. Thick and chewy with intense notes of caramel, chocolate and dried stone fruit, 'Nator (as we call him) serves as a tribute to this liquid bread style."

Jan 2020 5.0 ★★★★★ George, American Brown Ale, Hill Farmstead Brewery, Greensboro Bend VT, 5.8%.

Starting with medium sweetness and finishing with hop bitterness, this is one splendid brown ale.

Jan 2020 4.5 ★★★★+ Samuel Adams Cream Stout, The Boston Beer Company, Cincinnati OH, Breinigsville PA & Boston MA, 4.9%, 29 IBU.

Full-flavored without being heavy, chocolaty but only slightly sweet, balanced but with a hop finish, I have enjoyed this beer over the years. VG+

Dec 2019 4.0 ★★★★ Brewers Bridge Saison Ale, 11.2 oz, 6.1% alc.

Overflowing head, medium balanced flavor, with rye, barley and oats, apparently unfiltered. Collaboration of Brasserie Dupont and Allagash Brewing, brewed in Tourpes, Belgium. VG [received in a Yankee swap]

Dec 2019 3.0 ★★★☆☆ Cusqueña Golden Lager, Lima, Peru, 11.2 oz, 4.8% alc.

A lager with modest flavor, I had it with a dinner of eggs, and it was fine. [received in a Yankee swap]

Oct 2019 5.0 ★★★★★ The Sixth Glass, quadrupel ale, Boulevard Brewing Co, Kansas City MO, 10.5%, 22 IBU.

Great, but up to $4 a bottle. I am hoarding my ninth bottle (a single and then two fours) in the basement.

Oct 2019 4.0 ★★★★ Old Monk 10000 Super Beer, Mohan Nagar brewer, India, 8%.

Blonde, fruity, a little sweet, very good with spicy Indian food. I had this at the recommendation of the owner of Chapatay, an excellent Indian restaurant, while at the Charlotte NC regional bridge tournament.

Oct 2019 4.5 ★★★★+ Michigan Maple Jesus, Imperial Stout, Eviltwin Brewing, 12%.

Sweet and rich, aged in Maple syrup bourbon barrel, this beer was given to me by my son-in-law, Victor, the beer collector. Sadly, I forgot to record a rating, but I'm sure I liked it much. Victor says the Eviltwin brewery is now defunct, and the brewer (Jeppe) is now in Brooklyn.

Oct 2019 5.0 ★★★★★ 2017 Bravo, barrel-aged imperial brown ale, Firestone (Firestone Walker), 13.2%, 28 IBU, 28 SRM (brown sugar).

Chocolaty and rich, this imperial brown ale is aged in retired American oak bourbon barrels.

Oct 2019 5.0 ★★★★★ Grande Reserve 17, dark ale on lees, Unibroue, Chambly, Quebec, 10%, 750 ml.

Ale brewed with spices, aged with French oak, and with natural flavors added. Bottled in 2011. First brewed in 2007 to celebrate the brewery's 17th anniversary. Bottle refermented dark ale, brewed once a year. A special event from one of my favorite breweries. Excellent.

Sep 2019 4.5 ★★★★+ 90/~ Wee Heavy, Rich Scottish Ale, Belhaven Brewery, Dunbar Scotland, 7.4%.

"A classic Scotch Ale, showcasing the wonderful malted barley native to East Lothian. A rich, dense complex beer, with notes of dried fruit and candied peel. It's like Christmas cake in a glass". I had this 90-Shilling ale on tap at The Haven in Jamaica Plain. It's smooth, sweet, excellent, but has no noticeable hops.

Sep 2019 4.0 ★★★★ Bold Coast Pemaquid Ale, Sheepscot Valley Brewing Co, ME, 5.2%.

On tap at the Harborside Tavern, Boothbay Harbor, this brew was billed as a full-bodied Scottish ale with a hoppy finish. My take, a brown ale with a hoppy finish, not sweet or heavy. VG

Sep 2019 5.0 ★★★★★ Trappistes Rochefort 10 Belgian Ale, Brasserie Rochefort, 11.2 oz bottle, 11.3%.

This full bodied Belgian quad was $8 with a very good dinner at Drouthy Bear in Camden ME. Excellent.

Wikipedia says: Around fifteen monks currently live at Rochefort Abbey. The water for the beer is drawn from a well inside the monastery walls. Rochefort uses Pilsener and Munich-type malts, and Hallertau and Golding hops.

Jun 2019 4.0 ★★★★ Crunch, Shovel Town Brewery, North Easton MA, 7.7%.

Coffee peanut butter stout, strong, rich, some sweet. Official partner of the Brockton Rox baseball team. I liked it on tap at a Rox game, but failed to record my rating, so this is a guess. I'll update at my next game.

Apr 2019 4.5 ★★★★+ Maduro Brown Ale, Cigar City Brewing, Tampa FL, 5.5%, 20 IBU.

"Named after a dark cigar wrapper, Maduro Brown Ale boasts notes of semi-sweet chocolate, toffee and hints of fresh coffee. Complex and full bodied, our malt-forward ale is brewed with flaked oats to add depth of character. Drink fresh - do not age." VG+

Apr 2019 4.0 ★★★★ Cows Out Milk Stout, Stone Cow Brewery, Barre MA, 5.8%.

Rich flavor, hops aftertaste. VG

Aug 2018 4.5 ★★★★+ Kentucky Bourbon Barrel Ale, Alltechs, Lexington KY, 8.2%.

"Ale aged in oak bourbon barrels." Clear, beautiful gold, subtle flavors including bourbon. Our friend Elizabeth and I tried this out of a mixed six from Wegmans in Mar 2018. She liked it. It was only OK for me, until I had a bite of toast between salad and beer - then I got the subtle flavor and sweetness. Definitely get this on draft, as I did at 753 South in Rozzie. It was excellent in it's own small snifter. I recall having it on draft in KY or TN.

Jan 2019 5.0 ★★★★★ Winter Brew Dark Double Bock Lager, Josephsbrau (Trader Joes), 7.5%, 28 IBU.

Inspired by the beers Bavarian monks brewed to lift their spirits during the long fasts of Lent. Unfortunately, the last time I was at Trader Joes huge Foxboro store, they had no Josephsbrau brews at all. Before I go again, I'll call the store and check on the beer.

Dec 2018 3.0 ★★★☆☆ Vienna Style Lager, Devil's Backbone Brewing Co, 5.2%.

Dark amber, good.

Dec 2018 3.0 ★★★☆☆ Best Brown Ale, American brown ale, Bell's Brewery, Comstock, MI, 5.8%, shelf life 6 months.

"A smooth, toasty brown ale brewed with American hops. Best enjoyed with the changing of the seasons." Pint can $3 at Whole Foods. OK, but not balanced. Too much rear of mouth (hops), not enough front.

Dec 2018 5.0 ★★★★★ Palo Santo Marron, wood-aged brown ale, Dogfish Head, 12%.

"Aged in handmade Palo Santo tanks, this unfiltered, unfettered brown ale is an unprecedented blend of roasty, vanilla & caramel complexities." Bottle $4 at Whole Foods. Rich, almost syrupy, excellent.

Dec 2018 4.0 ★★★★ Midas Touch Ancient Ale, Dogfish Head Craft Brewery, Milton DE, 9%.

"Somewhere between wine and mead, our original Ancient Ale is made with ingredients found in a 2700-year-old drinking vessels in the tomb of King Midas - barley, honey, white muscat grapes and saffron." Recommended by NY Times readers. Bottle $4 at Whole Foods. VG, but not that distinctive, kind of like a Tripel.

Nov 2018 4.0 ★★★★ Curieux, Belgian style golden ale aged in bourbon barrels, blended back with Tripel, Allagash, Portland ME, 11%.

Bottle $5 at Whole Foods. Light like Tripel, but with stronger oaky notes. VG and very strong.

Nov 2018 XX Chocolate Maple Porter, Stone Corral Brewery, Richmond VT, 16 oz can, 7.8%.

Sorry, I recorded this brew when Victor gave it to me, but I forgot to record a rating. I know I did like it.

Oct 2018 2.5 ★★+ Harvest Vermont Maple Brown, Long Trail, 4.4%.

Just OK, with a smallish start and a slightly sour finish. I think I gave away some of this six, which I bought at a last stop when leaving Vermont. I suppose this could have been year-old beer, but it completed my disillusionment with Long Trail brews.

Sep 2018 4.0 ★★★★ Broegel Bock Beer Original Dark Lager, product of Belgium, 11.2 oz, 5%.

From my first trip to ALDI, when we were sharing an AirBNB at the World Bridge Series, this six was a month past its best by date. "Dating back to the 14th century, Bock beer and the capricorn goat are a symbol of good times to come. Broegel Bock captures the spirit of the original German brew masters with Munich and Amber malts, German hallertau hops, and a dose of Czech saaz hops." VG, dark, fruity, not heavy.

Aug 2018 4.0 ★★★★ Murphy's Imported Draft Style Stout, Murphy's Brewery, Cork, Ireland (Heineken UK Ltd).

Only pure pale malt, chocolate malt, roasted barley and hops. I find Murphy's to be far superior to Guinness. My first appreciation of Murphy's was on draft, with excellent BBQ in the summer of 2009. We had taken the Metro to Bethesda from the North American Bridge Championships in Washington, DC. It's also good in the draft-style can.

Aug 2018 4.0 ★★★★ Gerry Dog Stout, Big Elm Brewing, Sheffield MA, 6.5%.

Very good, rich.

Aug 2018 4.5 ★★★★+ Weyerbacher Belgian-style Imperial Stout, Weyerbacher Brewing Co, Easton PA, 11.8%.

VG+, very rich.

Aug 2018 5.0 ★★★★★ Blue Point Winter Ale, Blue Point Brewing Co, Patchogue NY & Merrimack NH, 7.7%.

Hearty, robust amber ale. Excellent

Jul 2018 5.0 ★★★★★ Drafty Kilt, Monday Night Brewing, Atlanta GA, 7.2%.

"Full-bodied Scottish brewed smokey sweet malt with a hint of bitterness." I had this in Gibney's Pub in Atlanta. Excellent!

Jun 2018 3.0 ★★★☆☆ Alternate Dimension, altbier ale, Trader Joes 5.6%, 28 IBU.

"Using a special at yeast to create a special flavor experience from the Altstadt (old city) in Dusseldorf, where this style originated, ... is a dark, light-bodied, top-fermented beer that is completely brewed, yet easy to drink." This is an over-hopped brown ale, overpowering the malt. OK.

Jun 2018 5.0 ★★★★★ Spring Prost, maibock style lager, Josephsbrau (Trader Joes), 7.3%, 26 IBU.

Prost means "cheers" in German. "Our maibock style lager is brewed just like the celebratory beer traditionally served at the May festivals: rich and malty, with slightly spicy notes." Well-balanced, malty, full mouth taste, but not heavy. Great. This beer is on my TJ buy list.

Apr 2018 2.0 ★★☆☆☆ Drookit Scotch Ale, Berkshire Brewing Co, South Deerfield MA, 7.9%.

"Sweet and malty with a hearty finish, this beer is perfectly suited for any time of year. A handful of peat-kilned malt lends a slight smoky flavor..." I had high hopes for this selection in a mixed six from Wegmans, but Drookit had a sour, smoky finish, and I did not like it.

Apr 2018 4.0 ★★★★ Wee Heavy Champ, Scotch Ale, Magic Hat Brewing Co, So Burlington VT, 8.0%.

"Rich malt notes of caramel, chocolate and wheat ripple on the surface, ... just a touch of hop bitterness." Very rich malt, peaty, a touch sour, VG.

Apr 2018 4.5 ★★★★+ Three Philosophers, Ommegang [Duvel], Cooperstown NY, 9.7%.

"98% quadrupel ale, 2% ale with cherries added. Pour slowly so as to not disturb the yeast sediment, but with enough vigor to create a luxurious head and release the rich bouquet." VG+

Apr 2018 4.0 ★★★★ Rare Vos, Ommegang [Duvel], Cooperstown NY, 6.5%.

"Ale brewed with spices: sweet orange peel, grains of paradise, coriander." VG, as always.

Apr 2018 3.0 ★★★☆☆ Hennapin Saison Ale, Ommegang [Duvel], Cooperstown NY, 7.7%.

"Rustic farmhouse ale with spicy ginger notes, champagne-like effervescence and a bright golden hue; pour slowly so as to not disturb the yeast sediment, but with enough vigor to create a luxurious head and release the rich bouquet." Champagne notes. Victor says this is what workers drank in the fields, usually 2% then. Good.

Apr 2018 5.0 ★★★★★ Metaphysical Gravity, imperial oatmeal stout, Good Measure Brewing Co, Northfield VT, 12%.

This OUTSTANDING new brew was aged in maple syrup bourbon barrels. The brewer deemed it not quite matured enough for sale when we were there. The wonderful, full taste rolled from front to back of the mouth.

Victor, his father Victor and I, visited Good Measure when my daughter Morgan went into the hospital to deliver their son Mateo. I have never tasted a better brew. We could not get back to buy some, and we don't know if they ever made more than the one batch.

Feb 2018 4.0 ★★★★ Blanche de Chambly, Unibroue, Chambly, Quebec, 5%, 10 IBU, SRM 4 (medium yellow).

Belgian style white ale brewed with coriander and orange peel. Quite light, fruity, highly drinkable.

Sommalier Selection: bottle refermented Belgian style ale.

Feb 2018 3.0 ★★★☆☆ Ephemere, Unibroue, Chambly, Quebec, 5.5%, 10 IBU, SRM 4 (medium yellow).

Belgian style fruit flavored wheat ale brewed with apple juice, coriander, orange peel and with added natural flavor. OK, subtle flavor overlaid with fruit.

Sommalier Selection: bottle refermented Belgian style ale.

Feb 2018 4.0 ★★★★ Don de Dieu, Unibroue, Chambly, Quebec, 9%, 10.5 IBU, SRM 5 (gold).

Belgian style triple wheat ale brewed with spices. Tasty, light, good head.

Sommalier Selection: bottle refermented Belgian style ale.

Feb 2018 5.0 ★★★★★ Trois Pistoles, Unibroue, Chambly, Quebec, 9%, 15.5 IBU, SRM 32.2 (very deep brown).

Belgian style dark ale brewed with spices. This 'three steeples' brew is great!

Sommalier Selection: bottle refermented Belgian style ale.

Sep 2017 5.0 ★★★★★ Harpoon Frost Hammer, Harpoon Brewery, Boston MA & Windsor VT, doppelbock, 10.7%.

"This is one mighty, malty beer." 100 barrel series. Excellent!

Aug 2017 4.0 ★★★★ Founders Doom, imperial IPA, Founders Brewing Co, Grand Rapids & Detroit MI, 12.4%

Aged in bourbon barrels, lots of great flavors, quite hoppy, VG. Only produced for a while in 2017, so far. I picked it up in Victor's store, the Craft Beer Cellar, in Waterbury VT, when he was still in the business.

Aug 2017 4.0 ★★★★ Allagash Tripel, Allagash Brewing Co, Portland ME, 9%.

Light and a little hoppy, VG.

Jun 2017 3.0 ★★★☆☆ Winter Ale, Wachusett Brewing Co, Westminster MA, 6.1%.

Good. [I may have been harder on beers back then.]

Jun 2017 3.0 ★★★☆☆ KBC Porter, Kernersville Brewing Co, NC, 5.7%

OK. On the KBC site, this brew has apparently been superseded by the quite different Hey Porter.

Jun 2017 3.0 ★★★☆☆ Bohemian Style Lager, Josephsbrau (Trader Joes), 5%, 18 IBU.

Reminds me of Sam Adams Boston Lager, good.

Jun 2017 3.5 ★★★+ Hefeweisen, Josephsbrau (Trader Joes), 5.2%, 12 IBU.

Fruity, tasty, summery.

Jun 2017 4.0 ★★★★ Heller Bock, Josephsbrau (Trader Joes), 7%, 22 IBU.

Very good. This beer is on my TJ buy list.

Jun 2017 3.5 ★★★+ Summer Brew, Kolsch style ale, Josephsbrau (Trader Joes), 4.8%, 25 IBU.


Ratings from Memory and General Principles
5.0 ★★★★★ Samuel Adams Double Bock, The Boston Beer Company, Cincinnati OH, Breinigsville PA & Boston MA, 9.5%.

Alas, all I have is memories of this wonderful beer. Double Bock is not listed on the Sam Adams web site, although Beeradvocate says it is available in winter. They used to sell it by the case, at a normal beer price. Maybe a decade ago, you could sometimes find it by the expensive four-pack. This is the only beer I remember buying by the case for personal consumption, and I still use my last case box to hold the beers I buy singly or by the six.

4.5 ★★★★+ Hampshire Special Ale, English strong ale, Geary Brewing Co, Portland ME, 7%, 48 IBU.

HSA has been a favorite for years, when I get to Maine. Unfortunately, that is not often, since my Dad sold his house on Islesboro. I seldom find it elsewhere, although New Hampshire might work. "Incorporated in 1983, Geary Brewing is New England's First Craft Brewery in the post prohibition era and holds federal craft brewing license #13."

Rate or Re-Rate When I Can Get It
Jun 2019 4.0 ★★★★ Crunch, Shovel Town Brewery, North Easton MA, 7.7%.

Coffee peanut butter stout, strong, rich, some sweet. Official partner of the Brockton Rox baseball team. I liked it on tap at a Rox game, but failed to record my rating, so this is a guess. I'll update at my next game.

Nov 2018 XX Chocolate Maple Porter, Stone Corral Brewery, Richmond VT, 16 oz can, 7.8%.

Sorry, I recorded this brew when Victor gave it to me, but I forgot to record a rating. I know I did like it.

Aug 2018 Smoke & Dagger Black Lager, Jacks Abby, Framingham MA, 5.6%, 25 IBU.

"Brewed with traditional old world ingredients and cutting edge lagering techniques. The perfect balance between old and new." This was the last of a mixed six from Wegmans. Sorry, I forgot to rate it.

Jun 2017 3.0 ★★★☆☆ Winter Ale, Wachusett Brewing Co, Westminster MA, 6.1%.

Good. [I may have been harder on beers back then.]

Food & Drink © 2024 Pete Matthews Jr.