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Be sure to see Printing Media J or T Documents before printing one.

Date Media — — Food & Drink — —
Nov 2024 HTML Balanced Beers

Dec 2024 P Sodium in Tomato Products

Reducing the amount of sodium we eat can take on increasing importance as we age. Tomatoes naturally contain a negligible amount of sodium. However, tomato products, especially marinara or pizza sauce, often contain large amounts of added salt. This spreadsheet includes such examples, as well as no-salt-added (NSA) products.

Nov 2024 K 3-Hour Sandwich Bread in a PMDO
A poor man's Dutch oven (PMDO) is a pair of identical bread pans, one inverted on top of the other, held together with black steel binder clips. (Bread Pans for PMDO spreadsheet)

Baking great bread is not hard. Getting it into a size for sandwiches is harder. This article is completely revised, and the bread recipes that follow rely upon it. I now make all my bread with half the normal salt, and it's yummy.

No-Knead Seeded Sandwich Bread
This bread is not to be missed – especially toasted – and it has more fiber than 100% whole wheat. Half-Salt Seeded Bread
No-Knead Caraway Rye Sandwich Bread
This, my first PMDO recipe, was developed to compensate for the expected closing of Rainbow Bakery in Cranston, the last Jewish bakery in Rhode Island. This version has been updated for a slightly lighter, less dense loaf, with an option to include some whole wheat. Half-Salt Rye Bread
Jun 2024 J Vegetables and Fruits to Buy

This spreadsheet recommends when to pay extra for organic produce and when to buy or avoid domestic or imported produce. (Updated from 2021.)

Summary — Vegetables:
Organic: Kale,* Collard* & Mustard Greens; Peppers (bell & hot); Celery.*
US Organic: Green Beans.
Imported or Organic: Spinach (frozen).
Imported Organic: Spinach (Fresh).*
NONE: Potatoes* (but buy any sweet potatoes), Spinach (canned).
* OK Exceptions (three tiny servings a day): Basil (I[imported]-NO[non-organic]), Cauliflower (I-NO), Celery (US-NO), Cucumbers (I-NO), Collard Greens (I-NO), Kale (I-O), Snap Peas (I-NO), Potatoes (O), Radishes (US-NO), Spinach (NO, US-O), Tomatoes (fresh, US-NO).

Summary — Fruits:
Organic: Blueberries, Strawberries (frozen or fresh*), Watermelons. Grapes,* Peaches* & Pears.*
Organic or Imported: apples.*
* OK Exceptions (three tiny servings a day): Apples (US-NO[non-organic]), Grapes (NO), Peaches (fresh, NO), Pears (NO), Strawberries (fresh, US-NO), Watermelon (I[imported]-NO).

Apr 2022 K Grilled Haricots Verts & More

The methods used in this recipe, and knowledge of your tools, can be applied to many foods, to consistently produce very good results quickly. The key is to partially cook in the microwave oven to save time, and then finish in a gas grill or an oven.

Apr 2022 K Tip: Great Frozen Pot Pie — Quickly

The key is to partially cook in the microwave oven to save time, and then finish in a toaster oven.

Jul 2020 J Volante Tomatoes

Our Draper Lab friend Peter Volante gave my Dad a copy of a copy of a handwritten letter containing these instructions from his uncle, of Volante Farms in Needham. I think Dad used this, but I have not. Volante Letter

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Date Media — — Poetry — —
May 2022 K- This Singing World — Favorites — digital book

The 1926 copyright on the hard-to-find Revised Edition of Louis Untermeyer's This Singing World has expired, so I am allowed to provide here these favorites from the Century Edition of the classic anthology that five generations of my family have enjoyed. It's Free! — I hope you enjoy it, too!

Additional Materials:
Order paperback book at cost — eligible for free Prime shipping after printing.
• I plan to post readings from these favorites.
• The full book is also available from this page.

May 2022 T This Singing World — digital book

The 1926 copyright on the hard-to-find Revised Edition of Louis Untermeyer's This Singing World has expired, so I am allowed to provide here the complete Century Edition of the classic anthology that five generations of my family have enjoyed. It's Free! — I hope you enjoy it, too!

Additional Materials:
Order hardcover book at cost — eligible for free Prime shipping after printing.
Publication Notes contains details of how I did this.
• A book of my favorite selections is available from this page.

Dec 2021 K Selections from When We Were Very Young

The 1924 copyright on When We Were Very Young has expired, so I am allowed to reproduce here my favorites from A. A. Milne’s classic, with decorations by Ernest H. Shepard. I hope you — and your grandchildren — enjoy them!

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Date Media — — Health & Fitness — —
Dec 2024 P Home Gym Workout

This two-sided sheet lists the workout I have developed since August 2015, and translated to my home gym since COVID struck. Each exercise links to its illustrated description and backstory.
[Prior versions: Aug 2021, Jan 2022]

Be sure to also read the "Fitness for Life" article on this page. To customize the list for your personal use, download the spreadsheet: XLSX

Feb 2023 K Bowflex C6 (Schwinn IC4) Review

Overall, the Bowflex C6 seems the best choice among indoor cycling bikes without an integrated tablet. Connectivity to devices can be an issue.

Feb 2023 K Exercise Bikes for Home Gym [updated from Dec 2020]

Ride along with me, as I consider the purchase of an indoor exercise bike, which could be in one of three main styles:

Indoor Cycling: Peloton Bike and Bike+, NordicTrack S22i, Keiser M3i, Schwinn IC4 (Bowflex C6).

Upright/recumbent: most investigation of seated bikes is left to the interested reader.

Air bike: Assault Airbike Elite & Classic, Schwinn Airdyne AD7 (AD Pro), and Rogue Echo Bike.

Aug 2021 K Lap Swimming Tips Optimize the Push-off. Swim Crawl Stroke Forever. Open Turns Are Better for Lap Swimming. The Lochte Turn. Sinus Infections. Swim Suits. Counting Laps.

Aug 2021 K Fitness for Life

This article provides the theory and philosophy behind the "Home Gym Workout" and other articles on this page.
[Prior version: Dec 2020]

Exercise is the only activity that has been demonstrated to reduce the risk and progression of dementia across the board. We can do sudoku or crosswords, and that will help our ability to do sudoku or crosswords, respectively. Only exercise helps our mental abilities across the board. Staying fit also helps us physically, of course.

In addition, we are in this for the long haul. Any decent exercise plan includes accommodations that encourage exercising the next time. If we stop exercising, the benefits of past exercise decline. What have we done for ourselves lately? Fitness for Life!

The author is writing from a lifetime of personal experience, but has no training as either a personal trainer or physical therapist. Be sure to consult your doctor before embarking on a new exercise program. Start small: select a small number of exercises and repetitions with modest weight and resistance.
Aug 2021 K Equipping a Home Gym

When the COVID-19 pandemic struck, it became clear that going to the gym would be a poor idea for many months to come. This article provides practical advice based upon how I set up our home gym. With some ingenuity, it's possible to come up with a home equivalent for almost anything you might want to do at a commercial gym.
[Prior version: Dec 2020]

Aug 2021 K Sole E95 Elliptical

When the COVID-19 pandemic struck, it became clear that going to the gym would be a poor idea for many months to come. After a trip to Dick’s Sporting Goods, where I tried Sole E25 and E35 elliptical machines, we decided to invest in a Sole E95.

This extensive review updates and replaces an earlier page of impressions. It should help with the buying decision and with getting the most out of the machine if you have one.
[Prior version: Dec 2020]

Nov 2020 HTML Defending against Plantar Fasciitis

Plantar fasciitis typically causes a stabbing pain in the bottom of your foot near the heel. The pain is usually the worst with the first few steps after awakening, although it can also be triggered by long periods of standing or when you get up after sitting. The pain is usually worse after exercise, not during it. — Mayo Clinic

Nov 2020: Updated from May for testing Easyfeet. New Balance has replaced their own inserts with co-branded Superfeet.

Jul 2020 HTML Men's Briefs by the Numbers

S/M/L/XL sizing of briefs serves most men poorly. Unless your waist is 33 or 37 inches, seek out a store brand of briefs, sold by the numbers, such as berkleyjensen or Stafford. [Updated from May 2020]

May 2020 J Tripod Urination

Many older men have difficulties with urination. Here is a plan that can help with this.

Apr 2020 HTML Sole E95 Assembly in Captioned Pictures

Much better than the manual or a video, these 144 still photos, with detailed captions, show the details of assembling a new Sole E95 Elliptical. I spent about nine hours methodically assembling and photographing mine, with a couple of breaks. You won't see my mistakes, but you will see how to avoid them. With this resource, you might expect to do the job in four hours.

These photos should apply to the E35 and E98 as well, and possibly to other models.

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Date Media — — Computer — —
Jan 2025 K Major Toner Spill (Just one page.)
Apr 2023 Dell C3760dn Color Laser Printer: Black Printing Gray

Mostly, I use my printer to print black and white; it has been printing gray and getting grayer for a while. The LCD display bars showed the black and cyan toners getting low, but not out. I found a link to a forum (below) and explored all the solutions recommended there, except reinstalling the driver. No change.

In case my computer fails, I keep a paper log book about most computer matters. I looked for the printer and found I had set it to "non-Dell toner" in Dec 2020. Apparently, the printer would otherwise say the toner is low or empty, when it is not. The change seems to make the printer ignore low toner. After noting how I did it, I wrote:

Reportedly, non-Dell toner will work until it fails, getting grayer.

I had never changed any toner, since my original Dell toner ran out, and I switched to much less expensive LD toner. I had a full set, and an extra black, ready to go in the basement (bought when I recently installed LD drums), so I installed new black toner — problem solved. Cyan printed fine, so I did not change that yet.

Regressed. The problem came back — only the one test page was correct. I went into the printer menu and printed a test page, so the computer would not be involved. The blue Dell logo was perfect, and the image of the printer on the page has black, but all the text is gray. A printout of the print meter has all gray text.

A couple of days later, the printer gave me an error about the magenta drum. I pulled out the toner waste box, pulled out the magenta drum, and reseated it, fixed that. While I was in there, I grabbed each drum by its thumb grip, and jiggled it up and down. When I restored everything, the printer did almost 250 pages with very good blacks. I may have all the color toner I'll ever need, but when my black stock runs out, I plan to try Dell again. (LD did not respond to my query about the drum in two days.)

https://www.dell.com/community/Printers/c1765-Black-cartridge-printing-light-gray/td-p/4630015. This fix and link should apply to most Dell laser printers, such as 1815dn, C1765nfw and E525w.

Aug 2020 J Desktop DAC vs. Onboard Sound

This article compares using and configuring onboard sound on a desktop computer to an external digital-to-analog converter (DAC). The primary consideration is convenience when using both headphones and speakers, and switching between them. Sound quality is secondary, because the sound on the motherboard is Realtek ALC1220-VB, perhaps the best available. The DACs considered are ifi Zen DAC, Soundavo HP-DAC1 and Audioengine D1. All of these affordable units should produce sound at least as good as the onboard sound.

May 2020 J Computer Build Saga

This tale includes some key mistakes, lessons learned, gory details that might prove useful, and a successful conclusion after nine months.

Nov 2019 J Crashplan vs. Backblaze vs. IDrive

A home computer cloud backup saga. Three popular programs are compared. IDrive, the winner of many prominent comparisons, finishes dead last. It appears the reviewers have not actually used the products as their personal solution over an extended period.

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Date Media — — Home & Condo — —
Feb 2025 K Canton Electric Rates

Savings from the town's negotiated electric supply rates have been largely cancelled out by increases in delivery rates.

Feb 2023 K Garbage Disposal vs. Composting

Which is better for the environment, the garbage disposal, or composting?

Aug 2021 K Verizon FIOS TV Pixelation

Six steps on the first page recommend how I resolved this issue, followed by three pages of gory details for those who care.

Jun 2021 J New Natural Gas Grill for Condo

Massachusetts fire code no longer permits a propane gas grill on a balcony (a deck without stairs). Charcoal, of course, is also not permitted. This article describes the requirements, grill selection, plumbing, installation and inspection of a new natural gas grill on the balcony of our condominium unit.

Jan 2021 J Replace Smoke/CO Alarms

All the units at Canton Point should have interconnected smoke alarm systems. Three of the devices in our unit failed in the same week; this is normal and to be expected. This is my experience as a resident of the Canton Point Condominium, replacing his own alarms. Your mileage may vary.

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Date Media — — Finance — —
Dec 2022 PDF Tax Bomb Planner
In October 2022, the Tax Bomb Planner was updated for the 2022 tax year — and this document was written. In mid-December, I ran the spreadsheet to decide on my own Roth conversion, and found yet another bug or two. Read the document, and if you think it's worth your effort, shoot me an e-mail (click on my name in the document), and I'll send you my latest spreadsheet.
Nov 2019 J 2FA and Canton Local Banks

Online access to an account usually requires entering a username and password. There my be further passwords, such as your mother's maiden name or the name of your first pet, but these are still passwords - something you know. Any account protected only by passwords may be penetrated — from anywhere in the world — if there is value in it for the perp.

What you need is a second line of defense, a second factor. Two-factor authentication (2FA) requires something you have, in addition to something you know. Often this is your phone.

If you live in Canton MA, the odds are high that your local bank does not offer 2FA, or that you do not have it enabled. Local banks are listed and compared.

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Date Media — — Music & Piano — —
Dec 2021 K Piano Learning Software

How to Play Piano by The Great Courses employs traditional piano teaching methods. I discuss this program, and why I need something different. Candidates to run on my Android tablet include Flowkey, Simply Piano, Yousician for Piano Synthesia, Jeremy See's arranger piano course, and PianoForAll. I have brief sections on Skoove, Playground Sessions and Piano Marvel, which would require an Apple tablet or other platform. (Skoove has a new Android app, but I abandoned it early.) Nobody should use the free Zebra Keys — it uses Flash, which would put your computer at risk.

Dec 2021 K Piano Notes, Speakers & Headphones

Low notes on my DGX-670 may not rhyme with the octave above; low chords may be discordant. This article investigates the problem, which is likely to be present on other affordable digital pianos.

Dec 2021 K A Comparison of Arranger Pianos

An arranger piano is a digital piano with 88 full-size keys and substantial one man band capabilities. The three main competitors in this niche are the Casio PX-S3000, the Yamaha DGX-670, and the Korg XE20. If you won’t use the arranger functions, better value can be found in other pianos. (The PX-S3100 has been announced.)
Download Supporting Excel Spreadsheet

Oct 2021: Update to my Korg B2 experience (from Sep 2021). Second update, to DGX-670 speaker frequencies.

Dec 2021: Speaker section rewritten to reference "Piano Notes, Speakers & Headphones."

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Date Media — — Games — —
May 2022 K Four Games for Your Computer
The free DOSBox application can be used to run my four old 16-bit DOS games on 32- or 64-bit Windows — or presumably on any system that supports DOSBox — Mac, Linux, etc. The games are:
     Mastermind ☆      Battleship ☆      Biorhythm      Game of Life      
The entire DOSgames package is freely available, with the MIT license contained in _LICENSE.txt in the distribution. Enjoy!
     Download DOSgames.zip
     Download DOSBox0.74-3-win32-installer.exe from SourceForge
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Date Media — — Politics — —
Jan 2023 K 2023 Canton Schools Contracting
Discussion of key elements of the Canton Public Schools posting, re-posted here as "Jan 10 Canton: Unit A Fact Sheet."
Jan 2023 K Jan 10 Canton: Unit A Fact Sheet
This statement by the Canton School Department has been captured as a reference for "2023 Canton Schools Contracting."
Jan 2023 K 2023 Canton-Area School Rankings
Our schools are important to the well-being of our children, families, community, real estate values and country. Here is our report card.
Jan 2 2023 Liz Cheney for Speaker?
The Democrats should be in discussions with Liz Cheney to see if they could support her as Speaker of the House of Representatives. [The Speaker is not required to be a member of the House.] As a prominent Republican, surely there are enough votes, assuming all the Democrats unite. She clearly puts the well being of the country above herself! Can they work with her? They should find out!
Aug 2022 K Abortion Bill with a Poison Pill
Reproductive rights and services are a women's issue. Let's have a law that grants to all women those rights and services, and makes it a felony for any non-woman to attempt to restrict them.
May 2022 Vladimir Putin with Mustache Would Be Hitler — it's been obvious for quite a while that Vladimir Putin is a fascist — now explained by Dr. Timothy Snyder in the New York Times.
Jan 2021 J Boycott Murdoch and Fox
In my opinion, Rupert and Lachlan Murdoch, through Fox Corporation and News Corporation, are complicit in the assault on the U.S. Congress on January 6, 2021. Please join me in my boycott, starting with the NFL Conference Championship game between the Buccaneers and the Packers, which is being broadcast on Fox.
Aug 2020 J D.C. Statehood and Susan E. Rice
Susan E. Rice has written an article supporting statehood for Washington, D.C. Unfortunately, her stance shows poor judgment and a lack of national perspective. The people of this country have correctly and emphatically rejected full voting rights for D.C. The attempt to make D.C. a state is a ploy to thwart the will of the people. In addition, it would reduce federal control over the District. As a candidate for Vice President, this matter would become an attack vector for Republicans. This should disqualify Ms. Rice as a potential candidate.
May 2020 Diamondbacks Changing to Gringos?
My press release spoof of Oct 2019, since withdrawn, has worked: the Redskins and Indians are changing their team names.
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Unless specifically attributed otherwise, content © Pete Matthews Jr.